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Isaan villages face threat of e-waste


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Some environmentalists call it "e-waste", and some call it "recycling". This article points to not one proof of how it is affecting the lives of the residents of the area, just claiming that IT must be affecting people. Maybe only financially. Okay, time for all of you environmentalists to chime in, even though you also cannot pinpoint a problem. If you have found a solid problem, please respond, but make sure that it complies with your fellow environmentalists on recycling, please. You cannot have it two ways. Is recycling of computers good or bad?

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it is so sad how thais have no respect for thier city thier country or the planet....please stop the plastic bag,foam dish and now the tech waste..with some education,i have tried to educate my kids,and just when it seems they are''getting it'',they disapoiint me,yet again with the old lazy habits...plastic bags,foam bowls and general disrespect..but they sure respect pay day and thier i phones...thais just dont ''get it''...sad

Maybe you're the one who doesn't get it. Finger pointers and racists don't have one clue. Look in the mirror and begin your evaluation there. You'll have the opportunity seeing sad, face to face.

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