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Thai man owes my gf 9k. Rule n.o 1: never intervene in a thai dispute


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"I'm the kind of guy who always gets what he wants in life and thus Im determined to make this plan succeed...."

The rules change in Thailand I'm afraid.

so the question is,will he get IT,repeat,will he get HIT.?

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Does your gf interfere with your problems? It's not a question of thai or not thai, but thats simply not your problem.

If legally solved, this situation would cost far more than thb 9,000, meaning that you would lose money in the process.

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OP, without trying to be dramatic, have you thought about the possible after effects of retrieving the 9,000 baht if you are successful?

This is not written as scare-mongering, but something to seriously consider. If it was 90,000 or 900,000 baht, then yes, go for it. For 9,000? Give the GF 9,000 baht, lesson learned and get on with your lives.

Dump the recording devices and disguises, far too hot to be role-modeling in this country...................thumbsup.gif

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This is about as senseless as listing all of her regrets, setbacks and all the bad things that have been done to her and are owed to her, and then spending the remainder of your life endeavoring to rectify everything. Why just this one thing?

Stop being senselessand move on.That is a part of her past; not yours.

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You really like to do illegal things and then try to bribe the cops? To get 9k baht for your GF in something thats not your business in the first place.

It's rather funny when you say it's not the money it's the principle. So you are doing illegat stuff and paying of the cops out of principle :)

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Show us you have balls visit him ask him for 9,000 baht and if he doesn't pay break his legs

I will be glad to go with you

Maybe other members will go also


Yes we are all right behind you----Like a pack of hungry wolves.......... don't look now though just go on in, we've got your back........cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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9000 Baht debt.

Spending 10, 000 baht on various recording devices and numerous trips to and fro the dealership, numerous phone calls and plans between family ......... PRICELESS.

There's more than one way to skin a cat but how much is it going to cost you in the process? (read her).

Best of luck by the way but I was just sayin to throw an unemotional view into the mix. wink.png

Actually, it cost 2,000 not 10k and certainly not specifically purchased for this issue.

Its duly noted that my gf's father has what one might call high status in this community and thus I speculate that the police will believe the story beyond reasonable doubt.

I wonder if at the end of step 2 if the guy refuses to pay, her father could reveal the device and play back the first conversation. Then say to him if he doesnt pay up right now that they will go to the police. It might scare the guy and thus negate step 3 all together.

I know its not a lot of money but its the principle of the matter.

Please see post#5.

It is a civil matter, not a criminal matter, hence the police cannot (and will not) do anything about it, no matter how much evidence you have.

Technically she would need bring the evidence, if any, to a lawyer, who can then bring it to a civil court, but that will cost her alot more than 9k, even if she wins.

Your GF can involve her family, and that might work, but you do not need recording devices or evidence for that.

The good news is, if it only cost your GF 9k to learn the lesson not to "lend" money to ANYONE, then it is a fairly cheap lesson, even for a Thai.

Edited by monkeycountry
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9000 Baht debt.

Spending 10, 000 baht on various recording devices and numerous trips to and fro the dealership, numerous phone calls and plans between family ......... PRICELESS.

There's more than one way to skin a cat but how much is it going to cost you in the process? (read her).

Best of luck by the way but I was just sayin to throw an unemotional view into the mix. wink.png

Actually, it cost 2,000 not 10k and certainly not specifically purchased for this issue.

Its duly noted that my gf's father has what one might call high status in this community and thus I speculate that the police will believe the story beyond reasonable doubt.

I wonder if at the end of step 2 if the guy refuses to pay, her father could reveal the device and play back the first conversation. Then say to him if he doesnt pay up right now that they will go to the police. It might scare the guy and thus negate step 3 all together.

I know its not a lot of money but its the principle of the matter.

Please see post#5.

It is a civil matter, not a criminal matter, hence the police cannot (and will not) do anything about it, no matter how much evidence you have.

Technically she would need bring the evidence, if any, to a lawyer, who can then bring it to a civil court, but that will cost her alot more than 9k, even if she wins.

Your GF can involve her family, and that might work, but you do not need recording devices or evidence for that.

The good news is, if it only cost your GF 9k to learn the lesson not to "lend" money to ANYONE, then it is a fairly cheap lesson, even for a Thai.

police can intervene in almost every type of altercation or mediate any dispute if there is

money involved in thailand ,the law doesnt really come into it when deciding who pays who

in many cases

find a couple of uniforms who look bored and offer them 50% to "collect it " and it keeps you

from getting directly in harms way ............although half of 9k is probably nothing to a cop thesedays

esp if its in bkk or pattaya but i a village they might jump at the opportuity to get 4500thb for a quick chat

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Not sure what the law is in here. In some countries even the recording is consider useless and can not be used against the person. Try to find out if it is allowed here. As someone said here do you really think it is worth going after this paying half to police, other cost etc???

