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Sihasak clarifies human trafficking situation to US


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Sihasak clarifies human trafficking situation to US

BANGKOK, 17 June 2014 (NNT) – The Permanent-Secretary of Foreign Affairs Sihasak Phuangketkaew reiterated Thailand’s commitment to tackle human-trafficking in the country ahead of the release of the annual human rights report by the US State Department.

Following a meeting with US ambassador to Thailand Kristie Kenney, Mr. Sihasak said the Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report will reflect Thailand’s efforts in bringing human traffickers to justice over the past years.

Thailand has been ranked as a Tier 2 watch-list country for four consecutive years, and if no progress is reported in the past year, it may slip to Tier 3.

Mr. Sihasak added that the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) has prioritized the issue among other reforms implemented in the country. Over 200 people have been convicted in 400 cases involving human trafficking crimes.

Mrs. Kenney also expressed satisfaction over the NCPO’s three-stage plan to restore peace and to set up an election in the near future.

-- NNT 2014-06-17 footer_n.gif

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Over 200 people have been convicted in 400 cases involving human trafficking crimes.

Has anyone heard about this? Can't be true, it's never been mentioned on TV before!!! I would have thought the Navy would be falling over them selves to publicise these facts.

I too wondered about that little factoid of 200 convictions. Not to be funny, but what does a conviction actually mean here? Suspended sentence? 500 baht fine? Moved to an inactive post? Or released on their own recognizance?

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USA is not Thailand's father.

But the USA consumer is your grandad.

Not sure what that means... So slavery on Thai ships is the fault of consumers in the USA? And if by magic all US consumers stop purchasing slave produced shrimp, the problem will end?

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USA is not Thailand's father.

But the USA consumer is your grandad.

Not sure what that means... So slavery on Thai ships is the fault of consumers in the USA? And if by magic all US consumers stop purchasing slave produced shrimp, the problem will end?

No. But if the USA consumer tells you they would prefer their fish not caught and cleaned by slaves, you had better to do it, if you would like to sell to them.

Thai agribusiness conglomerates would like very much to continue selling to the UsA I am sure. So the USA consumer is the king of consumers.

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USA is not Thailand's father.

But the USA consumer is your grandad.

Not sure what that means... So slavery on Thai ships is the fault of consumers in the USA? And if by magic all US consumers stop purchasing slave produced shrimp, the problem will end?

It would probably be a step in the right direction if there was some form of consumer action.

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Over 200 people have been convicted in 400 cases involving human trafficking crimes.

Has anyone heard about this? Can't be true, it's never been mentioned on TV before!!! I would have thought the Navy would be falling over them selves to publicise these facts.

interesting how its always even numbers.

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USA is not Thailand's father.

But the USA consumer is your grandad.

Not sure what that means... So slavery on Thai ships is the fault of consumers in the USA? And if by magic all US consumers stop purchasing slave produced shrimp, the problem will end?

It would probably be a step in the right direction if there was some form of consumer action.

The average US consumer doesn't know about this. If some non-profits started buying TV time asking consumers to boycott Thailand, they would immediately. Voter pressure would stop the US from selling and giving military hardware to Thailand.

The US has the world's 3rd largest population, by far the world's largest economy, and is the 2nd largest buyer of Thai exports. Link It also does a lot of manufacturing in Thailand.

Thailand has good reason to worry, and therefore called this meeting.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The situation is, Thailand supports trafficking as long as certain people can make money out of it.

The certain people are being weeded out. Give it time.

Over 200 people have been convicted in 400 cases involving human trafficking crimes.

Has anyone heard about this? Can't be true, it's never been mentioned on TV before!!! I would have thought the Navy would be falling over them selves to publicise these facts.

I too wondered about that little factoid of 200 convictions. Not to be funny, but what does a conviction actually mean here? Suspended sentence? 500 baht fine? Moved to an inactive post? Or released on their own recognizance?

What is the difference between retirement and an "inactive post"

Do they both get money and do nothing. I am talking about Western retirement. Like I have.

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Over 200 people have been convicted in 400 cases involving human trafficking crimes.

Has anyone heard about this? Can't be true, it's never been mentioned on TV before!!! I would have thought the Navy would be falling over them selves to publicise these facts.

True I have heard nothing about it either.

I am not sure the Navy would want to publicize that they had been that involved in it.

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USA is not Thailand's father.

nor is it USA's "girlfriend". If USA doesn't want to trade with Thailand because of Thailand's indifference to slavery and trafficking, that is USA choice. Been given plenty of chances to clean up and if didn't then don't complain if USA follows up on sanctions. You made your bed now lay in it. We will take our business elsewhere.

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All this sounds same-same as Tesco's response to the slave labour on the fishing boats..the USA tells Thailand they're not happy & want things changing..now! Thailand replies with a B.S.answer & shock-horror the good ole US believes it..!

(Same-same as Tesco getting a report back from here that after a spate thorough inspections NO slave labour is being practiced in Thailand for the production of the seafood products we send to you.)..TiT

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All this sounds same-same as Tesco's response to the slave labour on the fishing boats..the USA tells Thailand they're not happy & want things changing..now! Thailand replies with a B.S.answer & shock-horror the good ole US believes it..!

(Same-same as Tesco getting a report back from here that after a spate thorough inspections NO slave labour is being practiced in Thailand for the production of the seafood products we send to you.)..TiT

Tesco didn't say that at all.

They said they don't control the entire supply chain so it's hard to find, but that they will try to stop it.

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As an American, I will say that Kenney is a disgrace if she believes that nonsense and supports a dictatorship.

If she wants to be a prostitute for the Thais, she should go work the streets outside of Nana.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The situation is, Thailand supports trafficking as long as certain people can make money out of it.

The certain people are being weeded out. Give it time.

Really. There is no evidence of this claim anywhere. Besides, the people you claim are weeding are the same ones accused of being involved whistling.gif

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Could you imagine the USA, UK, Australia, all doing a sixty minute hour simultaneously the reaction it would get...

And yes I know there has been some BBC and ABC fishing boat stories told, but hey if they are serious then don't pull any punches, and tell about the others as well like the Lao, Cambodian, Burmese, people forced drug mules, sex slaves, the factory workers paid a small portion of the correct salary any complaints they removed. Vote with your wallets, it worked with caned tuna, ( dolphin safe )

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I agree it would be good if US consumers refused to buy shrimp harvested by companies using slave labor. However, other nations eat shrimp too, how about consumers in the European Union? And if the US and EU refused to buy, how about Chinese and Russian consumers?

My point is that consumers world wide also have a responsibility.

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As an American, I will say that Kenney is a disgrace if she believes that nonsense and supports a dictatorship.

If she wants to be a prostitute for the Thais, she should go work the streets outside of Nana.

She simply said she was satisfied with the answers regarding the Junta's plans, not that the USA agrees with the situation. Any real democracy can't possibly support the never ending Thai Coups.

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