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World Cup bite -- 'these things happen' says Suarez

Jonathan Fairfield

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World Cup bite -- 'these things happen' says Suarez


Uruguay forward Luis Suarez puts his hand to his mouth after clashing with Italy's defender Giorgio Chiellini

Luis Suarez on Tuesday shrugged off accusations that he bit Italian opponent Giorgio Chiellini at the World Cup saying "these things happen."

The Uruguayan star did not explicitly confirm or deny that he bit the Italian in the match in Natal. But he told Uruguayan television that Chiellini had barged him during their clash in his country's 1-0 victory that took Uruguay into the World Cup last 16.

"These are just things that happen out on the pitch. It was just the two of us inside the area and he bumped into me with his shoulder, and that's how my eye got like this as well," he told Channel 10 television pointing to his eye.

"There are things that happen on the pitch and you should not make such a big deal out of them."

FIFA has said it is investigating the alleged bite. Suarez has twice been banned in the past for biting opponents.

Suarez said he was "very happy" that Uruguay had qualified. "We take it one match at a time. We know it is a tough situation, we are being pushed to the limit," he said.

-- (c) Copyright AFP 2014-06-25

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This guy could eat an apple through a letterbox with them railings........no wonder he feels it necessary to bite, psychologically he must think that he is a f*****g horse with them nashers !

A great talent - but seriously, he must be well and truly hammered this time. His last 10 x game ban needs to feel like a long weekend compared to what he gets now. However, if he is quick to get on the blower to Blatter and slide him a few quid in advance, he might get 5 minutes in the naught corner and be guaranteed that Uragsly are awarded the World Cup in 2022 !

That's how things work - don't they ?

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If he copped a shoulder in the eye how come he went down holding his teeth ?

He's claiming he ' ran into ' his opponent but from the replay shots from the rear it looks pretty deliberate to me.

let's hope Fifa grow a pair and deal with this harshly instead of worrying about the potential damage to Blatter's tournament.

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just seen the bite marks on chelline's shoulder perfect set of teeth marks,if it was in Thailand to re-act the crime I am sure youd get a crowd to see the shoulder running into his teeth.LOLcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Just like rapists should be castrated, he should be made to have all his teeth out. He will have plenty of time to arrange that now ! Imagine that, when the officials check all the players boots and accessories before the match ( if they still do ? ) and then they come to Sewer-ez and have to check his gums !

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It will be very interesting to see if Liverpool fans will continue to defend his every indiscretion as they have with his previous bite against Chelsea and his vicious racism too. What a genius as a footballer, no doubt, but what a total arse as a person, horrible man!

There were actually two of the "most bonkers" brigade in action last night. Balotelli did everything he could to get himself sent off before his manager took him off to avoid a sending off!

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It will be very interesting to see if Liverpool fans will continue to defend his every indiscretion as they have with his previous bite against Chelsea and his vicious racism too. What a genius as a footballer, no doubt, but what a total arse as a person, horrible man!

There were actually two of the "most bonkers" brigade in action last night. Balotelli did everything he could to get himself sent off before his manager took him off to avoid a sending off!

The racism incident was a load of <deleted>. Though most of the damage was done by the clubs Lieutenant George approach to his case (Blackadder goes 4th for reference) both before and after.

The other things though, I think the majority know its wrong but it's like having a family member accused of things, the drawbridge is up and self preservation comes in to play. Especially if you know that without him you might not be anywhere near where you are. Had it been a fringe player or a Aspas, it would probably be different. Just the way it is and dare say it would not be different anywhere else in the same situation. Is about being pragmatic

I don't agree with pretending it was nothing like some do, but am also a believer in the not cutting off your nose to spite your face idea as well. Is why I completely understood man U doing the same with Cantona, Chelsea with John Terry and so on

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It will be very interesting to see if Liverpool fans will continue to defend his every indiscretion as they have with his previous bite against Chelsea and his vicious racism too. What a genius as a footballer, no doubt, but what a total arse as a person, horrible man!

