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I'm Looking For Ngo Jobs In Thailand

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Hello, this is my 1st post.

I am seriously looking for NGO jobs in Thailand.

Does anyone know of any vacancie in NGOs working with Rural Development, Refugee, Social Forestry etc.? I am very passionate about such works.

And how much salary should one expect usually?

Thank you.

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There is very little in the way of job opportunities for expats in NGOs in Thailand, even the international NGOs are pretty much staffed by Thais.

There is much more availability in Cambodia due to lower skill levels in the Cambodian workforce. But relevant experience and qualifications (graduate degree in related field) are needed. If you have these and are interested in long or short term work in Cambodia PM me the details & I may be able to suggest places.

Doubt you will get anywhere in Thailand except as a volunteer.

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Sorry to add this Sheryl, but you are very wrong.

UN has spots opened, Save the Children (various nations) have opened spots. Most of the TOP NGOs are run by westerners and Thai locals as support. Your chances really depend on your connections as these jobs are not in the local papers and never will be.

My infomation comes from being there and done that situation over the past few years in that field.

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I'm also in that field & have been for 25 years. It is true that UN agencies (which are not NGOs) and some of the larger NGOs recruit internationally for top positions but in my experience the latter will tend to give priority to any qualified Thai applicants (for obvious reasons since salary expectations are lower) and fill with expats only if no qualified local applies. Quite a number of international NGOs have Thai country directors. Major exception is when it is a Thailand-based regional program.

Also, for top management positions, both UN agencies and NGOs look in-house worldwide first. It is not easy and takes a lot of experience and seniority for someone outside the UN system or outside the NGO to get a top position and my impression from the OP is that he/she is a relative newcomer.

Still think the pickings are going to be slim in Thailand for an expat just breaking into the field...although might be able to pick up some short term consultancies if has appropriate qualifications.

World Vision works with Burmese migrant communities - not exactly refugees but in some ways similiar. If willing to volunteer or take short-term work helping with things that need a native English speaker (e.g. report and proposal writing), they might be a possibility.

There are several groups in the north of Thailand working with Burmese refugees, most opportunities there would be volunteer at least to start with and need is for people with professional skills in areas like health, education, international law.

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(Also, for top management positions, both UN agencies and NGOs look in-house worldwide first. It is not easy and takes a lot of experience and seniority for someone outside the UN system or outside the NGO to get a top position and my impression from the OP is that he/she is a relative newcomer.)

Now that is the real problem for him.

Just a side note as im really curiouse now, sinse when is the UN not an NGO? Could it be your thinking United Nations and im thinking Unicef? Sorry for spelling all, its a fast,hurry up offense today.

Sheryl seems to have much more experience here with NGO's in Thailand than i myself have. I would advise you to ask her some more questions as i have only been at it in BKK now for 5 years.

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Hi Nokmdk and Sheryl,

Thanks for your comments and info. I have talked to various UN agencies but the chances for a freshy is really slim though I am not expecting high salary. And most job advertisements on the paper actualy has been decided beforehand. So, eventhough there is the degree qualification, I feel that connection and work experience plays greater importance.

I read on the newspaper about Burmese refugee aid NGO in the Northeast, which sounds interesting, but the problem is the post requires someone familiar with international Law. Really, I don't mind any jobs even working for AIDS children if there is a chance.

If you guys don't mind, I would like to forward you my CV.

Thanks again.



(Also, for top management positions, both UN agencies and NGOs look in-house worldwide first. It is not easy and takes a lot of experience and seniority for someone outside the UN system or outside the NGO to get a top position and my impression from the OP is that he/she is a relative newcomer.)

Now that is the real problem for him.

Just a side note as im really curiouse now, sinse when is the UN not an NGO? Could it be your thinking United Nations and im thinking Unicef? Sorry for spelling all, its a fast,hurry up offense today.

Sheryl seems to have much more experience here with NGO's in Thailand than i myself have. I would advise you to ask her some more questions as i have only been at it in BKK now for 5 years.

