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Smoking on Nok Air


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Can't believe that anyone would defend a Captain who flouts aviation regulations.

I would not be surprised at all the main reason smoking on planes is not allowed is because of working regulations, employers are required to offer their employees, like flight attendents, a smoke free workplace.

Safety is in this case probably only a side issue, maybe even a side excuse.

A smoking captain would for me not be a reason not to board a plane, a drinking captain though would be.

The main reason that airlines do not allow smoking anymore is because the air filters used in aircraft are very expensive and by not allowing smoking airlines save a lot of money because the filters last a lot longer. Nothing to do with safety, working regulations etc., it's all about the money like everything else.

Yermanee wai.gif

Edited by yermanee
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For the second time this year I have suffered badly from cigarette smoke from the Flight Deck.

I hope you didn't spend too much time in hospital from this incident.

How many others were taken ill ? Were there any deaths related to this incident ?


The pilot smoked in his closed room a cigarette....yes that sounds like a real dangerous situation.......yesterday I saw a taxi driver who didn't use a the safety belt ...where I can report that?

Taxi drivers are exempt from seat belt rules.

So you condone a pilot smoking on an airplane ?

I am not familiar with aviation rules but I doubt that smoking anywhere on a plane by the pilot, passengers or God Almighty Himself.

Am I the only one who supports the OP in highlighting this apparent breach of airline safety.

It's got absolutely nothing to do with 'safety' and everything to do with Political Correctness. In case you hadn't noticed, it's only the past decade or two that smoking has been banned on flights, and the reason the airlines went along with the health fascists who were demanding bans was because they could save money.

I would much rather have a pilot who was smoking during the flight, as smoking is known to improve alertness, mental endurance and cognitive ability.

The OP is a whinging little sneak, and I hope his name gets passed around the airlines so that he can be accorded 'special' service whenever he flies. I can just imagine him when he was at school, running to the teacher; "Please Sir, please Sir, Smith is smoking behind the bike sheds, Sir!" "Can I be a prefect now, Sir, so I can boss all the other boys around?"

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

For the second time this year I have suffered badly from cigarette smoke from the Flight Deck.

I hope you didn't spend too much time in hospital from this incident.

How many others were taken ill ? Were there any deaths related to this incident ?

Give the guy a break, he might be asthmatic or something.

I come from a family where 2 siblings, who never personally smoked, died from second hand smoke. I support the OP.

You ARE joking, I presume? Nobody has EVER died from so-called 'second-hand smoke'. That is one of the biggest cons ever perpetrated on the world, and has been comprehensively demolished.


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After using Air Asia since their inception, I've tried Nok Air for my last three flights. It was generally a good experience. However, this is a thread worth making me reconsider. I put up with bus drivers who smoke in Thailand because I usually don't have a choice of other buses on a route. However, I will certainly look for other competing airlines on Nok's routes, if any. Besides being allergic to cigarette smoke, the safety angle certainly bothers me.

It is not possible to be allergic to tobacco smoke, as allergies are set off by proteins, and there are no proteins in tobacco smoke.

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Now the Anti Mob are moaning about those Electric things, i must join the Arm Wafters, and False Caughers, i feel an ignored Non Smoker. Can't these attention seekers go sit with Vegetarians, another lot who cause a Food Fuss on Planes.

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After using Air Asia since their inception, I've tried Nok Air for my last three flights. It was generally a good experience. However, this is a thread worth making me reconsider. I put up with bus drivers who smoke in Thailand because I usually don't have a choice of other buses on a route. However, I will certainly look for other competing airlines on Nok's routes, if any. Besides being allergic to cigarette smoke, the safety angle certainly bothers me.

It is not possible to be allergic to tobacco smoke, as allergies are set off by proteins, and there are no proteins in tobacco smoke.

Excuuuuse me that I used the wrong technical term for the cigarette smoke that causes my coughing, throat irritation, runny nose, and red watery eyes! Because I cannot find the exact word for my affliction, then second hand smoke must be good for me, I guess?

