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Should we Farangs be scared.

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Substitute 'Thailand' for any country in the world - scheming bastards aren't exclusive to Thailand.

I can't believe there's actually a forum rule which states No Thai Bashing allowed !! Has it ever been enforced ?

Not that I've noticed. Ever.

Try quoting the Bangkok Post though. That gets stomped on very quickly.

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It happens everywhere!

I knew of a guy in Canada who was convicted in the 1970's of raping and killing a nurse and who spent 20 years in prison. Through DNA they proved it was not him. In fact the DNA proved who it was, who was already in prison for life for a similar offense, so he finally admitted it. So no doubt it wasn't him and that he had spent 20 years of his life in prison for nothing.

I also knew of 2 underage students who accused there teacher of having sex with them. It totally ruined his life. He lost his wife and family through divorce as she didn't believe he was innocent, and his teaching career was ruined for life. He spent 3 years in prison before the girls finally came forward. They admitted they made this story up to get even with him for keeping them after school as a punishment for talking in class.

Or a Bus Driver accused of raping a student, who was the father of 6, and spent 2 years in prison, which he too did not deserve. His family stuck together but he still lost his house anyway and they all went through a very difficult time as a result of all this. But even false accusations can be very harmful. After all this, parents still refused to let there children go on the same school bus he was driving. Just in case!

I to do feel more vulnerable being a guest here as well. Lets face it! The prisons here are not as nice as back home either. But if bribing an official to get out of prison is wrong, I am sure these 3 other guys would now disagree with you. Considering what normal justice they got and was served on them. You just have to go through a divorce once to understand true injustice.

No point if being scared. You could get hit by a bus tomorrow to. Just keep your nose clean and you should be okay. The guy who spent 20 years in prison also had a criminal record before this time as long as my....Dic.....Arm.

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I know that I will get letters on this... but... come on see past any personal opinions you might have (what is to follow are just mine) and see the spirit in which this is written.

This post got me thinking... again... about the situation that we Farangs have to deal with on a daily basis for the most part here in Thailand. Those of us who are here for work, exploration of this country, have families here, or have retired here are always faced with the fact that most back home (in the 'West') sort of think that any man traveling to Thailand is really coming here for the women and the sex that the World thinks is this countries only real business. Walk down any Bangkok street and you will see the guy from wherever in the West with the large stomach, the better part of 50 and could never be considered "GQ" (men's fashion magazine) material walking with the 100 pound (soaking wet) Thai girl who looks about 19 - 25 (but usually is more along the lines of near 30). We all know the bars, the massage places, 'Fish Bowl' places, and the present cost of your average Bar Fine. We walk by the places that are under a sign stating "Dr Blow Job..." something off Sukhumvit Road on our way to watch the game at the Australian bar at the end of the Soi. These things we know just because we live here and not because we partake in those offerings. It is all around for blind people to see.

The unfortunate thing is that the rest of the world sees Thailand as this form of destination... like Vegas, but on steroids without the gambling and fancy light shows or show girl costumes. This atmosphere does nothing except cause the local Plod, the 'workers', and anyone else to want to target the foreign traveler, especially men, as it is clear to see that they are the ones spending the money. So everyone involved, except the poor slob who feels that he can 'buy anything' with his Euros or Dollars, sees a quick and rather easy way to make some extra cash. From the Police to the gal working the bar or the street there is a 'sap' born every minute. One can almost stand at the airport by the taxi rank and spot them for it isn't that hard to do.

The other thing to remember is the fact that not all of these 'players' are from Europe of North America or Australia. Many are from Russia, North Africa, arab countries, China, within Asia, and the Pacific Rim. So the chances that the working girls, the police, and the pimps, etc have to levie threats, press charges, blackmail, and generally pressure the the slob who had gotten into their crosshairs is far greater than most would think. This coupled with a judicial system that does not see a Farang as having many, if any, rights and only seeing and for the most part only wanting to hear things in Thai (translator being present or not )... well you have the recipe for what we well seasoned (see the first paragraph) Farangs know only too well as being more than just possible; injustice is a live and well

Everywhere in the World if you travel as much as I have you will see corruption. In the the US (my 'home') they call it, "Doing business" and /or Lobbying"). We hear about men in power being taken to the cleaners for having a fling with some girl (or boy as the case may be) and think nothing of castrating him or her figuratively. We expound our own moral values upon anyone who does not fit our bill of good behavior. We judge. We plaster their picture in the papers and the media spends 10 minutes on the story of their lives ... far longer than the they do on the situation say at present in the Ukraine and even use it as their Lead Story right out of the gate. We treat reports of corruption in the Police and/or the judicial system as being part of a bigger problem with the government itself and all of its players. We see conspiracies everywhere and live a kind of life where we see everything around us as being bad, evil, out to get us, and/or (in the case of my country) reason enough to arm ourselves to the teeth with military weapons and have that bunker ready out back!

So yes, here in Thailand things can happen that could put a major dent in some tourist's holiday plans. Yes things will happen that will cause a problem for you whatever your reason for being here is concerned. But if you think this is something unique to Thailand... think again. If you think that if things do happen you will have even less 'rights' or opportunities to answer the accusations levied against you here in Thailand...think again. If you think that you are a target here more than anywhere else... think again. For being a traveler, tourist, Gap Year backpacker, wanderer or whatever you consider yourself to be comes with a level of 'caution' of the unknown and even sometimes danger no matter where you are. But remember that you have a greater chance of being run over by a car while walking along the street (even at home) than you have in being held up by the plod and/or bar girl here in Thailand.

