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Australian man accused of sex abuse dies in Thailand prison


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<Now Karl Kraus will have to answer to his maker .>

So he was actually guilty then, and it wasn't a fit up to extort money from him then? I guess you were there, to answer that question.

Anyone know if the pictures he allegedly had on his computer were of the girls he is accused over? It would be a simple matter for the police ( if they were in on a scam ) to add them to the computer.

Let's be realistic, how many 90 year olds do you know that still have an interest in sex? For myself, ZERO.

I find it fantastical that it could go on for 2 years without the parent's involvement.

In the very slim ( IMO ) chance that it did happen, I'd reckon that the parents were getting paid off by him, and when he no longer wanted to pay, they shopped him to the cops. Of course, nothing will ever happen to them, whether for pimping their daughters or being terrible parents.

Actually, corrupt police would likely do the opposite and not let the problem come into the public spotlight.

Were talking sexual abuse here, not necessarily intercourse, which does not subside with age. Not at all unrealistic that many dudes here may have these sorts of inclinations.

Link to 90 year old pervs please. If there are many dudes here with those sort of inclinations should be links a plenty.

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I was once donating to an NPO that cared for adused children.

There was a girl, around 13, whose farrang step father was in prison for having relations with her.

I thought that was horrible of course but one day this girl came to me and tried to seduce me.

I now ponder at the true guilt of the step father.

before those with big imaginations post their insults: even if the girl was willing and seduced the man it is still a crime and I do not condone it but did he really do it?

ummm...you're the adult in the equation. Brain being engaged is all that is needed - as clearly you understood. But the step dad didn't. His role should have been to guide, not exploit.

No need for insults needed on this one.

Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita came to mind

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I was once donating to an NPO that cared for adused children.

There was a girl, around 13, whose farrang step father was in prison for having relations with her.

I thought that was horrible of course but one day this girl came to me and tried to seduce me.

I now ponder at the true guilt of the step father.

before those with big imaginations post their insults: even if the girl was willing and seduced the man it is still a crime and I do not condone it but did he really do it?

ummm...you're the adult in the equation. Brain being engaged is all that is needed - as clearly you understood. But the step dad didn't. His role should have been to guide, not exploit.

No need for insults needed on this one.

Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita came to mind

The male lead in Lolita was 53 years younger than the Aussie who died.

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<Now Karl Kraus will have to answer to his maker .>

So he was actually guilty then, and it wasn't a fit up to extort money from him then? I guess you were there, to answer that question.

Anyone know if the pictures he allegedly had on his computer were of the girls he is accused over? It would be a simple matter for the police ( if they were in on a scam ) to add them to the computer.

Let's be realistic, how many 90 year olds do you know that still have an interest in sex? For myself, ZERO.

I find it fantastical that it could go on for 2 years without the parent's involvement.

In the very slim ( IMO ) chance that it did happen, I'd reckon that the parents were getting paid off by him, and when he no longer wanted to pay, they shopped him to the cops. Of course, nothing will ever happen to them, whether for pimping their daughters or being terrible parents.

Actually, corrupt police would likely do the opposite and not let the problem come into the public spotlight.

Were talking sexual abuse here, not necessarily intercourse, which does not subside with age. Not at all unrealistic that many dudes here may have these sorts of inclinations.

So you must subscribe to the notion that he waited till he was 90 to follow his inclinations?

In the real world, such inclinations are present from a much much earlier age, and to my knowledge, he has not been involved in any such activity prior to the accusations in Thailand.

Given what we know about LOS and extortion, and that the suspect has no prior history of any abuse, the balance of probability is that he was fitted up. However, as we weren't there, we must wait till much later when one of the girls may tell a different story. If they lied, it would be a big burden of guilt on them, when they are old enough to understand what happened to him based on what they told the police.

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<Now Karl Kraus will have to answer to his maker .>

So he was actually guilty then, and it wasn't a fit up to extort money from him then? I guess you were there, to answer that question.

Anyone know if the pictures he allegedly had on his computer were of the girls he is accused over? It would be a simple matter for the police ( if they were in on a scam ) to add them to the computer.

Let's be realistic, how many 90 year olds do you know that still have an interest in sex? For myself, ZERO.

I find it fantastical that it could go on for 2 years without the parent's involvement.

In the very slim ( IMO ) chance that it did happen, I'd reckon that the parents were getting paid off by him, and when he no longer wanted to pay, they shopped him to the cops. Of course, nothing will ever happen to them, whether for pimping their daughters or being terrible parents.

Actually, corrupt police would likely do the opposite and not let the problem come into the public spotlight.

Were talking sexual abuse here, not necessarily intercourse, which does not subside with age. Not at all unrealistic that many dudes here may have these sorts of inclinations.

I was in a Hat Yai 7/11 yesterday when this old dude (maybe 70) said "g'day" to me. We started to chat, and almost immediately he started talking about how difficult Australian Customs are, and why they always question him at length about his trips to Thailand, Cambodia, and the Phlilipines. Seemed like code to me for "Are you one of us?", seemed like he was waiting to see if I would say "yeah, I get that too", and then start swapping info. Dreadful.

If B is a member here and reading this, sorry if I am wrong, but I am sure you can see how I got the impression.

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His lawyer had argued that he suffered from depression and advanced prostate cancer

So what? It really annoys the hell out of me when people plead all sorts of unrelated shit to mitigate their culpability and punishment

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