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By my own experience, I think is not easy to find a decent woman in Thailand if your daily activity is not related with a "normal" working class. Most decent women, like in others countries, single or divorced, are 8AM to 5PM working women or university students/teachers. I am a lot older than you, and married, and never was looking for very young women like the ones probably you are interested in meeting, but I see many nice women working in big stores and banks, real estate companies, dealerships, medical clinics, universities, language schools, weddings and temple's events, art galleries, shopping mall, etc. Decent women are also very concerned about image and reputation, no frequenting bars or some karaoke places, or dressing too "western". Anyway..and by own experience, Most Thai women are very much interested in a find an "sponsor" to change for better life, to travel more, or to get a business partners, etc, etc, than to find love and affection when dating a foreigner. Love will be just a plus, and for a young westerner, that may be a problem for a "normal" relationship if looking for real commitment.

To find the right one can be a long journey....and you will have a lot more chances in be successful if you speak Thai. ....if not..take the time to learn it. If you are lucky, you may meet a fluent English speaker. Love do not happens without good communication. but looks like you are in the right age, experience, and life's situation to do it. No compromises. "Luck doesn't exist. Luck is when opportunity meets preparation"

Make a list of your "wants and needs" and do not give up. Good luck.

Thank you for your well thought out answer ;-)

I think one of my main beginner problems in the world of being single, clearly is that i thought this should be easy!.. And really its harder than in the western world, because so many poor thai guys looking at the same women..

I work out of my house, so already there, im at at a dis-advantage in regards of meeting woman while working.

I dont care about age, as long as she is between 18 and 19 haha.. Sorry, bad joke ;-)) No. I am looking for someone around 30 years old. More stable, and looking for a serious relationship.

I have been fighting the "learn thai" curse for around 8 years, and truly find it extremely hard to remember. Worse than cellular biology. And that was hard haha. Goes in 1 ear and right out the other.. Need to find time for more intensive studies, somehow..

Thank you again..


If you are interested in meet a very tall and beautiful, recently divorced, 46 years old busy medical professional, no children at home, I can ask her if she wants to meet a younger farang....She really look like in her 30's.

Send me a message...At least can be a good contact for you...Who knows?


thai girls like a good sense of humor..so if you are going to learn some thai start off by learning. "you sure have a nice crap snapper but your teeth are whack..how do you chew with those tusks?..your lucky you don't get shot for the ivory..its like buddha took a handful of teeth and threw them at your face"…they will think you are so endearing and respect how hard it must have been to learn how to say that..they will bend over laughing..this gives you one more chance to grade the crap snapper


You think that would work ..

Somehow i think i get the whole family after me with knives and various kitchen items..


By my own experience, I think is not easy to find a decent woman in Thailand if your daily activity is not related with a "normal" working class. Most decent women, like in others countries, single or divorced, are 8AM to 5PM working women or university students/teachers. I am a lot older than you, and married, and never was looking for very young women like the ones probably you are interested in meeting, but I see many nice women working in big stores and banks, real estate companies, dealerships, medical clinics, universities, language schools, weddings and temple's events, art galleries, shopping mall, etc. Decent women are also very concerned about image and reputation, no frequenting bars or some karaoke places, or dressing too "western". Anyway..and by own experience, Most Thai women are very much interested in a find an "sponsor" to change for better life, to travel more, or to get a business partners, etc, etc, than to find love and affection when dating a foreigner. Love will be just a plus, and for a young westerner, that may be a problem for a "normal" relationship if looking for real commitment.

To find the right one can be a long journey....and you will have a lot more chances in be successful if you speak Thai. ....if not..take the time to learn it. If you are lucky, you may meet a fluent English speaker. Love do not happens without good communication. but looks like you are in the right age, experience, and life's situation to do it. No compromises. "Luck doesn't exist. Luck is when opportunity meets preparation"

Make a list of your "wants and needs" and do not give up. Good luck.

Thank you for your well thought out answer ;-)

I think one of my main beginner problems in the world of being single, clearly is that i thought this should be easy!.. And really its harder than in the western world, because so many poor thai guys looking at the same women..

