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This is a post about nothing. Enjoy.

Last night I had pad krapao moo sap for dinner. Watched tv a little. Surfed the net a little and slept with only the fan as it was a cool night. Work is a bit boring today, not much to do. Going out tomorrow night with some friends for dinner.

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I went to bed too early last night, about 10pm, and woke up at 4am. Missing my breakfast eggs, haven't started eat pultry products yet. Must drive to the shop this afternoon and buy a couple of cages of Beer Chang, I heard the price went up to 390 Baht recently. Dirt cheep really. Wonder if the girl in the flower shop down the road works today, she always makes my day. Another day in paradise.


This morning I woke up late. A sweet (sic) taste of Heineken in my mouth. Amazingly, my girl wasn't upset. Didn't feel like going to work. Anyway, why should I do today what somebody else can do for me tomorow ?

For lunch, I had some yam moo yo and some crab. Both delicious.

I'm exhausted now. Better go home now. Another lazy day in paradise.


woke up early, went to work - boring as usual, went to that pizza place in chaweng to get some pizza for take home, got home and thought I'll do my dogs some good and mixed the (still good) left over food from yesterday in their plate, while doing that, dogs stole the bag with pizza and enjoyed it, managed to save a little piece - it was delicious. Now hungry for more... nothing edible in the kitchen... well, there's dog food :D

another doggy day in paradise :o


Spent my morning at the bangkok nursing home hospital :o but the nurses there are really sweet, plus they wear those cute hats (that I thought nurses only wore in movies) :D


great to see the real life people lead. I figured that if Sienfeld can do a show about nothing, we can creat our own piece of art with posts about nothing in particular. :o

Went out for lunch today and had a look at some desks as I want to make a little office at my house. Then walked down to central to buy some cakes for mt teacher who will arrive at the office this afternoon. Got some moo ping as well with some sticky rice.......great stuff. Yep I would agree george...another day in paradise !!


My girlfriend left me and now I am free to do what I like when I like. Eat food other than Thai food. To tell the truth I am not hat cut up about it. It’s her loss. Plenty more fish in the sea and all that. Had a Scotch egg for lunch, very nice.


I just arrived back home from Bangkok this morning, so i will mostly be buying:



2 x tins tuna

dozen eggs


smoked ham


6 bottles beer

2 packs smokes

tinned tomatoes


That is all.



Woke up this morning and, before dozing off again in that half awake state, contemplated - can one really imagine a world with no hypothetical situations?

Guest IT Manager

Went to bed early last night after dinner at Uncle Yens. Read a Sherlock Holmes novel which is very new and written by a local chap. Excellent read.

Went to work at 7.00 and came home at 12.30 after coffee with a foreigner at the Hotel that I got for free.

Paradise Schmaradise.

I'm sure that this brilliant post will go unnoticed.

Maybe not ....

A while back there was an extremely funny British comedy series called (I think) "The Life and Times of Reginald Perrin."

After a quite unremarkable career, in mid-life Reggie undergoes a transformation and becomes hugely successfully in creating a company called Grot, whose sole purpose was to make and sell things of absolutely no use to anyone.

Sometimes there is a lot to be said for nothingness!!



Nothing is good !! Below is an excerpt from The 'Book of Five Rings' - Myamoto Musashi' s book of strategy (by Stephen Kaufman).

'My way of strategy is recorded in the book of No-Thing. Th espirit of the universe is an emptiness which is no-thing. Man can have no understanding of this place. It exists and is, but yet it is not. If yo uknow something, you know something. If you do not know something, it does not exist in your world. In the universe, no-thing-ness is not a thing that is true and not a thing that is not true.

When men of the world look at things with the wrong perception and do not understand what they see, they say it is the place of no-thing-ness. This is incorrect thinking. The idea that men who study strategy and do not understand no-thing-ness do not, therefore, understand their craft is not correct either. Everything is revealed to them, by their own definitions alone.'

pearls of wisdom !!


