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Thai agencies offer to mediate end to political conflict


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Agencies offer to mediate end to conflict

A government led by a politically neutral person would be suggested in order to allow reforms to be carried out for a year before general elections are held, he said.

However, some participants expressed concern that an unelected prime minister might not be widely accepted, a source said, who also pointed out that a complete Parliament would be needed before reforms could be carried out.


-- The Nation 2014-03-15

I thought a "mediator" was meant to be neutral. But a lot of these "independent agencies" have weighed in firmly against the government, with leaders attending rallies.

We can see that they still have not changed their colours from the fact that, even before the proposed talks have been agreed on, they are already suggesting an unelected Prime Minister (Suthep's platform).

Sent from my IS11T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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How many words are there that mean 'ridicule".......They all apply to the notions advanced in this article.

The user-friendly courts and so-called Independent Agencies which have enabled the PAD-dem's to exercise Opposition outside Parliament where they are the minority, are going to solve this contrived political thing?.....Yeah right!

"Contrived' meaning the opposition trying very hard to create circumstances suggesting Political dissonance, strife, conflict and gridlock, just because they cannot win an election.

Implying that without them in power, things are truly screwed up.

A "politically neutral person" meaning someone unelected, right?...A little like those 'nuetral' unelected senators?

Also suggesting self-serving solutions with holier-than-thou bleating's about reform, because they cannot win an election.

My suggestion - Quit obstructing the current election as a means of avoiding parliament, and fix electoral and Parliamentary problems in Parliament.....Plus, figure out how to win an election to overcome your minority status.

To have these PAD-Dem-friendly groups try to usurp the power of an electoral majority and their representatives in Parliament, is laughable.

Illusions of grandeur basically.

Edited by Fryslan boppe
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An election that was truly free and fair. The PTP would not have any idea how to campaign. I agree 100% with you let the Democrats sit on the side lines. Any thing they do or say right or wrong would be seen as a straw to the PTP to grasp on to and deflect attention from their wrong doings.

It is pretty bad when they have to sink to the PM crying and saying you are picking on me rather than defend her actions.

Her Caddy the clone brother is even admitting she is wrong but it is not her fault she has been given bad advice from bad advisor's.

"The PTP would not have any idea how to campaign"

A curious concept -

the dems boycotted the election in April 2006, the October 2006 Election never happened due to the coup, the PPP won the election in 2007, Samak was removed by the CC, abhisit then lost the parliamentary vote to become PM by 163 votes to 298 for Somchai Wongsawat. After the CC (them again) dissolved the coalition party abhisit finally became PM (under dubious circumstances) in 2008 after a vote in parliament. The dems with abhisit as party list party leader lost again in 2011 by a landslide and then boycotted the most recent elections which are still ongoing.

So which of the two political parties do you think are most successful at campaigning?

Now why did you conveniently miss out his opening sentence??

"An election that was truly free and fair"

In those circumstances, now try and substantiate your argument - you can forget the content of the previous post BTW as none of that is covered by this!!!!

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Agencies offer to mediate end to conflict

A government led by a politically neutral person would be suggested in order to allow reforms to be carried out for a year before general elections are held, he said.

However, some participants expressed concern that an unelected prime minister might not be widely accepted, a source said, who also pointed out that a complete Parliament would be needed before reforms could be carried out.


-- The Nation 2014-03-15

I thought a "mediator" was meant to be neutral. But a lot of these "independent agencies" have weighed in firmly against the government, with leaders attending rallies.

We can see that they still have not changed their colours from the fact that, even before the proposed talks have been agreed on, they are already suggesting an unelected Prime Minister (Suthep's platform).

Sent from my IS11T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Just think for a minute why this is so.........it is because it is the right and sensible way!!!

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Agencies offer to mediate end to conflict

A government led by a politically neutral person would be suggested in order to allow reforms to be carried out for a year before general elections are held, he said.

