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Malaysia MH370 jet hunt will move south, Australia says

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Who's paying for all this?

We (Aussies) are ... (I think).

Such is life.

Yeah, maybe part, but I'll bet the good ole USA has more than a fair share--it should be the Malaysians

Malaysians? They already know where it is.

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Who's paying for all this?

The media

For all I care, every time there is news of "MH370" nothing has impressed me, except for them to keep going on. I'm sick of the cat and mouse chase, do you really believe the "smart" people believe in this? We have already dismissed this idea, come up with better news stories please useless media. Would write anything just to sell.

Give us something more bold, US/China cover up, military intentions, spy. Dare you have guts and find the real story instead of these useless searches. I already know what you are going to write next month and next year. Please keep it to yourself.

Unbelievable how the whole world is been fooled over and over again by the people responsible for the "disappearance" of MH370. I hope that the victims' relatives will manage to get those 5m bucks together they want to offer to the one person blowing the whistle on this case. But I however fear that "the guys behind the curtain" had more than enough time by now to silence any possible whistleblowers and/or witnesses. Guess the true disappearance scenario has WW3 ignition potential, otherwise there would not have been such a massive and successful coverup operation.

Nice theory, but what proof have you, other than conjecture?

That theory is better than your nothingness. And your offer to the real story? Plane exploded? Good, go join your sheep crowd and read your newspaper of "the search for MH370", while we others wait for the real answer. For all we care, you can keep nodding your head and continue your search for debris. We beg to differ. His theory is better than yours as of current stance.

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From the other TVF thread in this mystery.

A new development in the MH370 investigation has placed further speculation on the plane's captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah.

Read more at http://news.ninemsn....B5iFoAJPMjqK.99

( Moderators: should we consider consolidating rather than having 2 parallel threads? It's tough solving this thing already.)

And what other island with landing strip in there in the southern indian ocean other that diegi garcia

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From the other TVF thread in this mystery.

A new development in the MH370 investigation has placed further speculation on the plane's captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah.

Read more at http://news.ninemsn....B5iFoAJPMjqK.99

( Moderators: should we consider consolidating rather than having 2 parallel threads? It's tough solving this thing already.)

And what other island with landing strip in there in the southern indian ocean other that diegi garcia

Fair point. I may be wrong but there aren't many I don't suppose.

What might be interesting is, it is only now that Malaysia are releasing information about the pilot's simulation exercises.

Did he practice landings on DG?

Why so long after the event are the computer wizards discovering this.

It clearly fuels the DG theory.

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From the other TVF thread in this mystery.

A new development in the MH370 investigation has placed further speculation on the plane's captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah.

Read more at http://news.ninemsn....B5iFoAJPMjqK.99

( Moderators: should we consider consolidating rather than having 2 parallel threads? It's tough solving this thing already.)

And what other island with landing strip in there in the southern indian ocean other that diegi garcia

Fair point. I may be wrong but there aren't many I don't suppose.

What might be interesting is, it is only now that Malaysia are releasing information about the pilot's simulation exercises.

Did he practice landings on DG?

Why so long after the event are the computer wizards discovering this.

It clearly fuels the DG theory.

Already in the first weeks this information about the pilot pratcticing landing on amongst other airports diego garcia was released but now they say they recovered it from deleted data.

The plain was seen by thai and malaysian radar flying west.

The co pilot tried to call close to penang which is west of malaysia.

The phones of the passengers where ringing the next day. Long after the plain was out of fuel.

Draw a straight line from the turning point to diego garcia and you will see all the sightings on that line.

Why. I dont know. But the plain did not crash in the sea. Who will wait for the fuel to be run out. A suicide of the pilot? No then he would have crashed the plain earlier.

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From the other TVF thread in this mystery.

A new development in the MH370 investigation has placed further speculation on the plane's captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah.

Read more at http://news.ninemsn....B5iFoAJPMjqK.99

( Moderators: should we consider consolidating rather than having 2 parallel threads? It's tough solving this thing already.)

