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Bangkok forigners women never get attention from forigners like thai women?


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<I live in bangkok for 4 years and from what I see it seem to me that forigners guys who lives in thailand like to date thai woman more then woman from their own country or forigner as a same.
For dating for one night stand or marry.. So I guess because they live here because they like it here also asia women too.. Hardly to meet forignerswho dating foringer in another country... Maybe have some but most of forigners in thailand young- old like to go out with thai women more than us..>

foreigners love to date Thai girls for their good humour, professionalism, extremely good looks, perfect bmi, boobs which are not scarily big and busty, and - last but not least - for their fluent, flawless use of the English lingo (pls refer to your above intro...)

Edited by thurien
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Some really great looking random Asian women from places like: Pakistan, Iraq, New Guinea, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen or Oman

yes, until the age of 18, sometimes 19 ... after that (having just had their 3rd baby) they all inadvertently end up with the pancake face, pot belly, horse's rump effects - fortunately, you will never recognize these changes about your wife in just a few countries you mentioned (Pakistan, Iraq, Saudi, Yemen etc. ...)

Edited by thurien
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Once you go Asian....you will never go Caucasian !!

What garbage. I'm on a beach in Thailand surrounded by gorgeous European women in bikinis. The average Isaan woman who most foreigners end up with doesn't seem at all appealing right now, although there are some gorgeous Thai women too.

In response to the OP, western women get a lot of attention from western guys who know they have a chance. It's easy for the ugly old western guys who know they don't have a chance with a young western woman to pretend that they're not interested in these 'disgusting white feminazis'. Stop making fools of yourselves guys.

I find this misandrist

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Once you go Asian....you will never go Caucasian !!

What garbage. I'm on a beach in Thailand surrounded by gorgeous European women in bikinis. The average Isaan woman who most foreigners end up with doesn't seem at all appealing right now, although there are some gorgeous Thai women too.

In response to the OP, western women get a lot of attention from western guys who know they have a chance. It's easy for the ugly old western guys who know they don't have a chance with a young western woman to pretend that they're not interested in these 'disgusting white feminazis'. Stop making fools of yourselves guys.

" ugly old western guys"...here we go again...beating up on retirees...you must be so proud...

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Would you take a hotdog...to a Thai buffet...?

Nor does one come to Bangkok...looking for foreign women...regardless of their appearance...

It is not just the appearance...it is the whole package...

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If you line up 100 random Asian women and 100 random caucasian women, the Asians will always average about 7/10 between them. The caucasians, 4/10 average. For me, anyway.

I'm sure all those women really value your opinion, Lloyd.

...and I am sure that 100 random Asian women and a 100 random Caucasian women are standing by for Lloyd's call to line up at a moment's notice...

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I did see a Western woman in Thailand that turned me on about 20 years ago in Mrs Fields on Silom Road. We had a short conversation and she told me she didn't like Thai food, so was stocking up on pasties from home. The next day, she was on the front page of the Bangkok Post. It was Miss USA, visiting Thailand.

After all those "pasties" ... 20 years worth, she is no longer "Miss USA", but Mrs. Fat.

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If you line up 100 random Asian women and 100 random caucasian women, the Asians will always average about 7/10 between them. The caucasians, 4/10 average. For me, anyway.

I'm sure all those women really value your opinion, Lloyd.

edwardandtubs, only he has to value his opinion

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Instead of pretty much all of the posts above, it would be FAR MORE interesting to hear from Caucasian women here who have dated Thai men.(which, when one thinks about it, is the essence of a topic like this). Is it as bad as people think it is?

No, as a matter of fact, I would like to see all Western women with Eastern men

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And what is the OP doing to meet men? Western men (certainly the ones I know) are less likely to approach a Western/Caucasian woman out here incase she is on her hols with her partner, maybe if the OP approached men she finds attractive and started small talk she'd have more luck, sexual equality is a two way street you know?

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OP is clearly Asian. You can tell by the grammar errors. Not the fact that there are errors in general, but the TYPE of errors specifically. Foreigners rarely mix up singular/plural for example.

When was the last time you heard a Western woman say "foreigners guys" or "asia women" ?

Wise up. You all are being trolled by a Thai lady.