However, some participants expressed concern that an unelected prime minister might not be widely accepted, a source said, who also pointed out that a complete Parliament would be needed before reforms could be carried out.


-- The Nation 2014-03-15

I thought a "mediator" was meant to be neutral. But a lot of these "independent agencies" have weighed in firmly against the government, with leaders attending rallies.

We can see that they still have not changed their colours from the fact that, even before the proposed talks have been agreed on, they are already suggesting an unelected Prime Minister (Suthep's platform).

Sent from my IS11T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Just think for a minute why this is so.........it is because it is the right and sensible way!!!

".........it is because it is the right and sensible way!!!"....(suggesting an unelected Prime Minister)

If I was as 'electorally challenged" as them, it would most definitely be the "...right and sensible way..."

But to move this to a positive tone, has anyone ever seen any heartfelt and sincere analysis on how the DP could win a national election?.....All I see is the Elitists, Suthep and handlers, DP, etc., prognosticate on how the majority electorate does not appreciate their superior political wisdom, demonizing and alienating them.

A contemplative navel-gazing by these people. turning this thing right around, would be refreshing.

Turning the Kennedy quote on its' head, they ought to consider "Ask not what the electorate can do for you, but what you can do for the electorate".....

Answering that question voter-segment by voter-segment, and selecting a charismatic leader who relates to Thailand's diverse electorate, would go a long way to making the DP an electorally competitive, national Party. This would improve Thailand's Electoral and Parliamentary democracy.

Edited by Fryslan boppe
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Agencies offer to mediate end to conflict

A government led by a politically neutral person would be suggested in order to allow reforms to be carried out for a year before general elections are held, he said.

However, some participants expressed concern that an unelected prime minister might not be widely accepted, a source said, who also pointed out that a complete Parliament would be needed before reforms could be carried out.


-- The Nation 2014-03-15

I thought a "mediator" was meant to be neutral. But a lot of these "independent agencies" have weighed in firmly against the government, with leaders attending rallies.

We can see that they still have not changed their colours from the fact that, even before the proposed talks have been agreed on, they are already suggesting an unelected Prime Minister (Suthep's platform).

Sent from my IS11T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Just think for a minute why this is so.........it is because it is the right and sensible way!!!

".........it is because it is the right and sensible way!!!"....(suggesting an unelected Prime Minister)

If I was as 'electorally challenged" as them, it would most definitely be the "...right and sensible way..."

But to move this to a positive tone, has anyone ever seen any heartfelt and sincere analysis on how the DP could win a national election?.....All I see is the Elitists, Suthep and handlers, DP, etc., is prognosticate on how the electorate does not appreciate their superior political wisdom.

A contemplative navel-gazing by these people. turning this thing right around, would be refreshing.

Turning the Kennedy quote on its' head, they ought consider "Ask not what the electorate can do for you, but what you can do for the electorate".....

Answering that question voter-segment by voter-segment, and selecting a charismatic leader who relates to Thailand's diverse electorate, would go a long way to making the DP an electorally competitive, national Party.

Oh come on!!!

How could a group of clever politicians and academics (Thaksin's words) not do any better than this bunch of wasters.

I challenge you to name one good thing that the PTP has done in nearly 3 years of 'pretence government'.

If you come up with something (highly doubtful) I will counter this with a long list of cock-ups and disastrous policy decisions made by an abject bunch of 'bad faces'!!

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Further to Post #37 above, and I quote:

I challenge you to name one good thing that the PTP has done in nearly 3 years of 'pretence government'.

If you come up with something (highly doubtful) I will counter this with a long list of cock-ups and disastrous policy decisions made by an abject bunch of 'bad faces'!!

So who is correct....You or all those voters?

Those voters were all stupid?....Voting for a Party that has done nothing ..."in nearly 3 years of pretense government with a long list of cock-ups and disastrous policy decisions made by an abject bunch of 'bad faces'?

