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Suthep says government officials can return to work Tuesday

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Suthep says government officials can return to work Tuesday


BANGKOK: -- People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) leader Suthep Thaugsuban announced Saturday that all government offices except Government House and the Interior Ministry will be open Tuesday, ending months long seizure.

He said government officials except those of the two agencies could go back to serving people from April 8.

However, caretaker ministers are not allowed to enter the offices and the PDRC will put up a sign saying officials agree with the reform on the gates, he said.

He said the PDRC shut down Bangkok in the hope that Ms Yingluck Shinawatra would resign.

But he said he was wrong and underestimated her because she did not care a bit and even was cool to the trouble facing Bangkok’s people.

Again, he said, when the PDRC restarted Bangkok but kept government agencies closed, she instead forced officials to work in remote offices, causing troubles to low-ranking officials.

With regard to her stubbornness, the PDRC decided to open government offices.

However, the officials must not take orders from Yingluck and the government.

They can only serve people and they must allow protesters to put up signs on the gates saying they would cooperate with the PDRC’s reforms, he said.

They also need to take good care of these signs. If they are torn or removed, they will have to fix them or we will close their offices again, Suthep warned.

He made clear that the PDRC left out Government House because “this office does not serve people but rather Yingluck”.

Suthep also anticipated the protest might end in 15 days on two scenarios.
First is on the day when the National Anti Corruption Commission is to indict Yingluck on the rice deal scandal which she had to stop working.
But he said this might take longer process.

But the ruling by the Constitutional Court will end her premiership status if she is found guilty for unlawful transfer of the former national security chief Thawil Pliensri.

He said on the day ruling by the court is announced, it will be the final push of the
PDRC to announce the people’s revolution and seize the sovereign power back to the people’s hand from the illegitimate government.
He said a new prime minister will be announced and all ministry’s heads are required to report to the PDRC.
The first task of the revolution will be to seize all the assets of the Shinawatra family, and ban all members of the family to leave the country.

The mass rally at Lumpini park remained peaceful but under watchful eyes of soldiers patrolling around to ensure safety and prevent harassment by perpetrators.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/suthep-says-government-officials-can-return-work-tuesday/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=suthep-says-government-officials-can-return-work-tuesday

-- Thai PBS 2014-04-05

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Pheu Thai's supporters are an interesting breed. They do not brag about their spoils. They do not commend Jatuporn's intent to intimidate Constitutional Court judges. They do not brag about Yingluck's attempts to discredit the NACC. They do not comment on the secessionist movement within the UDD. They do not talk about the rice scandal, or the attempts to stop its investigation. They do not talk about the Thaksin amnesty bill. They do not refer to Thaksin's skype conference calls with cabinet ministers. They do not talk about the occasional sojourns of administrative officials to consult Thaksin abroad. Pheu Thai's supporters actually manage to support Pheu Thai without talking about any of these things. If they were true supporters, one would suspect it wouldn't be difficult at all. But talking about any one of these things would actually be very difficult for them. In fact, intensely uncomfortable. And yet, all these things are what Pheu Thai and the UDD have been about and are about. As Pheu Thai supporters are yet to acknowledge any of these things - even once - one can only conclude that they are holding onto a fantasy - a fantasy that is somehow disconnected with any of things that Pheu Thai and the UDD actively support.

Suthep and the PDRC are actually relaxing their stance, for those that will stop and take notice. They are, however, intent that the NACC and the Constitutional Court proceed as they constitutionally should. Pheu Thai and the UDD have the exact opposite objective, so it really is rather easy to distinguish between the two. Pheu Thai supporters will likely be faced this week with an inconvenient truth. The actions of the UDD will be that inconvenient truth. It will upset their narrative. They will need to dance cartwheels around it. The UDD's actions will ultimately embarrass them, as they should.

It sounds as if you want a judicial coup as all democratic options have been exhausted.

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The man is a fruit-loop. Although if you read his full text elsewhere he's still a (slightly) dangerous one who's now openly admitting he'll be running things personally if he has his way. So much for democracy and "reforms". As was always obvious it was his way or no way from this wannabe Mussolini-lite.

