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Need Some Help From American People


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My sis-in-law is from Myanmar and she is working in Singapore. And she met with this guy who was from Myanmar and now a American citizen, on facebook. It is not like they just met online and fell in love. They knew each other since young and his's parents know her well. Fast forward he came to Singapore and get married. After he got back to US and apparently he got together with another woman and he keeps avoiding my sil since. The visa application is dragged since he got to know the other woman. I would like to get some ideas of what can be done from here. Can she sue him or something like that?

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Typically financial judgements will require either kids or a long term relationship. The rationale is that kids need continued financial support from both parents. The relationship wants to demonstrate that the wife gave up certain things to maintain the marraige, that they were both equal parties in the marraige sharing bills for housing, food etc.

If the marraige was short (less then a couple years) or they did not have joint bank accounts or tax returns it's unlikely a judge would award a large sum in a lawsuit.

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Yes she could sue, as lawyers will take just about any case if you pay them. But sue for what? If you mean sue to have him move the visa process along, then that would likely not go anywhere. As in the suit would be filed, then thrown out of court, wasting the money on the lawyer.

Suing for financial support might be different. However, with the marriage having been done in Singapore and her never having lived in the US, it's probably going to take talking to a lawyer in the state where he lives to figure out. Since I assume the visa application was filed with proof of their marriage, he can't now pretend otherwise.

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If you don't have assets held together, like land and bank accounts, and have filed taxes as a married couple, instead of getting screwed only by your ex, you'll also get screwed by your lawyer.

There is nothing that can be awarded to you. Grow up, take it on the chin, walk away, make better choices.

If you were Thai, I would have laughed at your request....coffee1.gif

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If you don't have assets held together, like land and bank accounts, and have filed taxes as a married couple, instead of getting screwed only by your ex, you'll also get screwed by your lawyer.

There is nothing that can be awarded to you. Grow up, take it on the chin, walk away, make better choices.

If you were Thai, I would have laughed at your request....coffee1.gif

So what we are saying here is "it is ok for US citizens to go around in the world and sign as many marriage certs as they can and sleep around, and yet when they go back to US, those women that he married legally ,can't do anything about it? " That's exactly what he has been doing.

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If you don't have assets held together, like land and bank accounts, and have filed taxes as a married couple, instead of getting screwed only by your ex, you'll also get screwed by your lawyer.

There is nothing that can be awarded to you. Grow up, take it on the chin, walk away, make better choices.

If you were Thai, I would have laughed at your request....coffee1.gif

So what we are saying here is "it is ok for US citizens to go around in the world and sign as many marriage certs as they can and sleep around, and yet when they go back to US, those women that he married legally ,can't do anything about it? " That's exactly what he has been doing.

How many has me married ?

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If you don't have assets held together, like land and bank accounts, and have filed taxes as a married couple, instead of getting screwed only by your ex, you'll also get screwed by your lawyer.

There is nothing that can be awarded to you. Grow up, take it on the chin, walk away, make better choices.

If you were Thai, I would have laughed at your request....coffee1.gif

So what we are saying here is "it is ok for US citizens to go around in the world and sign as many marriage certs as they can and sleep around, and yet when they go back to US, those women that he married legally ,can't do anything about it? " That's exactly what he has been doing.

First, it's not 'US citizen's' it's one US citizen, so don't tar the bunch.

Second, you didn't say he was going around the world marrying lots of women women.

Third, this is probably a troll post, and a slap at Americans at the same time, ..

Edited by ubonjoe
Removed a inflammatory comment
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If you don't have assets held together, like land and bank accounts, and have filed taxes as a married couple, instead of getting screwed only by your ex, you'll also get screwed by your lawyer.

There is nothing that can be awarded to you. Grow up, take it on the chin, walk away, make better choices.

If you were Thai, I would have laughed at your request....coffee1.gif

So what we are saying here is "it is ok for US citizens to go around in the world and sign as many marriage certs as they can and sleep around, and yet when they go back to US, those women that he married legally ,can't do anything about it? " That's exactly what he has been doing.

First of all, you said he was from Myanmar and then became a US Citizen. So he's not a native American. Big difference. Having many wives/husbands occur in many other cultures or countries right or wrong. Two, they were married in Singapore, therefore the marriage falls under Singaporean laws. Three, to even begin to fall under US laws the marriage needs to have been sanctioned by an US Consulate. Was it? If it was then you could write to the local US Consulate and report the second marriage as being false. But you will need lots of details. What visa are you talking about? One to enter the US? You leave a lot of details out of your post. Contact the government agency (court) where the marriage was performed and start a divorce proceedings. They may even go after him for criminal charges but since you left out to many details who knows what they will do.

In short, based on what you have posted not much you can do except report it to Immigration or the courts. You might need to get a lawyer. People here can't really help you.

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