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Higher Speed Internet


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I've read the numerous discussions on the speed variability of ADSL internet connections. But has anyone gone with satellite internet or anyuthing else faster than DSL? I'm looking for at least 2Mb up and 512 down... I know satellite won't be fast up... but down woo hoo

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I think satellite is what people choose when you don't have much choice... at least for the service in Thailand. It's very bad, and because Thailand is a tropical country with *lots* of rain, it's even worse. Sat internet comes from the same ISPs that provide ADSL internet, so speed variation is also present there. Basically, Thailand is screwed with the internet situation because of CAT's iron grip on international links.

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Lets say i was transferring large data files (10-20meg) across the network back to servers in the US using FTP.

Would i be waiting for days? Is it feasible to do such a thing in a regular basis without going insane on the wait time?

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I use True hi-speed, 2.5mb and this costs me just over B2,000 per month, I download constantly and upload frequently, the download speeds have been consistently fast since day one and the upload is quick too, quicker than I need and I do a lot of uploading onto my server via FTP - photos and webpages mainly. I've only once had problems with the service and that was because of a faulty modem.

As far as I'm concerned, if you don't skimp on your iriginal internet package you should be ok, B2,000 per month is not too much if you are getting good speeds and consistent reliability... good luck!

p.s. A while back I posted my speeds and all that... check out my previous posts for the facts

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I've read the numerous discussions on the speed variability of ADSL internet connections. But has anyone gone with satellite internet or anyuthing else faster than DSL? I'm looking for at least 2Mb up and 512 down... I know satellite won't be fast up... but down woo hoo

Do you want this at home?

Leased lines are dedicated and fast.

Some price indications: 512/512 35.000 per month, 1M/1M 55.000 per month.

Dedicated means that you're the only one using the copper wires.

aDSL in Thailand is overbooked 20 to 50 times.

The overbooking means the number of subscribers on the same internet connection.

Example: a DSL concentrator has a 1Mbps connection to the internet. Connected to this concentrator are 25 phone lines, each with an adsl signal. Each subscriber will get a 1024/512 connection.

So in theory this looks odd. However, in real life all 25 subscribers will never be using their full bandwidth at the same time.

On the other hand, the maximum overbooking should not exceed 20 (most ISPs in Europe follow this rule!). With more than 20 subscribers the speed of downloads start degrading noticeably.

And unfortunately, they're overbooking up to 50 times here in LOS.

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If uploading is your thing, you might be lucky... Pretty much everything people do over here is downloading, resulting in serious slowdowns, especially on the cheap, heavily "overbooked" packages...

However, pretty much everybody doing both up and download tests report close to advertised upload speeds, even on the cheap packages...

On your average 512/256 connection you should be able to upload around 100 Mb per hour, or 2.4 Gb per day...

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Overbooked is a new term for me... I use the American term, "high contention ratio". The US uses pretty high contention ratios, around 30-40, for home use. Of course, this isn't much of a problem since they have plenty of bandwidth. Thailand is bandwidth-starved.

I didn't get close to advertised upload speeds when I tested True's line... at best it was around 60%. At worst, it was... really bad.

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I use True hi-speed, 2.5mb and this costs me just over B2,000 per month, I download constantly and upload frequently, the download speeds have been consistently fast since day one and the upload is quick too, quicker than I need and I do a lot of uploading onto my server via FTP - photos and webpages mainly. I've only once had problems with the service and that was because of a faulty modem.

As far as I'm concerned, if you don't skimp on your iriginal internet package you should be ok, B2,000 per month is not too much if you are getting good speeds and consistent reliability... good luck!

p.s. A while back I posted my speeds and all that... check out my previous posts for the facts

Thailand - Bangkok - Petchakasem 79 - 27-2-2006 3.30pm : 1500 Kbps

True phone line & True Broadband 2mb+ B1200 per month - no upload or download limits

Hi Nikki, could you clarify exactly how much you are paying?


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Nikki, your tests are to a local Thai server. As I've stated before in that thread, it's meaningless. There is basically no bottleneck for any Thai ISP to Thai sites, so all ISPs, no matter how horrible they are, will be getting excellent results (nearly max) on Thai speed test sites.

The real test is for international places, like McAfee and Speakeasy. That's when the limited international bandwidth comes into play, and that's where most people are interested in, since very few people actually surf sites in Thailand. That's where True is absolutely totally horrible.

As for feeling that it's fast... it's subjective, and depends on the person. I've stated before... an ISP can be absolutely horrible, but a customer can be satisfied if his expectations are low.

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I was thinking of also subscribing for a 2.5mbps broadband by True hi speed. What are the download speeds that you can get with this? What is the typical speed you can get on a good link?

Edit=>Oh yes that too using a download manager

Edited by Blackcoda786
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The results I got with True's home 2.5Mbit package with Speakeasy were around 80-400k (from the lines's 2,500K) download, and around 200-400k upload. Speeds up very very late at night (from 80k to 400k), and drops again in the early morning.


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I think you have your numbers backwards.....2MB down and 512 up....this might be possible for around 20K baht per month for guaranteed speeds on IP Star. Actually, its 1MB down.

yes sir, you are correct OOPS my bad...

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I use True hi-speed, 2.5mb and this costs me just over B2,000 per month.

