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Political conflict delays government’s payment to first car buyers


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Personally I don,t see what the car buyers are complaining about, after all, it was them who voted this party in, assisted by other misguided parties. The important thing here is not the problem, it,s how you adjust your behaviour to avoid it happening again smile.png

valid point young sir..but we know whats ahead do we not...i wouldnt bet my house on it...wai2.gif

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Don't know about you, but I got the money already.

The Full 100,000 Baht.

Thanks Yingkuck government.

You may have missed that the first refunds were more than a year ago.

With the 'first car owner/buyer' scheme finished late 2012 (or was it early 2013?) the last refunds should have been done already, I think. Maybe a minor delay, good intentions, blame the anti-government protesters?

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Also, this 120,000 claims that are being withdrawn from the scheme, thus saving 25 BN baht will in fact mean that from this sceme's budget (already granted last year... so they have that money already) will indeed be sent back to the central fund.

This 120,000 exactly matches the number of people under the scheme that has already defaulted on their payments rendering their claim to the subsidy 'invalid'.

So this scheme should have loads of money left.

If 364,000 (minus 120,000) leaving 244,000 people are still waiting to be paid from a possible remaining budget of about 35BN baht.

Great, so pay them and return the leftover cash to the central fund, they can sure use it.

However, I think we are all experienced enough to know that the real reason payments are now delayed is that there is no more money, and that means 35Bn baht has somehow disappeared from this scheme..... How typical.

What separates this government from history of Thai politics, is that in the past, most money was being extracted from graft and self interest.... This government just quite literally embezzles the money away in massive quantities.

So far the losses from this government are probably hovering way over $30Bn USD or £20Bn GBP ..... That is enough to really hurt the UK economy and cause a riot with almost the entire UK government in prison by now if not worse. The UK's economy is 10 times larger than the Thai economy, imagine the damage it has done to this place??

Yet it is merely laughed off by Yingluck, the PTP and the UDD red terror movement. But what is even more depressing, it is laughed off by so called intelligent farangs.

It really makes me want to PUKE every time I think of it.

I agree, I would also add - don't be fooled into thinking it's just falangs that post here

yes thinking about the vast amount of money YS, TS & PT have stolen from the people of Thailand makes me sick every night - just thinking about why I didn't get some of it makes me unable to sleep

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Yet another Yingluck/PTP/ Thaksin vote buying fiasco that has gone bad in so many ways.

Anyone who after experiencing the events of the past 3 months who still regards this as a viable government seriously needs medical assistance.

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