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Noppadon defends Thaksin after being alleged as root of problem


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Noppadon defends Thaksin after being alleged as root of problem

BANGKOK, 14 April 2014, (NNT) - Pheu Thai Party’s Committee on the party’s affairs, Noppadon Pattama, is defending the former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, after the ex-premier was alleged by members of Democrat Party as the ‘root of national problems’.

The accusation stemmed from Mr. Thaksin's well-wishing speech to the people of Thailand during his visit to Hong Kong. He urged Thais to leave the conflict behind and move forwards.

According to Noppadon, Thaksin’s legal advisor, his client bears no ill-will towards the Democrat Party members, yet he has been constantly hounded by them.

He asked the Democrat Party to refrain from such acts, as they have ruined the nation's economy, fueled and prolonged the ongoing political conflicts. He also claimed that various unjust accusations have been lodged against Mr. Thaksin after the 2006 Coup d’etat.

Mr. Noppadon also clarified on the former Prime Minister’s remark on the judicial system that it was not directed to every court, but rather an observation that certain views from certain agencies were clearly in violation of the legal system as well as unconstitutional; for example, the Charter Court’s decision to impeach former Prime Minister Samak Sunthonvej for cooking, the axed Senate Origin Bill, and the annulment of the February 2nd general election.

-- NNT 2014-04-14 footer_n.gif

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If I was Nopadon, would I really care what I say as long as Papa T keeps paying me tons of cash?

and who knows, maybe I get to be the foreign minister again for few months if I play my cards right..

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

1. the Charter Court’s decision to impeach former Prime Minister Samak Sunthonvej for cooking - he broke the law (again)

2. the axed Senate Origin Bill - they broke the law (again)

3. the annulment of the February 2nd general election - they ignored the EC's warnings (again) and forged ahead regardless resulting in incomplete elections

There's a trend here if anyone can be bothered to look. Very little that Thaksin/PT does is legal or done in the correct way. Nearly every time they complain about bias against them, yet to any outside observer, it's very clear that laws are being broken and they don't (often) get punished for it.

Perhaps if Mr Thaksin and PT decided to actually follow the laws and constitution here in Thailand, things wouldn't be in such a mess. And if they wish to amend any of the laws or constitution, again, do it in a legal and fair manner, not through deception, lies and underhanded voting.

Thaskin was very critical of criticism , just ask those that crossed him , radio , TV , papers, he threatened or closed down, refused to speak to reporters who wrote up anything bad about he's activities and he acted just as the PTP are doing in the past or now ,they seem to think because they rule , so they are above the law.


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Blame without any shame, a typical trait of many of Thaksin's lap dogs...

Yes exactly and Noppadon is just one of the many Taksin pooches sitting around that big gramophone horn.

Could see that one coming a mile away, huh??? Enough of puppet controlled nepotism...

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Noppadon is simply another puppet in the Puppeteers collection. In fact, more like a ventriloquist's doll, he mouth's the Puppeteers words without thought.

As for Thaksin's speech, once again he places blame with everyone else, imploring that he is the "injured"party in all of the problems. To him that is reality & he will never change nor accept he has done anything wrong.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

According to Noppadon, Thaksins legal advisor, his client bears no ill-will towards the Democrat Party members, yet he has been constantly hounded by them.

According to Noppadon.....the sun shines out of Thaksins ass.

He asked the Democrat Party to refrain from such acts, as they have ruined the nation's economy, fueled and prolonged the ongoing political conflicts. He also claimed that various unjust accusations have been lodged against Mr. Thaksin after the 2006 Coup detat.

Those damn Democrats and their rice scam, first car scam, tablet scam and according to Jatuporn they also caused the flooding in 2010. What a pair of worms, a man would stand up and sai "I have made mistakes, I regret them, I'm sorry, I hope that Thais enjoy the holiday and stay safe. Not these two, I'm right, I'm always right, if we could get rid of this whole democracy thing (which was never the end goal) I could be the great ruler, add to my billions and perpetrate more scams on poor Thais. This is my yearly rant to ensure that no one forgets me. What a pathetic excuse of a man.

You are being kind to him. You use the word man I wouldn't if I was giving my true thoughts. I would also get a holiday if I did. The damage he has done and continues to do to Thailand is enough to turn a well man's stomach if he was to look at it all at once. Best taken piecemeal.

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According to Noppadon, Thaksin’s legal advisor…...

According to Amsterdam, Thaksins lobbyist…...

​Seems the most ardent defenders of thaksin get paid huge sums of money to do it and he seems to be the only Thai convicted criminal fugitive that has a full time lobbyist and full time legal advisor. You know your doing something wrong when you need those 2 on your full time staff.

Especially as Boppe Amsterdam is posting on TV frequently. whistling.gif

Noppadon though is a dutiful puppet though, always talking well of his master, and defending his actions.

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Blame without any shame, a typical trait of many of Thaksin's lap dogs...

Yes exactly and Noppadon is just one of the many Taksin pooches sitting around that big gramophone horn.

The dog listening intently to His Master's Voice was called Nipper.

I guess in Thai that could be Nippadon? smile.png

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Blame without any shame, a typical trait of many of Thaksin's lap dogs...

Yes exactly and Noppadon is just one of the many Taksin pooches sitting around that big gramophone horn.

The dog listening intently to His Master's Voice was called Nipper.

I guess in Thai that could be Nippadon? smile.png


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Who is Samak Sunthonvej? Do they mean Samak Sundaravej?

Ah, the spelling police are on the job - but just remember it's only a transliteration, so does it make any really truly important difference?

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