I work out of my house, so already there, im at at a dis-advantage in regards of meeting woman while working.

I dont care about age, as long as she is between 18 and 19 haha.. Sorry, bad joke ;-)) No. I am looking for someone around 30 years old. More stable, and looking for a serious relationship.

I have been fighting the "learn thai" curse for around 8 years, and truly find it extremely hard to remember. Worse than cellular biology. And that was hard haha. Goes in 1 ear and right out the other.. Need to find time for more intensive studies, somehow..

Thank you again..

Very good advice and response. I also think that to learn the language it is FUNDAMENTAL, even if a Thai woman speak good English, because the communication with its family will be very important for the relationship. I agree that it is not easy for a 70 years old like me, but you are young and educated. I was 45 when I learned English. Get into a language school. Thai women will appreciate you a lot more knowing that you are interested in their culture....and schools are very good "farming" grounds....you may find a beautiful Thai tutor..

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If you are interested in meet a very tall and beautiful, recently divorced, 46 years old busy medical professional, no children at home, I can ask her if she wants to meet a younger farang....She really look like in her 30's.

Send me a message...At least can be a good contact for you...Who knows?

Hi Thailampang.

Thank you for thinking about this.. But i think it sounds like she is around/minimum 10 years to old..

Other than the agething, she sounds great ;-)

I am looking for a (hopefully) long term relationship, and when im 58 she is already ready to die..

My brother is 49 and married to a woman that is 64.. Im always thinking (when i see them..) it must be like having sex with your mom.. And never been a fan of that specific freudian aspect of the dating scene..

Thank you anyway.. Does she by any chance have a younger sister ..


I have to say, i think i am not looking for the perfect woman..

Just a woman that is my female opposite.

Well educated, good honoust person, around 30 years, not looking for money, non gambling or drinking or smoking, non stealing, or any other stupid things..

I am a good honoust man with good manors, and moral values. I deserve someone good!

I am starting to understand, that some people, think everyone is like themselves.. "a heavy drinker", with the typical excuses "oh she is to hard to get.. just grab a bar girl..", because you have spend 0 years in school the last 40 years, and most likely have nothing to offer in a serious relationship, you think everyone else is in the same situation..

That is just wrong on countless levels..

I do know a perfect woman in Bangkok (Bank branch manager/career woman), who is exactly what im looking for, and she is crazy about me, but.. She cant leave bangkok because of work. So i have to live there.. I hate it there.. Hence im trying to find someone here..

Respectable Thai ladies meet respectable men through, work, school, friends and relatives.

But you don't work for a Thai company, you don't attend Thai educational establishments and you can't speak Thai.

Working women are also very busy working, 6 day, week, 10hrs a day, how will you meet these ladies?

Thai moral values are not Western moral values, which may also cause you some problems.

By the way, your education doesn't appear to have been the greatest, as Berkshire said you might be aiming too high!

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I have to say, i think i am not looking for the perfect woman..

Just a woman that is my female opposite.

Well educated, good honoust person, around 30 years, not looking for money, non gambling or drinking or smoking, non stealing, or any other stupid things..

I am a good honoust man with good manors, and moral values. I deserve someone good!

I am starting to understand, that some people, think everyone is like themselves.. "a heavy drinker", with the typical excuses "oh she is to hard to get.. just grab a bar girl..", because you have spend 0 years in school the last 40 years, and most likely have nothing to offer in a serious relationship, you think everyone else is in the same situation..

That is just wrong on countless levels..

I do know a perfect woman in Bangkok (Bank branch manager/career woman), who is exactly what im looking for, and she is crazy about me, but.. She cant leave bangkok because of work. So i have to live there.. I hate it there.. Hence im trying to find someone here..

Respectable Thai ladies meet respectable men through, work, school, friends and relatives.

But you don't work for a Thai company, you don't attend Thai educational establishments and you can't speak Thai.

Working women are also very busy working, 6 day, week, 10hrs a day, how will you meet these ladies?

Thai moral values are not Western moral values, which may also cause you some problems.

By the way, your education doesn't appear to have been the greatest, as Berkshire said you might be aiming too high!

Hi American,

Regarding education, i have a masters degree in biology.

