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Five monks arrested for pedophilia in Chiang Mai

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Did they gang bang a little boy? That is beyond horrible. I mean, one at a time is horrible, but it sounds like it may have been a group thing.

Then today they release news about a monk running a porno website.

This place is crazy.

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Firstly the English in this topic is awful, and Talay huahin & The Scarf ought to be the first ones to be strung-up for that and 'taking the *iss'.

Following them every person who's tried to get hands up skirts, into blouses, up trousers or has made any sexual advances towards anyone, ever, in their whole lives or even had thoughts pertaining to any sexual activity with anyone without knowing for sure that they had reached the 'age of consent' in the country in which and at the time at which those people made those advances or had those thoughts.

A quick death will be guaranteed to those who give themselves up.

The Wats throughout Thailand have made the necessary arrangements to deal with the expected, extraordinary demand for incineration following the publication of this post.

Nah, let's string you up for contravening the rule that other poster's English is not to be criticised.

And your point? - your contribution to the topic? - nah - a gutless offering from a 'would be monitor'
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Most Thais put their head under the pillow when creaps screw 12yo kids. Sicko Culture.

Where are you from Chao Lao Beach?

I suggest you look also at your own people and culture, before you call Thai culture "Sicko"

I usually agree with costas, but not with this comment

Priests, Catholic ones in particular, were almost never prosecuted through the Church, their superiors just moved kiddie fiddlers to a new position ( not a new Karma sutra one as they were mostly with boys ) because many of them were also involved. It appears in Thailand the Abbots ignored their monks prediliction for young boys and girls for the same reason.

Celibacy and religion don't make good bedfellows.

Gunna, some of the prosecutions.

Here are the American cases that actually involved arrests:

Daniel McCormack, a self-confessed sexually abusive priest was sentenced to five years in prison for abusing five boys (8–12 years) in 2001.

Rev. Joseph Palanivel Jeyapaul was charged with molesting two teenage girls at a Catholic church in Greenbush, Minnesota, a small rural town near the Canadian border.

Father James Porter was a Roman Catholic priest who was convicted of molesting 28 children. He admitted sexually abusing at least 100 of both sexes over a period of 30 years, starting in the 1960s.

Reverend Mr. James "Ron" Gonsalves, Wailuku, Hawaii, Gonsalves the administrator of Saint Ann Roman Catholic Church in Waihee, Maui, pleaded guilty on May 17, 2006 to several counts of sexual assault on a 12-year-old male.

A Wisconsin priest, the Rev. Lawrence C Murphy, who taught at the former St. John School for the Deaf in the Milwaukee suburb of St. Francis, Wisconsin from 1950 to 1974, allegedly molested more than 200 deaf boys.

In 1981, the former Rev. Stephen Kiesle was convicted for tying up and molesting two boys in a California church rectory.

In 2005, Rev. Francis Engels pleaded guilty to molesting a Peoria altar boy on trips to Milwaukee in the early 1980s.

On November 21, 2005, Monsignor Dale Fushek of the Diocese of Phoenix was arrested and charged with 10 criminal misdemeanor counts related to alleged inappropriate sexual contact with teens and young adults.

we are discussing Thailand what's up with you? of course those instances are terrible but the culture and system here hides much more as there is little law enforcement or protective agencies

you constantly wear rose coloured specs and think you are more Thai than the Thais

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Not a good day for the monks,these perv's and in another story the monk recording ladies on the toilet.

How come suddenly there's a big drive to clean up the gambling den and the monasteries, after all these years? coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

Your mother didn't say that every spring, all hell was let loose at our family home when mam got out the scrubbing brushes, buckets and a bar of soap.

Dad had to be out, us kids also. Mam was in no mood at spring clean time.

It's just a pity this didn't come earlier. Better late than never.

Did you enjoy the days when certain people could get away with anything ????

That wacko (non) monk (Issara), who should have been defrocked for his many past digressions and getting VERY involved with politics, is still walking around in a saffron robe, is he not? Or has he finally been defrocked / locked up very recently????

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There is something about the celibate life which equates normal sex with wrongness, yet promotes celibacy as better, which brings very upsetting results like the ones mentioned. i was a boy raised a strong RC (roman catholic) and surely learned that sex is borderline evil, bashing the bishop most wrong, and if married can have sex only for baby making. Now all that, seen from a long life as a normal male, i consider stooopid to the nth degree. From my understanding, the monks cannot even accept coins, lest fingers touch, from a female. Yet, what male does not have sexual urges due to normal hormones? What confusion must be in the minds of some. I do not like folks in power taking advantage, in any way, of weaker people whether older or younger.