And out come the language experts already: Who really cares if its a troll or not ? its a valid question - If you think its a troll why would you feel so compelled to respond instead of simply moving on to another thread ?

On Topic:

Possible reasons are:

1) Some guys come here for the Women - thus are not interested in Caucasian women.

2) Some guys have been burnt at home - thus are not interested in Caucasian women.

3) Some guys have personality defects - they are subconsciously (or even consciously) aware of this and avoid contact with anyone who may drag them out of their 'asian-dream-world', one in which they are charming and the laughs are charged at a few baht per minute.

4) Some guys are well aware of the stigma attached to being in Thailand - There may be an assumption that a Western lady may not be so accommodating to open or flirtatious conversation with someone they may consider a sex pest.

5) Laziness - It may take more work to 'charm and seduce' an attractive western lady.

And from a personal perspective:

I have a number of Western female friends: All in relationships or not my type... One of them has a little difficulty attracting a 'long-termer' but she's interested in someone 10 years her junior and is not happy to settle for something more realistic - the 50 year old. Added to which, in a country where a 50 year old can get a 20 year old why may he go for a 40 year old woman?

The last time I chatted with an attractive western lady of potential she was very bitter about Thai women, her moaning was quite a turn off. She'd lost her Ex BF eight months previously to a Thai lady. Needless to say, the conversation didn't last long, I was however at the time single and open minded.

Fact of the matter is: There are many attractive Western ladies in Thailand and there are many men who are still open minded enough to enter into a healthy relationship with them.

If someone has closed themselves off to one race or culture.... i.e. if a chappy decides he's going to completely avoid Western ladies I see something wrong in that... Everyone is individual, why would someone close them self off based on some ill-conceived notion of what she may or may not be like just because of her nationality or skin colour.

Perhaps some guys can never tolerate equality and just want a slave....

It makes fair sense up until the last two paragraphs. It doesn't makes sense to interpret why a chappy might completely avoid Western ladies. That is up to him, isn't it?

Regarding that some guys can never tolerate equality and just want a slave...; well, I think that is a bit over the top to offer up only these two extremes to label guys who have the right to choose.

The truth is, in my view, that it is becoming increasingly more difficult to establish relationships between Western men and women, as the age of rights, entitlement, irresponsibility and no accountability permeate the younger female generations; as well as older women being empowered with these sorts of mentalities. Add these handy tools with the mood swings and depression that menopause brings on, and it paints a pretty fair picture of perhaps why Western men get the hell out of the way of the locomotive, or get smashed into a grease smear.

What I mean is, Western men in general have no representation other than their mates down at the local watering hole. Women and children these days, in general, get all the support they need from government, special interest groups, etc etc etc.

Now I have got nothing against any of this (to avoid an argument) but the facts all point to the greater possibility that perhaps... just perhaps, Western men are waking up and realizing that their rights got sold down the river years ago, and the risks of hooking up with a Western woman just don;t add up much anymore to even an ounce of common sense.

Now this is simply another view and opinion; but when one considers that sometimes life simply comes down to a man wanting to enjoy a good BJ without worrying about all the narcissistic hoops and BS he has got to jump throush simply to get one... well, then perhaps that concept of having a slave who can act like an equal and gets treated fairly isn't so bad after all.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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Some of us simply preferred Asians even when we were surrounded by Caucasian women. My first crush (age 10) was on a polynesian, followed by a Chinese girl at age 12. Skipping a 3 month fling with a German exchange student, my first real gf was also Chinese. Due to life circumstances--where I was living--I went Caucasian after that, and even married a French Canadian lady. Ever since the divorce, however, I've gone exclusively Asian (Thai, Philippines, Chinese, Indonesian). Had opportunities with Caucasian women, but I simply wasn't interested. Only personal preference... just like some women might prefer blond guys over red-haired guys.

I will add that a lot of Anglo-Caucasian women are just too big for my taste... here's an interesting piece on the 'average' Australian woman for instance: http://www.bodyandsoul.com.au/fitness/training+tips/this+is+the+average+australian+woman,18157 She holds zero appeal to me (based on looks alone, of course). Perhaps others here would have a different reaction...