Not sure if you can see my facebook, since im logged in through that.. but it could/would not save my school and kept updating to some usa based school.. And i dont care about that, so never tried to fix it ;-)

More important.. yes, its a huge problem that i not work with thai`s in my day to day life.. Hence i will try to begin school and trying to learn thai. See if that will open up some doors.

Thank you for respond.

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why tie yourself down with one women,with all the consquences that will bring to you in the future,as the saying goes the world is your oyster here,relax and get amongst the many many willing and friendly ladies available on a daily basis,no ties,no proplems, pick and choose to your hearts content and control your own life,not be controlled by financial commitments,just my pennys worth,suits me sir.

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why tie yourself down with one women,with all the consquences that will bring to you in the future,as the saying goes the world is your oyster here,relax and get amongst the many many willing and friendly ladies available on a daily basis,no ties,no proplems, pick and choose to your hearts content and control your own life,not be controlled by financial commitments,just my pennys worth,suits me sir.

Or, put another way, you can make one woman miserable or five women happy!

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A friend of mine in his 30's (Western, fluent in Thai), been here 10 years consciously decided to look away from Thais for a meaningsul relationship. Had a few, and very difficult to meet one that doesn't have the mindset of a 12 year old, and no, he's never slept with a prostitute.

He decided to go to Christian meetups to meet somewhat sincere, nice people.

Quite amazing in a Buddhist country really. :D

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OP you might want to go to the gym and take some Thai lessons.

You'll be fine in no time, inundated with inquirers by decent ladies.


To come half way around the world to go out with a Christian girl is to really not know the true meaning of Christmas! 15 years after my first trip here, I am still sympathetic to almost every Westerner hitting the hot spots with his western GF or wife. An old friend from college had been here visiting his father, who was working for IBM in BKK. He told me, Thighlander, I want you to do two things in your life...1) Visit Thailand 2) DO NOT BRING YOUR GIRLFRIEND WITH YOU! To this day that still stands as some of the best advice ever given to me.

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If you are interested in meet a very tall and beautiful, recently divorced, 46 years old busy medical professional, no children at home, I can ask her if she wants to meet a younger farang....She really look like in her 30's.

Send me a message...At least can be a good contact for you...Who knows?

Hi Thailampang.

Thank you for thinking about this.. But i think it sounds like she is around/minimum 10 years to old..

Other than the agething, she sounds great ;-)

I am looking for a (hopefully) long term relationship, and when im 58 she is already ready to die..

My brother is 49 and married to a woman that is 64.. Im always thinking (when i see them..) it must be like having sex with your mom.. And never been a fan of that specific freudian aspect of the dating scene..

Thank you anyway.. Does she by any chance have a younger sister ..

Hummm....Thailampang may be right.....Thai women got married very young, specially is it is a good catch and beautiful. If you are looking to start a family will have to be very young or with children already....Some Thai women around 40's looks a lot younger and do not carry "baggage"....I forgot to tell you that if you are Catholic or Christian a very good place to look for single young women are churches. Why?...because those women are most looking for men of the same religion, and not many Thai men are not Buddhist. Why I know that? I was invited to a wedding long ago, and was my surprise to see a 25 years old very beautiful and educated single bride getting married with a 40 years old German she just met on the Internet...and I found out that the reason was not money or looks. She was from a Thai rich family, the groom was not a good catch at all...but... was Christian like her.


To come half way around the world to go out with a Christian girl is to really not know the true meaning of Christmas! 15 years after my first trip here, I am still sympathetic to almost every Westerner hitting the hot spots with his western GF or wife. An old friend from college had been here visiting his father, who was working for IBM in BKK. He told me, Thighlander, I want you to do two things in your life...1) Visit Thailand 2) DO NOT BRING YOUR GIRLFRIEND WITH YOU! To this day that still stands as some of the best advice ever given to me.

once you go asian you will never go caucasian


What I mean is by decent and honest thai women is uni educated in families with money.

Tell me one for foreigner you know who is married to a thai who's family is minted!!! You can't cos it doesn't happen.

Even some girls who work in the shopping malls or hairdressers by day are whores by night ( Fact).

