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Passenger brawl heralds end of Metal Age for Thai Airways


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I remember my first day trip to Koh Phi Phi many years ago, which included free lunch and which had a large contingent of travelling Chinese on it.

They attacked the buffet like Piranha, leaving no food for anyone else, then proceeded to vomit it all over the place on the return trip.

Sounds like an 18-30 holiday in my uni days.....! biggrin.png

Wish they did the 70-100 holidays--same style, them nights were the days.

Maybe they could call them Sagalagerboomboom!


Zimmer foam gang bang.

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So, this whole string has mainly focused on chinese eating habits and criticisms thereof.

I thought this initial post was about steel versus plastic utensils?

Like some people have already pointed out, - a chop stick through the eye is certainly a better weapon.

Likewise a ball point pen.

Personally, I have found the plastic knives to be more sharp than the steel ones.

Why? Because the cerated edge is actually sharper.

Yes, they bend easier. But they are sharper. Don't believe me?

Then go and rub one over your fingers with a slight bit of pressure.

Then imagine someone doing that to your throat.

It is absolute BS to be comparing steel knives to plastic knives.

They both do damage.

As another poster said above. It is impossible to get rid of weapons on a plane.

The car keys in your bag or pocket can do untold damage if used in the right way.

So why turn this string into Chinese bashing? There are fruit cake passengers on planes from all nations.

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Why not just give plastic chopsticks to the Chinese pax?

Plastic chopsticks are more dangerous. It can be used to poke at eyeballs.

How's a bloke supposed to eat eyeballs then? Oh I forgot, a couple of pens or pencils would do.

I think they only allow rubber pencils nowadays... rolleyes.gif or was this just a congealed spring roll. facepalm.gif

Edited by Morakot
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I'd say "get used to it". Chinese tourists are of greater value than the bar stool set and those who take pleasure in seeing young women fire sharp objects from their genitals.

Get out and about man, I know of countless baht taxis going to these girlie SHOWS, it is common knowledge, they like the sexy things like other nations --are you portraying then as sexless in Pattaya/Nana/ elsewhere ???/

Greater value. Give me some figures of money spent --and indirectly spent here, no not just stats from tourism sections/operators. Sorry you are way out with your judgment.

Shear numbers they may well up on tourist figures, CASH spent HERE Never. Cash though operators maybe---spot the difference. ???

In contrast to the racist rants of some posters, many in the REAL hospitality sector like guests from China. Margins might be low but they are generally trouble free, unlike the hordes of low rent westerners here many of whom seem to think the world owes them a living. The Chinese are new to travelling. They mean no offence. But they are stereotyped in the same way it used to be common ( maybe still is?) to characterize English as dirty and unwashed, Americans as loudmouthed, Australians as drunks, Germans as boors, etc etc . It's tiresome to hear the same crap about the Chinese ad nauseum

Agreed, over the years I have met clean Englishmen, quiet Americans, funny Germans, Chinese that eat with their mouths closed, uncorrupt Thais and like myself, Aussies that are sober, although I am overweight, have a number 1 haircut and a lot of tattoos

Edited by FATOZ
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So, this whole string has mainly focused on chinese eating habits and criticisms thereof.

I thought this initial post was about steel versus plastic utensils?

Like some people have already pointed out, - a chop stick through the eye is certainly a better weapon.

Likewise a ball point pen.

Personally, I have found the plastic knives to be more sharp than the steel ones.

Why? Because the cerated edge is actually sharper.

Yes, they bend easier. But they are sharper. Don't believe me?

Then go and rub one over your fingers with a slight bit of pressure.

Then imagine someone doing that to your throat.

It is absolute BS to be comparing steel knives to plastic knives.

They both do damage.

As another poster said above. It is impossible to get rid of weapons on a plane.

The car keys in your bag or pocket can do untold damage if used in the right way.

So why turn this string into Chinese bashing? There are fruit cake passengers on planes from all nations.

So, you do not travel very much do you?

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Not sure how changing from reusable metal utensils to disposable plastic ones would be a cost saving measure, unless the cost to wash the metal utensils (and replace "missing" utensils) was exorbitant.

And a lot of people here need to get off their high-horses and remove the rose-tinted glasses they are seemingly wearing. Low/No Class tourists come to Thailand in droves from almost every country, including whichever country you are from.

Doesn't matter what the nationality, religion, or race is, there are pretty much always some tourists that are more well behaved and "generous" than others from their same (insert group here). Certain groups have developed a reputation for being stingier than others in general. Others have developed a reputation as being overly loud and obnoxious (not singling out Brits or Aussies or anything). Another group is often referred to as being all "mafia" (yeah, like only Russian "mafia" visit Thailand).

