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UK Post office Money Transfer Services

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I have been using the UK Post Office to transfer money to my wife's family in CNX for the last three years. This has consisted of a payment of the same amount every month on or close to the same date every month with the occasional extra transfer for the likes of school fees or other one off needs.

Until May this year, the system was run by HiFX and I have had no problems at all. Then Moneycorp took over. They added an extra security question but system continued as before. Payment in May and June were made as normal.

Three days ago I tried to send money,(slightly more than before due to a birthday) and was meet with this message:

Please note before you trade. For this transfer you are required to provide us documentary evidence explaining the reason of your transfer and source of funds. Your transfer will not be sent if you are unable to provide this.

I tried the telephone helpline but could get no coherent advice on what documentary evidence would be acceptable. I can easily prove the source of funds but I am reluctant to share details of my income with anybody other than my wife and the Inland Revenue.

How I explain the reason for the transfer to their satisfaction is beyond my understanding.

I Emailed their Customer Services and received a phone call from a manager who tried to flannel me without providing any useful advice. However he did inform me that sending a transfer from the same source to the same destination regularly on or about the same date is "suspicious". I do not agree.

In the meantime the account remains blocked until I provide evidence of my Bona Fides.

Are there any members who can advise me?

Note to Moderator, if this belongs in an existing topic please move it.

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