I suggested that the Opposition should start respecting the voter's choices and quit the arrogant denigrating and alienating of that majority electorate.......What response does it engender in above quote?

Arrogantly denigrating the votes of the electoral majority which is sure to alienate them.

Makes me appreciate the Thai electorate and their voting wisdom all the more.

Edited by Fryslan boppe
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Further to Post #37 above, and I quote:

I challenge you to name one good thing that the PTP has done in nearly 3 years of 'pretence government'.

If you come up with something (highly doubtful) I will counter this with a long list of cock-ups and disastrous policy decisions made by an abject bunch of 'bad faces'!!

So who is correct....You or all those voters?

I suggested that the Opposition should start respecting the voter's choices and quit the arrogant denigrating and alienating of that majority electorate.......What response does it engender in above quote?

Arrogantly denigrating the votes of the electoral majority which is sure to alienate them.

Makes me appreciate the Thai electorate and their voting wisdom all the more.

I am!!! I don't respect the voters choices as they are misguided and wrong. I am not denigrating their choice of vote but simply choose to discount it on the grounds that they were duped in making those choices.

The electoral majority is not automatically right and their voting wisdom is flawed.

Now answer my challenge please.

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Further to Post #37 above, and I quote:

I challenge you to name one good thing that the PTP has done in nearly 3 years of 'pretence government'.

If you come up with something (highly doubtful) I will counter this with a long list of cock-ups and disastrous policy decisions made by an abject bunch of 'bad faces'!!

So who is correct....You or all those voters?

I suggested that the Opposition should start respecting the voter's choices and quit the arrogant denigrating and alienating of that majority electorate.......What response does it engender in above quote?

Arrogantly denigrating the votes of the electoral majority which is sure to alienate them.

Makes me appreciate the Thai electorate and their voting wisdom all the more.

I am!!! I don't respect the voters choices as they are misguided and wrong. I am not denigrating their choice of vote but simply choose to discount it on the grounds that they were duped in making those choices.

The electoral majority is not automatically right and their voting wisdom is flawed.

Now answer my challenge please.

"..... I don't respect the voters choices as they are misguided and wrong"

Voters vote in their self-interest......Short of discussing issue upon issue, policy upon policy suffice it to say they voted for a performance based Govt..........An election is in effect a "performance Appraisal",

The electorate is automatically correct and their voting wisdom is beyond dispute in an Electoral Democracy. They voted on the Govts. record and judged it for what it will do, going forward.

It is their view that the PTP has a good governing record and are their choice for Govt. moving forward. In the previous election, the voters judged that AV and his DP did not have a good governing record, and was not their choice moving forward. So they dispatched him quickly.

Obviously the Elites and their DP feel the same has happened in the current election, and they are trying very hard to suppress its' completion and tabulation. They need to avoid a Parliament that will relegate them to the minority status the voters consistently place them in. ...So they try the alternative route of generating Opposition to the Govt. via their user-friendly judiciary and Independent Agencies.

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Keep meeting fella's, you're well and truly in over your head, the problem is the PTP, for without them this problem would never have presented itself, the beginning started with the wonderful dear leader Thaskin , start their, then work your way forward, it then becomes a nightmare, as I said , you're in over your head.bah.gif

To the entire global community, from the outside looking in, the situation looks very clear. It is as follows

The majority wear red shirts

The minority wears yellow shirts.

(Guess which side doesn't want democracy?)

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Further to Post #37 above, and I quote:

I challenge you to name one good thing that the PTP has done in nearly 3 years of 'pretence government'.

If you come up with something (highly doubtful) I will counter this with a long list of cock-ups and disastrous policy decisions made by an abject bunch of 'bad faces'!!

So who is correct....You or all those voters?

I suggested that the Opposition should start respecting the voter's choices and quit the arrogant denigrating and alienating of that majority electorate.......What response does it engender in above quote?

Arrogantly denigrating the votes of the electoral majority which is sure to alienate them.