It usually just takes 1 "bad apple" in the bunch to set the scale for the whole group. I know some Canadians that I'd cross the street to avoid being associated with (despite our "reputation" for being very nice, polite and generous people). I've drank/partied/bar-hopped with other people and found out much to my surprise (3-4 years later) that they are muslim. According to some friends in certain "industries", their "staff" often prefer customers from Japan/China/Korea because they are considered better tippers than the average "farang".

A couple more anecdotes to consider. Judge not least you be judged ! People that live in glass houses should not throw stones ! This next one is one I've made up just for this post:

"No matter how high and mighty you think you are whilst looking down your nose at other people, remember that there will always be someone thinking the same as they look down at you."

OK, not quite as original as I had planned. I kind of paraphrased that from a similar anecdote. Nobody here is so close to perfection that they can sit in moral judgment of others.

Meanwhile - I've found that my stainless steel Korean Air chop sticks are excellent for rapping the knuckles of she that would try to steal the last dumpling from the bowl ! (Note: only do so after removing all sharp objects from the house and ensuring a clear path to the nearest exit !)

We have to bear in mind that this forum is made up of people who are anonymous, and who can hide behind their masks !! :)

Now, back in the real/normal world, what if you was a famous footballer/snooker player, or indeed, anybody who was famous ?

Can you imagine, going to China, on tour, and let's just say you did have certain views. Would anybody be mad enough to say to the newspapers : "I've just got back from the tour in China, and I really do hope I don't have to go again. These people, their food is okay, but they eat so f___ loudly, they're so rude, they think they can run the world, they refuse to form a que to wait for anything, they just don't have any manners. Why is it that I've got to there anyway ? The event is being beamed out live to China, why do I have to go there and promote the event ? The company is making enough money as it is, I repeat, is there any need for me to actually go there ??" :)

If you was famous, you'd know that you will be damaging your career by saying this ! Yes, the media would be 'outraged', you'd be labelled 'racist'.

Now, is that due to a ridiculous and stupid media that is surrendering to political correctness ? Actually, it might be, because 'most' people do reckon that such a comment IS racist or offensive ! As in, the media is actually a reflection of our society. The newspapers print what people actually want to read, they're NOT going to offend their readers by cheering on a comment that most of their readers find offensive !!

And if you are a famous sportsman, you'd never say anything bad about China, your manager will tell you that if you say things like this, Chinese people in China might boycott you !!

But if you're not famous, and you are anonymous, fine, say this type of crap ! :)

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I'd say "get used to it". Chinese tourists are of greater value than the bar stool set and those who take pleasure in seeing young women fire sharp objects from their genitals.

Get out and about man, I know of countless baht taxis going to these girlie SHOWS, it is common knowledge, they like the sexy things like other nations --are you portraying then as sexless in Pattaya/Nana/ elsewhere ???/

Greater value. Give me some figures of money spent --and indirectly spent here, no not just stats from tourism sections/operators. Sorry you are way out with your judgment.

Shear numbers they may well up on tourist figures, CASH spent HERE Never. Cash though operators maybe---spot the difference. ???

In contrast to the racist rants of some posters, many in the REAL hospitality sector like guests from China. Margins might be low but they are generally trouble free, unlike the hordes of low rent westerners here many of whom seem to think the world owes them a living. The Chinese are new to travelling. They mean no offence. But they are stereotyped in the same way it used to be common ( maybe still is?) to characterize English as dirty and unwashed, Americans as loudmouthed, Australians as drunks, Germans as boors, etc etc . It's tiresome to hear the same crap about the Chinese ad nauseum

Agreed, over the years I have met clean Englishmen, quiet Americans, funny Germans, Chinese that eat with their mouths closed, uncorrupt Thais and like myself, Aussies that are sober, although I am overweight, have a number 1 haircut and a lot of tattoos

You got a Harley ????thumbsup.gif

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Actually, I HAVE traveled and lived in most Asian countries over the last 30 years or so.

That includes, India, Indonesia, Singapore, China, Malaysia and Thailand (and others).

My point was - to try and keep postings 'non racial'.

I am not Chinese, nor am I defending their eating habits.

But, I have witnessed terrible eating habits elsewhere, - in all of the above mentioned countries.

Also, in Western countries. Slobs eating burgers in Australia, the USA, the UK, Canada etc etc.

In the Middle East ..... the same bad eating habits.

As someone said before. It is not isolated to any particular class.

Some eating habits are culturally ingrained. Hard to change.

To stab someone on a plane because they are eating loudly. That is what is insane. Not the person eating.