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I did see a Western woman in Thailand that turned me on about 20 years ago in Mrs Fields on Silom Road. We had a short conversation and she told me she didn't like Thai food, so was stocking up on pasties from home. The next day, she was on the front page of the Bangkok Post. It was Miss USA, visiting Thailand.

If she was Miss USA, then I'm sure she didn't say pastie.

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Just to add one thing... I have a good American friend who turns 70 this year. He's still a working professional (full time), and in his head, he's no different from a 40 year old (assuming that's when we're mentally 'settled'). His Filipina gf is 31. She doesn't have much positive to say about Filpino guys in her age group, and (perhaps naively) believes that older guys won't run around so much and that they're more responsible, etc etc. She doesn't hit my friend up for serious cash, and I think there is real emotion there.

Now, my friend is talking about retiring back in the US, living in a bedroom at the back of his daughter's house in Texas. I've told him he won't last 6 months. there. He naturally wants a woman (significantly) younger than himself, and how is that going to happen in the US? He just came back from a conference in the US, and I think the realisation is starting to sink in... the US is "no country for old men" who want the lifestyle he's grown used to. And I'm sure I'll feel the same way soon enough...

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Once you go Asian....you will never go Caucasian !!

What garbage. I'm on a beach in Thailand surrounded by gorgeous European women in bikinis. The average Isaan woman who most foreigners end up with doesn't seem at all appealing right now, although there are some gorgeous Thai women too.

In response to the OP, western women get a lot of attention from western guys who know they have a chance. It's easy for the ugly old western guys who know they don't have a chance with a young western woman to pretend that they're not interested in these 'disgusting white feminazis'. Stop making fools of yourselves guys.

I have gamed here with four Western women half my age, with whom I'd never had a prayer OR who would probably have smeared me as a dirty old man back in The Old Country.

The difference was that these western women had either learned from their Thai sisters or had known all along that "they had to step up."

The first, a lovely thirty-ish "businesswomen" from New Zealand would have no trouble anywhere getting attention. She had been visiting her high-school buddy here because their marriage was shot to by the local tarts . . . . . . Thai women from all classes who treated engagement as a sport. . . . . The, um, "sport-flirt" concept.

The Kiwi herself turned out to be a high-end prostitute who spoke freely of insanely rich Arabs and aristocratic old Brits.

The second, on Ko Pangnan, was an athletic stunner with a proclivity for one piece tank-suits as swim wear. She stuck her hand down my Speedo (back AND front) as we stoop on a rock about ten meters offshore and complained that the salt water was stinging her eyes. Luckily, there was a freshwater shower near our bungalows.

The third, again on Ko Pagngan was an American girl of about 23. She, sporting a heavy-gauge silver nipple-ring locked onto my admiring gaze as she cavorted in the surf with some backpacker CONTEMPORARIES. She just strode up out of the surf talked me into an all-nighter I'll never forget. She said that the Thai guys AND contemporaries who hit on her were too puerile to rassle with. Admittedly, she liked it a little "sporty".

The fourth, an uber-tony British gal with one of those Sloan Square accents and an incredibly meaty field-hockey physique waited patiently on the other side of the pool for my Thai companion to slip away for her afternoon nap. She rolled over, propped herself up on her elbows and unflinchingly blazed away for over a minute with a 1000 watt smile that easily competed with any Thai girl's overture.

I didn't flinch either.

Everybody knows what happens after a minute or so of that.

Several others, a competition speed-skater from Lethbridge, a Dutch teacher and a French woman from Poitiers come to mind as strong possibles but either I had on my "Too Dumb to Pork" T-shirt or for whatever reason, didn't make a move.

Oh yes, and the incredibly luscious Swiss school teacher I encountered in the Mutmee Guest House dorm that regaled me with her trysts with Cambodia's Prince Sianook until I drifted off to sleep. (It was a dorm room and our "third", an very hot Italian woman with hairy legs should have told us she wasn't going to be returning until morning.

(Must have been wearing that T-shirt again. ;-)

I have never regretted the naughty things I have done in life.

I only regret the naughty things in life that I have failed to do.

Anyway, if you're a man, Thailand's decidedly non-Christian environment plays to your libido.

I'd say it does so just as well if you're a woman.

And that's a good thing.

