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Urgent: EC resolves not to sent draft royal decree Tuesday


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It was a bit much to expect that the EC would keep to it's word and actually arrange an election.

The people of Thailand will have to wait longer for an election, but when an election come they will be able to re-elect the PTP and this will all be over for a couple of years.

Thailand is walking a long and rocky road to freedom and democracy.

you stated one principle of democracy 4 times (elections) yet you stated the other 14 principles of democracy no times?

So what is it? 1 principle of democracy to run the country or 15 principles of democracy to run the country?

No thoughts on a referendum to see if people want reform before election? Or are you scared of the result as the last 8 polls and one failed election have highlighted?

Let me guess…Your response will be ………….elections thus having no understanding on the other 14 principles of democracy…….AGAIN..

I suggest that you do some research and stop spouting your 15 principles.

There are many definitions of democracy available, some have a few of your 15 points. All have my one point as it's first principle.

I say that Thailand is moving slowly towards democracy and the way to achieve democracy is elections.

You do not want elections and and hide behind your 15 points of dilution to democracy. Do you believe that the only democracy Thailand is allowed is your definition of democracy?

Dr. Bruce is right! Just look to the past at some places that believe the same as her that voting is all that is important to have democracy. Lets see! Their was Hitlers democratic vote in Germany and a little more recent was N. Koreas election. Both are the democratic elections so both would be seen to Dr. Bruce as Democratically elected governments.

Dr. Bruce! You can hold all the elections you want to prove you are wanted by the majority real or forced. But unless you follow the other principles of democracy you are still a dictator.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Yep done the research….Can you name the 15 principles? I will behead myself if you can extrapolate what you are defending? Nahh? Thought so.

All have elections as the first point of democracy..Agreed. So what happens post ballot box? The other principles can be ignored?

Slowly moving forward…Of course it is slow..When you support only one principle it is moving 1/15th forward..

I do want elections? I yearn for them. I cherish them. But the question is do the majority want them before reform?

Lets hold a referendum and find out…Referendums are democratic right?

Or are you scared the majority will not support your agenda in this case?

You show me one example of a majority, post 2011 that want elections before reform and I will give you 10 examples of the majority that want the opposite.

Sorry mate…Time to accept the majority even if you don't accept it.

I believe that the majority will support the PTP in the next election. It is the PDRC that are afraid, that is why they prevented the Feb 2nd elections from happening. Thailand had a referendum on the 2007 constitution and nobody could ever claim that it was a fair vote. Do you want another referendum like that one?

I cannot name your 15 principles, they are so obscure that they do not show up in a simple google search. You are diluting the overiding core principle with 14 other principles that suit your case of denying elections which are the central principle of democracy.

I hope it is not off-topic to ask if you believe that having a Senate than is almost half appointed is democratic?

Democracy is pretty obscure to you heay?

Can't name the 15 principles?

You need google to define your principles of democracy heay?

I rest my case.

Oh Dear!

I said that your definition was obscure not that democracy was obscure.

I agree that I cannot name your 15 principles, but I can name the major principle which is what I have been suggesting in most of my posts. That is Thai people should be allowed to have an election.

I tried to google your definition of democracy so that I could understand what you were talking about. But like the PDRC you continue to spout gibberish and refuse to give any details.

Part of the difficulty I am have with finding your 15 principles is that any search gets swamped with your posts on here where you keep on saying the words "15 principles of democracy" without saying what any of them are.

I ask again. Do you feel that it is democratic having a senate that is only half elected?

Edited to remove central quote because of limit

I can name the major principle which is what I have been suggesting in most of my posts. That is Thai people should be allowed to have an election.

​Yawn…Elections again heay? Elections allow you to practice the other principles…What are they mate?

Do you really need google to understand what democracy means?

​I don't…I know there are 15 principles. Why do you need google?

As for the senate. Since you're such huge fan of Google then google "an appointed senate has served Canadians for 140 years and have done a fine job of it"

Of course an appointed senate does not suit your agenda as like elections you can predicate the outcome...

​Lets have a referendum and see if people want reform before elections?

​Nah? Of course not…That majority does not suit your agenda….

Edited by djjamie
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An appointed senate may well have served Canada well for 140 years. That may well be because it has never been appointed with an eye to being one of the instruments to be used by the establishment to remove an elected government which they (the establishment) dislike.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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An appointed senate may well have served Canada well for 140 years. That may well be because it has never been appointed with an eye to being one of the instruments to be used by the establishment to remove an elected government which they (the establishment) dislike.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

How do you know about this? Are you privvy to the information on appointed senators or are you taking someone else's words as face value?

Have you got the facts at hand to back up your claims or are you just talking speculation and guessing??