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Why don't Thai Airways just modify the eating-implements, on flights to China, and let the rest of us passengers continue as we did previously ? whistling.gif

Hmmm. Apparently, they've already thought of that:

"New plasticware is being tested on the Bangkok-Los Angeles route with all Chinese routes to follow."

Ref: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2014/04/21/passenger-brawl-heralds-end-metal-age-thai-airways

One has to wonder about implementing the Bangkok-Los Angeles route first. But really one should wonder about the sagacity of implementing a route-specific plan at all (as well as to question the truthfulness of everything one reads on the internet ... and everywhere else, for that matter).

Edited by MaxYakov
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I'd say "get used to it". Chinese tourists are of greater value than the bar stool set and those who take pleasure in seeing young women fire sharp objects from their genitals.

Get out and about man, I know of countless baht taxis going to these girlie SHOWS, it is common knowledge, they like the sexy things like other nations --are you portraying then as sexless in Pattaya/Nana/ elsewhere ???/

Greater value. Give me some figures of money spent --and indirectly spent here, no not just stats from tourism sections/operators. Sorry you are way out with your judgment.

Shear numbers they may well up on tourist figures, CASH spent HERE Never. Cash though operators maybe---spot the difference. ???

In contrast to the racist rants of some posters, many in the REAL hospitality sector like guests from China. Margins might be low but they are generally trouble free, unlike the hordes of low rent westerners here many of whom seem to think the world owes them a living. The Chinese are new to travelling. They mean no offence. But they are stereotyped in the same way it used to be common ( maybe still is?) to characterize English as dirty and unwashed, Americans as loudmouthed, Australians as drunks, Germans as boors, etc etc . It's tiresome to hear the same crap about the Chinese ad nauseum

Agreed, over the years I have met clean Englishmen, quiet Americans, funny Germans, Chinese that eat with their mouths closed, uncorrupt Thais and like myself, Aussies that are sober, although I am overweight, have a number 1 haircut and a lot of tattoos[/quote (funny Germans)?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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A lot of hotels now do not accept Chinese bookings, a lot of them will book a room and a whole family will stay in the room and even cook in the room. They can only afford the flights and save money this way. As a result they leave the room in an awful state.

There a lot of rich Chinese I know, but their behaviour should be respectful , the same as when others visit their. Ou try. Sadly it's not.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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thats why I always fly business class ..... but not on TG of course coffee1.gif

Whoopee do for you Mr. Smug pants.

Getting the odd drunk, badly behaved families from certain nations and wannabee important types in business now, so perhaps you should consider first.whistling.gifwhistling.gif

Another example of yobbo behavior resulting in everyone suffering the consequences.

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Really, this thread is full of racist clap-trap, much of it deeply offensive..

Maybe yes, maybe no. But I'm sure my Chinese Singaporean ex-gf would agree with most of it, so perhaps it's not 'racism'. She always goes on a rant with me (we're still in daily communication) when she gets on a plane full of Chinese nationals. Another Chinese (from China) lady friend of mine has also expressed disdain for the behaviour of her compatriots when they travel. I once asked her why 'they' need to speak so loudly, and she basically said 'I don't know, but it gets on my nerves too!'

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Not that long ago they were only stealing it .

I know. An ex of mine worked for Pan Am and one day she opened a package at her office from a passenger, who had sent back a complete set of Pan Am Cutlery. Seems the PAX (passenger) who didn't supply their name had developed a Guilty Conscience.

Aside from that, If you get stabbed in the eye with a Knife, Fork or a Chopstick, it isn't going to make a lot of difference, whether it was Metal or Plastic!

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If required and a person have the skills, one can kill a human with a ball pen, plastic spoon or even a naked thumb. So, what are their plans to prevent that?

In the Chronicles of Riddick we had "death by tea cup".

Sean Connery used just one finger to whip ass.

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I think a chopstick would be my choice of weapon ;-)

Yes absolutely, they would be great defensive weapons - one in each hand can fend off a lot of people, dispatch a couple along the way........ph34r.png.pagespeed.ce.GOH20nhrx_.pngph34r.png.pagespeed.ce.GOH20nhrx_.png

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It's not racism. Even their own government admits the truth:

"China's Vice Premier Wang Yang said that Chinese tourists are harming the country's image."


"They are Mainland Chinese. They are very different from other Chinese. They were raised under Soviet trained Maoist regime."

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Thai air will probably wash in cold water and reuse the plastic knives and forks like a street vendor.

Airlines, Fast food places, all over the world have ben recycling plastic knives, forks & spoons - I was outside the rear of the food court in a mall in Washington, they were seperating the plastic ware, cups, and plates from the rest and throwing them in a bin by themselves......I assumed to be washed and reused.sad.png don't bother me, what I don't know won't hurt mew....Right??cheesy.gif

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