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Obec probing Thai school band's tactics in funding overseas trip


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"Why do Thai children just know how to beg for money?" someone posted on a web board.

Cos you're not teaching them anything worthwhile like values, honor, integrity, ethics . . . just the easy, lazy, hold out my hand and give it to me cos I deserve it way to do things. It's a trickle down effect from the time of Thaksin's Govt's where the people can now see how easy it is to do whatever you want regardless of consequences, to do anything illegal and justify it as having "a majority" and therefore it's ok, and subsequently not (often) get caught out on it or face any particularly harsh consequences.

Blimey, TVF has turned into the "Daily Mail" overnight coffee1.gif

(and maybe a contender for 2nd place in the "Tenuous Link of the Year" Award - first "death of Monk food seller blamed on government" now "Thaksin responsible for lax ethics of Brass Band members")

Edited by fab4
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There should be a competition in Thailand before any Thai band raises independent money of that magnitude to compete at the international level with a tremendous number of members staff and equipment. It's a preposterous move. There must be all sorts of Thai skimming included in that figure.

That was my first thought too - 9 million?

Took my wife for a 2 week driving holiday around the EU last summer and it cost only 140K including hotels, car rental, insurance, flights, food etc.....

How big is this band?

Edited by airconsult
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Wow, that's almost 130,000 baht per person. When are they leaving? Assuming this post is dated the 29th of March, and the band was leaving the 30th, the whole stay is 2-3 nights?

A round trip ticket to the Netherlands in economy should be about 60,000 baht. We should assume that the 73 travellers would be sharing rooms? 70,000 baht per person for transport, room and board for 3 nights is darn high.

Also, you would assume Thai Airways would give reduced rates for a group this size as well.

Maybe they bought airline seats for their instruments too??

Get the facts and figures correct.

Nowhere in the article about the Probe into the Band's Tactics does it say that the Sponsor was pressured into Sponsoring the Trip, or that the Sponsor made any complaints about it.

The Band was at the Sponsor's property performing and camped out after normal business hours from about 8pm night to 5am early morning. Sounds like a "Publicity Stunt" to me by both the Sponsor and the School.

The article also does not say the Band was "Harrassing" and Blasting Horns and Drums at the Sponsor's property and persons. The article says they did concerts and shows while camped at the place.

OBEC is just checking into the appropriateness of this Fundraising.

Remember that this is a School Educational Trip for Performing Arts.

It is no different than a sport team trip or any other School Educational Trip

It is Not just a Pleasure Trip.

52 Musicians, plus 20 Support Ancillary Personnel, equals 72 persons traveling.

3.1 Million Baht was given by the Sponsor. That Equals 43,056 Baht per person. Not 130,000.

That figure does not include the costs of moving and transporting the School's equipment, so the actual "Sponsored" cost per person traveling would be much less.

The article did not say how long the trip was, the actual cost for the School Band, or complete details.

Surely the School and members are paying part of the trip costs.

3.1 Million Baht would be pretty cheap to send 72 people and equipment on a trip to the Netherlands.

Speaking from experience; Around the World a normal band's travel expenses would include Ground and Air Transportation both in Thailand, and in the Netherlands for Persons and Equipment, Room and Board, and any additional Educational Tour costs.

The Band can not be expected to go to a foreign Country and Culture to and just stay in their rooms and practice and perform like "Robots" without getting a chance to see some of that Country and Culture.

In addition to each person's individual traveling expenses, there are significant costs for transporting the School Band's Musical Instruments, Uniforms, and Props that are necessary to compete and perform, which include Large, Medium and Average size Brass Instruments, Drums of all sizes, Percussion Instruments including Xylophones, Marimba's, Bells, and other Concert Percussion.

Plus Performance Props, other Music Performance equipment, and Uniforms.

The amount of equipment necessary to go with that school band would fill about Two Commercial Size Trucks or Shipping Containers (estimate).

Get my facts straight?!

Try reading the article carefully yourself before you spout off about nothing. It was 9.4 mb that was requested for this trip. Mr. Ichitan only donated a portion of it.

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"Why do Thai children just know how to beg for money?" someone posted on a web board.

Cos you're not teaching them anything worthwhile like values, honor, integrity, ethics . . . just the easy, lazy, hold out my hand and give it to me cos I deserve it way to do things. It's a trickle down effect from the time of Thaksin's Govt's where the people can now see how easy it is to do whatever you want regardless of consequences, to do anything illegal and justify it as having "a majority" and therefore it's ok, and subsequently not (often) get caught out on it or face any particularly harsh consequences.

Blimey, TVF has turned into the "Daily Mail" overnight coffee1.gif

(and maybe a contender for 2nd place in the "Tenuous Link of the Year" Award - first "death of Monk food seller blamed on government" now "Thaksin responsible for lax ethics of Brass Band members")

Lets lump in the Girl Scout Cookie Selling Scheme, Candy Bars to profit Communtiy and School Groups, Raffle Tickets, Charitable Donations to Religions, Collection Plates, streetside Car Washes, and BINGO.

Advertising and Corporate Sponsorships of Sports Teams and Events.

About time we gave Them and their Lackadazical Parents a "piece of our minds" for not taking care of their own affairs and expenses ! cheesy.gif

I guess that poster was correct.

"They are" All "not taught Values, Honor, Integrity, Ethics, and the Benefactors are just a bunch of the Easy, Lazy Hold out My Hand cos I Deserve it anyway".

B.S. clap2.gif

Maybe we can add Politicians to this list of Benefactors from Contributions to their cause...... laugh.png

Edited by quagmirefg
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The article is about the 3.1 million baht given. Not about the 9.4 million reguested from OBEC.

From the request for 9.4 million baht, there is no mention in the article that they got anything other than getting the 3.1 million from the Corporate Sponsor.

So my response is in relation to the OBEC probe of the 3.1 million fundraising tactic they did reportedly receive which equates to 43,056 per person. Not 130,000 per person.

I also mentioned in my response that the actual cost of the trip was surely higher than the 3.1 million that was reported to have been given.

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The article is about the 3.1 million baht given. Not about the 9.4 million reguested from OBEC.

From the request for 9.4 million baht, there is no mention in the article that they got anything other than getting the 3.1 million from the Corporate Sponsor.

So my response is in relation to the OBEC probe of the 3.1 million fundraising tactic they did reportedly receive which equates to 43,056 per person. Not 130,000 per person.

I also mentioned in my response that the actual cost of the trip was surely higher than the 3.1 million that was reported to have been given.

The article is actually more about the tactics of how the band acquired the donation versus the amount donated. This is way different than girl scouts knocking on your door to sell cookies. At least you have an opportunity to say 'no' and they leave your property. This band stayed the whole day in front of Ichitan's place of business until the donation was made. They placed the owner on the hot seat because surely if he didn't donate, he would receive bad press. Damned if he donated, damned if he didn't.

This instance cannot be compared to other corporate sponsorships or the typical sports advertising and media revenue.

If anything it can be compared to military tactics where loud blaring music is played on loud speakers pointed at the fort or hiding place of the opposition until they psychologically cannot take the sound torture anymore and come out. Flight of the Bumblebees at a million decibels (or whatever) over 10 hours straight would make anyone crazy. I'm not saying the band was doing exactly this, but it was very close to this model.

The overall trip in itself is questionable because it is fact as stated that they needed 9.4 mb. And it was stated that the band would return to Thailand on April 2nd. So the trip was a short trip. And if raised in full, it does equate to 130k per person. You can't erase the fact that this was the amount seeked.

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