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Many of the int'l ngo's and the UN have a quota system for hiring foreigners and save those for the specialty technical positions. These people are almost always hired from abroad - e.g. not among those already here. There are exceptions though..many people contract as consultants. You need to have a specialty I'm afraid - passion ain't enough..

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Hi Nokmdk and Sheryl,

Thanks for your comments and info. I have talked to various UN agencies but the chances for a freshy is really slim though I am not expecting high salary. And most job advertisements on the paper actualy has been decided beforehand. So, eventhough there is the degree qualification, I feel that connection and work experience plays greater importance.

I read on the newspaper about Burmese refugee aid NGO in the Northeast, which sounds interesting, but the problem is the post requires someone familiar with international Law. Really, I don't mind any jobs even working for AIDS children if there is a chance.

If you guys don't mind, I would like to forward you my CV.

Thanks again.



Forget UN agencies, those are the jobs NGO staff dream of (better pay & long term career path) and only the top few get. HOWEVER, if you are open to worldwide placement, you could look into the UN Volunteer program, which places entry level people with UN agencies and which can be a springboard to a career in the UN system. But to apply you have to agree to accept worldwide assignment.

Otherwise, think NGO and consider whether you are willing to volunteer at least initially. If you either post or PM me details of your degree and relevant experience (don't need full CV, jsut what's relevant) I'll let you know of any specific agencies I'd suggest.

Oh - one other thing -- what is your nationality? Because both UK and Canada have volunteer programs where they place people with NGOs in the developing world...and the "volunteer"part is not as bad as it sounds, i.e. there is housing, stipend to live on.

Edited by Sheryl
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having spent a fair bit of time there,i know that mae sot near the burma border has a lot of ngo organisations running there.most of the westerners you see there are either volunteers or ngos,helping with the burmese refugees.

how easy it is to get work with these organisations,i dont know.

there seem to be people who just turn up & get volunteer work there.

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Really, I don't mind any jobs even working for AIDS children if there is a chance.

I hope your use of the word 'even' in the above context is due to English not being your mother tongue. 'Even' in the above generally means 'last resort', which is not perhaps the best way for a budding NGO to describe children with AIDS etc.


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Hi Simon, people working among AIDS children are doing great job. I am not discriminating peoples with AIDS, but that is the general reaction. I cannot deny this fact, although I would like to do the work.

Thanks Sheryl, I am not looking for volunteer position at the moment. Will contact you soon.

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  • 3 weeks later...
There is very little in the way of job opportunities for expats in NGOs in Thailand, even the international NGOs are pretty much staffed by Thais.

There is much more availability in Cambodia due to lower skill levels in the Cambodian workforce. But relevant experience and qualifications (graduate degree in related field) are needed. If you have these and are interested in long or short term work in Cambodia PM me the details & I may be able to suggest places.

Doubt you will get anywhere in Thailand except as a volunteer.

HI! Very interesting thread here! I am also looking for a job in Cambodia. My area of expertise is writing project proposals, research, proj. mgt., monitoring and evaluation, institution & capacity building and I have experience in ECCD. Hope you could pass on job vacancies you know. Thanks so much!

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There is very little in the way of job opportunities for expats in NGOs in Thailand, even the international NGOs are pretty much staffed by Thais.

There is much more availability in Cambodia due to lower skill levels in the Cambodian workforce. But relevant experience and qualifications (graduate degree in related field) are needed. If you have these and are interested in long or short term work in Cambodia PM me the details & I may be able to suggest places.

Doubt you will get anywhere in Thailand except as a volunteer.

HI! Very interesting thread here! I am also looking for a job in Cambodia. My area of expertise is writing project proposals, research, proj. mgt., monitoring and evaluation, institution & capacity building and I have experience in ECCD. Hope you could pass on job vacancies you know. Thanks so much!

What is ECCD? Not familiar with the acronym. Also what technical fields do you have proposal development, mgmt & M&E experience in?

If you can advise on these points I may be able to give some ideas of where to look.