In this country with its 2-price system (one for Thais and the other for Farangs) sort of spells it out and is something that we have to keep very much in mind during every moment of every day... that we are targets and are believed (rightly or wrongly) that we have more money than any local... at least in their eyes and by their own POV by watching us think nothing of paying full Farang price without thought (something that no Thai who is with you and actually cares would ever allow and so would step in and get whatever for less).

Thailand is a wonderful country with a long history and worth every minute to explore and experience. Enjoy it. Enjoy the time you have between day long Visa Runs, trips to VTE, PNH, or wherever to get that dam extension or whatever other type Visa. Also try and be happy that for a little bit of money you can get yourself out of trouble just as fast you managed to get yourself into it in the first place! Corrupt cops, female (or male just to be fair to both lifestyles) 'players', lawyers, judicial system, or whomever are here and quite healthy just like everywhere else on this planet. But understand that if you act like a sucker then you will be treated as one. Those that have the experience will spot you a mile off and pounce especially when your pants are down around your ankles.

So rely upon yourself and not the 'system' to protect you. Do not think that a call to your embassy will help in the least, for it won't (for a few days anyway... if ever). But most important, do not think and live as if Thailand is one huge brothel where every girl (or boy if that is your thing) is for 'sale' or rentable! For it isn't despite what the fat guy sitting at the GoGo Bar in Pattaya, Soi Cowboy, or Patong with the socks and sandals on his feet has to say. Yes it might look as if it is, especially in those areas that are ripe with Farangs looking for that arm candy ... but travel outside those areas you will find it is a different story. Remembering also to smile and not act stupid, drunk, adversarial, argumentative, or just a downright a pain in the ass. It will help to keep you under the radar. Behave properly and abide by the customs here in Thailand and be respectful and you will have a far greater chance of sailing through your journey/ies with ease.

Okay my rant is over.

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Firstly, if you are desperate enough to go to a bar and use prostitutes you are breaking the law, despite prostitutes being easily available everywhere it is illegal. If you don't break the law then there is no reason why you should be scared as far as I can see.

pretty sure its not illegal, even tho farang repeatedly say it is. some aspects of it are, such as under age and soliciting, but prostitution itself isnt as far as I know

It is illegal. But then again there are the way things are supposed to be and then there is the way things actually are. This is Thailand and so as Farangs we have to be cautious.

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Keeping one's head down, screwed on and avoiding being a he-man or having to be right all the time is your best bet for getting by here. We keep hearing it's not third world but at this level of thought process and corruption it's not far off.

I see what op is getting at - the prossie example was hypothetical guys - but if you hang with dubious types and have been a naughty boy/girl or not, if haven't the capital for a buyout or fairly high up buds, then keep the above sentence pinned to your fridge.

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Firstly, if you are desperate enough to go to a bar and use prostitutes you are breaking the law, despite prostitutes being easily available everywhere it is illegal. If you don't break the law then there is no reason why you should be scared as far as I can see.

pretty sure its not illegal, even tho farang repeatedly say it is. some aspects of it are, such as under age and soliciting, but prostitution itself isnt as far as I know

It absolutely is illegal, I have googled it and its easy to find. It may not be strictly enforced but it can be at any time so,, if there is financial gain for someone then there is always a risk for people who use prostitutes.

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Make friends and acquaintance with a very good Thai lawyer. If somehow you are framed or are guilty your friend/lawyer can access the system as they likely know it intimately.

Stay on the right side of the law. If the sign says do not spit on the sidewalk then do not spit on the sidewalk. A Thai friend or wife can help you out there.

Keep very little wealth or money in Thailand.

Do not give ready access to your wealth by any Thai.

Point out to your Thai wife / lover what they can expect should you stay healthy.

Point out to your Thai wife / lover that they will lose it all if you do not stay healthy. Follow through - no idle threats-no false promises.

My Thai family stands to benefit substantially if they care for me properly. Their prosperity in business and land is backed by my ready cash on a monthly basis. Should I remain healthy long enough I may benefit also but I am realistic.

Be prepared to leave on short notice as per a national insurrection or civil war but there could be other reasons also. Make an alternate plan. I am not above returning to my home country or moving to China.

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There's no reason to be scared in Thailand.

There is corruption here but police are not going to go out of their way to harrass a foreinger. They want easy targets and tend to view foreigners as understanding the law and as having the financial abiltiy to hire legal help.

If you do risky things (e.g., illegal or provocative activities) anywhere you can get into trouble.

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Should we farangs be scared ?

Many post that if you abide by the law you have nothing to worry about. Well most people never come into situations where 1 is confronted with problems and therefore (needs) to have contact with the police. Others claim that money can buy your way out. In general 1 can say, my opinion, that thai police acts more flexible with the law/rules than in general in western countries.

In all my years coming/living in thailand ofcourse i had to deal on occasions with the police, like almost everybody else. Trafficcops mostly as like many of us. Helmet, drivinglicence, seatbelt, car/mbikepapers and once for speeding. All the beforementioned are insignificant and at very low cost.

Regarding more serious matters i experienced personally in 5 incidents the fact that i was a foreigner and not a thai. Keeping calm, staying polite, staying firm and the ability to speak, some, thai, avoided me from more problems. The last incident though i (had to do) needed to do the above as well, unfortunaly. This happened 2 months ago. What happened ?

I am in a spot of bother in my familysituation. Kids involved. Mother of kids in Phuket and kids raised by SIL. I came to thailand to pick them up. Well alot more to this but my kids are alienated from me by SIL. Manipulation. After couple of days an incident happened at the school. I stopped her from leaving on mbike with 2 kids. In front of teachers at the school. She tried to go through me from standstill. The mbike fell and 2 kids with SIL fell 2. 2 hours later, while she knew my son, who watched the incident and laughed, was with me in the hotel, the police called me to come because SIL filed charges. Did not come but went day after. I thought good than at least something will happen about my familysituation.