I want evidence the senate is not effective in Canada, I want police reports that senators is not effective when appointed.

It's fine if you're not able to provide this evidence, it's as I suspect it's just another opinion here on TVF that is one of many that mean diddly squat

This is a reasonable request of evidence since your peer has asked the same of me here.

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You obviously didn't understand my post. Before you fall off your rather precarious perch on your high horse, read it again. You will find that I compared the Canadian Senate favourably to the Thai senate.

Secondly, just who the hell do you think you are to demand evidence from me or any of those you consider my peers? This is a forum, amongst other things, for airing opinions . it is not a court of law. You really do need to accept that people can and do hold opinions which differ from yours. Your intolerance makes Suthep sound like Mother Theresa. It colours so many of your posts that they count for "diddly squat"!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Haggis has asked the same of me and I informed him that evidence is not needed because we use the same source….The Media… Have a look to see why I demand evidence here.

So you admit that the uneven burden of proof request is silly?

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You obviously didn't understand my post. Before you fall off your rather precarious perch on your high horse, read it again. You will find that I compared the Canadian Senate favourably to the Thai senate.

Secondly, just who the hell do you think you are to demand evidence from me or any of those you consider my peers? This is a forum, amongst other things, for airing opinions . it is not a court of law. You really do need to accept that people can and do hold opinions which differ from yours. Your intolerance makes Suthep sound like Mother Theresa. It colours so many of your posts that they count for "diddly squat"!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

double post

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I don't admit anything, I haven't a clue what you're on about. I made a simple comment about the Canadian senate when compared to the Thai one. If you don't like it you are free to say so. But please stop banging on as if you were starring in some daytime TV legal soap opera.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Yep done the research….Can you name the 15 principles? I will behead myself if you can extrapolate what you are defending? Nahh? Thought so.

All have elections as the first point of democracy..Agreed. So what happens post ballot box? The other principles can be ignored?

Slowly moving forward…Of course it is slow..When you support only one principle it is moving 1/15th forward..

I do want elections? I yearn for them. I cherish them. But the question is do the majority want them before reform?

Lets hold a referendum and find out…Referendums are democratic right?

Or are you scared the majority will not support your agenda in this case?

You show me one example of a majority, post 2011 that want elections before reform and I will give you 10 examples of the majority that want the opposite.

Sorry mate…Time to accept the majority even if you don't accept it.

I believe that the majority will support the PTP in the next election. It is the PDRC that are afraid, that is why they prevented the Feb 2nd elections from happening. Thailand had a referendum on the 2007 constitution and nobody could ever claim that it was a fair vote. Do you want another referendum like that one?

I cannot name your 15 principles, they are so obscure that they do not show up in a simple google search. You are diluting the overiding core principle with 14 other principles that suit your case of denying elections which are the central principle of democracy.

I hope it is not off-topic to ask if you believe that having a Senate than is almost half appointed is democratic?

Democracy is pretty obscure to you heay?

Can't name the 15 principles?

You need google to define your principles of democracy heay?

I rest my case.

Oh Dear!

I said that your definition was obscure not that democracy was obscure.

I agree that I cannot name your 15 principles, but I can name the major principle which is what I have been suggesting in most of my posts. That is Thai people should be allowed to have an election.

I tried to google your definition of democracy so that I could understand what you were talking about. But like the PDRC you continue to spout gibberish and refuse to give any details.

Part of the difficulty I am have with finding your 15 principles is that any search gets swamped with your posts on here where you keep on saying the words "15 principles of democracy" without saying what any of them are.

I ask again. Do you feel that it is democratic having a senate that is only half elected?

Edited to remove central quote because of limit

Elections announced again heay?

Still cannot state the other principles..

I give up. You cannot state the principles of democracy and you cannot defend democracy.

Gibberish? OK state the principles of democracy then? You defend them, so state them?

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It was a bit much to expect that the EC would keep to it's word and actually arrange an election.

The people of Thailand will have to wait longer for an election, but when an election come they will be able to re-elect the PTP and this will all be over for a couple of years.

Thailand is walking a long and rocky road to freedom and democracy.

you stated one principle of democracy 4 times (elections) yet you stated the other 14 principles of democracy no times?

So what is it? 1 principle of democracy to run the country or 15 principles of democracy to run the country?

No thoughts on a referendum to see if people want reform before election? Or are you scared of the result as the last 8 polls and one failed election have highlighted?

Let me guess…Your response will be ………….elections thus having no understanding on the other 14 principles of democracy…….AGAIN..

I suggest that you do some research and stop spouting your 15 principles.

There are many definitions of democracy available, some have a few of your 15 points. All have my one point as it's first principle.

I say that Thailand is moving slowly towards democracy and the way to achieve democracy is elections.