Whew Ned, I just woke up from my afternoon nap and that made my brain hurt! I will have to re-read it again and see if I can get it the second time around :o


Last night i was drinking too many beers at a bar in mid-sukhumvit, propped up by the false declarations of undying love from a long-haired girl with a too-short skirt. it was all too familiar, so back to the apartment i went, alone, after slurping down something hot and brothy. this morning my head felt fine, its my lucky day, but i am thinking i gotta stop living my double life.


This is great. I'm feeling good alrady thinking and talking about nothing. :o

Last night, I watched TV a little, read my magazine and made it an early night. I woke up this morning with a great feeling. Then, found a text message from my friend waiting for me. S**t, my friend the singer.. she has decided to quit her job... again! Shame I didn't go to see her last night. Who would have thought it would be her last night there.

Started working like a slave here. Until now... hope to get the photos from my trip to Hua Hin last week later this evening.. if I'm not too lazy. Another day in this mad city. :D

Went to work at 7.00 and came home at 12.30 after coffee with a foreigner at the Hotel that I got for free.

IT, next time they're giving out free hotels can you let me know?

I need a coke... back soon.



I woke up at 8 and put alarm on snooze for an hours worth of 6 minute intervals - sad. went to work, crappyy drive in, wouldn't let that airport taxi undertake me again though! one point to ME! YES YESSS!

Answered outstanding emails. As first day back in office after a weekend in BKK there were about 300 extend my c0ck junk emails along with the usual suspects of liquid viagra/home insurance/cable tv, think there must be a connection there somewhere.

got work permit today - hooray! had to give it back to lawyers - boo!

Spent rest of morning looking forward to lunch and feeling bad about not letting the taxi driver undertake me - I'm turning Thai

Did some more work in the afternoon, not really though as I worked on a junk mail theory..........if I buy all that home insurance I can afford to knock down the walls with my permanently erect liquid viagra powered fallus......kept losing the thread with the cable tv thing....Did some paperwork - although again not really, I was chatting - in the chatroom (some of us do use it) - all afternoon / evening with giselle and leonah about me being a pirate and drinking own urine.....

Then went home, in fact I actually wrote a list of my top 5 favourite films, which is soooooooo hard.


I woke up and went to my 533,000 bt a month job here in the US and

wishing i was a kee nok englit teacher in thai making 20,000bt / mo

am i losing it?


Today, went to Ang Sila, bought a heap of seafood, called my good mate in CM (you know who you are) BBQ the seafood with the in laws. The security guy came over on his push bike and asked if I wanted to buy a case of Beer Chang for 250 baht, asked him if a bear sh1ts in thew woods? Found out how he got the case because it was election day yesterday and the local member gave it to him to let him broadcast his <deleted> through the estate.

now trying my best to type correctly, AND make sense (seeing as the I finished the case of Berr Chang).

Pappa (in law) finished his bottle of chivas I bought him.

Now the wife is giving the baby (kitty) a bottler of milk...ho hum

"Oh, think tiwice, it's just another day...for you and me...in paradise" EJ

well, you asked Ned, don't blame me :o


Woke up at about 2 in the afternoon. woken by the baby next door again :-(

Read my mail , got another 20 miljion dollar ready to be transferred to my account. Is the 15th already this week .... must be getting rich somewhere...

Had a Croque monsieur ( only the french will understand this)

Started surfing the net ... had a piss at google again (american capatalists)..

logged of.

Yeeh 8 hours surfed already??

Went to a store to buy something special, which of course turned out to be MAI MI 6 times....

SO Went to buy a second hand book at gecko's .

Surfed somemore. Had moo something.. Read book.

Yeah already 12 at night ... Why am i not sleepy yet.

Ok look at nothing on thaivisa.com..


This is a post about nothing. Enjoy.

Last night I had pad krapao moo sap for dinner. Watched tv a little. Surfed the net a little and slept with only the fan as it was a cool night. Work is a bit boring today, not much to do. Going out tomorrow night with some friends for dinner.



Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls,

You have to learn to read between the lines. Let me disect NedKelly's message for you.

