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Thai Poll may be delayed until September: EC


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"Gangs of lawless thugs might disrupt any election we hold; therefore, no election will be held until there are no more lawless thugs, or until the lawless thugs succeed on their non-democratic mission." They should change their name to the "Non-Election Commission." 555

These "gangs of lawless thugs" are usually armed with lethal weapons to some degree, which means the only way of removing them, without risking ones own safety, is to use lethal force against them. However, when the government uses lethal force to remove the "gangs of lawless thugs", those who give the orders end up with a murder trial.

So which is it? Do you want the government, past and present, to be allowed to use lethal force against the "gangs of lawless thugs" or not?

One way to fix this is use the lethal force necessary followed by an amnesty bill.

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They can hold elections in Afghanistan but can not in Thailand. Amazing. The EC should be trailed for delicious of duty. Need a new stronger EC who will not take sides, an Army who support the people right to vote, a police force to enforce the law, and a court who will not be bias in making decisions. Even if it means physical force or deadly force if necessary to enforce the laws. These are some of the reforms the country needs.

But on the last election they had the same outcome as in Afghanistan....a government that is very bad and very corrupt.

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"Gangs of lawless thugs might disrupt any election we hold; therefore, no election will be held until there are no more lawless thugs, or until the lawless thugs succeed on their non-democratic mission." They should change their name to the "Non-Election Commission." 555

What on earth are you prattling on about?

How about instead of saying no election till the 'thugs' are all moved... why not be a little more intelligent and say... no more elections until the protesters are given what they are protesting for... a free and fair election????

Wouldn't that be a lot better???

They are not thugs... they are people who want to see the election process reformed so that the elections can be really democratic. So what is wrong with that???

Can you please provide an argument against electoral reforms, one that is coherent and logical?... also back up your argument as to why the election process is fine the way it is.

It is people like you who are holding this country back.... You are the sort of people who are actually 'undemocratic'. Because you think that people who are actually promoting true democracy are 'a problem' that needs to be 'removed'.

If the elections can't be held till September, then there is ample time to put electoral reforms in place to rigorously enforce electoral conduct, and make political parties 100% accountable for actions of their supporters.

Anyone who cares to disagree with me,please put forward your argument.

Put down the crack pipe and back away slowly. If you think the PDRC is protesting for "free and fair elections," then you are most certainly under the influence of some powerful drugs. When I see people getting roughed up for attempting to exercise their right to vote, I just assume those doing the roughing up are thugs. There was ample time to put "election reforms" in place when the propped-up Democrat government was in power. Your position is so full of holes, it would be pointless for anyone to but forward a cogent argument. You simply could not comprehend.
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"Gangs of lawless thugs might disrupt any election we hold; therefore, no election will be held until there are no more lawless thugs, or until the lawless thugs succeed on their non-democratic mission." They should change their name to the "Non-Election Commission." 555

These "gangs of lawless thugs" are usually armed with lethal weapons to some degree, which means the only way of removing them, without risking ones own safety, is to use lethal force against them. However, when the government uses lethal force to remove the "gangs of lawless thugs", those who give the orders end up with a murder trial.

So which is it? Do you want the government, past and present, to be allowed to use lethal force against the "gangs of lawless thugs" or not?

The police tried to intervene using internationally recognized riot control methods and were forbidden to do so by the courts. Now, people with very short memories accuse the police and government of not doing anything to control them. Reading the nonsense posted by supporters of the PDRC is quite amusing.
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