And what other island with landing strip in there in the southern indian ocean other that diegi garcia

Fair point. I may be wrong but there aren't many I don't suppose.

What might be interesting is, it is only now that Malaysia are releasing information about the pilot's simulation exercises.

Did he practice landings on DG?

Why so long after the event are the computer wizards discovering this.

It clearly fuels the DG theory.

Already in the first weeks this information about the pilot pratcticing landing on amongst other airports diego garcia was released but now they say they recovered it from deleted data.

The plain was seen by thai and malaysian radar flying west.

The co pilot tried to call close to penang which is west of malaysia.

The phones of the passengers where ringing the next day. Long after the plain was out of fuel.

Draw a straight line from the turning point to diego garcia and you will see all the sightings on that line.

Why. I dont know. But the plain did not crash in the sea. Who will wait for the fuel to be run out. A suicide of the pilot? No then he would have crashed the plain earlier.

Suggest picking this debate up on the other MH370 thread where the latest reports of what the pilot was simulating are posted.

I have posted on this subject.

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A Thai, or Malaysian (can't recall) military radar apparently did see it but took no action.

Both countries' radar saw it. Thai military didn't mention it until a week later. Greta Van Sustenik (sp?) a commentator for Fox News justifiably chastised Thai authorities for being a week late in reporting the radar sightings, because it adversely affected the search.

Anwar (Malaysia's prosecuted political opposition leader) was livid that Malaysian radar claims they detected the plane flying off course, but didn't do anything about it. It's like SE Asian's response to a pack of dogs barking under their window all night: 'yawn, mai pen rai.'

And what other island with landing strip in there in the southern indian ocean other that diegi garcia

Diego Garcia is not in the southern Indian Ocean. It is in the NW sector. There is no way in heaven or hell that the plane could/would have been diverted there. Suggesting a landing at DG is worse than a red herring. It's a conspiracy theory on steroids. And the shooting down theory, to me, is hog wash - for various reasons.

Ok, I'll back off a bit. If the plane was shot down, the only remotely plausible theory would have been Malaysian AF shooting it down if they thought it might threaten a terrorist strike (KL's Petronas Towers, perhaps). Even that scenario, to me, is extremely unlikely, as there would have been at least one witness or a shred of evidence, and we've heard not a peep in that regard. The other shoot-down theories are non-starters.

Edited by boomerangutang
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thanks P45mustang for posting that URL.

I've said all along that it stinks of pilot suicide/mass murder. Malaysian authorities, however reluctantly, just burnished that theory. Perhaps now, that Malaysian authorities can be more forthcoming with ALL the info they have.

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The phones of the passengers where ringing the next day. Long after the plain was out of fuel.

But the plain did not crash in the sea. Who will wait for the fuel to be run out. A suicide of the pilot? No then he would have crashed the plain earlier.

"The phones of the passengers where ringing the next day."

I hadn't heard that until now. Is that really true? source?

As for; 'waiting for fuel to run out and crashing in to the sea.' A suicidal person isn't necessarily going to do things rationally. If he wanted to create as small a debris field as possible, and stump investigations a.m.a.p. - he succeeded brilliantly. I can picture a suicidal person, particularly one who also murders several hundred people, as wanting to hide his dastardly act, or at least end it as secretly as possible. Completely plausible.

a zen koan: A samurai warrior goes to visit a roshi (head monk) for his first time. The roshi senses the warrior is very attached to his image and his sword. The roshi says; "That sword looks rusty, and it doesn't look sharp."

Immediately, the warrior, brandishes his sword in anger and is ready to chop off the roshi's head.

The roshi bows his head, and says, "Go ahead, open the gates of hell."

The warrior realizes his runaway anger is wrong, and puts his sword back in its sheath.

The roshi sits up and says, "Now, let's open the gates of heaven."