Next day i went to female policeofficer and spoke with her in my best thai. She seemed uninterested to what i had to say, playing with her LINE app in between. SIL came with my 2 daughters, the latter to my surprise, no school??, and paraded them all over. Kids ignoring me totally. After a while the policeofficer started speaking to me in thai about the charges from SIL against me. I asked her to get a translator. 1 hour later the female translator arrived. I asked upon her arrival if i needed to pay for her. No did not. When she heard i come from Holland, she immediately started to say....hmm i dont like dutch people, they always make difficulties and yek yek too much. Swell, i thought ! She started to speak 1st with SIL, my kids around her. When she finished i thought she would ask my vision about what happened the day before. No, she did not. She asked the young daughters who was responsible for the fall. They, head down though, pointed at me. So she started to accuse me right away about my wrongdoing and told me i had to go to court because SIL would file charges. Like i came to thailand to deliberately let my own daughters fall of the mbike !!

I needed to make a judgementcall, because 3 days later i needed to be in BKK to fly back. So i stayed quiet, the hardest decision i had to make. I was totally not allowed, without pissing her of, loose face, to tell my take on the event the day before. The translator was totaly biassed against me. Because i was a foreigner ? Because i am dutch ? Dont know. For me however it was clear that i was in a now win situation and that the SIL, rightfully, pressed charges against me because she felt/knew that her being Thai would be a winner. Given the situation. At the end the translator told me that it would be seen as a warning and no charges would be made. I needed to sign something though in a book. Btw all the time the thai policeofficer was very busy with her LINEapp.

Was i scared .....yeah somewhat, more worried though, because i never thought that this would have been dealt with so seriously. I also had to think how to react because my children were present. I was surprised that never the question WHY was asked to me.

Was i unlucky that i had the wrong, for me, policeofficers dealing with it ? Maybe yes maybe no.

So for me, to answer the topic question.....yeah somewhat scared....more worried though because IMO there is no level playingfield.

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Firstly I will say that I have posted here many before but it was years ago

You should be very afraid!

I worked in Thailand in top multi- national company in a senior position, not a teacher. I'm not going to say where or when nor what company

I actually had no respect or fear for the Thai establishment they never worried me.

What worries me here is that 90% of you have this idea that keep your nose clean no problem go about your business nothing can happen wrong, wrong and wrong If you believe that you have no idea of Thailand

I can hear you thinking hang on you had some big fancy job that's why it all went wrong no had nothing to do with it.

Ah he must be a piss head, king of the bars no wrong again,.

I was married to a good Thai girl and mined my own business when I worked in Thailand

This is a long story so I will just keep the main facts

One Sunday I get a call the guy said to me I'm a police officer he spoke very bad English you stole 17,000 baht (at the time I was making 600,000 per month) I will come and put you in jail. Of course I laughed and said ok come I'm thinking its some kind of a joke.

1 hour later 4 Thais turned up to my house showed me badges and said they are police I have to go to jail!

I go with them thinking this is a joke or this is so crazy cant be possible. Oh I should say that my wife she went home to see her family so I was at home alone.

when they came to get me I had shorts and a t-shit and thongs on. They made sure I took all my id wallet , passport, work stuff and phone

Now I'm thinking there is something serious here I call my wife no answer, I then call a Thai senior staff member talk and acts like he cares but nothing no help I then call my embassy in Bangkok on a Sunday I get some Thai guy who said to me ok no problem on Monday or Tuesday I get someone to call you. I said what no now I need help now this is the emergency number. In desperation I call my mother in my home country and explain what's going on she then call embassy or who ever to help me in Thailand.

At the police station about 8 police are there putting under incredible pressure to sign this document in Thai I refuse. I said I need it in English they then said ok and got some Thai police lady to tell me what it said in very very bad English I said no sorry no cant sign it I need to see it written in English. They kept telling me "you go jail" you go jail" and kept saying you go 5 years, of course I didn't believe it and was thinking this is just stupid. By now I was think I need a lawyer and I was asking for one but no one was listing.

After about 2 hours of me point blank refusing to sign. Then to my shock this Thai girl from my work the senior Thai guy I called (and trusted) an office girl and a farang guy I sort of knew turned up. I thought they were there to help me but no! They were there to witness that I stole that 17,000.WHAT! I then find out that the Thai girl liked me and many times at work she tried to talk to me and go out of course I said no I'm married. I then found out that the Thai senior employee liked her and want to do the job on her of course he was married old Thai fart, the receptionist was her friend and my farang friend I found out months later they made him some sort of a job offer if he would help them.

I was of course on my phone calling people trying to get some help then the top cop asked me what is your phone number I told him in 5 minutes my phone was cut off. Hours and hours went by then I got a call from my embassy he said that he spent hours and hours call all the police stations in Bangkok trying to find me. He told me that he spoke to the cops and that I was going to jail for stealing 17,000 baht I said to him are you crazy he said to me and I quote " this is Thailand not ........and you have no rights here they work on their own rules they can do anything they want" He then said to me we currently have 17 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, in jails in Thailand for absolutely no valid reason what so ever and we are fighting to get them out. He said to do not sign anything I said no I refused. I then told him how theses people from my work turned up at the police station his words were "shit your fXXXXX!" I asked why he said there is 4 of them I said yes, he said if Thai police have 4 witnesses that will sign a document to say your guilt you well go to jail. I said I am innocent and why would I steal 17,000 when I get 600.000 per month? he said doesn't matter no one cares. you will go to jail.

ok so hours and hours go bye the guy from the embassy calls me back tells me they called the prison they are sending the van to come and take me to prison. I again asked where is my lawyer I will get out tomorrow in the morning he said no. Maybe it will take 2 years before you will get a court date and maybe you can get a lawyer I said to him are you crazy he said no this is Thailand. The last thing he said to me as a joke was if you can escape do it! I joked and said ok. I was siting there thinking I've got nothing to lose I should try, when I first was there they followed me every where bathroom I smoked at the time when I went out side to smoke, but now 8 hours later the police shift had changed and by my arrogance of saying I'm innocent, they just didn't really worry about me anymore and Thais are Thais they just weren't following or watching me anymore. I said to him I will go to the bathroom and I escaped.

