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Submitting photos with visa application

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Could anyone offer any advice on the way to submit photos with a viitors visa application? Im talking the photos that verify our life together not the passport photo.

Weve been living together for 3 years in Thailand so obviouly have a large number to show with friends and family etc. Will the visa office accept a separate photo album of is there a better way of doing it?

Any help greatly appreciated

Edit: From another topic posted

I'm currently applying for a uk visitor visa for my partner as her sponsor. I read somewhere that I wont be allowed in the visa centre when she submits her application. Is this true and is there any benefit in accompanying her to submit the application?

Any help appreciated

Edit: from another topic;

Does anyone know if I can send internet print outs of my bank statements when applying for a UK visitor via for my parnter?

I use internet banking and havent received paper statements for years

Any help appreciated

Edited by ubonjoe
Inserted text from another topic started
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Just a handful of the best is enough. With family and friends is good, not getting drunk or in bars preferable.

Don't send dozens, just half a dozen will do. Use a paperclip and put them in the application neatly. Even write on the back of the pic who it is, when etc. Just think if you were the case officer, what would you want to see?

That's all we did. This was a couple years back now so not sure if it's still relevant info.

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Photos of applicant and sponsor together can be useful to show a genuine relationship when sponsor and applicant live apart; sponsor in UK, applicant in Thailand.

As you and your partner live together in Thailand, and if you can can show this (your visa/work permit/whatever, documents addressed to each of you at the same address etc.), then photos are not really necessary.

If you do want to submit some, follow krisb's advice above.

Visa application centre

For space and security reasons, only applicants are allowed into the application centre itself.

You can wait outside, and posts elsewhere on this forum suggest that there is a reasonable bar on the ground floor of the building.

Bank statements

These should be originals or if internet printouts certified as correct by your bank, either by letter or an official stamp on each page.

However, they are less strict about this for visit applications than they are for settlement ones.

You may find UK visit visa basics useful.

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Just to confirm that for visit applications I have had no problems with copies of bank web-site statements in recent years in respect of my sponsor status. I have however always included original passbooks up to date in respect of my wife. That said, I probably used an original statement of my main (UK) bank account (but not all accounts) the first time I applied.

Make sure that the web-site statements show your name (I usually yellow highlight it on the copies). I guess that if my resources were limited to one bank account and that was the one that had all my transactions on I would try to get my bank to send me an original 6 month statement - requires forethought as some UK banks take a few working days to produce one that has your name and address on and if you are over here but still using a UK address there is the question of getting it relayed on to you in Thailand as banks normally will only post to the account address.

The "bar" that 7 by 7 refers to is a coffee bar - there are 2 - choose the one in the corner. Wi-Fi/aircon works well and reasonable prices.

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Thanks guys the information that you have provided is really helpful and invaluable to someone going through this process for the first time. 7by7 thats a really well written thread that you referred me to

I've thought of one other question re my partners work. She is a nail artist for ladies nails aswell as having her own shop at the local market. Should I put this on the application or will they think that she is just going to go and do nails in England illegally? Even if she did nails in England the money that she would get wouldnt be as good as she makes here.

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I've thought of one other question re my partners work. She is a nail artist for ladies nails aswell as having her own shop at the local market. Should I put this on the application or will they think that she is just going to go and do nails in England illegally? Even if she did nails in England the money that she would get wouldnt be as good as she makes here.

If your wife works as a nail artist then yes she should mention this, if it's properly evidenced, with proof of the income and a letter from the employers confirming her job will be kept open for her during her holiday.

If she has a business as well then of course she should mention this and provide evidence, she might find it useful to explain how she juggles the two jobs and who would manage the business whilst she is on holiday.

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