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From the other TVF thread in this mystery.
A new development in the MH370 investigation has placed further speculation on the plane's captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah.
( Moderators: should we consider consolidating rather than having 2 parallel threads? It's tough solving this thing already.)

Yes, it's shameful that the threads can't be merged. If they could be merged, the TV sleuths would have it solved in no time

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The phones of the passengers where ringing the next day. Long after the plain was out of fuel.

But the plain did not crash in the sea. Who will wait for the fuel to be run out. A suicide of the pilot? No then he would have crashed the plain earlier.

"The phones of the passengers where ringing the next day."

I hadn't heard that until now. Is that really true? source?

There were videos of the families calling the passenger's phones on just about every social media site even before the conspiracy theories started, it's kinda how the mystery and theories began A lot of the passengers were signed into online messaging sites for a couple of days after the plane disappeared as well as their phones ringing.


Now, whenever I go to a foreign country my phone does not automatically get the local internet via roaming 3G, and if it does then it very quickly uses up all of my credit, so if I was abducted to a foreign country and my phone was left turned on it would not show me as online for 2 days, and my battery probably wouldn't last that long either. If one of these passenger's had a phone contract that would run up a huge bill by using 3G on roaming then surely the families back in Malaysia/China would see it and it would've been reported it.

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Unbelievable how the whole world is been fooled over and over again by the people responsible for the "disappearance" of MH370. I hope that the victims' relatives will manage to get those 5m bucks together they want to offer to the one person blowing the whistle on this case. But I however fear that "the guys behind the curtain" had more than enough time by now to silence any possible whistleblowers and/or witnesses. Guess the true disappearance scenario has WW3 ignition potential, otherwise there would not have been such a massive and successful coverup operation.

Nice theory, but what proof have you, other than conjecture?

And what proof have the officials in charge for their "official stories"? Think before you type!

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I think the conspiracy theorists/dreamers are wide of the mark

Rolls Royce has indicated, unequivocally, that the engines suffered fuel exhaustion, roughly abeam Geraldton, and that comes from their continuous monitoring via satellite.

They would need to be 'bought' as part of the conspiracy.

"They would need to be 'bought' as part of the conspiracy." ... so? saai.gif

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There have been refuelling errors in the past. In 1983, an Air Canada 767 was refuelled incorrectly, du to a change from Imperial to Metric measurements. It ran out of fuel in the air, but the pilot (expertly) managed to glide it to a nearby airstrip, saving the plane and the passengers. MH370 may not have been so fortunatel.


All fuel related possibilities which may have contributed to the aircrafts disappearance would have been considered fairy early on.

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Unbelievable how the whole world is been fooled over and over again by the people responsible for the "disappearance" of MH370. I hope that the victims' relatives will manage to get those 5m bucks together they want to offer to the one person blowing the whistle on this case. But I however fear that "the guys behind the curtain" had more than enough time by now to silence any possible whistleblowers and/or witnesses. Guess the true disappearance scenario has WW3 ignition potential, otherwise there would not have been such a massive and successful coverup operation.

Nice theory, but what proof have you, other than conjecture?

And what proof have the officials in charge for their "official stories"? Think before you type!

So here is what we actually know for sure;

There was a plane with 239 people on board which took off from KL airport. Some conspiracy theorists even deny that this is true but for now let's agree that the plane and the passengers are real. After taking off the plane and the passengers were not seen again and we, the public, are given virtually no facts about what has happened to them. So from this we can conclude that the plane either landed somewhere or it crashed somewhere.

That is all.

Everything else is pure speculation because nobody has any other facts to base any other conclusion on. So all of these suicide mission, hijacking, government abduction, military intervention, alien encounter, wormhole theories, and all the rest of it are just guesses from people with no more knowledge than anyone else on the subject. The only thing we have to weigh these guesses up with are logic and common sense, and if you really think that in this day and age, where everyone is connected to each other through some means of communication plus all of the other companies from all over the world that are involved with this plane in some way, if you think that the US government can, for whatever reason, hijack a plane from China and Malaysia with 239 people on board and think that they could perfectly execute it despite the potential fallout from the whole planet if even one minute point of the plan went awry in any way, then your own logic and common sense must be missing, but then that's exactly what it takes to be a conspiracy theorist.

