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Another dog story


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I moved in my complex 3 years ago.The first week here I noticed a lady with 20-30 dogs across the street that barked most of the night and during the day as well. At times you cannot watch TV or talk on the phone the noise is so bad. Some of her dogs are sick and they howl and moan. It sets off the other dogs.

My first mistake was in meeting the owner and asking if she knew how loud the dogs were. She promised to tell them to stop barking when they started. Right then I knew I had made a huge mistake trying to bre nice and reason with her. Logic and reason do not exist in Thailand. I went back a week later and she said she would move the barking dogs to the temple but she didn't. I went back a week later and she said her dogs don't bark. A week after that I came back with 20 videos of her dogs barking and she said I made it up.

I had a petition signed by over 50 neighbors all of whom hate her dogs. Her Thai neighbor and I went to the village municipal building and were told they would talk to her. That was 2 years ago. I then went to the police and they sent out 2 motorcycle cops who took me to 2 different municipal buildings one of which was the same place I had been to before. Talk about Keystone cops what a joke.

Bottom line nothing was done. Now, three years later someone built another apartment complex next to her and the dogs get in the garbage. Some of her dogs she lets stay outside the gate and some inside. Anyway, yesterday she goes to my complex and accuses me of trying to poison her dogs. I would like to do it but I don't know where to buy the poison. LOL She has threatened to go to the police if it happens again. Since I didn't do it I imagine someone else is going to do it again.

So, my dilema is what to do? Can I hire a lawyer and sue her for defamation? I hear that is big here in Thailand. I would move and may do so but the price is right and the view is great. Should I go back to the police station and make a report? Any help would be appreciated.

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Play it the Thai way, do absolutely nothing!

I'm not concerned about the dogs. I'm worried the cops are gonna knock on my door one day and haul me off to jail with no proof I did anything. That seems to be the Thai way here. The farong is always wrong.

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Play it the Thai way, do absolutely nothing!

I'm not concerned about the dogs. I'm worried the cops are gonna knock on my door one day and haul me off to jail with no proof I did anything. That seems to be the Thai way here. The farong is always wrong.

The guy with the most money is always right. That's the Thai way. Take your wallet and go see the cops first. smile.png How much is it worth? Should you move or pay?

Edited by thailiketoo
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Let her go to the police and then when it becomes an official issue you can present your evidence, petition etc. and go to the Amphur.

Sounds like bringing things to a head is just what you need here.

That would just support her claim and OP will be charged and arrested

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  1. Well, I can see why everyone uses TV to ask for help. The intelligence quotient of the responders is only slightly above the intelligence quotience of the Thais in general it seems. LOL

Does anyone think the police would bother if she complains or if I do again? Or would they take it seriously? I know in a civilized country it usually helps to have evidence before you arrest someone but not sure here in the Land of Scams. I would think if she claimed I was trying to poison her dogs she would have some evidence.

??? Do you really think the TVIQ is that high???? Wow...they are getting smarter.....

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Go to the police with your girlfriend and complain about defamation. There she points out that you don't really care and don't want a problem but she is so upset. Makes you the good guy...who don't want a problem....makes her a good guy because she protects your honor. And how upset she is that someone even consider that you could kill anything....Of course she asks for help in this case.....

And of course SHE doesn't forget to leave a farang size donation at the police (can be either just tea-money or some honest stations accept money for a new aircon or new motorbike and give an official document for the received amount).

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  • Well, I can see why everyone uses TV to ask for help. The intelligence quotient of the responders is only slightly above the intelligence quotience of the Thais in general it seems. LOL
Does anyone think the police would bother if she complains or if I do again? Or would they take it seriously? I know in a civilized country it usually helps to have evidence before you arrest someone but not sure here in the Land of Scams. I would think if she claimed I was trying to poison her dogs she would have some evidence.

OP, you will find that I have almost always been on the side of dogs on this forum but from what you describe, this situation is not healthy for you, the neighborhood or the dogs...and somehow you are being made the issue when the issue is the owner herself.

As for the legal implications it has on you should her dogs be poisoned, I can offer no advice except that you should not be seen going near those animals or property since photos of you in the vicinity could be quickly misinterpreted.

As for the dogs, you mention some are fenced and others are not. There are organizations in BKK that will collect strays. They are animal welfare agencies that practice a more "Western" approach to dog issues and if they see the unhealthy living conditions of these dogs, they may have some "pull" from a public health standpoint. If nothing else, they can remove the dogs "outside" of her enclosure.

I have found their various contact info before through Google before.

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You have reached the "twilight zone"...any attempt to resist is futile...since you have made your displeasure of the dogs apparent to all...you will be the prime suspect if the dogs are poisoned...hide your baht...in a safe place...