Methinks thou protesteth too much...

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I hope you didn't spend too much time in hospital from this incident.

How many others were taken ill ? Were there any deaths related to this incident ?

Give the guy a break, he might be asthmatic or something.

I come from a family where 2 siblings, who never personally smoked, died from second hand smoke. I support the OP.

You ARE joking, I presume? Nobody has EVER died from so-called 'second-hand smoke'. That is one of the biggest cons ever perpetrated on the world, and has been comprehensively demolished.


I read the article you linked to. Then I read the following:






My conclusion? There is a good chance I will survive being hit by a new car travelling below 30mph. Funnily enough I still look both ways before crossing the road and don't think "Oh, that's a lovely new 5 star NCAP rated car travelling below 30, here I go". Same here, I accept that the links might be "weak" but even this article still admits a link. I quit smoking 12 years ago and have looked after myself VERY well since then. If smokers want to ruin their lives they can but I don't want the "risk" of cancer from 2nd hand smoke.

Back on the point this pilot has a HUGE duty of responsibility, is paid accordingly and has demonstrated that he is not deserving. If the OP has decent evidence then I suggest he push this for the safety of the 100s of 1,000s of passengers who choose Nok Air each year.

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In response to some of the poster's on the "smoking side" of things, I was trying to get this point across to a smoker the other day. It did not seem to sink in, doesn't make it any less true however......

I wish smokers would realize that cig smoke is kind of like the sun, to give a familiar analogy. That is, some people are affected by the sun much much more than others due to their light skin. This is true with cig smoke too!!! I actually tried to smoke a cig when I was a teenager, threw up immediately. I tried chewing tabacco too, threw up instantly. I don't know if everybody is reading between the lines, but some people are just severely affected by cig smoke, and if you can't relate I wish you could, because it is terrible. Perhaps you would feel the same way if you knew what it was like. Some people literally feel sick when they are around thew stuff!! We even feel sick when we are in a space where smokers have been in the past, like a hotel room or a car.

Anyway, thumbs up to the OP.

Edited by isawasnake
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Smoking in a cockpit is a serious breach of security in my opinion. If I saw that I wouldn't fly with that Airline any more, ever again. It's like going to a restaurant and you would spot the chef smoking whilst cutting fresh meat. Would you still go to this restaurant??

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If the airline has a no smoking rule then I agree the crew should follow those rules.

However, putting the health risks of smoking aside, the notion that the smoking capt is endangering the aircraft or passengers is idiotic. Inconsiderate perhaps but not dangerous. As previously mentioned it was only in the last 15 to 20 years that smoking was banned on flights. Planes had previously been flying around for decades with both passengers and crew smoking. They did not arbitarily fall out of the sky or catch fire due to cigarettes.

I'd prefer to be flown by a capt who has had his cigarette as opposed to one who's going cold turkey wanting one.

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If the airline has a no smoking rule then I agree the crew should follow those rules.

However, putting the health risks of smoking aside, the notion that the smoking capt is endangering the aircraft or passengers is idiotic. Inconsiderate perhaps but not dangerous. As previously mentioned it was only in the last 15 to 20 years that smoking was banned on flights. Planes had previously been flying around for decades with both passengers and crew smoking. They did not arbitarily fall out of the sky or catch fire due to cigarettes.

I'd prefer to be flown by a capt who has had his cigarette as opposed to one who's going cold turkey wanting one.

Again I will state that it is not the captain smoking that is the issue. It is the captain blatantly disregarding a regulation in a professional environment that requires the highest standards from its employees. Is it OK if a surgeon wears his own clothes in theatre but does everything else perfectly?

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You ARE joking, I presume? Nobody has EVER died from so-called 'second-hand smoke'. That is one of the biggest cons ever perpetrated on the world, and has been comprehensively demolished.