I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm just saying it's one of the least likely explanations for a plane to go missing over the Indian Ocean.

I'm sure China would love nothing more than to blame this on the American government, and even with all of their spies and satellites nothing has been said about it which means they have found nothing to implicate the US. I think the reason we have so little information about this whole event is because the Malaysian government completely messed up the handling of the disappearance and the aftermath of it so they are doing everything they can to cover their asses, which is why we have so little and contradicting information given out by them. You live in Asia, of all people you should understand the mentality behind this.

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You live in Asia, of all people you should understand the mentality behind this.

Wow! The perfectionists, the best!

It is a bigger mystery (than the MH370) why these people are living in Asia condemning it to it's marrow - should not one be ashamed if one does have an conscious?

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You live in Asia, of all people you should understand the mentality behind this.

Wow! The perfectionists, the best!

It is a bigger mystery (than the MH370) why these people are living in Asia condemning it to it's marrow - should not one be ashamed if one does have an conscious?

Oh right, so the "face system" doesn't exist in Asia then?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Unbelievable how the whole world is been fooled over and over again by the people responsible for the "disappearance" of MH370. I hope that the victims' relatives will manage to get those 5m bucks together they want to offer to the one person blowing the whistle on this case. But I however fear that "the guys behind the curtain" had more than enough time by now to silence any possible whistleblowers and/or witnesses. Guess the true disappearance scenario has WW3 ignition potential, otherwise there would not have been such a massive and successful coverup operation.

Nice theory, but what proof have you, other than conjecture?

And what proof have the officials in charge for their "official stories"? Think before you type!

So here is what we actually know for sure;

There was a plane with 239 people on board which took off from KL airport. Some conspiracy theorists even deny that this is true but for now let's agree that the plane and the passengers are real. After taking off the plane and the passengers were not seen again and we, the public, are given virtually no facts about what has happened to them. So from this we can conclude that the plane either landed somewhere or it crashed somewhere.

That is all.

Everything else is pure speculation because nobody has any other facts to base any other conclusion on. So all of these suicide mission, hijacking, government abduction, military intervention, alien encounter, wormhole theories, and all the rest of it are just guesses from people with no more knowledge than anyone else on the subject. The only thing we have to weigh these guesses up with are logic and common sense, and if you really think that in this day and age, where everyone is connected to each other through some means of communication plus all of the other companies from all over the world that are involved with this plane in some way, if you think that the US government can, for whatever reason, hijack a plane from China and Malaysia with 239 people on board and think that they could perfectly execute it despite the potential fallout from the whole planet if even one minute point of the plan went awry in any way, then your own logic and common sense must be missing, but then that's exactly what it takes to be a conspiracy theorist.

I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm just saying it's one of the least likely explanations for a plane to go missing over the Indian Ocean.

I'm sure China would love nothing more than to blame this on the American government, and even with all of their spies and satellites nothing has been said about it which means they have found nothing to implicate the US. I think the reason we have so little information about this whole event is because the Malaysian government completely messed up the handling of the disappearance and the aftermath of it so they are doing everything they can to cover their asses, which is why we have so little and contradicting information given out by them. You live in Asia, of all people you should understand the mentality behind this.

For all I know there are two types of people concerning the MH370.

1) Those that offer possibilities to what has happen and what could happen, and it's the very same people who are searching the web for new information. With this new information, new theories can be drawn out. That's what we humans do, we are curious and we seek information and eventually it leads us somewhere. We don't log in to this post of "another MH 370 news" so we could see, no debris found, search still going on. We seek to discuss possibilities and any new ideas other members can contribute and it feeds our brains. We can choose to accept it or not.

