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I could be right for her, but, as long as the mother has control over her financial decisions, she isnt right for me.

That is not the only reason I left,

but it was up there,

I told her, all of our future problems are clear to see,

she had no choice but to admit, she had no control, and cried real tears, streaming tears, knowing that I was right and thus, powerless to help her, if she wasnt willing to take control back from her mother.

I mentioned previously, one of the big red flags for me, was when her mother sent her a Power of Attorney form, for the house she lives in, right after we visited her, and I told her, there was no way she should do it, and it sat there for weeks, unsigned, while the mother called for it repeatedly, and even had it sent by an overnight courier.

I am suggesting she sell all of her properties in the north, other than the mothers home, to secure her BKK home.

This is just good sound financial advice.

She has been home for the holidays for two weeks, and has kept me up to date with pictures and I have stayed supportive to her emotionally. This for now, is the only role I am willing to continue until she restructures herself.

She might, but, I wouldnt wager

One thing is certain,

5 months with an American, she is not the same person she was last time her mother saw her; which was with me.

I treated her with honor and took very good care of her, better than she did, of me. Funny how the very pretty one's, no matter their origin, are all the freakin same!

The mother is aware, that I am not a fan, and will not tolerate her as her last thai boyfriend did,

who by the way, contributed to her home building in the north, then got tossed for disrespecting guess who.

the mother

if the power of attorney got signed over the holidays, that will be my answer

I could be right for her, but, as long as the mother has control over her financial decisions, she isnt right for me.

What you've written is quite interesting. I can now see what's going on. Your GF is Chinese-Thai and her mother is horribly controlling. This is a big problem and very hard to overcome.

You'll probably see plenty of schoolkids (or trolls) on this forum claiming to have married into Chinese-Thai families. No. It very seldom happens. When it does happen, it's because the family is poor and their ethnicity is purely academic.

I only know one farang who's married into a wealthy Chinese-Thai family. They treat him like dirt. He's viewed as the errand boy.

one of the big red flags for me, was when her mother sent her a Power of Attorney form, for the house she lives in

That sounds bad. What did your GF do?

I treated her with honor and took very good care of her, better than she did, of me

Good for you.

The mother is aware, that I am not a fan

You're gonna have problems. I was with my ex for ten years. After about five years, though, we had a sort of trial separation. At that point I met a rich Chinese-Thai girl and asked her out for a date.

She wrote back. I'll never forget her email. She said she'd had a meeting with her family (all eighteen of them!) to discuss "my proposition". The answer was no.

I tried to squeeze between her and her mother, but it didn't work. If the Chinese mother is wealthy, controlling and against you, you're in for a rough ride.

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I could be right for her, but, as long as the mother has control over her financial decisions, she isnt right for me.

That is not the only reason I left,

but it was up there,

I told her, all of our future problems are clear to see,

she had no choice but to admit, she had no control, and cried real tears, streaming tears, knowing that I was right and thus, powerless to help her, if she wasnt willing to take control back from her mother.

I mentioned previously, one of the big red flags for me, was when her mother sent her a Power of Attorney form, for the house she lives in, right after we visited her, and I told her, there was no way she should do it, and it sat there for weeks, unsigned, while the mother called for it repeatedly, and even had it sent by an overnight courier.

I am suggesting she sell all of her properties in the north, other than the mothers home, to secure her BKK home.

This is just good sound financial advice.

She has been home for the holidays for two weeks, and has kept me up to date with pictures and I have stayed supportive to her emotionally. This for now, is the only role I am willing to continue until she restructures herself.

She might, but, I wouldnt wager

One thing is certain,

5 months with an American, she is not the same person she was last time her mother saw her; which was with me.

I treated her with honor and took very good care of her, better than she did, of me. Funny how the very pretty one's, no matter their origin, are all the freakin same!

The mother is aware, that I am not a fan, and will not tolerate her as her last thai boyfriend did,

who by the way, contributed to her home building in the north, then got tossed for disrespecting guess who.

the mother

if the power of attorney got signed over the holidays, that will be my answer

I could be right for her, but, as long as the mother has control over her financial decisions, she isnt right for me.

What you've written is quite interesting. I can now see what's going on. Your GF is Chinese-Thai and her mother is horribly controlling. This is a big problem and very hard to overcome.

You'll probably see plenty of schoolkids (or trolls) on this forum claiming to have married into Chinese-Thai families. No. It very seldom happens. When it does happen, it's because the family is poor and their ethnicity is purely academic.

I only know one farang who's married into a wealthy Chinese-Thai family. They treat him like dirt. He's viewed as the errand boy.

one of the big red flags for me, was when her mother sent her a Power of Attorney form, for the house she lives in

That sounds bad. What did your GF do?

I treated her with honor and took very good care of her, better than she did, of me

Good for you.

The mother is aware, that I am not a fan

You're gonna have problems. I was with my ex for ten years. After about five years, though, we had a sort of trial separation. At that point I met a rich Chinese-Thai girl and asked her out for a date.

She wrote back. I'll never forget her email. She said she'd had a meeting with her family (all eighteen of them!) to discuss "my proposition". The answer was no.

I tried to squeeze between her and her mother, but it didn't work. If the Chinese mother is wealthy, controlling and against you, you're in for a rough ride.

The mothers "wealth" is built solely from her daughters body.

Its the deadbeat father, who is the part Chinese. the mother an illiterate thai.

I mean no disrespect, but she never set foot in a school. That her daughter went to a university, is astounding.

The g/f told me about the conversation about the POA, right after it ended, because, even tho I dont speak or understand thai, I could see she was having an issue by her facial expressions on the phone, as she wasnt agreeing and the mother was pressing her. It was clear, she was upset by the request.

She came right out and told me what was being asked of her, and, I although I didnt respond right away, I gave her a wierd face that spoke for me.

When it arrived, she opened it, and let it sit saying she would discuss it w her mother during Songram.

It came up again just before I left. And, it came up again, in texts after I got back to Florida, which was 8 days after I left BKK.

One thing I will say which flies in the face of many TV posters, was that this girl was very clear, that anyone who wanted her, would have to accept that her familys happiness is very important to her and Mom, number 1.

I told her that was Dead on Arrival for me, and I would never accept her mother, because she lets her work, and takes advantage of it, relentlessly.

I heard too many times, but if Mom gets sick, or if Mom gets old,

well, Mom has a new husband, and she is only 51 to my 54.

too many Mom needs this, and Mom needs that.

Mom shudda kept her legs closed, or, had 5 more daughters to give this one a rest.

They will destroy her, its only a matter of time

The mother has a cold black heart.

her husband left her with 3 little kids, just didnt comeback one day, and started a new family.

the older brother was murdered over a gambling debt and his scooter stolen,

the only way to free her from the long term brain washing, is to bring her to America,

and, she wont leave, so,

there you have it,

she may as well be in prison

Edited by Scarpolo
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