This story goes on and on but you get the point I don't want to go on and on with how it all panned out and what happened. I will bore you all

The point I am making is because a girl at my work liked me and I didn't show interest in her just because of jealousy she sucked up to the big Thai boss who wanted to bang her so he's happy to do anything for her, her friend at work and some how this guy I knew but he did meet that girl a few times with me. Between them this is what happened to me. Oh I should say that she said she saw me steal the money from work. I never touched any money I was on the top floor with other executives, how could the Thai senior guy see me do it, at the time they said I did it he was in chaing mai, the receptionist was on reception and my sort of friend never worked there. So anyone with half a brain could see this was just rubbish.

Impossible, untrue, big story no not at all this really did happen

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Firstly I will say that I have posted here many before but it was years ago

You should be very afraid!

I worked in Thailand in top multi- national company in a senior position, not a teacher. I'm not going to say where or when nor what company

I actually had no respect or fear for the Thai establishment they never worried me.

What worries me here is that 90% of you have this idea that keep your nose clean no problem go about your business nothing can happen wrong, wrong and wrong If you believe that you have no idea of Thailand

I can hear you thinking hang on you had some big fancy job that's why it all went wrong no had nothing to do with it.

Ah he must be a piss head, king of the bars no wrong again,.

I was married to a good Thai girl and mined my own business when I worked in Thailand

This is a long story so I will just keep the main facts

One Sunday I get a call the guy said to me I'm a police officer he spoke very bad English you stole 17,000 baht (at the time I was making 600,000 per month) I will come and put you in jail. Of course I laughed and said ok come I'm thinking its some kind of a joke.

1 hour later 4 Thais turned up to my house showed me badges and said they are police I have to go to jail!

I go with them thinking this is a joke or this is so crazy cant be possible. Oh I should say that my wife she went home to see her family so I was at home alone.

when they came to get me I had shorts and a t-shit and thongs on. They made sure I took all my id wallet , passport, work stuff and phone

Now I'm thinking there is something serious here I call my wife no answer, I then call a Thai senior staff member talk and acts like he cares but nothing no help I then call my embassy in Bangkok on a Sunday I get some Thai guy who said to me ok no problem on Monday or Tuesday I get someone to call you. I said what no now I need help now this is the emergency number. In desperation I call my mother in my home country and explain what's going on she then call embassy or who ever to help me in Thailand.

At the police station about 8 police are there putting under incredible pressure to sign this document in Thai I refuse. I said I need it in English they then said ok and got some Thai police lady to tell me what it said in very very bad English I said no sorry no cant sign it I need to see it written in English. They kept telling me "you go jail" you go jail" and kept saying you go 5 years, of course I didn't believe it and was thinking this is just stupid. By now I was think I need a lawyer and I was asking for one but no one was listing.

After about 2 hours of me point blank refusing to sign. Then to my shock this Thai girl from my work the senior Thai guy I called (and trusted) an office girl and a farang guy I sort of knew turned up. I thought they were there to help me but no! They were there to witness that I stole that 17,000.WHAT! I then find out that the Thai girl liked me and many times at work she tried to talk to me and go out of course I said no I'm married. I then found out that the Thai senior employee liked her and want to do the job on her of course he was married old Thai fart, the receptionist was her friend and my farang friend I found out months later they made him some sort of a job offer if he would help them.

I was of course on my phone calling people trying to get some help then the top cop asked me what is your phone number I told him in 5 minutes my phone was cut off. Hours and hours went by then I got a call from my embassy he said that he spent hours and hours call all the police stations in Bangkok trying to find me. He told me that he spoke to the cops and that I was going to jail for stealing 17,000 baht I said to him are you crazy he said to me and I quote " this is Thailand not ........and you have no rights here they work on their own rules they can do anything they want" He then said to me we currently have 17 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, in jails in Thailand for absolutely no valid reason what so ever and we are fighting to get them out. He said to do not sign anything I said no I refused. I then told him how theses people from my work turned up at the police station his words were "shit your fXXXXX!" I asked why he said there is 4 of them I said yes, he said if Thai police have 4 witnesses that will sign a document to say your guilt you well go to jail. I said I am innocent and why would I steal 17,000 when I get 600.000 per month? he said doesn't matter no one cares. you will go to jail.

ok so hours and hours go bye the guy from the embassy calls me back tells me they called the prison they are sending the van to come and take me to prison. I again asked where is my lawyer I will get out tomorrow in the morning he said no. Maybe it will take 2 years before you will get a court date and maybe you can get a lawyer I said to him are you crazy he said no this is Thailand. The last thing he said to me as a joke was if you can escape do it! I joked and said ok. I was siting there thinking I've got nothing to lose I should try, when I first was there they followed me every where bathroom I smoked at the time when I went out side to smoke, but now 8 hours later the police shift had changed and by my arrogance of saying I'm innocent, they just didn't really worry about me anymore and Thais are Thais they just weren't following or watching me anymore. I said to him I will go to the bathroom and I escaped.

