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Who goes to the doctor with a cold or a cut?

Weak doctors are to blame for pacifying patients with antibiotics when they aren't required.

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Who goes to the doctor with a cold or a cut?

Weak doctors are to blame for pacifying patients with antibiotics when they aren't required.


I got several little cuts a month or 2 ago and the ravings in here about it when i mentioned no doctors visit and self healing, was amazing.

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Who goes to the doctor with a cold or a cut?

Weak doctors are to blame for pacifying patients with antibiotics when they aren't required.

Don't forget the pharmacies who sell almost any antibiotic without a prescription.

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At least with your super immune system you won't succumb to any nasty infections that can't be beat with drugs.

Not sure about that. Bacteria have been know to develop an immunity to antibiotics, that is a fact. But that does not mean that people who never took antibiotics will be immune to this new super bugs. Unfortunately.


Who goes to the doctor with a cold or a cut?

Weak doctors are to blame for pacifying patients with antibiotics when they aren't required.

If I look at my Thai staff....they go with everything that is worse than a mosquito bite to the doc and come back with a bucket full of pills.


Who goes to the doctor with a cold or a cut?

Weak doctors are to blame for pacifying patients with antibiotics when they aren't required.

Are you kidding?

Go to any Thai clinic and it will be full of people, many youngish girls laying around as if they've just entered a hospice for their final few days. After a 5 minute in and out with several packets of smarties they are dragged lifeless onto their motorbike.


It always shocks me again when I see how doctors prescribe drugs here, especially antibiotics. Whenever one of my Thai friends sees a doctor or a pharmacy, he comes out with a bag full of drugs, including antibiotics, no matter what he has. Here's a recent example from my girlfriend's last visit to the Chaophraya Hospital. She had a cold.


But it's not only the doctors' fault. Most people expect and even explicitly want them to prescribe them something, even if it's completely unneccessary. That's how they know it, and doctors who actually care about their patients and don't prescribe every single drug available get a bad reputation.

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The Op is making somewhat of a generalisation.

For sure the over-use of antibiotics is detrimental in the long run but the need of them will vary from person to person.

The elderly, very young or the weakened have less efficient immune systems which will likely require assistance in the face of a serious illness (a cold is not serious nor is the flu in most cases.) Some open wounds can be serious as they can invite invasion by bacteria. Again this will vary from individual to individual.

Supplements can boost the immune system in all. I, personally, take a zinc tablet every day as apparently this is an effective safeguard.

Check it out.


I read the article and it is a bit worrying,when i first lived here i had 3 infected mosquito bites on my foot,the whole ankle swelled up,and they were leaking pus,luckily antibiotics cleared it up,if they had not i don't know what would have happened,think back to wars ect before antibiotics most of the wounded died from infection not the actual wounds them selves,the other thing is they really have no new types to replace them.

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Yes it is a problem, so the idea for me anyway, is to build my own, and my kids, immune system naturally to make them stronger, naturally.....this then fights off all the little things and all the while you grow stronger, less fighting of germs, more positive development and ready for any big one.....then, who knows, it might help deflect something much bigger, maybe not, but in my view, you must be in a better position than not having a strong system

A strong system could fight off a stronger infection, deflect it or whatever....a weaker one, gained from constant use of meds, would not.....its about giving yourself the best fighting chance.

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Worrying too much is also bad for the immune system but good for the 'doctors' ...

Here a piece from an article at the Guardian: http://www.theguardian.com/books/2014/may/04/advice-stock-market-crashes-plane-disasters-bad-weather-risk-not-reading?CMP=fb_gu

"People who go to checkups: do fewer of them die from heart disease? From cancer? Or from any cause? The answer, three times: no. They just get more treatment, take more medication, and worry more often."

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Recently my wife saw a Thai doctor about her back pain, it's been really painful, ever since childbirth 15 months ago. So in she goes, the doctor says you need an operation to fix a slipped disc.

I said no way, how can he tell that without even doing an xray?

Wife says he can feel it....blink.png

Sorry for ot Showbags, I just had to tell someone.

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Recently my wife saw a Thai doctor about her back pain, it's been really painful, ever since childbirth 15 months ago. So in she goes, the doctor says you need an operation to fix a slipped disc.

I said no way, how can he tell that without even doing an xray?

Wife says he can feel it....blink.png

Sorry for ot Showbags, I just had to tell someone.

I am no medical expert,but i had a herniated disc in my neck,the doc in Australia suspected as much,but i had to have an mri scan to confirm,before an op,i would think this was essential before operating,maybe they will do it before the operation,best wishes to you and the wife anyway mate.

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... i had 3 infected mosquito bites on my foot,the whole ankle swelled up,and they were leaking pus,luckily antibiotics cleared it up,if they had not i don't know what would have happened...

Below-knee amputation.

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Yes it is a problem, so the idea for me anyway, is to build my own, and my kids, immune system naturally to make them stronger, naturally.....this then fights off all the little things and all the while you grow stronger, less fighting of germs, more positive development and ready for any big one.....then, who knows, it might help deflect something much bigger, maybe not, but in my view, you must be in a better position than not having a strong system

A strong system could fight off a stronger infection, deflect it or whatever....a weaker one, gained from constant use of meds, would not.....its about giving yourself the best fighting chance.


I admire your method, but it's these muppet doctors, and self prescribers that are not finishing a course of treatment that have caused the problem.

