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Surapong tells US of Suthep's declaration of himself a sovereign


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And the USA and all the ambassadors around the world are expected to do what?

K Surapong, this is Thailand. This is internal to Thailand and will affect nobody else in the world so why should the world care?

Deal with it yourself assuming you have the power to do so and also assuming anybody listens to you.

The free world cares when it loses one of it's own to dictatorship.

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Ohh Suthep..I 'm gonna tell on you..I'm gonna tell the US of A on you, and I'm gonna tell others too...just you wait and see...what an absolute p!ss weak mummies boy excuse for a foreign minister. Thailand gets more pathetic and a bigger laughing stock by the day.

They ignored him the last time and so did Ban Kee Moon.

They refused toi comment.

They refused to even issue their 'off the shelf' comment of upholding democracy and the rule of law.

What is this loony doing, rattling their cage a little harder?.... do they think Kenny is not 100% well informed on all the dialog????

When the axe falls is when you will get the statements from the western powers, and you may well find that if you refuse to leave government immediately and allow a new government to be formed, then those statements are not going to be to your liking.

I think silently the west knows exactly what the score is, and have already made up their minds that this government needs removed. But of course they can't say that. The reds will burn all the embassies and attack all the foreigners. That is why they are remaining silent.

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Surapong: US Will Not Be Happy If Coup Happens
By Khaosod English

PM Yingluck Shinawatra arrives at the Cabinet meeting in Nakhon Pathom province, 8 April 2014

BANGKOK: -- The US government has expressed concern to the Thai authorities over the deteriorating state political crisis in Thailand, said Minister of Foreign Affairs Surapong Tovichakchaikul.

Mr. Surapong made the comment after meeting with a group of high profile American diplomats today, including US Ambassador to Thailand, Ms. Kristie Kenny, and Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Mr. Daniel Russel.

According to Mr. Surapong, the entourage has presented him with a letter signed by the US Secretary of State John Kerry which expressed his concern over the latest round of political crisis in Thailand, which has erupted in November last year.

He added that the US does not wish to see a military takeover or any other type of coup in Thailand. "It's the issue that the US is gravely concerned," Mr. Surapong told reporters, "If it really happens, they won't be happy".

Mr. Surapong continued, "Simultaneously, the US wants to support Thailand to walk along the democratic path, to solve problems by engaging in dialogues, and to refrain from violence and chaos".

The Foreign Affairs Minister also lamented missed opportunities for Thailand to strive for greater diplomatic relationship with the US and other countries in Southeast Asia, as Thailand lacks a functioning government to engage in international actions, such as signing treaties and attending international forums.

"We cannot do any of these things. We have to wait for the new government. It's a great loss to Thailand," Mr. Surapong complained.

Asked to comment on the speech by anti-government protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban, who threatened to install himself as a "Sovereign Body" and replace Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra with his own choice of PM and Cabinent members, Mr. Surapong said such remark amounts to "insurrection".

"It is clear that Suthep wants to seize power into his own hands," Mr. Surapong charged, "He has never listened to anyone in the past ... It's the way of dictators".

He added that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has already translated Mr. Suthep' speech "word-to-word". Mr. Surapong said the text of the translation will be sent to foreign embassies in Thailand to inform them of Mr. Suthep's agenda.

Source: http://en.khaosod.co.th/detail.php?newsid=1396949173&section=11&typecate=06

-- Khaosod English 2014-04-08

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Oh my god! What a loser! This idiot reminds me of the kid in class who always got beat up because he would tattle tale to the teacher about everything! It's not as if the CIA and the US Embassy doesn't know what's happening here already. But you going to them and whining like a little b%tch just makes this PTP government look worse than it already is. bah.gif

another immature post

The Foreign Minister is briefing other countries as to what's happening, perfectly normal, perfectly natural

nothing to see here... move along

I don't know why so many posters are getting upset about this. Its entirely normal diplomatic protocol to inform the ambassadors of other nations certain events that impact the host nation - an act of Treason is probably one such event. As there was a very senior member of the US Govt visiting Thailand, again its normal procedure that a meeting is arranged with senior Govt and diplomatic officials. I'm certain that the US would be very well informed of the political status from their own sources anyway, but at Govt level certain protocols must be followed. No big deal.

Yes, but Surapong doesn't follow - probably doesn't even understand - diplomatic protocols. That's why foreign correspondents and members of the international press in Thailand have been receiving unprecedented notices of dissent and disapproval from professional members of the Foreign Ministry under the rubric 'Voice of Saranrom'.

He's considered an embarrassment and totally unprofessional by his own civil servants.

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Maybe the US should just butt out as it's none of their business.

We all know that won't happen though as they like to meddle as if they're somehow in control.

Just look at the recent Ukraine incident where the US officials were talking to each other deciding who should be in the new Ukraine government.

