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Did Anyone Here Retire To Thailand With A Western Wife Or Girlfriend?


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I'm a farang woman with a farang husband. I know you didn't ask how he gets along, but in case anyone was wondering, he seems to be doing all right. We've both worked here for many years. While we could retire, we choose to continue to work. Between the two of us, however, I think I probably prefer Thailand more.

We know many people here, married and single, Thai couples, farang couples, other Asian couples, and mixed. Many farangs who, like us, have been here awhile. Some who have retired. I've found that not a few farang women really enjoy Thailand. Some--like me--possibly like it more than their husbands.

I imagine there may be those who think that only a deluded farang woman could like Thailand...and they would be very wrong....

Edited by Misty
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This has been a great discussion. I asked the question in the first place because I was starting to have a suspicion that the only reason anyone retired to Thailand was the Thai women. I was reading so much dissatisfaction here about crime, noise, heat, polution, corruption and so on that I was starting to wonder if there was any reason for me to even visit and check things out first hand.

I am looking for a nice place to live half the year since I have retired. Some place where the cost of living and of medical and dental care is lower than in the USA. I am in a long term relationship now and am not coming to Thailand for the women.

This has been a good discussion because it has showed me that although most of the men who have retired to Thailand have Thai wives or girl friends, some people who are already paired up with other farangs retire there just because they like it, which is what I was hoping to find out.

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