As far as I'm concerned the day you give your first monthly 'fee' to your wife then your life and purse strings are slowly getting cut to ribbons.

I am married to a Burmese girl, I don't give a monthly fee as she is my wife, I am not renting her!!!!!

She works full time in uk as a carer and I run a small business. 13 years and I have never paid a monthly (rental) fee and I never will.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

so if she looses her job out she goes on her ear.

I come from an older generation where the man worked and the women took care of the Domestic things. Unlike your generation where both work and kids run wild. Besides that it is a personal thing. To me money is not as important as it is to you and your generation. I have three kids who are grown and have instructed me to spend my money on me they are OK. I there fore have a wife who I can say let's go to the movies today or let's do some thing else. She is Thai with old Thai values and I am still impressed at the way the family looks after each other.

This is of course only me and I would not presume to say that for any one else to do different is wrong.

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The girls i found in shopping malls and so on, all wanted to quit their jobs so i could take care of them within the first week of the "relationship".

I've said this so many times before, though nobody really agrees with it:

Looking at the type of person (Socio-economic situation if you will) working in shopping malls and other lower / lower-mid range professions, there is very little difference between the people in that group that didn't switch to work in bars and the minority that did.

You are fishing in the same pool. That's a pool of people for whom money is an incredibly important aspect of a relationship, AND FOR GOOD REASON. (So don't think I'm slagging off people in that group, either the mall/shop/Tesco/7-11 ones or the bar ones.) Finding a partner with enough money and with an attitude of taking care fo their partner IS THE DIFFERENCE between a solid education for any of her chidren, or not. It IS THE DIFFERENCE between her parents having a reasonably comfortable, healthy and cared for retirement, or not.

So firstly stop thinking there is something wrong with that attitude and calling it mercenary. It's called survival, or 'common sense' if you will.

To get out of that whole mess where finances totally hang over your day to day relationship like a wet blanket, you must change pools. OR accept that you will be taking care of your (yes, YOUR) family to some degree.

thanks for this viewpoint WinnieTheSmarterKhwai

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What I mean is by decent and honest thai women is uni educated in families with money.

Tell me one for foreigner you know who is married to a thai who's family is minted!!! You can't cos it doesn't happen.

Even some girls who work in the shopping malls or hairdressers by day are whores by night ( Fact).

As far as I'm concerned the day you give your first monthly 'fee' to your wife then your life and purse strings are slowly getting cut to ribbons.

I am married to a Burmese girl, I don't give a monthly fee as she is my wife, I am not renting her!!!!!

She works full time in uk as a carer and I run a small business. 13 years and I have never paid a monthly (rental) fee and I never will.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

so if she looses her job out she goes on her ear.

I come from an older generation where the man worked and the women took care of the Domestic things. Unlike your generation where both work and kids run wild. Besides that it is a personal thing. To me money is not as important as it is to you and your generation. I have three kids who are grown and have instructed me to spend my money on me they are OK. I there fore have a wife who I can say let's go to the movies today or let's do some thing else. She is Thai with old Thai values and I am still impressed at the way the family looks after each other.

This is of course only me and I would not presume to say that for any one else to do different is wrong.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


By my own experience, I think is not easy to find a decent woman in Thailand if your daily activity is not related with a "normal" working class. Most decent women, like in others countries, single or divorced, are 8AM to 5PM working women or university students/teachers. I am a lot older than you, and married, and never was looking for very young women like the ones probably you are interested in meeting, but I see many nice women working in big stores and banks, real estate companies, dealerships, medical clinics, universities, language schools, weddings and temple's events, art galleries, shopping mall, etc. Decent women are also very concerned about image and reputation, no frequenting bars or some karaoke places, or dressing too "western". Anyway..and by own experience, Most Thai women are very much interested in a find an "sponsor" to change for better life, to travel more, or to get a business partners, etc, etc, than to find love and affection when dating a foreigner. Love will be just a plus, and for a young westerner, that may be a problem for a "normal" relationship if looking for real commitment.