There are regular job ads in the Cambodia Daily which I believe you can arrange to get mailed to you or view online.

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Heres the latest list of BOND members who made up of NGOs woorking overseas (not all SE Asia)

Bit of Info...

BOND (British Overseas NGOs for Development) is the UK's broadest network of voluntary organisations working in international development. Founded in June 1993, BOND aims to improve the UK's contribution to international development by promoting the exchange of experience, ideas and information.


also in the UK...VSO acts as an umbrella for many other organisations and deals with recruitment and assessment before going off on a "Mission"..onward..etc....singing..... :o

took me on once so they must have known wot they were doing.... :D


BOND Members Index

Abandoned Street Kids of Brazil - Task Brasil Trust

ABANTU for Development



Action for Children in Conflict

Action for Disability

Action Village India


Active Learning Centre


Action on Disability and Development

ADRA-UK (Adventist Development & Relief Agency)

Advantage Africa



Africa Community Link Project

Africa Equipment for Schools


African Initiatives

Age Concern England (International Unit)


Alternative for India Development


Anti-Slavery International

Appropriate Technology Asia (ATA)

APT Enterprise Development

Armenian Relief Society of Great Britain

Asian People's Disability Alliance

Auroville International UK




Book Aid International


Britain - Tanzania Society

The Britain Nepal Medical Trust

British Association For Literacy & Development

British Friends of Neve Shalom - Wahat Al-Salam

British Red Cross Society

British Trust for Conservation Volunteers (BTCV), International Department

Brooke Animal Hospital



Canon Collins Educational Trust Southern Africa

Care Alliance

CARE International UK

Centre for Arid Zone Studies University of Wales

Centre for Democracy and Development

Centre for Francophone African Development

Centre for Inter-African Relations

Centre for the Study of Women & Gender, University of Warwick

ChildHope UK

Children At Risk Foundation UK

Children in Crisis

Christian Aid

Christian Blind Mission

Christian Engineers In Development

Christian Partners in Africa

Christians Abroad

Chronic Poverty Research Centre

Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers

CODA International

Comic Relief

Commonwealth Human Ecology Council

Computer Aid International

Concern Universal

Concern Worldwide

Concordis International

Conserve Africa Foundation

Consumers International


Creative Exchange


Cusichaca Trust

CUTS International


Developing Technologies

Development Education Association

The Development School

Development, Policy And Practice, The Open University

The Diana Princess of Wales Memorial Fund

Disability and Development Partners

Doctors Worldwide

Dolen Cymru Wales - Lesotho Link

Education Action International

Education for Development

Engineers Against Poverty

Engineers Without Borders UK

European Institute of Social Services


Excellent Development


Find Your Feet

Food for the Hungry UK

Forest Peoples Project

Friends of Birzeit University

Friends of The Gambia Association

Global Care

Global Witness


Habitat for Humanity Great Britain

Handicap International UK

Harvest Help


Health Unlimited

Healthlink Worldwide


HelpAge International

Hives Save Lives - Africa

Homeless International

Hope for Children

HOPE Worldwide

Horn of Africa Community Group

Human Appeal International

Human Relief Foundation

ICA:UK (Institute of Cultural Affairs)


Impact Foundation

Imperial College of Science, Technology and Nature

India Development Group (UK)

Integrated Village Development Trust

Inter Care

Interact Worldwide

Interhealth Worldwide

International Alert

International Care & Relief

International Childcare Trust

International Children's Trust

International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS

International Deaf Children's Society

International Development through Sport UK (IDS UK)

International Extension College

International HIV/AIDS Alliance

International Institute for Environment and Development

International Nepal Fellowship

International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP)

International Planned Parenthood Federation

International Refugee Trust

International Resource Centre for the Prevention of Blindness



International Rescue Committee - UK

Islamic Relief

Kaloko Trust

Karuna Trust

Kerala Federation for the Blind

Kids for Kids


Kohima Educational Trust

Kulika Charitable Trust

Lasallian Developing World Projects

Latin America Bureau


Learning For Life

Learning Resource Centre for Africa

Leonard Cheshire International


The Leprosy Mission (TLMEW)