Edited by ukrules
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Actually with all the translations/interpretations out there now and one of the mildest being this from one of many the other sources...

..." Suthep said the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) was ready to step in as soon as the judicial axe falls on the current cabinet. “Once we become the sovereign, we’ll seize the assets of the of the Shinawatra family members. We won’t allow them to go abroad. They will need to report to us,” he declared. “We will appoint the prime minister of the people and submit the name to His Majesty, to be countersigned by me.”

I don't think Surapong is overstating anything...and I think it is quite clear to the world that Suthep jumped the shark long ago...

It is clear that “demagogue” is an accurate description for Suthep.

Would love to be the fly on the wall at Democrat think tank now.....

After reading your post

I think Politicians in the west do not think, they know !

all Thailand politics must live in La La Land

So you really believe they have no idea whats going on before he opens his big mouth

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Did Surapong also update the US on the progress of the investigation into the killings of innocent protestors and children?

The update would say there's no progress.

With all his repetitive whinging to foreign diplomats, it wouldn't be surprising that they have his mobile phone number blocked and his emails are automatically dumped into the spam folder.

Edited by Malone
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Actually with all the translations/interpretations out there now and one of the mildest being this from one of many the other sources...

..." Suthep said the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) was ready to step in as soon as the judicial axe falls on the current cabinet. “Once we become the sovereign, we’ll seize the assets of the of the Shinawatra family members. We won’t allow them to go abroad. They will need to report to us,” he declared. “We will appoint the prime minister of the people and submit the name to His Majesty, to be countersigned by me.”

I don't think Surapong is overstating anything...and I think it is quite clear to the world that Suthep jumped the shark long ago...

It is clear that “demagogue” is an accurate description for Suthep.

Would love to be the fly on the wall at Democrat think tank now.....

After reading your post

I think Politicians in the west do not think, they know !

all Thailand politics must live in La La Land

So you really believe they have no idea whats going on before he opens his big mouth

? HUH...? Did you read my post...? Of course they know..I am sure they have transcripts translated by the best Thai translaters.... which is exactly why I said..".I don't think Surapong is overstating anything...and I think it is quite clear to the world that Suthep jumped the shark long ago..."

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Oh my god! What a loser! This idiot reminds me of the kid in class who always got beat up because he would tattle tale to the teacher about everything! It's not as if the CIA and the US Embassy doesn't know what's happening here already. But you going to them and whining like a little b%tch just makes this PTP government look worse than it already is. bah.gif

another immature post

The Foreign Minister is briefing other countries as to what's happening, perfectly normal, perfectly natural

nothing to see here... move along

I don't know why so many posters are getting upset about this. Its entirely normal diplomatic protocol to inform the ambassadors of other nations certain events that impact the host nation - an act of Treason is probably one such event. As there was a very senior member of the US Govt visiting Thailand, again its normal procedure that a meeting is arranged with senior Govt and diplomatic officials. I'm certain that the US would be very well informed of the political status from their own sources anyway, but at Govt level certain protocols must be followed. No big deal.

But do you believ he told the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth

Or was it a load of BS with double spin to aid his side cover their tracks

For everything Suthep has done

Thaskin and his sheep have tone 5 times more

But we shall not talk about that now will we

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I'm just guessing, but when Surapong was a school boy was he by any chance the most unpopular kid in his class ? And if so, has he ever gotten over it ? There he goes again - running to the teacher - who frankly at this point is likely exasperated to the point of just wanting to send him to the school counselor. Let him deal with the complexes. He can start with putting Surapong on daily facial muscle stretches, and perhaps he can increase his emotive repertoire to two. One can only imagine what life must be like at the other side of a Surapong exchange. At least one would appear to be breathing. For sure at least one would be thinking. Without question, Suthep has opened himself up for attack for his careless remarks. And as we can see, Khaosod has just jumped into the pool. It just wouldn't be the same without Khaosod. And naturally, they're there to record every word of Surapong, while they prefer to refer to a Tolkien thesaurus when quoting Suthep. At this point, fiction is just more interesting than facts. Just ask TMZ. And so we're now embarked on an odyssey where people of the dubious integrity of Nattawut " I will take responsibility, my brothers " Saikua gets to point fingers at a man who happens not to be openly campaigning against the judicial system of checks and balances. I love it how Thaksin makes a point of trying to tie Abhisit into all of this. Two birds with one stone, as they say.

Let's indulge Surapong for a minute, just for the fun of it. Let's just say he is successful in every endeavour - he manages to get the whole of the Western world on side against the PDRC, Abhisit and the Democratic party as they all presumably think and talk alike. In fact, let's just get rid of the whole protest movement. Now what ? What about the courts ? What about the constitutional and impeachment proceedings ? Oh, I forget. The UDD is taking care of that.

