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Political turmoil scares away Thai investors


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Political turmoil scares away Thai investors


BANGKOK: -- Ongoing political turmoil will cause Thailand to lose private investments worth billions of baht and lose around 30 billion baht of markets in ASEAN.

Att Pisarnwanich, Director of the Centre for International Trade Studies (CITS) of the University of Thai Chamber of Commerce (UTCC), revealed a recent poll of Thai businessmen after the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) goes into action in 2015.

They viewed that at the moment, Thailand is like a sick person.

The country’s economy is growing at a slow pace, while the political situation is unstable, and investors are losing confidence.

All these factors have prompted Thai investors to turn to other countries quicker for investment.

The survey also showed that even the political situation in Thailand was stable, around 480 Thai investors wanted to move their production bases worth a total of 77 billion baht outside of the country.

But since the political unrests have started, that figure had tripled to 1,440 business owners, and the country would face an investment loss of 46 billion baht.

The CITS director also said if the current political turmoil continued, Thailand could be looking at a loss seven times higher than the previous figure, or around 123 billion baht.

Moreover, the prolonged political unrests could also cause Thailand to lose more ASEAN markets to Vietnam, from 13 percent to 23 percent, a value of around 29.5 billion baht.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/political-turmoil-scares-away-thai-investors/

-- Thai PBS 2014-03-26

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Regardless of the situation the question is the future, looking from the outside Thailand is not as attractive as ten years back, the political situation and risk management say that , you need to weigh up the advantages and dis - advantages , Thailand has some world excellent incentives for large business but what about the SME's , if you are a small fry , the only thing Thailand wants is your money, there is not much out there for SME's , however on the bright side Thaskin can come back at the completion of the statue of limitations, so that's something to look forward to.

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Thailand is losing both international and homegrown investment whilst this farce continues.

Wifey has a friend who setup up a mid size investment last year in Maptaphut with a Japanese investor.

Come the start of the unrest he wanted to wait and see how it went and at New Year pulled out for good.

Friend had two alternatives, one Malaysian one homegrown.

The Malaysian cried off soon after the Japanese followed a month later by the Thai investors.

At least the Thais have not said no 100% but will wait for a resolution.

Hard to believe his is not the only case like this.

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Thailand is like a sick person?

More like a sick athlete. It continues not to perform on promises, has a venereal disease that no doctors know if it will disappear hindering his performance, often cheats during competition, cries foul often even against his own teammates, often puts his foot in his mouth during press interviews, and never listens 5 his coach or owners.

Why should another team or group of owners be interested in this sick athlete? Invest in a better one for the money, not a dying one.

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Most mainstream media stuff as you know, is written from a viewpoint decidedly on the side of the Amart. In other words, from the perspective of those situated right of center on the Political spectrum.

When being equally exposed to non-Amart sources of info, and when coming from Left-of-center, the dicrepancies jump out.

This article is no different.

It is well know that Chamber Of Commerce associated entities are decidedly right-wing, and generally supportive of Amart initiatives. They are quite prepared to foster armageddon scenarios in support of Coup-monger mantra's..... That things are going to hell-in-a-handbasket, and that coupist nonsense opposed to the Electoral majority and Parliament should be tolerated .

To call the current political climate "Political turmoil" is hiding reality.

This is not 'political turmoil".....This is an attack on Electoral and Parliamentary Democracy. Amart sympathetic entities don't want to acknowledge that......If powers that be, wanted to end this so-called 'turmoil', a few carefully selected words whispered in the ears of Coup-mongers and their client so-called Independent groups, would end the turmoil in a hurry.

A directive to return to Parliament, instead of entertaining anti-democracy stuff on the streets, via these agencies, the user-friendly judiciary, and TV debates as proxies for Parliament, would fix things in a hurry.

You just got to give it to the bar stool academics who post here, they read a new word and flog it to death. Amart this and Amart that, where I come from, Amart is is an asian grocery shop, a furniture store and a sports store. I believe the word is AMMART.

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The fact Investors are leaving the Economic space of Thailand, doesn't overly concern those who are intent on destroying Electoral and Parliamentary democracy.

Their history shows, they are not above dismantling the country, in order to rebuild it in their own image.

The Airporters were evidence of that.

When their power hunger cannot be satiated through elections, they will do what is necessary, never mind what needs to be broken in the process....

So convinced are they in their arrogance about both their unhindered governing entitlements, and their political wisdom, as if it was divinely inspired.

But they underestimate the forces that are building by the day, to prevent another stage in this never-ending cycle of depriving an electoral majority of their votes and the Govt. they selected.....

The operative concept here, is that forces are building to counter these anti-democrats.....This will not be 2006 over again.

Edited by Fryslan boppe
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The fact Investors are leaving the Economic space of Thailand, doesn't overly concern those who are intent on destroying Electoral and Parliamentary democracy.

Their history shows, they are not above dismantling the country, in order to rebuild it in their own image.