There were actually two of the "most bonkers" brigade in action last night. Balotelli did everything he could to get himself sent off before his manager took him off to avoid a sending off!

I am waiting for Brendan Rodgers to give one of his rambling interviews. Always fun.

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It will be very interesting to see if Liverpool fans will continue to defend his every indiscretion as they have with his previous bite against Chelsea and his vicious racism too. What a genius as a footballer, no doubt, but what a total arse as a person, horrible man!

There were actually two of the "most bonkers" brigade in action last night. Balotelli did everything he could to get himself sent off before his manager took him off to avoid a sending off!

I am waiting for Brendan Rodgers to give one of his rambling interviews. Always fun.

Will go to ground this time I reckon

As far as punishments were concerned. Agreed with the punishment given after the Chelsea incident. Some fans complained it was more than Defoe did for something similar but recognised he had previous and had likely been warned before for various offences

Likewise would agree with an international ban being dished out. But I don't think it can be imposed at club level, which is where the media led hysteria is trying to imply. Am not even sure FIFA want to ban him, because like it or not he brings in the viewers either due to his brilliance or his capacity to do something insane. But they have no choice. Just a question as to whether he gets a longer ban than Tassoti did. I think on balance he should. But it's not enforceable at club level I believe, I don't think they will attempt that

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It will be very interesting to see if Liverpool fans will continue to defend his every indiscretion as they have with his previous bite against Chelsea and his vicious racism too. What a genius as a footballer, no doubt, but what a total arse as a person, horrible man!

There were actually two of the "most bonkers" brigade in action last night. Balotelli did everything he could to get himself sent off before his manager took him off to avoid a sending off!

I am waiting for Brendan Rodgers to give one of his rambling interviews. Always fun.

Will go to ground this time I reckon

As far as punishments were concerned. Agreed with the punishment given after the Chelsea incident. Some fans complained it was more than Defoe did for something similar but recognised he had previous and had likely been warned before for various offences

Likewise would agree with an international ban being dished out. But I don't think it can be imposed at club level, which is where the media led hysteria is trying to imply. Am not even sure FIFA want to ban him, because like it or not he brings in the viewers either due to his brilliance or his capacity to do something insane. But they have no choice. Just a question as to whether he gets a longer ban than Tassoti did. I think on balance he should. But it's not enforceable at club level I believe, I don't think they will attempt that

FIFA threw that other famous South American cheating headcase, Maradona, out of the 1990 World Cup and banned him for over a year. OK, that was for drugs but they have enforced strict punishments before.

The reaction of his fellow Uruguayans is very disappointing though and Tabarez and Lugano's comments are just ridiculous. And of course Liverpool's owners will be having nightmares as they watch the value of their prize asset collapse like Fred in the penalty box.

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Yep, noticed that as well, which is actually different from how the club hierarchy reacted after the Chelsea incident

Then, some fans in twitter may have been like a bull in a china shop about it but by and large this time round the club didnt contest the ban. They knew he was in the wrong and he was fined

Uruguay on the other hand are going down the 3 wise monkeys route and are showing zero shame. But in my experience that isn't unusual in South America with their national teams and heroes. It doesn't suprise me at all. Their attitude to on field violence etc is rather different from other parts of the world, and their national heros are rather untouchable

Edited by RichBKK
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This is really sick behaviour.

Biting people? That's something I've only ever seen in undisciplined 3-year-olds and Mike Tyson.

Trying to deflect criticism by saying "these things happen" shows what a stupid and nasty piece of work he is. These things don't happen, unless Suarez is feeling mean and is close to someone else's shoulder or arm. There's something inside him that he cannot control, and it is very unpleasant indeed.

Two-year ban, starting now, with the added proviso that if he ever does it again, it's a life ban.

And how wonderful it would be if Liverpool were to grow a pair and announce that biting opponents does not fit into the philosophy of the club, and that they entertain immediate offers from other clubs for his transfer.

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