2) "That's crazy" "No way that happened" "Are you guys out of your minds?" Yes, these people. Who offer nothing, those who know only to put down other ideas. Those who play it safe and could only accept the facts. The only thing in mind is to criticize other people. Basically a worthless individual who thinks he/she has the right to put down others while bringing absolutely nothing to the happen. Point the gun directly at this type of person. Ask them back, what is their side of the MH370 story then? "Ohhh, hmmm, I've never really thought about it, well, I guess the plane is just missing, because ohmmm, the news said so, and the news NEVER LIES I guess. Yea... I'll wait for more news. For the meantime though, I'll put down other bizarre ideas because it's just not possible!"


KunMatt, you really are late to the game aren't you? It's already pretty obvious that countries are withholding their military capabilities with regards to intelligence. With you now stating China is just trying to find a reason to blame the American government, and has no photos/information to prove so. Why do you think China sent a rusty slow coast guard to the scene, and it took days? Why do you think radars of so many countries were not able to pick up the MH370? Are you going to assume again their technology is not good enough? HAHA. Naïve indeed. You never wondered, I carry a gun with me hidden, but I don't want to use it and let you know I have it, but I just want to kick you around? For now, most countries have capabilities and technology capable of all the said things, but they are keeping it to themselves in order to conceal what capabilities they have. Especially military, they simply don't like sharing information, and a public air transport gone missing is really not of their interest. It's really not their business, it's the government public relations concern.

If google map can find that my roof has a hole in it, what do you think the US military is capable of?

And you seem to be so negative about what the US is capable of. How US can possibly commit such a thing when the whole world is watching? It's called cooperation, or more likely forced. Just read the news, you can see, everything happening around the world, the US's attitude and stance is not questioning or concern. It's control, as if they own the world. Yes, each country has their own presidents/kings to govern their own country, but do you see the US relations with others as we are individuals to individuals? Think again, it's more like manager to staff.

Try flying a private two seater airplane around Malaysia, let's see if the radar will not pick you out, and see if the air force will allow you to fly around with no directions.

I could even throw in another wild one. Thailand breached the collaboration by revealing the radar 1 week late. The generals debated about it, and felt that the right thing to do was for the truth to come out instead of concealing "the operation". Then now Thailand is constantly spanked with negative relations from the US. Negative view about coup, sanctions, downgrades, what have you. :)

Nothing personal Matt, just offering a sense. Think outside the box. Work with what you have, and what possibilities it could lead. That's how we become smarter. During war, there are 2 generals, there must be something that lets the 1 general win over the other.

Edited by JacChang
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For all I know there are two types of people concerning the MH370.

1) Those that offer possibilities to what has happen and what could happen, and it's the very same people who are searching the web for new information. With this new information, new theories can be drawn out. That's what we humans do, we are curious and we seek information and eventually it leads us somewhere. We don't log in to this post of "another MH 370 news" so we could see, no debris found, search still going on. We seek to discuss possibilities and any new ideas other members can contribute and it feeds our brains. We can choose to accept it or not.

2) "That's crazy" "No way that happened" "Are you guys out of your minds?" Yes, these people. Who offer nothing, those who know only to put down other ideas. Those who play it safe and could only accept the facts. The only thing in mind is to criticize other people. Basically a worthless individual who thinks he/she has the right to put down others while bringing absolutely nothing to the happen. Point the gun directly at this type of person. Ask them back, what is their side of the MH370 story then? "Ohhh, hmmm, I've never really thought about it, well, I guess the plane is just missing, because ohmmm, the news said so, and the news NEVER LIES I guess. Yea... I'll wait for more news. For the meantime though, I'll put down other bizarre ideas because it's just not possible!"