Western women ? . . . . . . . . . It's not the girl, it's the game; . . . . . . Step up and git some ;-)

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

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Some men simply prefer Asian women. I know I do. Overall, Asian women are much more feminine than Western women, know better how to treat a man, and have a longer shelf-life. That is my opinion, but mine is the only opinion I can have.

I have had three wivesthe first North American, the second two Southeast Asian. In between those marriages, I have also had three live-in girlfriendstwo Western and one Eastern. All six were good-looking, well-educated, and sexually compatiblethat may be superficial to you, but it is important to me. Two of my wives and one of my gfs were wealthy, the others from middle-class backgrounds, but had good jobs. The first five relationships ended due to me; my fault. I simply had not found THE one, enough said.

I have been married to number six for 35 years now, I am still in love. She satisfies me in every way--she actually cares about meor at least makes me believe thatand takes better care of me and our son than either one of us probably deserve; and she is a self-sufficient well-educated career woman.

My relationships with the Western women always seemed to leave me hollow, wanting something. They all seemed to think it was all about them. The Asian women I have known are different. They cared about me, wanted to please me. That expression of consideration for me made me want to reciprocate, to be good for them.

So, by all means, try the Western women. I am sure there are good ones out there.

Ready now, to the tune of Brown Eyes, lets sing. Beautiful, beautiful slant-eyes, I may never love round-eyes again.

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It has been my good fortune, in my largely useless life, to sh^g with many women, both Caucasian and Thai. I find no difference in sexual athletics between either, but I DO find an enormous difference in ATTITUDE to sex.

The Thai woman is not in the least hypocritical about sex. She loves it, BUT it is as normal and ordinary as blowing your nose (note how many Thai women love to get up for a shower IMMEDIATELY after sex, (or so I have read, this not having been my experience).

A caucasian woman, on the other hand, will all too often want to be "wooed" and will demand "foreplay" and afterwards will want to be held "lovingly" , as if the whole experience has been truly "meaningful". She would do better to pay attention to her Buddhist counterpart and de-emphasise sex, and see it as something to be enjoyed as the purely natural thing it is.

Also, caucasian women tend to become overweight as they age. It is not an appetising sight.

I would myself never marry a woman old enough to be my wife....

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It is men who have been the personal slaves of women doing dirty dangerous difficult jobs while women stay in safety in the home , men who have kept women alive .

Maybe there should be equality in things that women are in better positions too , death age, workplace deaths, homeless

Today 50% of graduates are female but women never pay fair share

Why would you have to do those "dirty dangerous difficult jobs"? No scarce skills or education?

And, with how many of those female graduates do you co-mingle?

I make it a point to associate with educated self-sufficient women. I have never had a problem with any of them paying for anything--and I am not a leach, I gladly pay too.

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Some men simply prefer Asian women. I know I do. Overall, Asian women are much more feminine than Western women, know better how to treat a man, and have a longer shelf-life. That is my opinion, but mine is the only opinion I can have.

I have had three wivesthe first North American, the second two Southeast Asian. In between those marriages, I have also had three live-in girlfriendstwo Western and one Eastern. All six were good-looking, well-educated, and sexually compatiblethat may be superficial to you, but it is important to me. Two of my wives and one of my gfs were wealthy, the others from middle-class backgrounds, but had good jobs. The first five relationships ended due to me; my fault. I simply had not found THE one, enough said.

I have been married to number six for 35 years now, I am still in love. She satisfies me in every way--she actually cares about meor at least makes me believe thatand takes better care of me and our son than either one of us probably deserve; and she is a self-sufficient well-educated career woman.

My relationships with the Western women always seemed to leave me hollow, wanting something. They all seemed to think it was all about them. The Asian women I have known are different. They cared about me, wanted to please me. That expression of consideration for me made me want to reciprocate, to be good for them.

So, by all means, try the Western women. I am sure there are good ones out there.

Ready now, to the tune of Brown Eyes, lets sing. Beautiful, beautiful slant-eyes, I may never love round-eyes again.

Are you serious????

You are boasting. About have being married three times, but count it as six because of a live in gf

Let Me guess, you are old but look younger and your wife is.20 years younger and super hot

If I was married three times, I'd say maybe my judgement of.character is seriously screwed and not even.bother, let alone be proud of it

I'm so lost for words

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