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Food poisoning


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I got food poisoning on Thursday and have felt lousy ever since. endless diarrhea, feeling weak, dizzy, had the chills, (almost flu-like), stomach cramps, etc. i've been taking many carbon capsules every day, re-hydration salts, drinking lots of fluids and sleeping a lot. today was the first time i've eaten since Thursday. i had some boiled rice and chicken. i'm feeling a little better today and have more energy, but still not 100%. i still have diarrhea but much less frequent that the first couple of days. should i begin some antibiotics tomorrow? and if so, is Norfloxacin the one to take? thanks!

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If you feel better you are over it.

There is a very old plan for the carbon tablets which still works. Can't recall it exactly but it is something like 10 tablets and than another 5 every 30 mins. If you have diarrhea it cleans out everything inside. including the useful bacteria.

But so does antibiotics.

If you start to feel better I wouldn't take the antibiotics, just a bit coal tables and plenty of water and vitamin tablets.

Often diarrhea is anyway a virus so antibotics won't help.

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No self prescribed antibiotic is required .

If sick seek medical advice.

thanks but i don't run to the doctor for every little thing. one of the great things about Thailand is being able to walk in to a Pharmacy and get what you need w/o having to go to a doctor first.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

No self prescribed antibiotic is required .

If sick seek medical advice.

thanks but i don't run to the doctor for every little thing. one of the great things about Thailand is being able to walk in to a Pharmacy and get what you need w/o having to go to a doctor first.

So glad that your "expertise" extends to knowing what you need !

Wish I had that extensive medical knowledge !

I wonder why advice is sought here ?

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It is very inadvisable to self-prescribe antibiotics for this and can lead to a host of long term GI problems.

Your self-treatment thus far (activated charcoal tablets and rehydration) has been exactly correct. Continue it and you will likely feel 100% soon.

If fever persists or there is blood and mucus in the stool see a doctor. Otherwise, carry on with the rehydration salts and charcoal.

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It is very inadvisable to self-prescribe antibiotics for this and can lead to a host of long term GI problems.

Your self-treatment thus far (activated charcoal tablets and rehydration) has been exactly correct. Continue it and you will likely feel 100% soon.

If fever persists or there is blood and mucus in the stool see a doctor. Otherwise, carry on with the rehydration salts and charcoal.

thanks. feeling better today and eating a little; drinking plenty of fluids. still some mild diarrhea but on the road to recovery.

also was taking something that was very helpful called Kremil-S recommended by a friend who is a Pharmacist.

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It is very inadvisable to self-prescribe antibiotics for this and can lead to a host of long term GI problems.

Your self-treatment thus far (activated charcoal tablets and rehydration) has been exactly correct. Continue it and you will likely feel 100% soon.

If fever persists or there is blood and mucus in the stool see a doctor. Otherwise, carry on with the rehydration salts and charcoal.

A good method if very strong problems, considering that you are strong and healthy:

Stop eating.

Only water (and some minerals, there are cheap packs)

huge amounts of charcoal every 30 mins.

That complete cleans you out.

Than restart with very light food....some clear soup with some rice mixed inside for example.

If high fewer comes or the problem doesn't resolve itself in 2-3 days or if dehydrate too much a doctor is needed.

But it is amazing how effective charcoal tablets are. They beat antibiotics in most cases (because anyway a virus) (unless the bug enters the body).

As earlier you begin as more efficient it is.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It is very inadvisable to self-prescribe antibiotics for this and can lead to a host of long term GI problems.

Your self-treatment thus far (activated charcoal tablets and rehydration) has been exactly correct. Continue it and you will likely feel 100% soon.

If fever persists or there is blood and mucus in the stool see a doctor. Otherwise, carry on with the rehydration salts and charcoal.

thanks. feeling better today and eating a little; drinking plenty of fluids. still some mild diarrhea but on the road to recovery.

also was taking something that was very helpful called Kremil-S recommended by a friend who is a Pharmacist.

So glad the Kremil-S was helpful !

Here is the info about the substance


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after 5 days of feeling lousy i started on a course of Ciprofloxacin beginning yesterday and i'm already feeling much, much better and have not had any cramps or diarrhea today.

so some of the bacterias you get from food will need antibiotics. i did wait a number of days and was not getting better.

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Best advice: Do a website search on CDC and click food poisoning icon and follow thoroughly!

First sign of symptom, take several charcole tablets immediately with water then after 2-3 hours, take antibiotics as recommended. Good luck

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