Yeah, he is a dangerous kook. He does, however, have balls the size of watermelons 555

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An Individual that is offering free food and drink to a band of Prozac driven individuals who enjoy Music.....A likeness to the The Pied Piper of Hamelin. This guy is systematically ruining Thailand and his supporters are somewhat brainwashed. His organisation is somewhat like a cult that needs to be disbanded. His comments earlier in the Bangkok Post regarding seizing people's assets and getting people to report to him bare a striking resemblance to Hitlers speech at the start of World War II

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Agree - that is scary, but this evening I came across something even more chilling - on Blue Sky TV last night we could witness that (quite fit, admittedly) heiress to the Beer Chang (and others) Empire reading out on stage letters from children who had decided that enough was enough with Thaksin and his ilk. One prepubescent child had apparently donated about 500 baht and wondered why 'the red shirts can't see the truth'. I sh!t you not.

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"The first task of the revolution will be to seize all the assets of the Shinawatra family, and ban all members of the family to leave the country."

Wow, a full 180 degree change in policy direction from Suthep.

Just wait until some of the Suthep devotees on this forum wake up after another night spent on the beer singha, watching Blue Sky TV with bit part translations provided by Thai wife, only to find out in the morning dear leader has betrayed them. For months they have been telling everyone on the forum how Yingluck will be joining her brother in Dubai soon, very soon, very very soon, but not anymore apparently... didn't see that one coming...

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So the first item on sutep agenda is to set up a yellow shirt reform commission

Second is to appointed a prime minister and sumit the name to you know who

Third seize all assets of the shins and stop them leaving the country.

Fourth they must report directly to reform board.

Well there's just the start of this blokes highway to dictatorship .

We'll the thai people won't put up with this and now it's reaching a very dangerous stage.

I just wish TV could find other sources of media instead of this constant bias selective reporting from the nation.

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An Individual that is offering free food and drink to a band of Prozac driven individuals who enjoy Music.....A likeness to the The Pied Piper of Hamelin. This guy is systematically ruining Thailand and his supporters are somewhat brainwashed. His organisation is somewhat like a cult that needs to be disbanded. His comments earlier in the Bangkok Post regarding seizing people's assets and getting people to report to him bare a striking resemblance to Hitlers speech at the start of World War II

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Agree - that is scary, but this evening I came across something even more chilling - on Blue Sky TV last night we could witness that (quite fit, admittedly) heiress to the Beer Chang (and others) Empire reading out on stage letters from children who had decided that enough was enough with Thaksin and his ilk. One prepubescent child had apparently donated about 500 baht and wondered why 'the red shirts can't see the truth'. I sh!t you not.

".... heiress to the Beer Chang (and others) Empire...."

I believe you are referring to the young lady, Chitpas Bhirombhakdi, who has been "disowned" by her family who run Boon Rawd Brewery and produce, among others, Singha beer, not Chang, that's brewed by ThaiBev, owned by the Sirivadhanabhakdi family. The "elites" supplying liquid refreshment to the masses.

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"The first task of the revolution will be to seize all the assets of the Shinawatra family, and ban all members of the family to leave the country."

Wow, a full 180 degree change in policy direction from Suthep.

Just wait until some of the Suthep devotees on this forum wake up after another night spent on the beer singha, watching Blue Sky TV with bit part translations provided by Thai wife, only to find out in the morning dear leader has betrayed them. For months they have been telling everyone on the forum how Yingluck will be joining her brother in Dubai soon, very soon, very very soon, but not anymore apparently... didn't see that one coming...

lol nice one but my friend he could go home now because the courts are doing his job for him..14 days will see a lot of things happening here i think not all bad i hope unless the brain..washed are goaded into silliness again.

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A thing like Suthep can happen and openly exist only in Thailand.

And only in Thailand he can appeal to mob, be fully understood by mob because he never said anything - just loud slogans.

And only Thai style politics - a fusion of misunderstood Buddhism, misinterpreted Democracy and open Corruption - can tolerate this thing.

No wonder he is silently supported by Police, Army and Courts.

Sigh of relief - Gov't may go and serve the People! - now that Suthep allows you...

Thank you, wai2.gif

Or should we all kneel? cheesy.gif

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but.. but... didn't Suthep say he's not "interested" in being PM, and didn't some of his farung fans insist on that statement as well?

Yes and he said two months ago after the 10th final push that he would go to Samui and retire......as soon as his 16th final push was complete...( someone here said something like ..." more final pushes than a Hong Kong maternity ward...best quote I read here...)

but... IMO he is too strung out now on his fame and drunk with power... it has become his addiction.. where before his MO was in the back rooms making deals.. now he has elevated his untouchable status by openly scoffing justice..... seriously doubt he will fade away from politics no matter what he says..the detoxification would be too harsh....think about it...what's he gonna do...rant to the cat...?

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