To find the right one can be a long journey....and you will have a lot more chances in be successful if you speak Thai. ....if not..take the time to learn it. If you are lucky, you may meet a fluent English speaker. Love do not happens without good communication. but looks like you are in the right age, experience, and life's situation to do it. No compromises. "Luck doesn't exist. Luck is when opportunity meets preparation"

Make a list of your "wants and needs" and do not give up. Good luck.

Thank you for your well thought out answer ;-)

I think one of my main beginner problems in the world of being single, clearly is that i thought this should be easy!.. And really its harder than in the western world, because so many poor thai guys looking at the same women..

I work out of my house, so already there, im at at a dis-advantage in regards of meeting woman while working.

I dont care about age, as long as she is between 18 and 19 haha.. Sorry, bad joke ;-)) No. I am looking for someone around 30 years old. More stable, and looking for a serious relationship.

I have been fighting the "learn thai" curse for around 8 years, and truly find it extremely hard to remember. Worse than cellular biology. And that was hard haha. Goes in 1 ear and right out the other.. Need to find time for more intensive studies, somehow..

Thank you again..

If you work out of your home why not make it in Bangkok where miss perfect works.

Your home is where you choose to live. Her Bank is where her employer chooses to put her.

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Our daughter is a grade A student and has been throughout her schooling and when leaving her junior school she was presented with a special award for being the kindest student in the school!! So we aren't doing a bad job and she most certainly isn't running wild!!

I have seen so often especially here in the uk the thai women living it up all day eating shopping and getting beauty treatments while their ( husband) works his tits off to supplement this.

For me this is a very weak man who is trampled all over.

I treat my wife every weekend, I pay for most things but there is no reason why ( the) wife can't contribute by working.

No thai woman would leave their husband if he paid for anything she asks for, Why? Because money wins over love. A thai woman can stay with a farang without loving them if the money keeps flowing.

Here is a test, tell her you have nothing left, see shat she does!!

You and I know what would happen don't we.

I had nothing when we first came to the uk, that's why I know she wants to be with me.

Anyway Goodluck with things. We all have different ideas if how to live our lives.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


To me, a decent woman is one who knows her place as a wife, mother, and a daughter to her parents and mine.

As a wife, she should not have the attitude that if a man can do it she can do it also. Use your imagination as to what I mean and call me a male chauvinist. I don't give a hoot.

As a mother, she should not indulge and spoil the kid. Discipline the kids using reasons and punishments, and not through rewards (bribery) and sweet talks. Yeah, many would disagree with me here more. I don't give a hoot.

As a daughter, she should take precedence of the parents, both hers and mine, over our kids and myself. One reason being that parents are older and require more attention. Another reason being that they are the ones who have brought us up unselfishly. Who else in the world would do that? Try your kids in the modern era where privacy and their own family far outweighs their concern and attention toward the old folks who are getting even older.

Conclusion: Don't ever marry a woman who feels no filial obligations. She (applies also to men) has no heart, and may screw you over one day!

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if you find a good one that is prepared to help in the money dept,then your on a winner.you find them anywhere in a bar or shop.if that is the case you are lucky and found the person you want


First of all, what is a decent Thai woman? I married a lady who was a civil engineer. She has an MBA as well as science degrees. She stated that her pet hates were bar girls and infidelity, and dishonesty.

OK: you've guessed where I am going! We got married. She came to the UK. She spoke perfect English, learned French and Chinese, not attractive but intelligent and fun. She persuaded me to move to Thailand. Once here she did all sorts of things behind my back including hooking up with an old boyfriend from a Bangkok University. She was smart and clever and found ways to control bank accounts and so on. She was on a long haul: 5/6 years of marriage, making me believe that there were no problems, but she built it all up behind my back. Wrecked my life and finances. She was a perfect liar and cheat. Don't necessarily think because someone is intelligent and middle class that she's better than bar girls. Compared to 'Ami', give me a bar girl any day! Just a little warning to you!

Sorry to hear what had happened to you. I hope you have something put behind and a regular income that can support yourself! A viscious woman indeed!

My sister-in-law (wife of my wife's brother) is also a well-educated lady from a not too bad family. As soon as my FIL passed away, she changed the store in a mall, registered under a company's name, and a house bought at over 6m over a decade ago into her name. My BIL is a sucker for woman and he didn't care. This is his third official wife. His formers were American and Hungarian. Now, she stays in Thailand collecting rent while my BIL is still working hard back in the States.

