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NACC wants to hear PM Yingluck's witnesses before Songkran


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Here we go again, according to script... judicial coup justified if not by the rice scheme / NACC probe, then by the Thawil case decision. Found guilty, then forced to resign or impeached, enforced by the military and somehow, anyhow, a new government, a yellow government, put in place - for the 'reform' so loudly called for from Suthep's stages.

The acts of this play were written in the drawing rooms of big BKK houses and penthouses months ago, right down to the Songkran kickoff dates. The current constitution was a dramatic reduction in representational rights, the next will be more so - more appointments by 'respected individuals', less voter voice. Less upcountry, more Bangkok. And then the reds will come to town. This will continue and continue - until some balance is found. What will bring about that balance? Hard to say, we are dealing with centuries of a feudal society, elites running things the way they want, poor folks, serfs, doing their bidding - all being threatened by modernity, and concepts of equality of rights and voice. This is to some degree a zero sum game, one side wins while another loses - although continued conflict will mean less of an economic sum, a smaller pie to divvy up.

Elvis. Everyone has set that date as the real time for change.

Elvis? Is he involved in all this? I thought he was hanging out with Amelia Earhart, the crew of MH370 and the builders of Stonehenge somewhere off Bermuda. But yes, the exact dates of this dance have been set, probably known more or less by both sides for some time - and it is a chess match. So the yellows or whatever we call the BKK elite camp will make their move next, some form of kicking Yingluck out. Then Thaksin and Co will make their move, protests, takeovers, whatever it is. And so on.. .and the dance continues. To think this boils down to justice is just naive. It is the Thai power struggle, played out over the decades and centuries. Corruption? Sure, if you want to call it that, on all sides. Thai power games and wealth extraction and distribution according to local rules is probably a more accurate description.

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