Is it really about the money or just because you feel bad a Thai guy ripped you off and it is your pride which is hurting you??

Finally here is Thailand and you know loosing face means a lot. You never know how this gay will react to the whole thing. If you still fell it is worth it then carry on. Good luck

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It does not mean you are scared if you just back off and advice GF to get over it and waive it....... before you know for a relatively small amount you arrive in Big Times Lunatic Actions. He gets pissed because a Farang involved, lost of face (again) because you are with his ex. A Yabaa pill on the corner and he courageously comes to you to 'talk it out'.

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I sympathize with your frustrations, but there are a few things you should know:

1. The lawful Statute of Limitations, in this matter, is probably 3 months; hence your g/f is acting way too late

2. It is illegal to record a conversation without the express approval of the third party

And, like a number of posters already stated;we're not talking about a huge sum of money; although I agree that it is the principle of the matter. However; you can also be sure that this perpetrator has just added some serious bad karma to his destiny - and even though this may not make you feel better, it probably will.

Chalk it up to experience and, as we say in good old Holland "keep the honor on your side"


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I guess because the Op's acting like Donald Sterling's Ex, that he must be American.

In most countries, unless the authoriies record you or you've consented to be recorded, the recording isn't worth jack crap.

OR it's worth charges at the police station for illegal wiretapping which, in Thailand, it definitely is. Or both.

The plan to get the police involved is total, completely corruption. There is nothing criminal that has happened. Until Jane turns on Machoman's recorder, THEN it's criminal. You could probably hire a policeman as intimidator, don't think he'd be too happy involved in an actual crime, though. And finally, more advisers should have noted the very, very distinct possibility Mr Ratbird will become incensed when confronted over this debt, and even if he comes up with a payment scheme, he'll be figuring out several other ways to get his 9,000 baht's worth.

If all of the above is worth the principle of standing up for a girl who does not want standing up for, then away you go.


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Undertakers...love people like you...we are talking about a 9000 baht...unsecured debt...with only two people's word as to whether it is really owed or not...you are indeed meddling... stay out of this...do not offer anymore of your farang's perspective...

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9000 Baht debt.

Spending 10, 000 baht on various recording devices and numerous trips to and fro the dealership, numerous phone calls and plans between family ......... PRICELESS.

There's more than one way to skin a cat but how much is it going to cost you in the process? (read her).

Best of luck by the way but I was just sayin to throw an unemotional view into the mix. wink.png

Actually, it cost 2,000 not 10k and certainly not specifically purchased for this issue.

Its duly noted that my gf's father has what one might call high status in this community and thus I speculate that the police will believe the story beyond reasonable doubt.

I wonder if at the end of step 2 if the guy refuses to pay, her father could reveal the device and play back the first conversation. Then say to him if he doesnt pay up right now that they will go to the police. It might scare the guy and thus negate step 3 all together.

I know its not a lot of money but its the principle of the matter.

Well, if indeed, "She has been too ashamed to raise the issue with her family thus far. She has really high integrity and educated etc." and, "my gf's father has what one might call high status in this community," what makes you think your wife, her father and her brother would even want to get involved in your dubious plot?

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Drop it, live and learn, 9,000 baht isn't worth it.

If you're one of those who want to do it "for the principle", here is principle number 1: confrontation never works in Thailand, only shrewdness does, and shrewdness is best learnt the hard way.

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9000 Baht debt.

Spending 10, 000 baht on various recording devices and numerous trips to and fro the dealership, numerous phone calls and plans between family ......... PRICELESS.

There's more than one way to skin a cat but how much is it going to cost you in the process? (read her).

Best of luck by the way but I was just sayin to throw an unemotional view into the mix. wink.png

"10, 000 baht on various recording devices"

Any decent half smart phone has digital record - send half the 10,000 I just saved you to me at P. O. Box ...................

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whatever you do - don;t let the used car salesman see you - gf can record using a mobile unless you already bought the pen recorder...but also be careful - remeber the taxi driver who killed the falung on suk soi 50 for a 51bt cab fare? but for the principle of it - yes must want to do it - don;t force her to get into a fight with a used car shark over 9000 bt.... i have "given more than that away in "loans" to thai friends and family and you can't ever expect to get paid back... the company gardner asked for 3000 bt one year for school for his kid - i would have taken 300 bt a month for 10 months - but after 6 months went by I asked the boss to get it paid back - on principle - which it was finally...anyway - would maybe be better if gf and dad and brother went all togeher first time and got it figured out once... again - only if they all want to do it.... sounds like a verbal deal over a 2nd hand car sale... which should have been taken care of whenever the car was sold and at that time.... memory is getting shorter on this planet with a lot of people - me included...... 5 5 5 good luck ...

rule number 164 here : Never do any money dealings with anyone here without having something on paper and signed by both parties....

have more stories but just too much to type... crazy stuff...

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