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My future sister in law , thai lady, is coming to Spain in September. She wants to learn some Spanish before she comes. :D

In the Spanish Embassy told her to go the "official Spanish school" wich is call Instituto espanol, but seems they don't have now begginner classes , because it is not many people interested in learning Spanish.

One to one lesson are really expensive :o Same price as Uk .

I tried to do a search in Google about Language schools in Bangkok and I only can see English lessons :D

Does anyone know of any Language school in wich you can learn Spanish?

What is the name for the official school of languages in bangkok?

Do you know any Spanish speaker interested in a exchange Thai-Spanish? or even better an affordable teachers?

Thanks for help



The best way for her to start learning Spanish is from the Thai-Spanish communication DVD/VCD for newbies which is sold in Major bookstores in Thailand...

Or try and listen to spanish songs from various latin music Album... Laura Figie,Santana,Chingo Bling, and others :o im sure she will like it :D get the feel of the laguage

This is the best way for her to start learning The beautiful Spanish Language :D

oh and also she needs to learn Salsa dancing before she go to spain :D lol

Good luck

''I Don't Represents Nobody, I Represent My Own''They Work For Me''

I am The Untouchable


The best way for her to start learning Spanish is from the Thai-Spanish communication DVD/VCD for newbies which is sold in Major bookstores in Thailand...

Or try and listen to spanish songs from various latin music Album... Laura Figie,Santana,Chingo Bling, and others :D im sure she will like it :D get the feel of the laguage

This is the best way for her to start learning The beautiful Spanish Language :D

oh and also she needs to learn Salsa dancing before she go to spain :D lol

Good luck

Hola Tytus

Gracias por tu ayuda. But do you know the name of de publisher? . I can not find it in Google :o



Well i forget the about the publisher .. its not hard just go to Asia Books Store>>>there are everywhere in Bangkok and look for at the language section :o

Buena suerte

''I Don't Represents Nobody, I Represent My Own''They Work For Me''

I am The Untouchable

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