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  1. Well, I can see why everyone uses TV to ask for help. The intelligence quotient of the responders is only slightly above the intelligence quotience of the Thais in general it seems. LOL

Does anyone think the police would bother if she complains or if I do again? Or would they take it seriously? I know in a civilized country it usually helps to have evidence before you arrest someone but not sure here in the Land of Scams. I would think if she claimed I was trying to poison her dogs she would have some evidence.

You can't figure how to outwit an old third bird and ask for advice on the general forum of Thai Visa and you are calling me and Thais stupid? cheesy.gif

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There is a house near my room where they have loads of those little annoying rat dogs and one itself is not so bad but when they all go off at once, it's damned annoying ! One night a few months ago they left them all outside the house to enjoy the cool weather I guess and they were keeping me awake. I went and bashed on their gate at around 4am driving the dogs insane and shouting at the owner to wake up and get out here. When he came out I explained cooley and calmly in Thai that if the dogs kept me awake again, I would be over here to wake him up again whatever the time of night and would do so at least every 30 minutes or less till they shut the bloody things up. I ended by saying 'if they keep me awake, I keep you awake too.OK ?' Quiet nights ever since, still a bit annoying during the day, but a huge improvement....You should do the same to the old lady, can work wonders...!

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You write

"I moved in my complex 3 years ago.The first week here I noticed a lady with 20-30 dogs across the street that barked most of the night and during the day as well."

You should have checked out the location better, before you decided to live there. Now move out, the dogs have =the prior rights= tongue.png

You remember me to conflicts in my home country, where people bought cheap land near two International Race circuits to build their houses.

Only to complain later about the sounds of the racing and training vehicles. blink.png

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Play it the Thai way, do absolutely nothing!

I'm not concerned about the dogs. I'm worried the cops are gonna knock on my door one day and haul me off to jail with no proof I did anything. That seems to be the Thai way here. The farong is always wrong.

We have dogs here on our land and they do bark during the day. The dogs are part of our family and have full access to the house, so at night they sleep inside.

Most of my neighbors have dogs and they bark too, sometimes even during the late hours. When my dogs bark it does not bother my neighbors and their dogs don`t bother me. 24 hours a day here we hear the chickens cocka dooda looing, dogs barking, cats mourning and the tokays tuk tuking. None of this bother us at all, over the years I have learned to accept the noise and have become oblivious to it.

This is Thailand and the way it`s been for centuries, you are not going to change how people have lived their whole lives over night just because you are a foreigner and not accustomed to living within Thai communities.

I enjoy the free and easy life here and you are one reason why I would hate to have a farang neighbor.

You have 2 options: either try to adapt or move to a more secluded area.

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There is a house near my room where they have loads of those little annoying rat dogs and one itself is not so bad but when they all go off at once, it's damned annoying ! One night a few months ago they left them all outside the house to enjoy the cool weather I guess and they were keeping me awake. I went and bashed on their gate at around 4am driving the dogs insane and shouting at the owner to wake up and get out here. When he came out I explained cooley and calmly in Thai that if the dogs kept me awake again, I would be over here to wake him up again whatever the time of night and would do so at least every 30 minutes or less till they shut the bloody things up. I ended by saying 'if they keep me awake, I keep you awake too.OK ?' Quiet nights ever since, still a bit annoying during the day, but a huge improvement....You should do the same to the old lady, can work wonders...!


Did you ever attempt to talk to the owner before you went over there in the middle of the night with am aggressive threat or was that your first contact on the matter? It seems the owner was not aware of the dogs bothering you until that night and immediately took efforts to appease you.

Just think how easy it might have all been if you had originally approached them politely in the day time... You might have avoided losing face.

Edited by ClutchClark
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We have a house in an gated community on a golf course. A woman moved in and believe it or not started a dog kennel with about 25 dogs in several houses she bought. While I do not like it not so much due to noise but due to the folks she has looking after the dogs it looks like not much if anything can be done. A guy close to this kennel who bought several houses as an investment, who stands the to lose the most works in the legal world. He said he was going to see what could be done and now after several years nothing done and the line went dead there. The problem is worse than ever but looks like nothing can be done as I assume this legal eagle would have got the ball rolling, I have not tried anything as I stay there only a few days a year and I fear the repercussions if I started trying to do something and failed. The dog breeder is fairly old so I am hoping father takes care of the problem as it appears there is no real legal recourse with no zoning laws.

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To all those imbeciles suggesting poison may I suggest you take a dose yourself first or maybe give your wife or kids a try so you can see how hideous a death poisoning is....

Have to agree with you, HeavyDrinker, but what is your suggestion to the problem ?

To be plaqued for years by a bunch of 20 or so barking bastards can cause someone stomache ulcers and worse.

Sympathy with the [deleted] dogs, none with the suffering human ? Hah ?

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