I read the article you linked to. Then I read the following:






My conclusion? There is a good chance I will survive being hit by a new car travelling below 30mph. Funnily enough I still look both ways before crossing the road and don't think "Oh, that's a lovely new 5 star NCAP rated car travelling below 30, here I go". Same here, I accept that the links might be "weak" but even this article still admits a link. I quit smoking 12 years ago and have looked after myself VERY well since then. If smokers want to ruin their lives they can but I don't want the "risk" of cancer from 2nd hand smoke.

Back on the point this pilot has a HUGE duty of responsibility, is paid accordingly and has demonstrated that he is not deserving. If the OP has decent evidence then I suggest he push this for the safety of the 100s of 1,000s of passengers who choose Nok Air each year.

Actually, the article that 'nisakiman' linked states that the risk could be lower than thought, it does not support that posters 'fact' that "Nobody has EVER died from so-called 'second-hand smoke'."

Kind of makes their post worthless, irrelevant and downright stupid.

totster smile.png

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Smoking in a cockpit is a serious breach of security in my opinion. If I saw that I wouldn't fly with that Airline any more, ever again. It's like going to a restaurant and you would spot the chef smoking whilst cutting fresh meat. Would you still go to this restaurant??

In what way is it a breach of security? Maybe a breech of rules. Did the poster get to his destination safely and cheaply.

One or two cigs wont kill you from a sealed terrorist proof cockpit.

Just dont fly with them again. Simple.

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I've found folks like me who have never smoked don't complain generally. Its those who have given up who bore everyone to death. Id sooner sit by someone who smokes for a few mins than stinks of Roll On deodorant for the duration of the Flight , or has Freakin Kids peering over the Seat Back.

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It is definitely arguable which is more annoying, kids or cigarettes. The big point is however, without kids our entire species would fail to exist. Without cigarettes, well, things would be just dandy.

Edited by isawasnake
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Smoking on the plane anywhere as they indicate on flight announcements and literature is not allowed that goes for the captain aswell. Plenty airlines do turn a blind eye, Egypt air and Cairo airport are culprits in allowing smoking where they shouldn't.

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Smoking in a cockpit is a serious breach of security in my opinion. If I saw that I wouldn't fly with that Airline any more, ever again. It's like going to a restaurant and you would spot the chef smoking whilst cutting fresh meat. Would you still go to this restaurant??

Oh dear, the pilot had a smoke and it's a "serious breach of security" ???

Had a mate who was a pilot with Dragonair, watched him have a G&T 10 mins before landing and when queried his response was "do you want me to do this with a steady hand or not ? ".

How the world has changed for the worse.

A security breach indeed............

My favourite restaurant in Cm was owned by a chain smoking Frenchman who cooked every steak with a cigarette dangling from his lips.

They were all good.

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Smoking in a cockpit is a serious breach of security in my opinion. If I saw that I wouldn't fly with that Airline any more, ever again. It's like going to a restaurant and you would spot the chef smoking whilst cutting fresh meat. Would you still go to this restaurant??

Oh dear, the pilot had a smoke and it's a "serious breach of security" ???

Had a mate who was a pilot with Dragonair, watched him have a G&T 10 mins before landing and when queried his response was "do you want me to do this with a steady hand or not ? ".

How the world has changed for the worse.

A security breach indeed............

My favourite restaurant in Cm was owned by a chain smoking Frenchman who cooked every steak with a cigarette dangling from his lips

They were all good.

I would worry about a pilot who had to have nicotine to steady his hand. Akin to the alcoholic who has to have a stiff drink to face the challenge.

Apparently, the charbroiled flavor of the steak was really the cigarette ash. To each his own!

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News just broke today about a serious security breach with NOK Air.

Apparently an individual sneaked onto a flight with no boarding pass or ID. Only after the Thai passengers made a big stink about it on social media, NOK Air had to make a public apology for its lax security at Yala airport.

This, coupled with news of smoking in the cockpit tells me that this airline has a very loose corporate culture about security and regulations.

It was the same type of company culture that was blamed for the fatal crash of One-Two-Go Airlines in Phuket.

Caveat Emptor.

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