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Advance Senate elections go smoothly

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Advance Senate elections go smoothly
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NONTHABURI, March 23 - The advance voting of the Senate election nationwide today has run smoothly so far, with no reports of any irregularities and without any obstruction from the anti-government protesters, according to Election Commission (EC) chairman Supachai Somcharoen.

Mr Supachai who inspected the early progress at the election centre in Nonthaburi said that the overall advance voting today has run smoothly, no report of irregularity and nothing to worry except the weather of cloudy, rainy skies.

However, he believed that the 2,100,000 people who registered for early voting were expected to show up for voting and expressed confidence that 70 per cent of eligible voters would exercise their right to vote.

He has also called on the voters to cast their votes on the election day next Sunday.

The poll stations opened at 8am and would close at 3pm.

The election was aimed to fill the seats of elected senators, whose six-year term expired on March 2.

The Senate comprises 150 seats, with a senator elected from each of 77 provinces including Bangkok, along with 73 appointed senators.

There are 457 candidates competing in this year’s election. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2014-03-23

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So that's why the bars were closed last night.

I had asked some Thais I know why they were closed, but no one had an answer. Just police orders.

And, if this was just an advanced poll, I suppose that means another closure sometime soon. Next weekend???

Edited by WhizBang
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There are 457 candidates competing in this year’s election.

Including the wife of a red shirt terrorist leader.

I bet she becomes a senator, who will just say NO to everything not beneficial to Thaksin's plans. While her and her terrorist husband will enjoy a high salary and massive expense account plus perks all on the taxpayer.

This is what makes Thailand 100% laughable.

Just her or will all the other senators be paid also?

Same thing happens in Australia, the politicians get paid by the taxpayer also.

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No disruption so far during advance Senate poll

BANGKOK, 23 March 2014 (NNT) – The advance Senate election began on Sunday with no reports of disruptions from political protesters. Not many voters have turned up to vote at the polling stations.

The polling booths have been open since 8 AM on 23 March for the voters who had registered for the advance vote to cast their ballots. The Election Commission (EC) said the election was quiet in the morning as voters normally traveled to the polling stations in the afternoon.

The EC reported that so far no polling stations had been disrupted or surrounded by demonstrators. The situation at the polling stations in Bangkok had been normal as well, the EC said.

According to the 2007 Constitution, 76 Senate members are elected from 76 provinces of Thailand. The rest 74 members are appointed from various sectors.

-- NNT 2014-03-23 footer_n.gif

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EC Chairman confident of a high voter turnout for senate election

NONTHABURI, 23 March 2014 (NNT) – The Chairman of the Election Commission was today confident of a high voter turnout for the senate election. He encouraged people to vote for good candidates to work in the parliament and consider draft laws.

Mr. Supachai Somcharoen, the Chairman of the Election Commission (EC) inspected polling stations for the senate pre-election both inside and outside the province of Nonthaburi. Mr. Supachai said organization of the poll had gone smoothly and no problems were reported. He was however concerned that rain might become an obstacle to people going out and casting their votes. However, he was confident that people recognized their rights and performed their duty well.

The EC Chairman reaffirmed that the election must be held in accordance with the statutory time frame and that it is necessary to consider the details of the ruling of the Constitutional Court.

-- NNT 2014-03-23 footer_n.gif

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Oh..why waste the effort this early on. Suthep will do his mastery feat when the big day comes! I'm sure he and the so called "Constitutional Courts" have this one all planned out. Another interference, no crimes, and again, the elections will be thrown out.

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What is the benefit of the fully eleCited senate? It'll be just a twin brother of the house of representatives and thus unable to perform its main function which is protecting the country from abuse of power by ruling party. Leave it as it is or scrap it completely.

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So that's why the bars were closed last night.

I had asked some Thais I know why they were closed, but no one had an answer. Just police orders.

And, if this was just an advanced poll, I suppose that means another closure sometime soon. Next weekend???

Depends where, of course. The one I went to (in Bangkok) was open until 3.30 am, dang it....sore head etc.

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I guess on the other side of the equation..one could ask, why are people representatives being appointed by Political leaders (Obviously with political bias) in lieu of allowing the people to do the full selection process. Also, just like in all other nations, the House and Senate have very different make-up and voter representation. The 2 groups are truly pretty different in their function. They are a checks and balances.

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Oh..why waste the effort this early on. Suthep will do his mastery feat when the big day comes! I'm sure he and the so called "Constitutional Courts" have this one all planned out. Another interference, no crimes, and again, the elections will be thrown out.

You don't seem to mention that the PTP and YL wanted the senate to be fully elected from spouses and family members of MPs so they could make sure the majority of the electorate knew exactly what the senate campaigner's political stance was and could vote in the right one for Thaksin.

This system as it is, means nobody with ANY political background or affiliation with those who are politicians can register. Meaning that the electorate has a lot less to go on. No candidate is allowed to campaign in a political nature or they would be banned. Nobody from any political organization is allowed to campaign for any candidate or push voters to a certain candidate, or they would be banned.

This is how it should be.

What the hell they are doing allowing Kwanchai's wife to run for senator is beyond belief. She is a spouse of a leader of a prominent political movement (UDD). It is insane that she was even allowed to register. She will be chosen totally for her political bias, she isn't meant to have one at all.

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Thanks to the 2007 constitution the senate is already undemocratic, so no need to suppress the will of the voters for this election.

They vote in the political assemblies in North Korea, Zimbabwe,Cuba, etc etc. All very democratic eh Bob?

But the countries are about as far away from a democracy as you can get.

Any democracy, especially those with weal judicial and law enforcement systems run the risk of corrupt criminals manipulating the system,

The people shouted "enough" and rose up at attempts to give criminals blanket amnesty, remove checks and balances, and attempts at getting 2.2 trillion baht with little in the way of plans and crude attempts at removing transparency and accountability.

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