This story goes on and on but you get the point I don't want to go on and on with how it all panned out and what happened. I will bore you all

The point I am making is because a girl at my work liked me and I didn't show interest in her just because of jealousy she sucked up to the big Thai boss who wanted to bang her so he's happy to do anything for her, her friend at work and some how this guy I knew but he did meet that girl a few times with me. Between them this is what happened to me. Oh I should say that she said she saw me steal the money from work. I never touched any money I was on the top floor with other executives, how could the Thai senior guy see me do it, at the time they said I did it he was in chaing mai, the receptionist was on reception and my sort of friend never worked there. So anyone with half a brain could see this was just rubbish.

Impossible, untrue, big story no not at all this really did happen

that's a really sad and shocking story... luckily i'm really ugly so it will never happen to me... but interesting to know i can get anyone in thailand sent to jail just with witness statements from 4 people (including myself)...

Edited by brit1984
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This forum needs to brighten up its act or a lot of people like myself will just give up.

I am sick to death of the endless property and dating site ads.

I am sick to death of the endless Thai bashing.

I am sick to death of suspicious sounding stories from people who have just joined.

To the management: The marketing guy who suggested that every day there needs to be a "click bait" story like this is a turd and is ruining the reputation of your site.

We are forced at the point of a gun to click it aren't we - it was ever thus - t'internet ain't free TVF has to make a living - we are free to choose what we look at or don't look at.

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Firstly I will say that I have posted here many before but it was years ago

You should be very afraid!

I worked in Thailand in top multi- national company in a senior position, not a teacher. I'm not going to say where or when nor what company

I actually had no respect or fear for the Thai establishment they never worried me.

What worries me here is that 90% of you have this idea that keep your nose clean no problem go about your business nothing can happen wrong, wrong and wrong If you believe that you have no idea of Thailand

I can hear you thinking hang on you had some big fancy job that's why it all went wrong no had nothing to do with it.

Ah he must be a piss head, king of the bars no wrong again,.

I was married to a good Thai girl and mined my own business when I worked in Thailand

This is a long story so I will just keep the main facts

One Sunday I get a call the guy said to me I'm a police officer he spoke very bad English you stole 17,000 baht (at the time I was making 600,000 per month) I will come and put you in jail. Of course I laughed and said ok come I'm thinking its some kind of a joke.

1 hour later 4 Thais turned up to my house showed me badges and said they are police I have to go to jail!

I go with them thinking this is a joke or this is so crazy cant be possible. Oh I should say that my wife she went home to see her family so I was at home alone.

when they came to get me I had shorts and a t-shit and thongs on. They made sure I took all my id wallet , passport, work stuff and phone

Now I'm thinking there is something serious here I call my wife no answer, I then call a Thai senior staff member talk and acts like he cares but nothing no help I then call my embassy in Bangkok on a Sunday I get some Thai guy who said to me ok no problem on Monday or Tuesday I get someone to call you. I said what no now I need help now this is the emergency number. In desperation I call my mother in my home country and explain what's going on she then call embassy or who ever to help me in Thailand.

At the police station about 8 police are there putting under incredible pressure to sign this document in Thai I refuse. I said I need it in English they then said ok and got some Thai police lady to tell me what it said in very very bad English I said no sorry no cant sign it I need to see it written in English. They kept telling me "you go jail" you go jail" and kept saying you go 5 years, of course I didn't believe it and was thinking this is just stupid. By now I was think I need a lawyer and I was asking for one but no one was listing.

After about 2 hours of me point blank refusing to sign. Then to my shock this Thai girl from my work the senior Thai guy I called (and trusted) an office girl and a farang guy I sort of knew turned up. I thought they were there to help me but no! They were there to witness that I stole that 17,000.WHAT! I then find out that the Thai girl liked me and many times at work she tried to talk to me and go out of course I said no I'm married. I then found out that the Thai senior employee liked her and want to do the job on her of course he was married old Thai fart, the receptionist was her friend and my farang friend I found out months later they made him some sort of a job offer if he would help them.

I was of course on my phone calling people trying to get some help then the top cop asked me what is your phone number I told him in 5 minutes my phone was cut off. Hours and hours went by then I got a call from my embassy he said that he spent hours and hours call all the police stations in Bangkok trying to find me. He told me that he spoke to the cops and that I was going to jail for stealing 17,000 baht I said to him are you crazy he said to me and I quote " this is Thailand not ........and you have no rights here they work on their own rules they can do anything they want" He then said to me we currently have 17 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, in jails in Thailand for absolutely no valid reason what so ever and we are fighting to get them out. He said to do not sign anything I said no I refused. I then told him how theses people from my work turned up at the police station his words were "shit your fXXXXX!" I asked why he said there is 4 of them I said yes, he said if Thai police have 4 witnesses that will sign a document to say your guilt you well go to jail. I said I am innocent and why would I steal 17,000 when I get 600.000 per month? he said doesn't matter no one cares. you will go to jail.

ok so hours and hours go bye the guy from the embassy calls me back tells me they called the prison they are sending the van to come and take me to prison. I again asked where is my lawyer I will get out tomorrow in the morning he said no. Maybe it will take 2 years before you will get a court date and maybe you can get a lawyer I said to him are you crazy he said no this is Thailand. The last thing he said to me as a joke was if you can escape do it! I joked and said ok. I was siting there thinking I've got nothing to lose I should try, when I first was there they followed me every where bathroom I smoked at the time when I went out side to smoke, but now 8 hours later the police shift had changed and by my arrogance of saying I'm innocent, they just didn't really worry about me anymore and Thais are Thais they just weren't following or watching me anymore. I said to him I will go to the bathroom and I escaped.