My wife used to get upset over what she did due to morality issue. I have since calmed her down!


A relationship can't be good if you divide especially in the money territory.

If one experiences a problem, it's a problem for both! It's not help! It's tackling it together!

No wonder there's so many divorces!

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All of you who are looking for any level of relationship with any particular class of Thai lady shouldn't ignore social media either. They say you will meet the best partner through already-established friends, and platforms like Facebook make this very possible in this day and age. In my case, I'm friends with several intelligent, classy, hard-working, educated gals spanning from 25-55 years old. Many are in the tourism industry, academics, or are other types of professionals. When threads or memes open up and you post or like, you'll be surprised who you might meet. In fact, I'd even argue that Facebook gives you a chance to even get to know someone quite well through picture and profile snooping and through simple light chatting and commenting over a period of time. Essentially you can build a nonchalant relationship as Facebook friends with the option - perhaps - of someday taking it a step further. I never ever would have planned it, but I've met my current girlfriend in just that manner. We were friends who checked in every now and then for the better part of a year before actually deciding to meet, as she's in another city. Things are great now, and I'm quite thankful for the mutual friend's picture that brought us together through commenting on it.

I don't really wish to make it about my experience either. It's just that these days, things like this can happen rather easily. I've also seen the full spectrum of Thai ladies on Facebook to suit any level of taste (or lack thereof). There are plenty of bargirls to be met through Zoey's page as well numerous Pattaya and Phuket bar pages. Whatever you're into is possible.

So if you're at home a lot as Hawkeye76 says he is, or if you've simply got one good Thai girl or guy friend, it's worth it to perhaps be in touch and have some banter on Facebook and meet their friends that way too, just as you might at a social gathering. No telling what good things may come of it.

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tuk-tuk "good woman" as in doing me a genuine big favour "i know where there are some good woman i can take you to"

me on reflection "thailand no have good woman"

tuk-tuk insulted and offended but speaking from inner self "thailand no have good farang!"

me laughs hysterically and continues walking in original direction.

obviously was long ago. these years my only reply on the very infrequent occasions i do actually reply would only consist of loud barking.

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This morning I was thinking in you my friend....I use to jog every day at the local university park, and very close it is a insect museum and a Thai alternative medicine school....It is not the first time I visited those places, but never met a teacher or employee English speaking to get some info I need it for a project I have. Well...this morning the Dean of the school was present. She is a medical doctor. I had a wonderful conversation with her...but also...I was impress about her English and her beauty. I didn't ask her age, or her marital status....Not wedding ring. I will ask some day...OKKK...just for curiosity, but probably she is in her 40's even if looks 30 to me. She is really cute....and probably very smart.

I am Latino, flirting is in my blood...and very "macho".......when my wife give me permission. She never do.

I just got lucky..she was not jogging with me today.


I suggest you sign up for a Thai course at the YMCA (near Kad Suan Gow shopping mall). Lots of Thai's also study there - and teachers. Plenty of 20 and 30 some things teaching Thai and other subjects - as well as the admin girls and people the hotel staff (on site). You get to learn the language, make friends with other foreigners (not all farangs either - especially if you get past the basic classes), and make Thai acquaintances too (and some of the teachers are quite hot - well were last time I went - a few years ago doing the advanced readers course where I was the only farang in the class - rest were Japanese, Chinese and Koreans).

As said, it can be hard to break into the Thai social group unless you have an office type job here (including teaching) and/or speak the language well. Connections and familial introductions is what makes much of this possible - in Bangkok it's a little more "modern" and it's getting that way up here too with younger people (Uni students etc), but for your age group, they can be quite formal still up here - unless desperate (or gold digging).

Ignore those that say only bar girls and gold diggers really want foreigners - its BS - on of the Princesses was married to an American pilot, and that's about as Hi-So as there is. Individuals are attracted by what they are attracted by, end of story - every one is different; whatever the bitter and damaged state. As the wisest above have suggested, fishing in the gutter will never land a prize catch!

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