You do not want elections and and hide behind your 15 points of dilution to democracy. Do you believe that the only democracy Thailand is allowed is your definition of democracy?

Dr. Bruce is right! Just look to the past at some places that believe the same as her that voting is all that is important to have democracy. Lets see! Their was Hitlers democratic vote in Germany and a little more recent was N. Koreas election. Both are the democratic elections so both would be seen to Dr. Bruce as Democratically elected governments.

Dr. Bruce! You can hold all the elections you want to prove you are wanted by the majority real or forced. But unless you follow the other principles of democracy you are still a dictator.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

When you use Hitler to support your point of view the whole world knows you have lost the disscussion.

The '32 and '33 elections in Germany were full of semi legal moves that included banning of several polictical parties and many leading politicians. Does that remind you of anybody?

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I don't think YL will be convicted tomorrow either. The CC would not dare, even if guilty. The Red Shirts will cry foul and step things up quite a lot.

The NACC will not find her guilty either.

This is not to stay that she is not guilty. I just find it hard to believe that she will be allowed fall and the country will be plunged into deeper chaos.

So your saying judgements are not based on the rule of law anymore, but are made on the amount of intimidation directed at the ones giving the judgement?


(btw: *you're)

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Dear Democrat MPs, look, once the EC submits that decree, and it gets approved, then they have 20 days to start the registration process.

Once they start the registration, it has to last a minimum of 7 days. To apply to be elected, you need to switch to a new party 30 days ahead of the registration. So literally, if there is 4 extra days delay then you can do that now.

Abhisit is finished, it should also be clear to you that he is not going to stand down from the Democrats, and he is not going stand at elections either. He's going to stall, because that's what Abhisit does, stall, delay, fail to make a decision. You have to switch to another party now!

Tomorrow Yingluk will be cleared of the Thawil case (as if a court would remove the government for moving a single civil servant!), and these images should make you realize her status:



You will not get a coup, not a military coup, not a civil coup, not a coup period. You get elections. You get democracy.

So get your collective crap together and get into a party that is standing and win those votes at election time. DO IT NOW! Because democracy requires a good opposition party, it doesn't require that opposition party be called the Democrats, or be run by an unelectable idiot. Korn, you too, get you ass into another party.

What a cutie - like a little yappy jack russell terrier

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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The CC will find her guilty and remove her regardless of the threats from the reds, in fact the threats should help them to make the right decision as if it wasn't plain what a bunch of criminals PTP were before, it has become completely obvious for all to see now. No court can be held to ransom with threats of violence or else they should not be there at all. Courts should follow laws - plain and simple - without being influenced by threats from those they are trying...

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The resident anti-democrats sorely need to familiarize themselves with the concept of "necessary but not sufficient" w.r.t. to their constant mantra of "15 principles of democracy".

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Dear Democrat MPs, look, once the EC submits that decree, and it gets approved, then they have 20 days to start the registration process.

Once they start the registration, it has to last a minimum of 7 days. To apply to be elected, you need to switch to a new party 30 days ahead of the registration. So literally, if there is 4 extra days delay then you can do that now.

Abhisit is finished, it should also be clear to you that he is not going to stand down from the Democrats, and he is not going stand at elections either. He's going to stall, because that's what Abhisit does, stall, delay, fail to make a decision. You have to switch to another party now!

Tomorrow Yingluk will be cleared of the Thawil case (as if a court would remove the government for moving a single civil servant!), and these images should make you realize her status:



You will not get a coup, not a military coup, not a civil coup, not a coup period. You get elections. You get democracy.

So get your collective crap together and get into a party that is standing and win those votes at election time. DO IT NOW! Because democracy requires a good opposition party, it doesn't require that opposition party be called the Democrats, or be run by an unelectable idiot. Korn, you too, get you ass into another party.

Tomorrow Yingluk will be cleared of the Thawil case

Damn…So you're not a time traveller! Yingluck was not cleared.

Forget the Melbourne Cup prediction. You're a fraud!!!

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Dear Democrat MPs, look, once the EC submits that decree, and it gets approved, then they have 20 days to start the registration process.

Once they start the registration, it has to last a minimum of 7 days. To apply to be elected, you need to switch to a new party 30 days ahead of the registration. So literally, if there is 4 extra days delay then you can do that now.

Abhisit is finished, it should also be clear to you that he is not going to stand down from the Democrats, and he is not going stand at elections either. He's going to stall, because that's what Abhisit does, stall, delay, fail to make a decision. You have to switch to another party now!

Tomorrow Yingluk will be cleared of the Thawil case (as if a court would remove the government for moving a single civil servant!), and these images should make you realize her status:



You will not get a coup, not a military coup, not a civil coup, not a coup period. You get elections. You get democracy.