KunMatt, you really are late to the game aren't you? It's already pretty obvious that countries are withholding their military capabilities with regards to intelligence. With you now stating China is just trying to find a reason to blame the American government, and has no photos/information to prove so. Why do you think China sent a rusty slow coast guard to the scene, and it took days? Why do you think radars of so many countries were not able to pick up the MH370? Are you going to assume again their technology is not good enough? HAHA. Naïve indeed. You never wondered, I carry a gun with me hidden, but I don't want to use it and let you know I have it, but I just want to kick you around? For now, most countries have capabilities and technology capable of all the said things, but they are keeping it to themselves in order to conceal what capabilities they have. Especially military, they simply don't like sharing information, and a public air transport gone missing is really not of their interest. It's really not their business, it's the government public relations concern.

If google map can find that my roof has a hole in it, what do you think the US military is capable of?

And you seem to be so negative about what the US is capable of. How US can possibly commit such a thing when the whole world is watching? It's called cooperation, or more likely forced. Just read the news, you can see, everything happening around the world, the US's attitude and stance is not questioning or concern. It's control, as if they own the world. Yes, each country has their own presidents/kings to govern their own country, but do you see the US relations with others as we are individuals to individuals? Think again, it's more like manager to staff.

Try flying a private two seater airplane around Malaysia, let's see if the radar will not pick you out, and see if the air force will allow you to fly around with no directions.

I could even throw in another wild one. Thailand breached the collaboration by revealing the radar 1 week late. The generals debated about it, and felt that the right thing to do was for the truth to come out instead of concealing "the operation". Then now Thailand is constantly spanked with negative relations from the US. Negative view about coup, sanctions, downgrades, what have you. smile.png

Nothing personal Matt, just offering a sense. Think outside the box. Work with what you have, and what possibilities it could lead. That's how we become smarter. During war, there are 2 generals, there must be something that lets the 1 general win over the other.

I disagree with you about so many things, including your "two types of people", but I did say I didn't rule out any theory as impossible, but as usual a conspiracy theorist has to make it about sides, the awake and the asleep, the enlightened and the sheep, those in the club and those who are not and obviously deserve to be condescended.

The onus of proof should be on you to backup any theory not just state it as a fact because it is the most popular within conspiracy theory circles, which is what always happens. "I have a feeling" tops "zero proof" with you guys, and then all you look for is confirmation in any way to backup a theory but exclude and deny any fact which proves it to be wrong, i.e. the mainstream media is deemed as one of the evils of the world to conspiracy theorists as they work for, and are a tool for, the evil governments until they print a story which may backup a theory in any way and then the Daily Star or the Daily Mail is cited as a source of proof for a theory!

Conspiracy Theorists are not experts or professionals in the field concerning the theories they come up with, they just all sit around making hundreds of wild contradicting guesses until one that fits their anti-establishment agenda becomes popular and then it is stated as a solid fact furthermore and will never be denied or backtracked on even when it is proved 100% to be nonsense. If MH370 is found at the bottom of the ocean, brought to the surface with all 239 corpses shown on video I guarantee it would be denied by conspiracy theorists who will say that it is all CGI, or actors, or a false flag and the real plane is still in Diego Garcia. They will never admit they are wrong and believe the truth, that's what they do and that is how they work.

The truth is out there, but it is rarely ever discovered or revealed by any conspiracy theorist.

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Unbelievable how the whole world is been fooled over and over again by the people responsible for the "disappearance" of MH370. I hope that the victims' relatives will manage to get those 5m bucks together they want to offer to the one person blowing the whistle on this case. But I however fear that "the guys behind the curtain" had more than enough time by now to silence any possible whistleblowers and/or witnesses. Guess the true disappearance scenario has WW3 ignition potential, otherwise there would not have been such a massive and successful coverup operation.

Nice theory, but what proof have you, other than conjecture?

And what proof have the officials in charge for their "official stories"? Think before you type!

So here is what we actually know for sure;

There was a plane with 239 people on board which took off from KL airport. Some conspiracy theorists even deny that this is true but for now let's agree that the plane and the passengers are real. After taking off the plane and the passengers were not seen again and we, the public, are given virtually no facts about what has happened to them. So from this we can conclude that the plane either landed somewhere or it crashed somewhere.

That is all.

