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US confident that the Thai military will not stage another coup


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U.S. confident there will not be coup de'tat in Thailand

BANGKOK, 15 May 2014 (NNT) – The United States is confident that the Thai military will not stage another coup de’tat following the ongoing political conflict in the country.

According to Associated Press, the U.S. is reasonably confident Thailand's military will not launch another coup. U.S. officials said that they were closely monitoring the situation but had no intention of intervening.

Very much like most internal political impasses and divisions, it's not something that foreigners can come in and magically fix, said the U.S. authorities.

The U.S. has urged that solutions be both constitutional and democratic, adding that it does not believe the Thai military would want to intervene as it has reiterated that it is not interested in getting involved with politics again. The U.S. also commended the Thai military for its restraint.

Meanwhile, U.S. analysts said that given the pessimism over the prospects for a political compromise, a violent conflict would most likely be the outcome; which they said would be a blow to democratic governance in Southeast Asia and a setback to U.S. strategic interests.

-- NNT 2014-05-15 footer_n.gif

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Talk about diplomatic doubletalk. The US is not helping the situation by insinuating that the Thai military will not initiate a coup. Thailand is on the brink of civil war and all the US can say is that they are pessimistic about the prospects of political compromise.

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It is not in the best interests of Thailand to have another coup, just the freezing of over-sea's bank accounts would put the majority of stake holders in the poor house , the sanctions and international condemnation will be enough to have second thoughts , this time the situation is entirely different from removing Thaskin, a recognized despot, repercussions will be server , however as the history of coups in Thailand show , we are due for anothercoffee1.gif

Edited by chainarong
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Interesting exercise to seek the original source to assess the accuracy of NNT's re-writers. In this case, headline says the US is confident, then the lead in backs off a bit by saying "reasonably confident".

The actual AP source is from CSIS' Thailand discussion on 13 May; panel 1 consisting of staff from Department of Defense & Dept. of State.

There are actually two separate questions and responses. DoD in fact said "reasonably confident", not "confident". State went as far as to say they don't like to make predictions. They chose their words very carefully.

While panel 1 is interesting in its entirely, the relevant Q&A is at 33min 15sec, and only a few minutes in length.

Panel 2 and 3 are on the right side of the YT page as well.

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My thoughts are that the language of the military has changed from the beginning of the protests. I think the military leaders have been threatened with personal sanctions which is why I don't think we will see a direct coup.

The generals don't want to lose their money after all.

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Does the US government feel that it is somehow adding value by publicly speculating on what the Thai military may or may not do?

It is well known that the military don't want to stage a coup but, given the refusal of both sides to concede even a milimetre, they might have no choice but to intervene ultimately to prevent bloodshed.

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Interesting exercise to seek the original source to assess the accuracy of NNT's re-writers. In this case, headline says the US is confident, then the lead in backs off a bit by saying "reasonably confident".

The actual AP source is from CSIS' Thailand discussion on 13 May; panel 1 consisting of staff from Department of Defense & Dept. of State.

There are actually two separate questions and responses. DoD in fact said "reasonably confident", not "confident". State went as far as to say they don't like to make predictions. They chose their words very carefully.

Probably still busy getting all the intercepted calls and messages translated...

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which they said would be a blow to democratic governance in Southeast Asia and a setback to U.S. strategic interests.

"A setback to US strategic interests", that's the important bit"

Cant have that now can we, all about self interest nothing to do with Thailand or the Thai people.

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Talk about diplomatic doubletalk. The US is not helping the situation by insinuating that the Thai military will not initiate a coup. Thailand is on the brink of civil war and all the US can say is that they are pessimistic about the prospects of political compromise.

The US said for months and thousands of deaths, that there was no civil war going on in Syria!

No one knows what's going to happen in Thailand, including the Thais.

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"The United States is confident that the Thai military will not stage another coup de’tat following the ongoing political conflict in the country."

So still a possibility of a coup d'etat then.

History shows that confidence is sometimes misplaced...

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Here ya go.

Watch all the dummies come out and start bashing the USA for "Not" getting involved. I thought that was what they wanted...but now they are twitching in their panties just to get a negative comment out....in spite of the postive viewpoint the US is taking

Shuddafuqup crybabies.


Edited by slipperylobster
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I suspect the military maybe more answerable to the United States than their own government. However, if the Senate appoints a "neutral" prime minister and violence ensues, it is hard to see how the military cannot intervene. In my opinion, the General needs to speak to the EC, Senate, Government, Suthep and the red shirt leaders and inform them that an election will take place on 20th July and a second election will take place on a set date 18 months later, with discussions and implementation of electoral reforms in the intervening period. He should state that the Shiniwatra clan are to be excluded from the elections and that any interference from either side will result in arrest and imprisonment. There will be a lot of bleating on both sides, but in reality, the military are the only ones who hold any cards at the table.

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"Very much like most internal political impasses and divisions, it's not something that foreigners can come in and magically fix, said the U.S. authorities".

Tell that to the Philippines, Indonesia, Guatamala, Chile, Cuba, El Salvador, Panama, Venezuala, Haiti, Iran, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Egypt, Libya, Bosnia Ukraine, etc etc.

Thailand will stay safe from U.S. "intervention" only as long as it elects governments which will do what the White House wants in terms of keeping Commies and China at an arm's length.

Edited by Krataiboy
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U.S. officials said that they were closely monitoring the situation but had no intention of intervening...they said would be a blow to democratic governance in Southeast Asia and a setback to U.S. strategic interests.

Golly...it is nice to know the US is not going to intervene in Thailand's political unrest...and I am sure...what is upmost on the Thai people's minds...is not wanting to setback US strategic interests...all agree...say Amen...

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"U.S. confident there will not be coup de'tat in Thailand"

That's a bit like saying "U.S. confident China will back off on its claims in the South China Sea."

So bloody what!

The United States hasn't said any such thing about the Boyz in Beijing and the South China Sea, nor would Washington make any such statement or claim, i.e., that the Boyz in Beijing "will back off" concerning the SCS. Nothing of the sort.

Washington has known for several months at the least there will be no military mutiny coup d'état in Thailand concerning the ongoing chaos and insurrection, judicial coup d'état and the like. The Pentagon knows what Prayuth had for breakfast this morning and the time Prem made his first phone call of the day and the number he called.

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