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Torrent Sites blocked...


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someone also noticed that Ministry of Information and Communication has blocked many of Thai torrent and movie stream sites .Most sites seems to be online with failover domains.

What is going on? I thought they only do that on xxx sites...

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No I don't mean international torrent sites. I am speaking of torrent tracker sites from Thailand with most Thai only content and Thai movie stream sites. Many sites were blocked in the last 2 days with MICT warning....it looks like thailand is start banning online copyright piracy of local sites. I mean the online torrent community in Thailand is very public and open you can even login everywhere with your facebook account, no one is really hiding...

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It might help if you could share any details, especially site(s).

Some major Thai torrent trackers were shut down a few years ago when they hosted the topless Songkhran dancers video(s), but the Thai tracker I use remains up and available.

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Yes, they are finally starting to shut them down. They are coming under more and more pressure from the U.S.

Why would Thailand be coming under pressure from the USA to shutdown local Thai torrent sites facilitating the downloading of Thai media?

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