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Actually with all the translations/interpretations out there now and one of the mildest being this from one of many the other sources...

..." Suthep said the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) was ready to step in as soon as the judicial axe falls on the current cabinet. “Once we become the sovereign, we’ll seize the assets of the of the Shinawatra family members. We won’t allow them to go abroad. They will need to report to us,” he declared. “We will appoint the prime minister of the people and submit the name to His Majesty, to be countersigned by me.”

I don't think Surapong is overstating anything...and I think it is quite clear to the world that Suthep jumped the shark long ago...

It is clear that “demagogue” is an accurate description for Suthep.

Would love to be the fly on the wall at Democrat think tank now.....

Actually, that is not a translation from a neutral source. That is a translation from Khaosod which is a copy and paste from their actual news report.

So you claim it to be a 'mild' translation do you?..... by a Thaksin funded propaganda rag?????

Please tell us why ALL the red farang have to lie to form a comment?

Are you all totally incapable of debate without resorting to lies and fact twisting?

You should be banned from the forum.

If you can not win an argument with facts

Its the same old TVF mob again, make up lies about Sutherp

There is an old saying

if you tell enough lies you will start believeing your own lies

Here we have a perfect example

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And the USA and all the ambassadors around the world are expected to do what?

K Surapong, this is Thailand. This is internal to Thailand and will affect nobody else in the world so why should the world care?

Deal with it yourself assuming you have the power to do so and also assuming anybody listens to you.

The free world cares when it loses one of it's own to dictatorship.

But when the world see's that a dictator is pretending to be a democracy, which has now been proven in Thailand that PTP are not democratic Government

The free world cares that they have a dictator in sheep clothing

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Actually with all the translations/interpretations out there now and one of the mildest being this from one of many the other sources...

..." Suthep said the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) was ready to step in as soon as the judicial axe falls on the current cabinet. “Once we become the sovereign, we’ll seize the assets of the of the Shinawatra family members. We won’t allow them to go abroad. They will need to report to us,” he declared. “We will appoint the prime minister of the people and submit the name to His Majesty, to be countersigned by me.”

I don't think Surapong is overstating anything...and I think it is quite clear to the world that Suthep jumped the shark long ago...

It is clear that “demagogue” is an accurate description for Suthep.

Would love to be the fly on the wall at Democrat think tank now.....

Actually, that is not a translation from a neutral source. That is a translation from Khaosod which is a copy and paste from their actual news report.

So you claim it to be a 'mild' translation do you?..... by a Thaksin funded propaganda rag?????

Please tell us why ALL the red farang have to lie to form a comment?

Are you all totally incapable of debate without resorting to lies and fact twisting?

You should be banned from the forum.

Whoopers my wife translated it as well but by all means go out and get beer and food no I did not use the Khaosod translation a thai one and the word medium was interpreted as sovereign and your claim that all I do on here is lie is in fact a lie so go get your beer you are a quart or two low... you considering yourself a debater is as far fetched as as can be you are at best an apprentice bater...... catch my drift...? all you do is slam people and rant and rave whilst licking your Suthep lollipop and drinking your Jim Jones Kool Aid...for gawd sakes man go get your beer!

Funny things fall from the sky when it rains

welcome to TVF

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Maybe Surapong can tell us where all the Red Shirts were hiding last weekend?

Looked liked about 5,000 showed up.

Not the 500,000 that they were expecting.

I guess they thought photographing down the line at ground level would make the crowd look bigger ?

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dcutman, on 08 Apr 2014 - 15:20, said:

2. If what Suthep said is treasonous, why haven't you arrested him yet?

He has 2,000 armed guards helping him out (so the reports say) and they are all camped out in a Park in Bangkok, Rama 4 road, Lumpini (spelling) ?


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Oh my god! What a loser! This idiot reminds me of the kid in class who always got beat up because he would tattle tale to the teacher about everything! It's not as if the CIA and the US Embassy doesn't know what's happening here already. But you going to them and whining like a little b%tch just makes this PTP government look worse than it already is. bah.gif.pagespeed.ce.-cCHYEZ1Lo.gif alt=bah.gif width=19 height=19>

And, if he really telling the truth? Did suthep say specifically that he would be the sovereign.

yes he did you need to read between the lines a little bit better. He & ONLY he would appoint a PM and cabinet. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?????

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And the USA and all the ambassadors around the world are expected to do what?

K Surapong, this is Thailand. This is internal to Thailand and will affect nobody else in the world so why should the world care?

Deal with it yourself assuming you have the power to do so and also assuming anybody listens to you.

The free world cares when it loses one of it's own to dictatorship.

But when the world see's that a dictator is pretending to be a democracy, which has now been proven in Thailand that PTP are not democratic Government

The free world cares that they have a dictator in sheep clothing

Proven? Proven by whom?

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