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PDRC victims of M-79 grenade attacks receive one-million baht compensation


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PDRC victims of M-79 grenade attacks receive one-million baht compensation

BANGKOK, 16 May 2014 (NNT) - Gunmen have opened fire and launched M-79 grenades against anti-government protestors on May 15th at the Democracy Monument, killing a few and wounding several others.

Following these attacks, the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) secretary-general Suthep Thaugsuban has provided compensation to the victims’ families. Those who were dead or severely maimed from the attacks would receive one million baht and those who became physically impaired would receive 300,000 baht each.

Mr. Suthep expressed that the Senate should be the only governing body responsible for designating a neutral prime minister and a Cabinet. He stressed that the new government should not have any political affiliations, especially with the Pheu Thai Party so that a reformation can take shape.

The PDRC secretary-general said that he would be backing the Senate all the way through but would not intervene in their decisions in choosing a prime minister. However, if the Senate does not perform its duty properly then the PDRC would stage another mass protest.

-- NNT 2014-05-16 footer_n.gif

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Mr. Suthep expressed that the Senate should be the only governing body responsible for designating a neutral prime minister and a Cabinet. He stressed that the new government should not have any political affiliations, especially with the Pheu Thai Party so that a reformation can take shape.

The PDRC secretary-general said that he would be backing the Senate all the way through but would not intervene in their decisions in choosing a prime minister. However, if the Senate does not perform its duty properly then the PDRC would stage another mass protest.

Story of the day!

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He has also said (more than once) that 'this will be the final march' and 'they will propose reforms' and that 'they will clean up Lumpini Park'... let's see if he comes through with his latest promise. I won't be holding my breath. He talks a good game but never delivers - just like he didn't 'deliver' the nation's new Police Stations, just a lot of abandoned construction sites.

Edited by TallPalm
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Oh, so they are paid to be there?
I though that was propaganda.

Way to rob them of any notion of revolutionary spirit.
Let's hope they consented to be bought and paid for.

Edited by BeforeTigers
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Nice of them to pay for their mistake.

Sick, really sick to continue to imply that the anti-government protesters are doing these cowardly night attacks, and to themselves.bah.gif

Their mistake is taking a moral stand for their country and what they believe in. Braver than I would be.

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Nice of them to pay for their mistake.

Sick, really sick to continue to imply that the anti-government protesters are doing these cowardly night attacks, and to themselves.bah.gif

Take off your fascist blinkers, there is only one side that will benefit from a coup and that is the PDRC. All of the early attacks that took place behind the screen of armed thugs could not have been done by anybody outside the cordon. Now the net is full of photographic evidence of who is throwing grenades and shooting people.

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Nice of them to pay for their mistake.

Sick, really sick to continue to imply that the anti-government protesters are doing these cowardly night attacks, and to themselves.bah.gif

Take off your fascist blinkers, there is only one side that will benefit from a coup and that is the PDRC. All of the early attacks that took place behind the screen of armed thugs could not have been done by anybody outside the cordon. Now the net is full of photographic evidence of who is throwing grenades and shooting people.

photographic evidence? Must have missed that.

I'm sure you'll be able to provide some links? Like the night attack two days ago?

Maybe you just live in a parallel universe?

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Nice of them to pay for their mistake.

Sick, really sick to continue to imply that the anti-government protesters are doing these cowardly night attacks, and to themselves.bah.gif

Take off your fascist blinkers, there is only one side that will benefit from a coup and that is the PDRC. All of the early attacks that took place behind the screen of armed thugs could not have been done by anybody outside the cordon. Now the net is full of photographic evidence of who is throwing grenades and shooting people.

you seem to be the one with the blinkers, have you forgotten the reds that were caught not that long ago with m79's and grenades that just happened to match the same batch numbers that were being used on the protesters, or is it that you are unable to admit the truth in case you lose face. Time and time again the reds have been caught out doing all the violence with grenades/weapons but you continue to deny it all, just have to wonder who is pulling your strings, you are simply getting more and more pathetic.

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Nice of them to pay for their mistake.

If my memory serves me correctly, the army officer shot by the monk's mob onley received 50,000 Baht compensation. Two leaders, double standards?

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Nice of them to pay for their mistake.

If my memory serves me correctly, the army officer shot by the monk's mob onley received 50,000 Baht compensation. Two leaders, double standards?