Makes me appreciate the Thai electorate and their voting wisdom all the more.

I am!!! I don't respect the voters choices as they are misguided and wrong. I am not denigrating their choice of vote but simply choose to discount it on the grounds that they were duped in making those choices.

The electoral majority is not automatically right and their voting wisdom is flawed.

Now answer my challenge please.

Honest Quiet Bob applauds your honesty.


If only the rest of the anti-democrats could be as up front as you.

"I don't respect the voters choices".

That sums up the entire yellow philosophy very, very neatly.

"This is our country and we will run it as we please so will all you low life buffalo reds stop demanding to be treated equally. Know your place. Shut up and let us continue to live a life of luxury off the sweat of your labours. How dare you ever consider that you are equal owners of the nation, how dare you ever consider that the future of your children is worth as much as that of our silver spooned spawn".

Sichonsteve - what a horrible, horrible political philosophy that you ascribe to.

I bet my left nut that whatever your home country is - your kind of thinking is well and truly unaccepted.

Luckily for Thailand, your type of thinking is also in the minority.

PDRC are done, the Dems will contest the next election and lose and then it's just a matter of rounding up all the thugs the police have been videoing, trying them, chucking them in jail and then throwing away the key.

So what 'phoenix figure' are you?

I have given my view and maintain it - Democracy doesn't work in Thailand whilst a party can lie to and dupe people into elevating them to a sham democracy.

Thailand has too many backward thinking people that fail to grasp politics. The people that create prosperity do not get this off the back of the sweat of other peoples labours - how does having to plough 600 billion baht into producing rice prosper business people in Bangkok and the South!!! They do not generate money for the countries coffers do they, they swallow it up!!

If this government was allowed to continue this fiasco of a scheme then Thailand would go bankrupt.

If they vote them back in again then it will solve one problem it would do away with rice growing in Thailand - and that would not be a bad thing!!

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It's kind of funny about people going on and on about voting and votes etc, when 90% posting don't have a say in the outcomes anyway.

As for PTP/UDD supporters, you can lead a horse to water comes to mind, win them away from the PTP/UDD then the world will be your oyster, but as long as the Hi So's here, and out on the streets of Bangkok keep refering to them like a sub species, and stupid, then don't expect them to fall for your bovine scatology ;)

The comments of some of Yon's followers, and some here is pretty shocking, and please don't say it's banter, it's not, there's almost some venom behind the posts.. change your views and feel free to go to Issan and start "educating them" I wonder how long you'd last with the attitiudes some here have shown in recent weeks. ???

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I think you might be onto something about the failing grasp politics, but I think that's down to just not giving a monkeys, I don't think the farmers in the North really cared (past tense) about the politics involved, they were too busy doing their day to day farm work to care about the table tennis politics of recent weeks.

It will take some very brave people from the Amarat and the South to try and persuade the reds who have just gone with the flow for years and years that they're doing it all wrong, and that they need to see the errors of their ways, but I'm sure there's plenty of willing volunteers ;)

There's no doubt there's a lot of passion an emotion going on here, but not many are thinking like Thai's they're still acting as if they're in their birth countries, and some very good and interesting points are coming across, but I wouldn't dream of trying to tell a Thai that they've been doing it wrong for all these years, simple because I wouldn't have that right to do so.

There's always going to be a divide until attitudes from all sides change as to how they see their opposition.

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I think you might be onto something about the failing grasp politics, but I think that's down to just not giving a monkeys, I don't think the farmers in the North really cared (past tense) about the politics involved, they were too busy doing their day to day farm work to care about the table tennis politics of recent weeks.

It will take some very brave people from the Amarat and the South to try and persuade the reds who have just gone with the flow for years and years that they're doing it all wrong, and that they need to see the errors of their ways, but I'm sure there's plenty of willing volunteers wink.png

There's no doubt there's a lot of passion an emotion going on here, but not many are thinking like Thai's they're still acting as if they're in their birth countries, and some very good and interesting points are coming across, but I wouldn't dream of trying to tell a Thai that they've been doing it wrong for all these years, simple because I wouldn't have that right to do so.