This story goes on and on but you get the point I don't want to go on and on with how it all panned out and what happened. I will bore you all

The point I am making is because a girl at my work liked me and I didn't show interest in her just because of jealousy she sucked up to the big Thai boss who wanted to bang her so he's happy to do anything for her, her friend at work and some how this guy I knew but he did meet that girl a few times with me. Between them this is what happened to me. Oh I should say that she said she saw me steal the money from work. I never touched any money I was on the top floor with other executives, how could the Thai senior guy see me do it, at the time they said I did it he was in chaing mai, the receptionist was on reception and my sort of friend never worked there. So anyone with half a brain could see this was just rubbish.

Impossible, untrue, big story no not at all this really did happen

that's a really sad and shocking story... luckily i'm really ugly so it will never happen to me... but interesting to know i can get anyone in thailand sent to jail just with witness statements from 4 people (including myself)...

Really sorry to hear that - having had some close connections to mid level Thai government in the past it feels close up like some bad episode of the Sopranos. Always helps to have some good connections her police/government if you are making any sort of waves. 600,000 a month is big big waves you will have got someone as you say jealous of the farang and that's when your problems start.

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The last thing he said to me as a joke was if you can escape do it! I joked and said ok. I was siting there thinking I've got nothing to lose I should try, when I first was there they followed me every where bathroom I smoked at the time when I went out side to smoke, but now 8 hours later the police shift had changed and by my arrogance of saying I'm innocent, they just didn't really worry about me anymore and Thais are Thais they just weren't following or watching me anymore. I said to him I will go to the bathroom and I escaped.

This story goes on and on but you get the point I don't want to go on and on with how it all panned out and what happened. I will bore you all

Well, no,- I think the escaping bit is the interesting bit. What happened next?

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No iam not scared as I will not be murdering anyone to place me into that predicament to start with.

Do the crime, do the time.

Spoonman your powers of comprehension are extremely limited.

So what did I miss then ?

The posting is about being scared in Thailand. Its aimed at Farangs in particular. It is my impression that Farangs that chose to settle in Thailand have no real protection under Thai law. Nobody murdered anyone and no crimes where committed. However and I'm now learning about a lot of cases; people (Farangs) have ended up in jail, on charges that were dreamed up by a Thai national or maybe another Farang, who just doesn't like them for what ever reason.

It could be something very very petty and one could still be locked away for a lengthy period, because you don't get out, until you've won the case against you. That could be forever for some of us.

I'm not overly concerned, but it does niggle at the back of my mind. And yes I know there are thousands of more heinous deeds, in other countries all over the world. I don't live all over the world, I live here. It would be comforting to know, if for what ever reason, I got into trouble, the law would protect me fairly. That's all. No more no less. I don't believe the law does, that's why I'm a little scared.

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If a Westerner is here in what is an entire country ghetto, ruled by Chinese style ethics and thinks that he is not at any significant risk, good luck to him

Thailand is a totally undeveloped, nationalistic, often flat out racist Chinese morally corrupt country.

Keep your wits about you at all times

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No iam not scared as I will not be murdering anyone to place me into that predicament to start with.

Do the crime, do the time.

Spoonman your powers of comprehension are extremely limited.

So what did I miss then ?

The posting is about being scared in Thailand. Its aimed at Farangs in particular. It is my impression that Farangs that chose to settle in Thailand have no real protection under Thai law. Nobody murdered anyone and no crimes where committed. However and I'm now learning about a lot of cases; people (Farangs) have ended up in jail, on charges that were dreamed up by a Thai national or maybe another Farang, who just doesn't like them for what ever reason.

It could be something very very petty and one could still be locked away for a lengthy period, because you don't get out, until you've won the case against you. That could be forever for some of us.

I'm not overly concerned, but it does niggle at the back of my mind. And yes I know there are thousands of more heinous deeds, in other countries all over the world. I don't live all over the world, I live here. It would be comforting to know, if for what ever reason, I got into trouble, the law would protect me fairly. That's all. No more no less. I don't believe the law does, that's why I'm a little scared.

Meh. I have lived here for 8 years in Pattaya. I don't flaunt the law hence the law does not throw me in jail.

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I know that I will get letters on this... but... come on see past any personal opinions you might have (what is to follow are just mine) and see the spirit in which this is written.

This post got me thinking... again... about the situation that we Farangs have to deal with on a daily basis for the most part here in Thailand. Those of us who are here for work, exploration of this country, have families here, or have retired here are always faced with the fact that most back home (in the 'West') sort of think that any man traveling to Thailand is really coming here for the women and the sex that the World thinks is this countries only real business. Walk down any Bangkok street and you will see the guy from wherever in the West with the large stomach, the better part of 50 and could never be considered "GQ" (men's fashion magazine) material walking with the 100 pound (soaking wet) Thai girl who looks about 19 - 25 (but usually is more along the lines of near 30). We all know the bars, the massage places, 'Fish Bowl' places, and the present cost of your average Bar Fine. We walk by the places that are under a sign stating "Dr Blow Job..." something off Sukhumvit Road on our way to watch the game at the Australian bar at the end of the Soi. These things we know just because we live here and not because we partake in those offerings. It is all around for blind people to see.

The unfortunate thing is that the rest of the world sees Thailand as this form of destination... like Vegas, but on steroids without the gambling and fancy light shows or show girl costumes. This atmosphere does nothing except cause the local Plod, the 'workers', and anyone else to want to target the foreign traveler, especially men, as it is clear to see that they are the ones spending the money. So everyone involved, except the poor slob who feels that he can 'buy anything' with his Euros or Dollars, sees a quick and rather easy way to make some extra cash. From the Police to the gal working the bar or the street there is a 'sap' born every minute. One can almost stand at the airport by the taxi rank and spot them for it isn't that hard to do.