Liberty International Fellowship

Link Community Development

Lithuania Link

MaAfrika Tikkun UK

Management of Slope Stability in Communities


Marie Stopes International

MBC Heritage of Islam Trust


Media Trust

Medic Assist International

Medical Aid for Palestinians

Melkonian Foundation for Orphans

Mercy Corps Scotland


Methodist Relief and Development Fund

Micro Loan Foundation

Minority Rights Group International

The Mothers' Union


Mozambique Schools and Welfare Fund

Muslim Aid

Muslim Hands

National Institute for African Studies

Naz Foundation International


Nepal Leprosy Trust


Ockenden International

One World Action

One World Foundation Africa

One World Trust

OneWorld UK

Opportunity International United Kingdom


Order of St John



Penal Reform International (UK)

People In Aid

Peru Support Group

Pesticide Action Network UK

Plan UK

Population Services International / Europe

POWER International

Powerful Information

Practical Action



Project HOPE UK


Quaker Peace and Social Witness



Rainbow Development in Africa

Rainforest Foundation

Reason Partnership


Reform Corporation

Relief International UK

The Resource Alliance

Responding to Conflict

RESULTS Education

Right to Play UK

The Rights Practice

ROPE (Relief for Oppressed People Everywhere)

Royal Commonwealth Society

Royal Society for the Protection of Birds

Safehands for Mothers


The Salvation Army (International Development Department)

SAO Cambodia

Save the Children


Selby Trust

Send a Cow

Sense International

Servite Sisters' Charitable Trust Fund

Shared Interest Society Ltd

Sierra Leone War Trust for Children

Sight Savers International

Skillshare International

Society for Environmental Exploration (Frontier)

SOS Children's Villages UK

SOS Sahel International UK

South Asia Voluntary Enterprise

South Sudanese Community Association

Southern Voices


The Sphere Project

St Matthew's Children's Fund

Students Partnership Worldwide

Sunseed Tanzania Trust

Susila Dharma (Britain)

Target Tuberculosis


TB Alert

Teaching-aids at Low Cost (TALC)


Tools for Self Reliance

Tourism Concern

The Toybox Charity

Traidcraft Exchange


Transform Africa

Transparency International (UK)

Transrural Trust

Tree Aid

Trócaire (Northern Ireland)

Tropical Health and Education Trust



Uganda Society for Disabled Children (USDC)

Uganda Women's Effort to Save Orphans (UWESO) UK Trust

UK Forum on Palliative Care Worldwide





Village AiD

Village Service Trust

Vision Aid Overseas

Viva Network

Voice of Dalit International

Voluntary Service Overseas

War Child

War on Want

Water, Engineering and Development Centre



The Welfare Association

Wells for India

Welsh Centre for International Affairs

Windle Trust International

WoManBeing Concern International


Women and Children First (UK)

Women of Africa

World Development Movement

World Emergency Relief

World Exchange

World Jewish Aid

World Medical Fund

World Vision UK


Y Care International


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Heres the latest list of BOND members who made up of NGOs woorking overseas (not all SE Asia)

Bit of Info...

BOND (British Overseas NGOs for Development) is the UK's broadest network of voluntary organisations working in international development. Founded in June 1993, BOND aims to improve the UK's contribution to international development by promoting the exchange of experience, ideas and information.


also in the UK...VSO acts as an umbrella for many other organisations and deals with recruitment and assessment before going off on a "Mission"..onward..etc....singing..... :o

took me on once so they must have known wot they were doing.... :D


BOND Members Index

Abandoned Street Kids of Brazil - Task Brasil Trust

ABANTU for Development



Action for Children in Conflict

Action for Disability

Action Village India


Active Learning Centre


Action on Disability and Development

ADRA-UK (Adventist Development & Relief Agency)