I follow the same method as yourself but when antibiotics are really needed, it's these muppets that have efffed it up for people by wanting a quick fix.

"Ohhhh I get a runny nose every few weeks". Some idiot says "ohhh get some Amoxyklav it works for me".

People need to stop being wimps and deal with a runny nose and a minor ache.

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Hmm, all I know is that if you leave an open wound unattended in a tropical climate, you are going to be sorry.


I read the article and it is a bit worrying,when i first lived here i had 3 infected mosquito bites on my foot,the whole ankle swelled up,and they were leaking pus,luckily antibiotics cleared it up,if they had not i don't know what would have happened,think back to wars ect before antibiotics most of the wounded died from infection not the actual wounds them selves,the other thing is they really have no new types to replace them.

A prime example sir. Antihistamines would more than likely have had the desired effect without the need for antibiotics.


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Hmm, all I know is that if you leave an open wound unattended in a tropical climate, you are going to be sorry.

Depends entirely on the size.....I have had many small ones I never treat....


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Hmm, all I know is that if you leave an open wound unattended in a tropical climate, you are going to be sorry.

Depends entirely on the size.....I have had many small ones I never treat....

Example: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/486329-infected-wound/

Friend of mine, very healthy & fit, had a cat bite on her hand, small wound, didn't treat it immediately, and wow! Hand swelled up. red streaks started going up her arm, lymph node threatened. First antiobiotic didn't work, 2nd did. After 3 weeks of treatment, hand almost back to normal.

"Natural" attempts to boost one's immune system are all well & good but nothing to rely on. Cleanliness--avoidance of exposure--is probably more important. For anything w/ the least likelihood of infection, gimme the pills.

As for growing bug resistance & superbugs, that's very old news.

True, Thai docs do over-prescribe, and they shouldn't. Thai patients, however, accept it and even like it. They aren't knowledgeable or sophisticated about health matters--it's a Third World country. One must be aware of the practice, and I guess all expats pretty much are. In fact, complaints about such are continual on the forum.

So I don't see anything new here that really justifies this thread.

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Who died and made you the thought police to warrant justification of a thread or not.....post your email so we can all seek your approval first please.

As for the old lady and the cat bite, sure, she was probably one of these weak systems over indulging in any little pill she can find for a little sniffle or cough here or there.

I have had blood poisoning before, so know what it looks and feels like.

I had a mild onset of it earlier this year, just locally around the wound, it got better by itself.

I would presume my system is stronger for that now and was prior to it, to fight it.

I am not suggesting people ignore proper treatment, but proper treatment can not mean a bag of lollies for the tiniest or most common of things....major stuff sure, as I would.


In a previous thread some ridiculed me for mentioning I build up my own immune system to fend off bugs and disease.

That's not why you were ridiculed. Here's the thread: views on influenza vaccines for kids

You started a thread asking a bunch of strangers on the Internet about whether or not the flu vaccine is appropriate for children, and then in that very same opening post you essentially said that your mind was already made up:

I am not for it, not for something like the flu.

Now in this thread, you're switching gears from your borderline anti-vax ideology and talking about something completely different: antibiotic resistance. I don't think you'll find many people disagreeing with you about the dangers of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. We had a thread about it just last month, where I posted this scary article about what a post-antibiotic world will look like:

Imagining the Post-Antibiotics Future

By not rushing to the doctor for any piddly little cut, scratch or sniffle, I let it go, let my system fight it and heal it....it has worked successfully over last few years, no colds, the odd sniffle that goes away quickly itself, cuts heal quickly, sore throats gone within a couple of days if and when I get them.....I have not taken meds for some time now, cannot remember, maybe a few years.

In general I agree about being over-medicated. The body has mechanisms for fighting off some of the most common invaders and I prefer to let those mechanisms do their thing rather than pop ibuprofen every time I get a fever. But your personal experience doesn't scale up well into the general population. I also get sick rarely, but I don't attribute this to my super-immune system. I'm hygienic, don't run around outside barefoot, wash my hands periodically throughout the day, and try to avoid confined spaces (like elevators) where communicable illnesses are commonly spread.

So attributing your apparent flu invulnerability to a super-strong immune system is problematic at best. It's much more likely that you simply haven't shared a confined space with anyone who's had the flu.

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^ I'm flattered you went searching for me.

But that was not the thread I was thinking of, although it does include it, there is another thread related to cuts and scrapes etc.

I run around outside barefoot, in fact we were also playing songkran in a mud filled pond, the horror of kids and people getting all muddy and dirty...I don't wash my hands after taking a piss, its my todger and its clean, I do not wash my hands periodically during the day, I am not obsessed. Exposure to germs is what keeps the immune system high and active....kill all the good stuff with antiseptic gels, thats in the article too I believe. Couple weeks ago I took the top off of one of my fingers when a old nail got jammed between my finger and a plank....bled a lot, cleaned it with water only as that is all I had access to, put a bandaid on it and went back to doing what I was doing...it swelled up, got sore, but 2 days later was fine and pretty much back to normal.

And as for getting colds or flu's or sore throats, as I mentioned, I do sometimes get them, but its the very short and no medication healing time which shows me a positive outcome.

All I am saying is it MUST be better to have a naturally stronger system than not and the only way to get that is to let your body do the healing when and where it can...all the small things....let it build.

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