Last night I had pad krapao moo sap for dinner.

What really happened was that while driving home from work, three of the most beautiful Thai ladies at a corner where the stoplight seemed to be "painted on" waved at me and asked me to roll my window down. When I did, they asked if I thought work was boring. I said "yes" and then they said they agreed and that they were in dire need of some pleasurable company. I asked if they'd like to join me at my place and they giggled and shouted YES!" So off we were. Arriving home, I discovered the only food in the house was some pad drapao moo sap, and started to ask if they'd like me to order in, and they said, almost in unison

"Pad krapao moo sap would be perfect" "We don't want to feel bloated all evening".

Watched a little TV.

After dinner one of the girls asked if they could watch a little TV, and I said yes but was totally hoping their idea of this was NOT their idea of pleasurable company. As it turned out, after they watched the news on Channel 7 showing the 3 of them being voted first, second, and third in a contest dubbed MOST DESIREABLE WOMEN IN THAILAND, they quickly turned the TV off and boldly asked if I'd like to see why the deserved their being voted 1,2,3. It took me about a nanosecond to say yes, point to the bedroom, and get totally undressed, showered, and ready for the best after work delight of my life.

After a full three hours of extreme socializing, they said they had to go but would return anyime I called them on the cellphone they gave me or e-mailed their website.

Surfed the net a little.

After some kissing and hugging and goodbye for now's, I surfed the web and found not only their homepage, website and Guestbook (which had entrees from every important actor, actress, entertainer in Thailand, all complimenting their proficiency in being social animals (does that make them socialists???...lol)

slept with only the fan as it was a cool night

I was just about to go to sleep, when one of the ladies (the one voted #1 btw) returned to say she had been locked out of her apartment and asked if she could stay the night.

Work is a bit boring today

After a night I certainly will never forget, I started thinking about my job wondering why any thoughts of work would surface when I should still be thinking about the wonderful evening I'd just experienced when the phone rang. It was my boss who had just reviewed some work on my current project I was completing for him to tell me that my work had led to our company getting the largest contract in the history of the company and that he'd decided I should be promoted to Director and for me to chose whatever staff I wanted to work "under" me and that my division would have an unlimited budget and I'd be given any perks I could dream up and want or need.

Going out tomorrow night with some friends for dinner

I wish I had NOT agreed to dinner with my friends tonite as that will probably delay my getting together with my new found trio until a really late hour and I do need some rest B4 going out shopping for a new Toyota Crown Super Salon, new office furniture, an entire new wardrobe, my RTW (round the world) vacation my boss had suggested to reward me for my hard work, and to look for a new villa to replace my apartment.

Life is good (even if only in cyberspace, where everything is possible)

Ken Bower

San Antonio Texas USA

Visiting Thailand since 1971


I love to wake up with a girl who I thought - she loves me, and to get the bill for the pleasure... That's the same as you work with Thai partners - always there is a pleasure - but you have to think about the profit... :o

Went to bed early last night after dinner at Uncle Yens. Read a Sherlock Holmes novel which is very new and written by a local chap. Excellent read.

Went to work at 7.00 and came home at 12.30 after coffee with a foreigner at the Hotel that I got for free.

Paradise Schmaradise.

Hey IT ...did you get the foreigner for free ....or was it the hotel for free :o

Had a Croque monsieur ( only the french will understand this)

Have you tried the croque-madame ?

A croque-monsieur with a fried egg on top of it.


Ken and lat ....... boy i did not realise that i did all those things...must have been dreaming haha.

SBK......sorry for your heqadache......it is difficult to read first time around (and understand) but read it again and again and you will find new meaning.

Hey i got some good 2nd hand golf sticks the other day at one of those cash carry type outlets. Very very cheap. Now I will just try to find a couple of drivers and a putter and bag...then I will be set as Tiger Woods.

Well lunchtime again. What will I eat today. Maybe go to my favourite kuaytiow stand for some kuaytiow tom yum haeng......very aroi !!



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