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While on American history.

I posted this before somewhere but that was a long time back so I will post it again.

Some little known details of more recent history.

You will all remember when Bill Clinton was in office he had a small problem with an oral indiscretion which happened just before he was due to go to China.

He had been given some Chinese phrases to practice in order to help him communicate, one of those was "Choo mai dong" which means......well not important what it means.

However he was practicing this particular phrase one morning with headphones on to get feedback so he could get the emphasis just right when Monica came into the office her usual bright self and greeted him with "Good morning Mr President what would you like me to do today"

Bill was concentrating so hard he hadn't seen her come in and with the headphones on couldn't hear her, he repeated the phrase he was working on "Choo mai dong"

"I beg you pardon Mr President" says Monica.

Bill thinks to himself, 'more emphasis" and repeats more emphatically "Choo mai dong"

"Certainly Mr President" says Monica... you probably know what happened from here on in.

But that's not what I wanted to tell you about.

As a result Bill had a problem with the China visit, when Hillary found out she got all in a huff and refused to go with him.

Everything had already been arranged for the visit including meetings for Hillary with wives of various dignitaries including the wife of the Chinese Premiere and it would be very difficult and a big loss of face if these had to be cancelled.

The answer was to arrange for someone to go in Hillary's place with apologies that she was unwell.

The chosen one was daughter Chelsea who was at first was reluctant, taking her mothers side, however after some inducements she agreed to go.

She knew little about China and even less about the politics and when it came to the meeting with the wife of the Chinese Premiere she, through the interpreter asked :

" One of the things I don't understand about Chinese politics is how often does your husband have an election ?".

The answer came back through the interpreter :

"Evely morning evely night".

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