The previous government under Ms. Yingluck paid out 7 million for dead red-shirts? Was that too much?

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Nice of them to pay for their mistake.

Sick, really sick to continue to imply that the anti-government protesters are doing these cowardly night attacks, and to themselves.bah.gif

Take off your fascist blinkers, there is only one side that will benefit from a coup and that is the PDRC. All of the early attacks that took place behind the screen of armed thugs could not have been done by anybody outside the cordon. Now the net is full of photographic evidence of who is throwing grenades and shooting people.

you seem to be the one with the blinkers, have you forgotten the reds that were caught not that long ago with m79's and grenades that just happened to match the same batch numbers that were being used on the protesters, or is it that you are unable to admit the truth in case you lose face. Time and time again the reds have been caught out doing all the violence with grenades/weapons but you continue to deny it all, just have to wonder who is pulling your strings, you are simply getting more and more pathetic.

Somebody got to do something....the Police are useless against these Terrorist.....Mr Blinkers

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Nice of them to pay for their mistake.

Sick, really sick to continue to imply that the anti-government protesters are doing these cowardly night attacks, and to themselves. alt=bah.gif>

Take off your fascist blinkers, there is only one side that will benefit from a coup and that is the PDRC. All of the early attacks that took place behind the screen of armed thugs could not have been done by anybody outside the cordon. Now the net is full of photographic evidence of who is throwing grenades and shooting people.

Although the possibility exists that these were renegade Reds, the overwhelming likelihood is that the grenades were thrown by 'forces who desire a military coup' which would exclude anyone connected with the government as such actions are clearly likely to provoke the military coup that everyone knows the PDRC/PCAD are desperate for.

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Nice of them to pay for their mistake.

Sick, really sick to continue to imply that the anti-government protesters are doing these cowardly night attacks, and to themselves.bah.gif

I agree rube, but a doctor SICK ???? "their mistake" Dr. pewk

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Nice of them to pay for their mistake.

Sick, really sick to continue to imply that the anti-government protesters are doing these cowardly night attacks, and to themselves. alt=bah.gif>

Take off your fascist blinkers, there is only one side that will benefit from a coup and that is the PDRC. All of the early attacks that took place behind the screen of armed thugs could not have been done by anybody outside the cordon. Now the net is full of photographic evidence of who is throwing grenades and shooting people.

Although the possibility exists that these were renegade Reds, the overwhelming likelihood is that the grenades were thrown by 'forces who desire a military coup' which would exclude anyone connected with the government as such actions are clearly likely to provoke the military coup that everyone knows the PDRC/PCAD are desperate for.

Sure now 'Renegade reds" could have been some angry grannies---or---???? It is Thaksin who wants the coup, to blame others for the turmoil HE created.

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Nice quick payment from the Secretary General .

I thought he said he was running short

So where did this money come from?

And condolences to the families of the dead and injured!

How much did UDD contribute ???

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Nice quick payment from the Secretary General .

I thought he said he was running short

So where did this money come from?

And condolences to the families of the dead and injured!

Watch Blue Sky a bit, and you'll see where the money comes from!

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Oh, so they are paid to be there?

I though that was propaganda.

Way to rob them of any notion of revolutionary spirit.

Let's hope they consented to be bought and paid for.

A typical post from someone who supports a mob that Kills kids If you can pull your head out of your beer, and realise the payment was to the famillies of those who were killed,, then you will realise how silly your post is. No one deserves to be killed no matter which side of politics you support..

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...and that was 100% wrong of those people throwing the grenades. It was cowardly and barbaric, there is no question about that and I'm glad these victims are getting compensation, but nothing will bring back their loved ones.

Now, on the other hand, are the victims of the false Buddha Issrah monk's guards going to get compensated and all the other victims of the "peaceful" PDRC and PCAD thugs. Just asking...

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I was at the cemetery today and I saw these 4 guys in yellow shirts carrying a coffin around.

After about one hour I saw these same 4 guys in yellow shirts still walking around with this coffin.

And I thought to myself.

These blokes have lost the plot!

Anyone who hangs around in a cemetary for over an Hour certainly has lost the plot. i think you are trolling as most Thais don't get buried (in a cemetary ??)...they are cremated.. It really was a pathetic effort at humour on a serious subject. You must have dug up a very old joke.

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