So get your collective crap together and get into a party that is standing and win those votes at election time. DO IT NOW! Because democracy requires a good opposition party, it doesn't require that opposition party be called the Democrats, or be run by an unelectable idiot. Korn, you too, get you ass into another party.

Tomorrow Yingluk will be cleared of the Thawil case

Damn…So you're not a time traveller! Yingluck was not cleared.

Forget the Melbourne Cup prediction. You're a fraud!!!

Those long enough in Thailand know you need an octopus for (reliable) sport result predictionssmile.png

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Aside from this unintelligent press release, the EC waits until the day it was to send a draft royal decree to the PM, then doesn't with a nonsense reason - "differences on legal technicalities related to the new decree and election..."? The EC was created more than 10 years ago and it still has legal technicalities? The EC has demonstrated nothing but incompetence at best and political obstruction at worse. Let's see some reform on this organization. Its independence as an organization that can violate the constitution at will with impunity to dictate IF and WHEN elections take place is unwelcomed within a democratic electoral process.

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Tomorrow Yingluk will be cleared of the Thawil case (as if a court would remove the government for moving a single civil servant!), and these images should make you realize her status:

You aren't presenting the whole truth here Mr. Codger. The reason for removal is not the moving of a civil servant. The reason is that the civil servant was moved to make room for a relative, which is unconstitutional. We are all aware how important democracy and the constitution are to you. Now that you know what the offense is, we can rest assured that you would never support such an infraction I'm sure. No need to thank me for helping you understand the situation.

show me the text of the constitution that says that what she did was unconstitutional. Bad judgement? Perhaps, but not unconstitutional.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Tomorrow Yingluk will be cleared of the Thawil case (as if a court would remove the government for moving a single civil servant!), and these images should make you realize her status:

You aren't presenting the whole truth here Mr. Codger. The reason for removal is not the moving of a civil servant. The reason is that the civil servant was moved to make room for a relative, which is unconstitutional. We are all aware how important democracy and the constitution are to you. Now that you know what the offense is, we can rest assured that you would never support such an infraction I'm sure. No need to thank me for helping you understand the situation.

show me the text of the constitution that says that what she did was unconstitutional. Bad judgement? Perhaps, but not unconstitutional.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Did you see the ruling today? Judges deemed her actions exactly that. Go ask them for a copy of it.

Sent from my LG-P970

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Dear Democrat MPs, look, once the EC submits that decree, and it gets approved, then they have 20 days to start the registration process.

Once they start the registration, it has to last a minimum of 7 days. To apply to be elected, you need to switch to a new party 30 days ahead of the registration. So literally, if there is 4 extra days delay then you can do that now.

Abhisit is finished, it should also be clear to you that he is not going to stand down from the Democrats, and he is not going stand at elections either. He's going to stall, because that's what Abhisit does, stall, delay, fail to make a decision. You have to switch to another party now!

Tomorrow Yingluk will be cleared of the Thawil case (as if a court would remove the government for moving a single civil servant!), and these images should make you realize her status:



You will not get a coup, not a military coup, not a civil coup, not a coup period. You get elections. You get democracy.

So get your collective crap together and get into a party that is standing and win those votes at election time. DO IT NOW! Because democracy requires a good opposition party, it doesn't require that opposition party be called the Democrats, or be run by an unelectable idiot. Korn, you too, get you ass into another party.

so now you have proved how wrong your posting was

will you apologise for making this posting

Yingluck even with you backing is GONE

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Aside from this unintelligent press release, the EC waits until the day it was to send a draft royal decree to the PM, then doesn't with a nonsense reason - "differences on legal technicalities related to the new decree and election..."? The EC was created more than 10 years ago and it still has legal technicalities? The EC has demonstrated nothing but incompetence at best and political obstruction at worse. Let's see some reform on this organization. Its independence as an organization that can violate the constitution at will with impunity to dictate IF and WHEN elections take place is unwelcomed within a democratic electoral process.

Honestly, what are expecteing, from a committee, that has been bought and manipulated by Thaksin....wai2.gifwai2.gifwai2.gif

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Tomorrow Yingluk will be cleared of the Thawil case (as if a court would remove the government for moving a single civil servant!), and these images should make you realize her status:

You aren't presenting the whole truth here Mr. Codger. The reason for removal is not the moving of a civil servant. The reason is that the civil servant was moved to make room for a relative, which is unconstitutional. We are all aware how important democracy and the constitution are to you. Now that you know what the offense is, we can rest assured that you would never support such an infraction I'm sure. No need to thank me for helping you understand the situation.

show me the text of the constitution that says that what she did was unconstitutional. Bad judgement? Perhaps, but not unconstitutional.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


and read the verdict which is detailed enough.

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