The other thing to remember is the fact that not all of these 'players' are from Europe of North America or Australia. Many are from Russia, North Africa, arab countries, China, within Asia, and the Pacific Rim. So the chances that the working girls, the police, and the pimps, etc have to levie threats, press charges, blackmail, and generally pressure the the slob who had gotten into their crosshairs is far greater than most would think. This coupled with a judicial system that does not see a Farang as having many, if any, rights and only seeing and for the most part only wanting to hear things in Thai (translator being present or not )... well you have the recipe for what we well seasoned (see the first paragraph) Farangs know only too well as being more than just possible; injustice is a live and well

Everywhere in the World if you travel as much as I have you will see corruption. In the the US (my 'home') they call it, "Doing business" and /or Lobbying"). We hear about men in power being taken to the cleaners for having a fling with some girl (or boy as the case may be) and think nothing of castrating him or her figuratively. We expound our own moral values upon anyone who does not fit our bill of good behavior. We judge. We plaster their picture in the papers and the media spends 10 minutes on the story of their lives ... far longer than the they do on the situation say at present in the Ukraine and even use it as their Lead Story right out of the gate. We treat reports of corruption in the Police and/or the judicial system as being part of a bigger problem with the government itself and all of its players. We see conspiracies everywhere and live a kind of life where we see everything around us as being bad, evil, out to get us, and/or (in the case of my country) reason enough to arm ourselves to the teeth with military weapons and have that bunker ready out back!

So yes, here in Thailand things can happen that could put a major dent in some tourist's holiday plans. Yes things will happen that will cause a problem for you whatever your reason for being here is concerned. But if you think this is something unique to Thailand... think again. If you think that if things do happen you will have even less 'rights' or opportunities to answer the accusations levied against you here in Thailand...think again. If you think that you are a target here more than anywhere else... think again. For being a traveler, tourist, Gap Year backpacker, wanderer or whatever you consider yourself to be comes with a level of 'caution' of the unknown and even sometimes danger no matter where you are. But remember that you have a greater chance of being run over by a car while walking along the street (even at home) than you have in being held up by the plod and/or bar girl here in Thailand.

In this country with its 2-price system (one for Thais and the other for Farangs) sort of spells it out and is something that we have to keep very much in mind during every moment of every day... that we are targets and are believed (rightly or wrongly) that we have more money than any local... at least in their eyes and by their own POV by watching us think nothing of paying full Farang price without thought (something that no Thai who is with you and actually cares would ever allow and so would step in and get whatever for less).

Thailand is a wonderful country with a long history and worth every minute to explore and experience. Enjoy it. Enjoy the time you have between day long Visa Runs, trips to VTE, PNH, or wherever to get that dam extension or whatever other type Visa. Also try and be happy that for a little bit of money you can get yourself out of trouble just as fast you managed to get yourself into it in the first place! Corrupt cops, female (or male just to be fair to both lifestyles) 'players', lawyers, judicial system, or whomever are here and quite healthy just like everywhere else on this planet. But understand that if you act like a sucker then you will be treated as one. Those that have the experience will spot you a mile off and pounce especially when your pants are down around your ankles.

So rely upon yourself and not the 'system' to protect you. Do not think that a call to your embassy will help in the least, for it won't (for a few days anyway... if ever). But most important, do not think and live as if Thailand is one huge brothel where every girl (or boy if that is your thing) is for 'sale' or rentable! For it isn't despite what the fat guy sitting at the GoGo Bar in Pattaya, Soi Cowboy, or Patong with the socks and sandals on his feet has to say. Yes it might look as if it is, especially in those areas that are ripe with Farangs looking for that arm candy ... but travel outside those areas you will find it is a different story. Remembering also to smile and not act stupid, drunk, adversarial, argumentative, or just a downright a pain in the ass. It will help to keep you under the radar. Behave properly and abide by the customs here in Thailand and be respectful and you will have a far greater chance of sailing through your journey/ies with ease.

Okay my rant is over.

I wish I would have seen your bolded Thailand is one huge brothel earlier in your long fantasy riddled post, because, it is one big brothel,

so can you lead with that next time so I dont have to squin reading that drivel you posted?

Edited by metisdead
15) Do not make changes to quoted material that changes the intended meaning of the quoted post
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  • 2 weeks later...

I know that I will get letters on this... but... come on see past any personal opinions you might have (what is to follow are just mine) and see the spirit in which this is written.

This post got me thinking... again... about the situation that we Farangs have to deal with on a daily basis for the most part here in Thailand. Those of us who are here for work, exploration of this country, have families here, or have retired here are always faced with the fact that most back home (in the 'West') sort of think that any man traveling to Thailand is really coming here for the women and the sex that the World thinks is this countries only real business. Walk down any Bangkok street and you will see the guy from wherever in the West with the large stomach, the better part of 50 and could never be considered "GQ" (men's fashion magazine) material walking with the 100 pound (soaking wet) Thai girl who looks about 19 - 25 (but usually is more along the lines of near 30). We all know the bars, the massage places, 'Fish Bowl' places, and the present cost of your average Bar Fine. We walk by the places that are under a sign stating "Dr Blow Job..." something off Sukhumvit Road on our way to watch the game at the Australian bar at the end of the Soi. These things we know just because we live here and not because we partake in those offerings. It is all around for blind people to see.

The unfortunate thing is that the rest of the world sees Thailand as this form of destination... like Vegas, but on steroids without the gambling and fancy light shows or show girl costumes. This atmosphere does nothing except cause the local Plod, the 'workers', and anyone else to want to target the foreign traveler, especially men, as it is clear to see that they are the ones spending the money. So everyone involved, except the poor slob who feels that he can 'buy anything' with his Euros or Dollars, sees a quick and rather easy way to make some extra cash. From the Police to the gal working the bar or the street there is a 'sap' born every minute. One can almost stand at the airport by the taxi rank and spot them for it isn't that hard to do.