Are these guys genuine paedophiles, preference for young children, or merely getting some sex from weaker people? don't forget that if we saw the monk, or priest, walk into the whore house, a normal male thing to do, what would be the response of society? Are the sex hungry criminals in prisons true gay guys who love anal, or merely screwing what is handy and outside of punishment or judgement?

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Sick world .

If a person declared guilty by a court of law for child molesting or rape , the victems or family should be the ones that decide what penalty the

offender would get .

Anything allowed , jail , death sentence , amputation of certain bodyparts .

Really pisses me off to see rapist get 6 month's or less jailtime , and someone that screwed the taxoffice gets 2 to 3 years .

Victems of rape get life , there life will never be the same after the rape .

I agree with this 100%. Many years ago my mates 2 1/2 year old daughter was molested and punched to death by his ex's new boyfriend, that piece of scum was sentenced to 3 years jail and ended up doing 18 months. In the same week, Alan Bond (an Aussie millionaire) was sentenced to 7 years for defrauding money from investors. The only justice for child molesters is death.

I'm not saying that 7 years was a bad sentence for defrauding money, but it goes to show that money is considered more important than a child's life by courts around the world.

Edited by FATOZ
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My focus is on the young children who were victims. What support are they and their families given?

....and will there be legal prosecution and commensurate penalties? There should be no shielding because of some oath he took or robes he wears. If there is money compensation for convicted paedos who are non-monks, then there should be same for monks. They can't say they have no money, because they're embedded in a rich organization. There are heaps of money related to wats.

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The saddest thing about the whole story is, that this is only the tip of the iceberg... As far as I see it, Buddhism as such is not existant anymore in Thailand, given that if it ever was. To me, most Thai men use the orange cloth to simply leave all responisibilities and dirty deeds they have commited so far behind to live an easy life, have food on the table and a roof over their heads, receive cash and goods for murmuring some Sanskrit phrases which meaning don't even understand, a couple of times per day and otherwise watch telly, play facebook, buy a new laptop, go shopping, hit on school girls and boys at KFC or even on temple grounds (have witnessed it myself in Chumporn and Phuket), and do a lot of other bad things (like the title of this thread) while ordinary and hard working people bow in admiration and submission in front of them. Time to clean up not only politics in Thailand, but the "orange crowd" as well which is poisoning and ridiculing Buddhism on a daily basis.

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The Catholics still hold the record for number of children involved and number of clergy participants...heinous crime...hiding behind a robe and molesting children...

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Its not a good day for them Monks today is it!coffee1.gif

When i was stationed at Clark AFB< the Phillippines the military paper- STARS AND STRIPES said 85% of Thai BUddist monks had V D . Not a low figure for them, it was on the front page of the paper too!!! This was around 1990, bebore Pinatubo blue its top. bah.gif

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The Catholics still hold the record for number of children involved and number of clergy participants...heinous crime...hiding behind a robe and molesting children...

That may be true, or it may be a reflection of more thorough crime enforcement in farang lands. In Thailand (even more than farang lands), monks are considered 'above the law,' so it's near impossible to even accuse them of wrongdoing, let alone follow up with the type pf prosecution that fits the crime. Excuses are too easily bandied around and accepted.

Similar to military establishments, all religious organizations want to be outside the common peoples' law enforcement. They want to discipline their own, and not have outside interference. More often than not, keeping discipline 'in-house' involves small repercussions like a stern reprimand, perhaps a demotion or being sent to another region. In-house religious organizational penalty doesn't involve lock-up, so pedophiles are usually enabled to interact again with youngsters.

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It came as a big surprise to whom?

There are good ones and there are bad ones.

We can never generalize.

Not specific in Thailand, but all over the world.

I'm happy to generalize, my generalization is I would like to see all pedo's executed!

I would not want to see anyone executed. I am against the death penalty. I also don't like the idea of pedophilia being the new 'witchcraft' and the medieval hysteria that is whisked up over this topic created by the media. I have seen the actions of low-brow morons in the UK hounding people, posting these kind of hysterical posts, and at one time even murdering someone who turned out not to be a pedophile.

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