Advantage Africa



Africa Community Link Project

Africa Equipment for Schools


African Initiatives

Age Concern England (International Unit)


Alternative for India Development


Anti-Slavery International

Appropriate Technology Asia (ATA)

APT Enterprise Development

Armenian Relief Society of Great Britain

Asian People's Disability Alliance

Auroville International UK




Book Aid International


Britain - Tanzania Society

The Britain Nepal Medical Trust

British Association For Literacy & Development

British Friends of Neve Shalom - Wahat Al-Salam

British Red Cross Society

British Trust for Conservation Volunteers (BTCV), International Department

Brooke Animal Hospital



Canon Collins Educational Trust Southern Africa

Care Alliance

CARE International UK

Centre for Arid Zone Studies University of Wales

Centre for Democracy and Development

Centre for Francophone African Development

Centre for Inter-African Relations

Centre for the Study of Women & Gender, University of Warwick

ChildHope UK

Children At Risk Foundation UK

Children in Crisis

Christian Aid

Christian Blind Mission

Christian Engineers In Development

Christian Partners in Africa

Christians Abroad

Chronic Poverty Research Centre

Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers

CODA International

Comic Relief

Commonwealth Human Ecology Council

Computer Aid International

Concern Universal

Concern Worldwide

Concordis International

Conserve Africa Foundation

Consumers International


Creative Exchange


Cusichaca Trust

CUTS International


Developing Technologies

Development Education Association

The Development School

Development, Policy And Practice, The Open University

The Diana Princess of Wales Memorial Fund

Disability and Development Partners

Doctors Worldwide

Dolen Cymru Wales - Lesotho Link

Education Action International

Education for Development

Engineers Against Poverty

Engineers Without Borders UK

European Institute of Social Services


Excellent Development


Find Your Feet

Food for the Hungry UK

Forest Peoples Project

Friends of Birzeit University

Friends of The Gambia Association

Global Care

Global Witness


Habitat for Humanity Great Britain

Handicap International UK

Harvest Help


Health Unlimited

Healthlink Worldwide


HelpAge International

Hives Save Lives - Africa

Homeless International

Hope for Children

HOPE Worldwide

Horn of Africa Community Group

Human Appeal International

Human Relief Foundation

ICA:UK (Institute of Cultural Affairs)


Impact Foundation

Imperial College of Science, Technology and Nature

India Development Group (UK)

Integrated Village Development Trust

Inter Care

Interact Worldwide

Interhealth Worldwide

International Alert

International Care & Relief

International Childcare Trust

International Children's Trust

International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS

International Deaf Children's Society

International Development through Sport UK (IDS UK)

International Extension College

International HIV/AIDS Alliance

International Institute for Environment and Development

International Nepal Fellowship

International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP)

International Planned Parenthood Federation

International Refugee Trust

International Resource Centre for the Prevention of Blindness



International Rescue Committee - UK

Islamic Relief

Kaloko Trust

Karuna Trust

Kerala Federation for the Blind

Kids for Kids


Kohima Educational Trust

Kulika Charitable Trust

Lasallian Developing World Projects

Latin America Bureau


Learning For Life

Learning Resource Centre for Africa

Leonard Cheshire International


The Leprosy Mission (TLMEW)


Liberty International Fellowship

Link Community Development

Lithuania Link

MaAfrika Tikkun UK

Management of Slope Stability in Communities


Marie Stopes International

MBC Heritage of Islam Trust


Media Trust

Medic Assist International

Medical Aid for Palestinians

Melkonian Foundation for Orphans

Mercy Corps Scotland


Methodist Relief and Development Fund

Micro Loan Foundation

Minority Rights Group International

The Mothers' Union


Mozambique Schools and Welfare Fund

Muslim Aid

Muslim Hands

National Institute for African Studies

Naz Foundation International


Nepal Leprosy Trust


Ockenden International

One World Action

One World Foundation Africa

One World Trust

OneWorld UK

Opportunity International United Kingdom


Order of St John



Penal Reform International (UK)