There's always going to be a divide until attitudes from all sides change as to how they see their opposition.

I agree, it is a gargantuan task to get the rice farmers to change their ways as they have listened to and believed Thaksin's words for so long now.

I'm pretty sure though, that there are over a million upset farmers out there that will be thinking the unthinkable and are ready to abandon their previously unshakable support for Thaksin.

This has to be the most inept government of all time - I laid down a simple challenge for anyone to name one good thing that this government had implemented in the 3 years that it had plundered Thailand's wealth and the response was underwhelming. That to me, just about say's it all. This government has crippled Thailand and destroyed the rice producing industry with their foolish and irresponsible rice scam and the repercussions of this are going to be felt for a long, long time with no guarantees that it can be resuscitated!!!

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An election that was truly free and fair. The PTP would not have any idea how to campaign. I agree 100% with you let the Democrats sit on the side lines. Any thing they do or say right or wrong would be seen as a straw to the PTP to grasp on to and deflect attention from their wrong doings.

It is pretty bad when they have to sink to the PM crying and saying you are picking on me rather than defend her actions.

Her Caddy the clone brother is even admitting she is wrong but it is not her fault she has been given bad advice from bad advisor's.

"The PTP would not have any idea how to campaign"

A curious concept -

the dems boycotted the election in April 2006, the October 2006 Election never happened due to the coup, the PPP won the election in 2007, Samak was removed by the CC, abhisit then lost the parliamentary vote to become PM by 163 votes to 298 for Somchai Wongsawat. After the CC (them again) dissolved the coalition party abhisit finally became PM (under dubious circumstances) in 2008 after a vote in parliament. The dems with abhisit as party list party leader lost again in 2011 by a landslide and then boycotted the most recent elections which are still ongoing.

So which of the two political parties do you think are most successful at campaigning?

Now why did you conveniently miss out his opening sentence??

"An election that was truly free and fair"

In those circumstances, now try and substantiate your argument - you can forget the content of the previous post BTW as none of that is covered by this!!!!

OK The democrat Party are the best at campaigning. They have won the hearts and minds of the majority of the Thai populace and are ready to show this in the ongoing elect.......oh, never mind.

Edited by fab4
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An election that was truly free and fair. The PTP would not have any idea how to campaign. I agree 100% with you let the Democrats sit on the side lines. Any thing they do or say right or wrong would be seen as a straw to the PTP to grasp on to and deflect attention from their wrong doings.

It is pretty bad when they have to sink to the PM crying and saying you are picking on me rather than defend her actions.

Her Caddy the clone brother is even admitting she is wrong but it is not her fault she has been given bad advice from bad advisor's.

"The PTP would not have any idea how to campaign"

A curious concept -

the dems boycotted the election in April 2006, the October 2006 Election never happened due to the coup, the PPP won the election in 2007, Samak was removed by the CC, abhisit then lost the parliamentary vote to become PM by 163 votes to 298 for Somchai Wongsawat. After the CC (them again) dissolved the coalition party abhisit finally became PM (under dubious circumstances) in 2008 after a vote in parliament. The dems with abhisit as party list party leader lost again in 2011 by a landslide and then boycotted the most recent elections which are still ongoing.

So which of the two political parties do you think are most successful at campaigning?

Now why did you conveniently miss out his opening sentence??

"An election that was truly free and fair"

In those circumstances, now try and substantiate your argument - you can forget the content of the previous post BTW as none of that is covered by this!!!!

OK The democrat Party are the best at campaigning. They have won the hearts and minds of the majority of the Thai populace and are ready to show this in the ongoing elect.......oh, never mind.

I understand why you have offered the "concession".

One can only bang ones head against a thick brick wall for so long.

Your gallant effort is nonetheless applauded.

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