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Non Alcohol Beer......where?


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I have been told that I can know longer use alcohol. Does anyone know where a person could buy non alcohol beer in Thailand?

you poor poor poor poor poor man,

deepest sympathies go out to you.


havnt seen any non alcholic beer here.seems the more the alchol content, the better. :D:D

the inventer of non-alcholic beer should be shot. along with people who think blue roofs look good.

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I have been told that I can know longer use alcohol. Does anyone know where a person could buy non alcohol beer in Thailand?

I buy my Clausthaler German Non-alcohol beer in Friendship Pattaya. And yes, it does taste the same as real beer. Or should I say what I remember real beer used to taste like. Be warned though; It does contain about .01 % alcohol.

If you don't get it there, you could of course switch to Australian Beer. Same effect.

Edited by lampard10
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> I have been told that I can know longer use alcohol.

Yeah, my wife tried that one on me too.

Once. :o

Anyway, why not just get some unsweetened Oi-Ichy green ice Tea and add some soda water?

Hey presto!

Edited by chanchao
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If I was told that I could no longer use alcohol I would demand a 2nd opinion,then a 3rd ,then a 4th.....

I would be in therapy for months,did they let you know gently or did they just shock you?

I shall raise a few glasses of tigrrrrrr as a tribute to a fallen comrade. :o

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I drink Clausthaler from time to time. It's not bad - except for the cost. 99 baht a can. In Bangkok, Villa Supermarket and other farang-oriented supermarkets have it. At that price, though, you'd be better off switching to ginger ale.

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I buy my Clausthaler German Non-alcohol beer in Friendship Pattaya. And yes, it does taste the same as real beer. Or should I say what I remember real beer used to taste like. Be warned though; It does contain about .01 % alcohol.

If you don't get it there, you could of course switch to Australian Beer. Same effect.

Lampy I think you mean American beer. Talking about sex in a canoe. ( F@#$ing close to water.) Any country that thinks Bud is the king of beers ...... :o

Swan did make a beer they could sell in Saudi. It had about .01% alcohol. They stopped making it due to lack of sales.

To the OP it is hard to find a substitute for beer if you enjoy the taste. I feel for you. :D

On the up side you may find you lose some weight, if you find a lower calorie substitute.

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The OP probably has a bad liver. Too bad if true.

My favourite type of non-alcoholic "beer" is A&W Root Beer. :o

However...Someone once pointed out here that, with all the motorcycle crashes in Thailand, how long could the waiting list for a new liver be?

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I drink Clausthaler from time to time. It's not bad - except for the cost. 99 baht a can. In Bangkok, Villa Supermarket and other farang-oriented supermarkets have it. At that price, though, you'd be better off switching to ginger ale.

Just give up all drinking,are you that weak?????????? :o:D:D:D:D

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The OP probably has a bad liver. Too bad if true.

My favourite type of non-alcoholic "beer" is A&W Root Beer. :D

However...Someone once pointed out here that, with all the motorcycle crashes in Thailand, how long could the waiting list for a new liver be?

Good point actually. I wonder if there is any market for 2nd hand human spare parts in Thailand. Could be a nice little earner for many poor Issan families. :o

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this guy looking for non alch gets around; stick even mention him looking for it. Foodland has cans of this non alch claust... for 82 baht each I believe

never buy anything at Villa...they jack all prices on farang goods thru the roof

Edited by monochaser
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My heart goes out to the OP to receive such news, but the very notion of drinking non-alcoholic beer sounds about as appealing as having sex without an orgasm... :o

I only drink an occasional beer when I'm very thirsty, but I'm afraid that I have to agree with Noel here! :D

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this guy looking for non alch gets around; stick even mention him looking for it. Foodland has cans of this non alch claust... for 82 baht each I believe

never buy anything at Villa...they jack all prices on farang goods thru the roof

Baht 95 or 98 at Villa for Clausthaler :o

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My heart goes out to the OP to receive such news, but the very notion of drinking non-alcoholic beer sounds about as appealing as having sex without an orgasm... :o

The wife complains about that all the time.... :D

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Clausthaler is not bad - and often better than sweet softdrinks when hot. I would guess also more healthly.

While slightly OT I noticed that the new Singha Light is only 3.5% which in many countries is in the "low alcohol" group. One can actually drink 2 of those instead of 1 Red Horse..


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