People In Aid

Peru Support Group

Pesticide Action Network UK

Plan UK

Population Services International / Europe

POWER International

Powerful Information

Practical Action



Project HOPE UK


Quaker Peace and Social Witness



Rainbow Development in Africa

Rainforest Foundation

Reason Partnership


Reform Corporation

Relief International UK

The Resource Alliance

Responding to Conflict

RESULTS Education

Right to Play UK

The Rights Practice

ROPE (Relief for Oppressed People Everywhere)

Royal Commonwealth Society

Royal Society for the Protection of Birds

Safehands for Mothers


The Salvation Army (International Development Department)

SAO Cambodia

Save the Children


Selby Trust

Send a Cow

Sense International

Servite Sisters' Charitable Trust Fund

Shared Interest Society Ltd

Sierra Leone War Trust for Children

Sight Savers International

Skillshare International

Society for Environmental Exploration (Frontier)

SOS Children's Villages UK

SOS Sahel International UK

South Asia Voluntary Enterprise

South Sudanese Community Association

Southern Voices


The Sphere Project

St Matthew's Children's Fund

Students Partnership Worldwide

Sunseed Tanzania Trust

Susila Dharma (Britain)

Target Tuberculosis


TB Alert

Teaching-aids at Low Cost (TALC)


Tools for Self Reliance

Tourism Concern

The Toybox Charity

Traidcraft Exchange


Transform Africa

Transparency International (UK)

Transrural Trust

Tree Aid

Trócaire (Northern Ireland)

Tropical Health and Education Trust



Uganda Society for Disabled Children (USDC)

Uganda Women's Effort to Save Orphans (UWESO) UK Trust

UK Forum on Palliative Care Worldwide





Village AiD

Village Service Trust

Vision Aid Overseas

Viva Network

Voice of Dalit International

Voluntary Service Overseas

War Child

War on Want

Water, Engineering and Development Centre



The Welfare Association

Wells for India

Welsh Centre for International Affairs

Windle Trust International

WoManBeing Concern International


Women and Children First (UK)

Women of Africa

World Development Movement

World Emergency Relief

World Exchange

World Jewish Aid

World Medical Fund

World Vision UK


Y Care International


Also...worth a call...

Street address:

UNDP Thailand

12th Floor,

UN Building Rajdamnern Nok Avenue

Bangkok 10200


Ph: (66 2) 288 2148

Fax: (66 2) 280 2700

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There is very little in the way of job opportunities for expats in NGOs in Thailand, even the international NGOs are pretty much staffed by Thais.

There is much more availability in Cambodia due to lower skill levels in the Cambodian workforce. But relevant experience and qualifications (graduate degree in related field) are needed. If you have these and are interested in long or short term work in Cambodia PM me the details & I may be able to suggest places.

Doubt you will get anywhere in Thailand except as a volunteer.

HI! Very interesting thread here! I am also looking for a job in Cambodia. My area of expertise is writing project proposals, research, proj. mgt., monitoring and evaluation, institution & capacity building and I have experience in ECCD. Hope you could pass on job vacancies you know. Thanks so much!

What is ECCD? Not familiar with the acronym. Also what technical fields do you have proposal development, mgmt & M&E experience in?

If you can advise on these points I may be able to give some ideas of where to look.

There are regular job ads in the Cambodia Daily which I believe you can arrange to get mailed to you or view online.

My field is basically social work - community, family, children, women and other related areas. ECCD is Early Childhood Care and Development.

By the way, I recently got an email from a friend who is working in Cambodia. She said that it is hard to find a long term job there since the NGOs are just in the process of localizing. Thus, all she gets are short term consultancies. Hence, I am also setting my sights on Vietnam. From what I heard it is easier to find a job there. Is this true?

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Hi All,

Spent several years as a consultant with UNHCR in Sudan during the mid-80's Ethiopian crisis. Loved it. As to your immediate need to access UN and NGO jobs, the best site IMHO is here:

http://www.reliefweb.int/vacancies/ same as next


Here's the 1st page of today's selection for Asia; you can access the data readily via any number of combinations, and have them email you regularly with job vacancies. Acess the job you are interested in and klik to be takenb to their particular site with all the specs for that job...