Everything else is pure speculation because nobody has any other facts to base any other conclusion on. So all of these suicide mission, hijacking, government abduction, military intervention, alien encounter, wormhole theories, and all the rest of it are just guesses from people with no more knowledge than anyone else on the subject. The only thing we have to weigh these guesses up with are logic and common sense, and if you really think that in this day and age, where everyone is connected to each other through some means of communication plus all of the other companies from all over the world that are involved with this plane in some way, if you think that the US government can, for whatever reason, hijack a plane from China and Malaysia with 239 people on board and think that they could perfectly execute it despite the potential fallout from the whole planet if even one minute point of the plan went awry in any way, then your own logic and common sense must be missing, but then that's exactly what it takes to be a conspiracy theorist.

I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm just saying it's one of the least likely explanations for a plane to go missing over the Indian Ocean.

I'm sure China would love nothing more than to blame this on the American government, and even with all of their spies and satellites nothing has been said about it which means they have found nothing to implicate the US. I think the reason we have so little information about this whole event is because the Malaysian government completely messed up the handling of the disappearance and the aftermath of it so they are doing everything they can to cover their asses, which is why we have so little and contradicting information given out by them. You live in Asia, of all people you should understand the mentality behind this.

I never wrote that the plane was hijacked, I believe it was shot down. Common sense would be to read my posts properly before babbling along.

You think in times where spy satellites can read your newspaper in your garden, with NSA listening to every single phone call all over the world and checking everything that is posted on the internet, the advanced level of warfare, etc. a huge airplane like that can simply disappear? You still believe in Santa Claus, don't you?

Edited by catweazle
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I never wrote that the plane was hijacked, I believe it was shot down. Common sense would be to read my posts properly before babbling along.

You think in times where spy satellites can read your newspaper in your garden, with NSA listening to every single phone call all over the world and checking everything that is posted on the internet, the advanced level of warfare, etc. a huge airplane like that can simply disappear? You still believe in Santa Claus, don't you?

My post may have had you in the quote, but it was directed at the purveyor of any conspiracy theory based on zero proof, like yours is.

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Conspiracy theory does not exist. All there is is a theory. Its called an conspiracy theory by the people for who the theory is inconvenient or the by the people who can only focus on mainstrean media and have no theory by them self.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Conspiracy is a consistent characteristic of humanity, Despite conspiracies having shaped the modern world, today it is not PC to believe they exist. All governments and powerful organisations today are benevolent and care only about the rule of law and a better future for all mankind.

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Conspiracy is a consistent characteristic of humanity, Despite conspiracies having shaped the modern world, today it is not PC to believe they exist. All governments and powerful organisations today are benevolent and care only about the rule of law and a better future for all mankind.

I never said conspiracy theories do not exist. Of course they exist, and of course what we are told to be real is probably not real. Mass hysteria would take over the whole world if we were told what was really going on in it. But my whole point is about theories which are just guesses based on nothing else but what the theorist wants to believe or fits his agenda.

If you want me to believe that the moon is a hollow spaceship used by aliens to travel to our planet, or that there is an alien headquarters on the dark side of the moon which is the reason we haven't set foot on it again since the 70's, or that the world we perceive is really a hologram and we are all enslaved like in the Matrix, or that the Queen of England and all leaders of the world are really vampiric shapeshifting lizards, then show me some shred of proof, don't just tell me that it is a fact because you want to believe it or because you read it on the internet. (All real conspiracy theories perpetuated by the same people who are touting the MH370 theories by the way).

Same goes with all the MH370 theories. It's totally rational to question authority but back it up with some facts or at least some logic. Of course what the Malaysian government is saying is not really all they know, but if they told you everything they really knew and what really happened then it would make them all look totally incompetent on many levels and there is no way an Asian nation is going to do that. It doesn't therefore mean that because they are lying that the plane disappeared into the new Bermuda triangle of Asia.

This is also aimed at all conspiracy theorists, not any person in particular.

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