As far as I'm concerned, if you don't skimp on your iriginal internet package you should be ok, B2,000 per month is not too much if you are getting good speeds and consistent reliability... good luck!

p.s. A while back I posted my speeds and all that... check out my previous posts for the facts

This sounds like the ticket, is that price on condition you have fixed telephone service?

Did you have to lock into a contract?

How was customer support if speeds lagged?

I found most broadband ISPs in the US and UK (cable 2mbps up 512 down) turned the speed down incrementaly, if you don't complain they keep it down, but hey presto! Once you call it shoots back up....

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Lets say i was transferring large data files (10-20meg) across the network back to servers in the US using FTP.

I should have mentioned this, but I didn't want to seem dodgy, but I'm uploading very very large files (sometimes 2 or 3 Gigs), depending on the situation, if I have to do that every week, sometimes more, then I can justify the price of the fastest line possible. Does anyone have 5mbps fibre ? What are 'good' internet cafes using? To send a data DVD in a FEDEX letter pak to Los Angeles only takes 20 hours (local time) but costs me about 1000 baht a pop. I'm also debating using a bit torrent format, and taking the files to several friendly internet cafes.... and increasing my up speeds that way

I'm sorry, this topic should have been "How do you send massive files to the USA?" :o

Edited by Soundguy
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Nikki, your tests are to a local Thai server. As I've stated before in that thread, it's meaningless. There is basically no bottleneck for any Thai ISP to Thai sites, so all ISPs, no matter how horrible they are, will be getting excellent results (nearly max) on Thai speed test sites.

Here here, I use the speed tests in the destination countries, not the source:



I ran these in some of the cheaper cyber-cafes in Pattaya and the results were poor, there is a bottlekneck even with 9199Mbps in and out!

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Holy crap you guys are freaking me out. I had no idea that the internet speeds in Thailand were so BAD. I'm so spoiled here in the US, with my cable internet connection. I have even contemplated upgrading to a fiber network because they just installed them in my neighborhood.

*sigh*, I guess you can't have it all.

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TOT 1mb down / 512k up. No problems downloading from US based servers at 110kb/sec.

The secret is to use multiple threads for downloading in Thailand - if I change to a single thread speed is 40 kb/sec. Change that to 10 threads on the same file 110kb/sec works consistently like that.

Depends if you are able to download using something like Newsleecher or Download Accelerator Plus.

Oh and the price is good as well: 1000 baht.



Holy crap you guys are freaking me out. I had no idea that the internet speeds in Thailand were so BAD. I'm so spoiled here in the US, with my cable internet connection. I have even contemplated upgrading to a fiber network because they just installed them in my neighborhood.

*sigh*, I guess you can't have it all.

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Posters here dont seem to be getting what the OP is asking for.. When your used to high end Euro and US speeds, discussing of we are getting 40kbps or 100kbps is kind of laughable. My brother could measure speeds in the Mbps not Kbps on our biz lines back in Europe.

If you need to move large multi gig video files then simply forget Thailand. If you need to have reliable internet that doesnt just drop some days for a few hours then forget Thailand.. The infrastructure and network here is a mess simple.

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For uploading files really fast, none of the home packages offer higher than 512kbps uploads. Downloads can go up to 4mbps, but not uploads. The cheaper SME packages are similarly restricted.

For fast uploads, you'd need symmetric corporate lines, but corporate lines are *extremely* expensive. Just to get 512kdown/512kup, you'd pay tens of thousands of baht per month... but you'd be getting very good speeds.

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My Ipstar has been so bad that it is disgusting. They keep promoting their shit service and can't even take care of the customers they already have. Nearly every file I try to download is corrupted. Spend an hour trying to download something and then it tells me the file is corrupt. And YES, I do complain. Here is the latest reply from them;

Regarding to the problem of iPSTAR service delay and the frequent disconnection during the past few weeks, we have investigated and found that some groups of customers have excessively used the services offered corresponding to the application's conditions, and the bandwidth is consequently congested.

However, the company have not ignored the problem. We are trying to allocate the bandwidth and to find the best way to entirely support the customers. At the moment, the customers may still face such problem as we are now in the process to find the best solution.

Unfortunately I have NO choice other than this stinking service. How can people use excessively an unlimited service? Even when it does work it is no better than the dial up I used in Jomtien and probably worse because of the corrupted downloads.

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Lets say i was transferring large data files (10-20meg) across the network back to servers in the US using FTP.

Would i be waiting for days? Is it feasible to do such a thing in a regular basis without going insane on the wait time?

I've transfered a 695 MB file to Texas a few days ago in about 3 and 1/2 hours.

TOT ADSL GoldCyber 1024/512

TOT 1mb down / 512k up. No problems downloading from US based servers at 110kb/sec.

The secret is to use multiple threads for downloading in Thailand - if I change to a single thread speed is 40 kb/sec. Change that to 10 threads on the same file 110kb/sec works consistently like that.

Depends if you are able to download using something like Newsleecher or Download Accelerator Plus.

Oh and the price is good as well: 1000 baht.


I have the same package and can't complain. :D

Some smaller downloads actually start at well over 250kb/s and gradually set to 110kb/s about halfay through. :o

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