The Airporters were evidence of that.

When their power hunger cannot be satiated through elections, they will do what is necessary, never mind what needs to be broken in the process....

So convinced are they in their arrogance about both their unhindered governing entitlements, and their political wisdom, as if it was divinely inspired.

But they underestimate the forces that are building by the day, to prevent another stage in this never-ending cycle of depriving an electoral majority of their votes and the Govt. they selected.....

The operative concept here, is that forces are building to counter these anti-democrats.....This will not be 2006 over again.

I see in your user profile you list politics as your interest. How the heck can you have a honest interest in politics if you only repeat the party line from your dear leader.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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If you were a serious investor...would you consider investing your money in a country with rampant corruption...lawlessness...and politicians known for wearing bright colored shirts...and blowing whistles to get attention...?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Most mainstream media stuff as you know, is written from a viewpoint decidedly on the side of the Amart. In other words, from the perspective of those situated right of center on the Political spectrum.

When being equally exposed to non-Amart sources of info, and when coming from Left-of-center, the dicrepancies jump out.

This article is no different.

It is well know that Chamber Of Commerce associated entities are decidedly right-wing, and generally supportive of Amart initiatives. They are quite prepared to foster armageddon scenarios in support of Coup-monger mantra's..... That things are going to hell-in-a-handbasket, and that coupist nonsense opposed to the Electoral majority and Parliament should be tolerated .

To call the current political climate "Political turmoil" is hiding reality.

This is not 'political turmoil".....This is an attack on Electoral and Parliamentary Democracy. Amart sympathetic entities don't want to acknowledge that......If powers that be, wanted to end this so-called 'turmoil', a few carefully selected words whispered in the ears of Coup-mongers and their client so-called Independent groups, would end the turmoil in a hurry.

A directive to return to Parliament, instead of entertaining anti-democracy stuff on the streets, via these agencies, the user-friendly judiciary, and TV debates as proxies for Parliament, would fix things in a hurry.

An this concludes the party political broadcast for the PTP Party for today brought to you by our political science reporter.

Fryslan if you continue to post the truth you will continue to be labeled as a Red, it is very hard for the brainwashed on either side to accept the reality of the situation here in LOS.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The fact Investors are leaving the Economic space of Thailand, doesn't overly concern those who are intent on destroying Electoral and Parliamentary democracy.

Their history shows, they are not above dismantling the country, in order to rebuild it in their own image.

The Airporters were evidence of that.

When their power hunger cannot be satiated through elections, they will do what is necessary, never mind what needs to be broken in the process....

So convinced are they in their arrogance about both their unhindered governing entitlements, and their political wisdom, as if it was divinely inspired.

But they underestimate the forces that are building by the day, to prevent another stage in this never-ending cycle of depriving an electoral majority of their votes and the Govt. they selected.....

The operative concept here, is that forces are building to counter these anti-democrats.....This will not be 2006 over again.

Your points are reasonable. Thailand could easily follow the same deterioration of democracy into a semi-dictatorship that has occured in Venzuela. With that transition came economic crises, inflation of the currency, inflation in cost of imports, flight of investors and citizens out of the country, stagnation of economic growth, etc. But the dictatorial government has put retention of its political power as its highest priority above the country's well being.

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SEA has another blueprint to invest then most westernized countries have.

The situation (as life in general terms speaking) can turnaround in a week(or less)

Malaysia is set to be punished by Chinese investors and tourists due to a air disaster hapenned a couple of weeks ago.

Thailand has so much potentual, it will bounche back at any given time.

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The fact Investors are leaving the Economic space of Thailand, doesn't overly concern those who are intent on destroying Electoral and Parliamentary democracy.

Their history shows, they are not above dismantling the country, in order to rebuild it in their own image.

The Airporters were evidence of that.

When their power hunger cannot be satiated through elections, they will do what is necessary, never mind what needs to be broken in the process....

So convinced are they in their arrogance about both their unhindered governing entitlements, and their political wisdom, as if it was divinely inspired.

But they underestimate the forces that are building by the day, to prevent another stage in this never-ending cycle of depriving an electoral majority of their votes and the Govt. they selected.....

The operative concept here, is that forces are building to counter these anti-democrats.....This will not be 2006 over again.

I see in your user profile you list politics as your interest. How the heck can you have a honest interest in politics if you only repeat the party line from your dear leader.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Focussing on the messenger instead of the message, is actually a compliment...Indicating that the message is difficult to assail.

So I wont do that. I have no problem addressing the message.

In this case, repeating the PAD-dem denigration of the electoral majority, by suggesting it is uni-dimensional - in the case of this quote, referencing a "dear leader'

As mentioned before, this is the PAD-dem achilles heel. Fooling themselves in this regard, prevents them from seeing the "forest for the single tree".......And by extension, stops them from evolving into a competitive electoral alternative. If they don't recognise the Politicization of this majority and electorally adapting to it, they don't have "snowball's chance in H... " at winning an election.

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