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Khao Yai forest complex may be listed as 'in danger'


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Forest complex may be listed as 'in danger'
Janjira Pongrai
Pongphon Sarnsamak
The Nation

A crocodile has been found on the nature trail at Khao Yai National Park

Khao Yai, nearby parks at risk of logging and dams

BANGKOK: -- The Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation (DNP) is preparing to explain its measures to protect the Dong Phayayen-Khao Yai Forest Complex to UNESCO's World Heritage Centre in a bid to prevent the area being listed as a World Heritage site in Danger.

DNP acting director-general Nipon Chotibal said he was confident of clarifying the centre's concerns over the area's World Heritage status.

However, he accepted that illegal logging by locals and foreigners that has targeted Siamese rosewood at the forest complex - which covers more than three million rai in three national parks and one wildlife sanctuary - had increased over the past two years.

"We have deployed our staff and asked police and the military to help us to arrest the illegal logging gangs in this national park," he said.

In response to concerns over the construction of Highway 304, he said he had asked the Highways Department to control its impact on the wildlife corridor.

Raweewan Bhuridej, the deputy secretary general of the Office of Natural Resources and Environment Policy and Planning, said the World Heritage Centre had expressed serious concerns and it was possible the forest complex would be given a "danger" status due to the heavy illegal logging.

Raweewan said illegal logging was a difficult problem to resolve and needed cooperation from officials in neighbouring countries.

As secretary-general of the National Committee on the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage of Thailand, she said the committee would collect all information relating to the forest complex and present it to the World Heritage Centre today.

Tawan Srikanil of Rak Khao Yai Network said Thailand would "lose face" if the area was given a status of being endangered.

He said there had been no plan to manage the area since it was listed as a World Heritage site - the DNP had focused on construction to generate income rather than conservation.

World Heritage Centre director Kishore Rao recently sent an official letter to Apichart Chinwanno, Thailand's permanent delegate to UNESCO, detailing his concerns over the status the forest complex, which was listed as a World Heritage site in 2005. The complex is also facing a threat from construction of dams.

The complex covers the Khao Yai, Pang Si Da and Ta Phraya national parks and the Dong Yai Wildlife Sanctuary.

Rao's concerns stem from a report conducted by the International Union for Conservation of Nature from January 14-20.

According to the report, the World Heritage Centre requested Thailand clarify these issues:

- Has the environmental impact assessment (EIA) for the section of Highway 304 for kilometres 42-57 been approved, after the EIA for kilometres 26-29 was approved earlier?

- Will construction of the Huay Samong Dam, which will flood an area that is reportedly home to Siamese crocodiles, a critically endangered species, have a potential impact on the remaining crocodile population?

- Will the potential dam construction in Klang Dong, or the western area of Ta Phraya National Park, likely impact on the "outstanding universal value" of the forest complex?

- Is there illegal logging, as at least three rangers were wounded in recent shootouts with loggers and park staff are reportedly threatened regularly?

Thailand must submit its response by tomorrow.

-- The Nation 2014-04-21

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Money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money. And more money. Trees = Money, as long as they are chopped down and sold off. Respect for nature is not a strong local virtue held widely.

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'He said there had been no plan to manage the area since it was listed as a World Heritage site - the DNP had focused on construction to generate income rather than conservation.'

'In response to concerns over the construction of Highway 304, he said he had asked the Highways Department to control its impact on the wildlife corridor.'

Does anybody on the public payroll in this country actually do anything to justify their job? It's time these people are held accountable, it's not good enough to buy your way into a job, then concentrate of ways to get your money back. These people are the sole cause of what is wrong in this country. Given that most of the politicians rise from similar circumstances it is no surprise this country is a mess. Anywhere that government jobs are considered more prestigious than private sector occupations is truly backward.

Edited by chrisrazz
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they need to start severely penalizing these people instead of simply token fines. Confiscation of houses, vehicles bank accounts etc will sonnmake them wkae up that it is not in their interest as money is what talks here(along with face of course). With the face issue, public shaming of those caught and those organizing it so that their faces are shown to the general public as well as jail time without the bail bullsh*t.

The laws need to be tough to end this but I doubt the thais will ever agree.

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In response to concerns over the construction of Highway 304, he said he had asked the Highways Department to control its impact on the wildlife corridor.

What is it with this constant asking authorities/civil servants/military/politicians/prime ministers to do things here? Bloody well demand/order that they do w00t.gif

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they need to start severely penalizing these people instead of simply token fines. Confiscation of houses, vehicles bank accounts etc will sonnmake them wkae up that it is not in their interest as money is what talks here(along with face of course). With the face issue, public shaming of those caught and those organizing it so that their faces are shown to the general public as well as jail time without the bail bullsh*t.

The laws need to be tough to end this but I doubt the thais will ever agree.

Though, I agree to a certain extent, the hunters are not really the problem - no market = no incentive. It's the traders and end users that need fining, jailing etc. The hunters coin is minimal. Is it not possible that park officials are complicit given the opportunity? It is possible to draw such conclusions given the report and the statements. The lame Q&A coupled with defamation laws if investigated and reported means we'll never know.

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Mobilise--army-police- Government officers sacked for not protecting along with local officers turning blind eyes.

It lists locals---village head man--OUT---------------foreigners ??? getting away with it. ?? and any expat who overstays one day ---JOKE

No one sees Lorries entering the forest, leaving the tracks fully laden ??? BS

This place is in danger because of government inaction and persons in high office taking bribes for seeing NOWT, Makes me sick.

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Thailand must submit its response by tomorrow.


Ask for an extension Joe?

…and Thailand’s phrase of today, everyday, is? Right- ‘next week’

Forest complex may be listed as 'in danger'. Good to know the rest of the country is not!

Edited by Lupatria
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Face, the grandest thing of all. To be protected at all cost, up to and including death. These Thai are only concerned with the almightly baht and the loss of that face. Nothing else matters.

In the 8 years I have been with the wife, she has told me countless times, don't do this or that, what will people think.

In my best Clark Gable I tell her, Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.

I did something similar in the first of my six year marriage. Wife went spastic over something, talking "face" this and "face" that. I let her go till she finally wound down then in my best R Lee Ermy imitation told her bluntly: "You married a 20 year Force Recon Marine. I could give a shit less what your friends, family and neighbors think. Deal with it or find someone that actually gives a damn." Funny, we're still together, and the "face" thing isn't such a big deal after all. What's funny is to see a Thai do something, and SHE states: "Stupid monkeys".

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Face, the grandest thing of all. To be protected at all cost, up to and including death. These Thai are only concerned with the almightly baht and the loss of that face. Nothing else matters.

In the 8 years I have been with the wife, she has told me countless times, don't do this or that, what will people think.

In my best Clark Gable I tell her, Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.

Face exist only at people who are good....most care only about money. And if you don't believe it, look into Thai politics...

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Preventing loosing face is much more iportant than preserving wild life for many Thais. Very good they openly express it, so more competent powers in the world are warned and can take necessary steps to preventing the wild life.

Sent from my SM-N900 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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they need to start severely penalizing these people instead of simply token fines. Confiscation of houses, vehicles bank accounts etc will sonnmake them wkae up that it is not in their interest as money is what talks here(along with face of course). With the face issue, public shaming of those caught and those organizing it so that their faces are shown to the general public as well as jail time without the bail bullsh*t.

The laws need to be tough to end this but I doubt the thais will ever agree.

and also punish these officials who knew about it and did nothing.

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