The other thing to remember is the fact that not all of these 'players' are from Europe of North America or Australia. Many are from Russia, North Africa, arab countries, China, within Asia, and the Pacific Rim. So the chances that the working girls, the police, and the pimps, etc have to levie threats, press charges, blackmail, and generally pressure the the slob who had gotten into their crosshairs is far greater than most would think. This coupled with a judicial system that does not see a Farang as having many, if any, rights and only seeing and for the most part only wanting to hear things in Thai (translator being present or not )... well you have the recipe for what we well seasoned (see the first paragraph) Farangs know only too well as being more than just possible; injustice is a live and well

Everywhere in the World if you travel as much as I have you will see corruption. In the the US (my 'home') they call it, "Doing business" and /or Lobbying"). We hear about men in power being taken to the cleaners for having a fling with some girl (or boy as the case may be) and think nothing of castrating him or her figuratively. We expound our own moral values upon anyone who does not fit our bill of good behavior. We judge. We plaster their picture in the papers and the media spends 10 minutes on the story of their lives ... far longer than the they do on the situation say at present in the Ukraine and even use it as their Lead Story right out of the gate. We treat reports of corruption in the Police and/or the judicial system as being part of a bigger problem with the government itself and all of its players. We see conspiracies everywhere and live a kind of life where we see everything around us as being bad, evil, out to get us, and/or (in the case of my country) reason enough to arm ourselves to the teeth with military weapons and have that bunker ready out back!

So yes, here in Thailand things can happen that could put a major dent in some tourist's holiday plans. Yes things will happen that will cause a problem for you whatever your reason for being here is concerned. But if you think this is something unique to Thailand... think again. If you think that if things do happen you will have even less 'rights' or opportunities to answer the accusations levied against you here in Thailand...think again. If you think that you are a target here more than anywhere else... think again. For being a traveler, tourist, Gap Year backpacker, wanderer or whatever you consider yourself to be comes with a level of 'caution' of the unknown and even sometimes danger no matter where you are. But remember that you have a greater chance of being run over by a car while walking along the street (even at home) than you have in being held up by the plod and/or bar girl here in Thailand.

In this country with its 2-price system (one for Thais and the other for Farangs) sort of spells it out and is something that we have to keep very much in mind during every moment of every day... that we are targets and are believed (rightly or wrongly) that we have more money than any local... at least in their eyes and by their own POV by watching us think nothing of paying full Farang price without thought (something that no Thai who is with you and actually cares would ever allow and so would step in and get whatever for less).

Thailand is a wonderful country with a long history and worth every minute to explore and experience. Enjoy it. Enjoy the time you have between day long Visa Runs, trips to VTE, PNH, or wherever to get that dam extension or whatever other type Visa. Also try and be happy that for a little bit of money you can get yourself out of trouble just as fast you managed to get yourself into it in the first place! Corrupt cops, female (or male just to be fair to both lifestyles) 'players', lawyers, judicial system, or whomever are here and quite healthy just like everywhere else on this planet. But understand that if you act like a sucker then you will be treated as one. Those that have the experience will spot you a mile off and pounce especially when your pants are down around your ankles.

So rely upon yourself and not the 'system' to protect you. Do not think that a call to your embassy will help in the least, for it won't (for a few days anyway... if ever). But most important, do not think and live as if Thailand is one huge brothel where every girl (or boy if that is your thing) is for 'sale' or rentable! For it isn't despite what the fat guy sitting at the GoGo Bar in Pattaya, Soi Cowboy, or Patong with the socks and sandals on his feet has to say. Yes it might look as if it is, especially in those areas that are ripe with Farangs looking for that arm candy ... but travel outside those areas you will find it is a different story. Remembering also to smile and not act stupid, drunk, adversarial, argumentative, or just a downright a pain in the ass. It will help to keep you under the radar. Behave properly and abide by the customs here in Thailand and be respectful and you will have a far greater chance of sailing through your journey/ies with ease.

Okay my rant is over.

I wish I would have seen your bolded Thailand is one huge brothel earlier in your long fantasy riddled post, because, it is one big brothel,

so can you lead with that next time so I dont have to squin reading that drivel you posted?

Hay thanks for the feedback. Shame you did not get the point. But then again... I guess you have a good deal of fun at the bars and with the Bar Girls most every night. Good for you. You are officially part of the 'problem'.. must make you feel so proud. But your opinion is as relevant as mine and you have every right to spout it from the roof tops. I just wish that you would learn to spell and write in a clear and understandable manner.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi my name is Andy
This is my 1st replyon Thai visa. I married a Thai lady that I met online, we chatted for about a year, she worked for a phone co. In Bankok. I was 50 she was 25 years old. After about a year I told her I fancied her and after her blushes. We arranged for me to visit Thailand. I had nevet been thete before, or even knew much about the place its people or culture. During that visit we got married. I paid a smallish dowery to her mother and bought her some gold. At the time I was doing really well in property. After six month we got a visa and I brought her home to the UK. Six months after that I lost everything in the property crash.Before leaving Thailand we had bought tickets to return in six months. I returned with my wife thinking there's no way she's going to return to tje uk as I was financially on my arse. But to my surprise she got on that plane and came back to the UK with me. That wad Jan 2009 thrte was no building work we had no qhere to live. We worked for an agency for about a year. Then she got a better job. Building work improved a little now we are building our own house. I can only speak for my Thai wife. She is totally amazing. I can't believe my luck. I love her to bits.


yes cannot generalize many are good women but generally think probably not a bar girl...

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