Good luck!

28 Jun 2006 Human Resources Officer (Appeals and Grievances), P-3

UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Occupied Palestinian territory

28 Jun 2006 Senior Technical Manager

Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development India

28 Jun 2006 OT (Occupational Therapist) specialized in babies or Certified Prosthetist and Orthotist (CPO) specialized in babies

Handicap International Belgium Viet Nam

28 Jun 2006 Chief of Party

Chemonics Philippines

28 Jun 2006 Chief of Party - ICT

Relief International Sri Lanka

28 Jun 2006 Team Leader, Grants Manager, & Operations Manager

Chemonics Nepal

28 Jun 2006 NSP Training Specialist

Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development Afghanistan

27 Jun 2006 Agronomist

Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development Tajikistan

27 Jun 2006 Central Asia Regional Coordinator

Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development Tajikistan

27 Jun 2006 Area Coordinator

Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development Tajikistan

27 Jun 2006 Country coordinator

Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development Pakistan

27 Jun 2006 Wat San Program manager

Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development Afghanistan

27 Jun 2006 Program Manager

Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development Afghanistan

27 Jun 2006 Country Director

MADERA Afghanistan

27 Jun 2006 Consultants for Animal Health & Rural Devt Strategy

MADERA Afghanistan

27 Jun 2006 Victim Support Service Advisor

Judicial System Monitoring Programme Timor-Leste

27 Jun 2006 Country Coordinator - Iraq

Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development Jordan

27 Jun 2006 Security and Logistics Officer

Relief International Iraq

27 Jun 2006 Water and Sanitation Programmes Co-ordinator

Action Against Hunger-UK Afghanistan

27 Jun 2006 Volunteer Environmental Reconstructionist

Tsunami Volunteer Center Thailand

27 Jun 2006 Volunteer Carpenter

Tsunami Volunteer Center Thailand

27 Jun 2006 Volunteer 'Learning Clubs' Teacher

Tsunami Volunteer Center Thailand

27 Jun 2006 Volunteer Construction Worker

Tsunami Volunteer Center Thailand

27 Jun 2006 Volunteer

Tsunami Volunteer Center Thailand

27 Jun 2006 Water & Sanitation Co-ordinator

Terre des hommes Foundation Pakistan

27 Jun 2006 Project Officer - Education, L-4

UN Children's Fund Indonesia

27 Jun 2006 Community Health and Nutrition Project Coordinator

Oxfam Timor-Leste

27 Jun 2006 Water and Sanitation Officer

Action Against Hunger-UK Afghanistan

26 Jun 2006 Public Health Promotor

Oxfam GB Indonesia

26 Jun 2006 Curriculum Assistant

CARE Cambodia

26 Jun 2006 Curriculum Writer

CARE Cambodia

26 Jun 2006 Programme Manager

HealthNet TPO Pakistan

26 Jun 2006 Logistics Coordinator

Academy for Educational Development Afghanistan

26 Jun 2006 Team Leader

Development Alternatives, Inc. Nepal

26 Jun 2006 Media Specialist

Development Alternatives, Inc. Nepal

26 Jun 2006 Civil Society Specialist

Development Alternatives, Inc. Nepal

26 Jun 2006 Training Program Designer/Technical Assistance Manager

Academy for Educational Development Afghanistan

26 Jun 2006 Private Sector Coordinator/Non-Governmental Organization Manager

Academy for Educational Development Afghanistan

26 Jun 2006 Technical Specialists

SME Interventions Pakistan

26 Jun 2006 Programme Support Coordinator

CARE Indonesia

26 Jun 2006 Water and Sanitation Project Officer

Cruz Roja Española Indonesia

26 Jun 2006 Livelihood Project Officer

Cruz Roja Española Indonesia

26 Jun 2006 Construction Project Officer

Cruz Roja Española Indonesia

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