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Kerry attacks Russia over MH17 crash


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So what is Mr Kerry suggesting that Russia do?

When the US shot down an airliner in 1988, they issued no apology (and still havent) and sent a few hundred thousand dollars to the families of the dead.

Is this the response he is looking for?

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Just to set the record straight.

The total payment made by the US government was $61.8 Million..paying $213,103.45 PER PASSENGER.

Considerably more than..."a few hundred thousand dollars to the families of the dead."

I agree Kerry is an empty suit but where are the European leaders and what are they doing?

Exactly what I said. A few hundred thousand to the families.

Did the lack of the word 'each' trigger an OCD event or something?

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If a family had five members on that flight that was shot down, the remaining family members would have received $1,065,517.25.

If you had said it right the first time, we wouldn't be having this conversation. With that, I am outta here and will leave you to your own devices.

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Why are some people on this form talking about money that the family can receive? To manny people lost there lives in this incident. Please show some respect.

Thank you.

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A 2012 report into Putin’s wealth by the Daily Telegraph, detailed his personal toys, which includes a fleet of 58 different aircraft. The bathroom on one of his planes cost $85,000 to install, it has gold fittings.

His watch collection is valued at over $500,000, he has a palace valued at $340 million on the Black Sea, and a yacht which cost a cool $44 million. Former Russian deputy prime minister, Boris Nemtsov, said that Putin “can be compared with that of the monarchs of the Persian Gulf or the most outrageous oligarchs.”

That same article goes on today his net worth is estimated to be 70 billion dollars. King Vlad has done quite well for himself.


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Seems the the pro Russian rebels had been bragging over Twitter accounts of having the BUK missile system and bringing down Ukrainian military aircraft over last few weeks, mysteriously the Twitter account history has now been erased relating to these tweets???

Bloody disgusting, and now using the dead as bargaining chips to show who has a bit of power? RIP to all the innocent and hopefully the perps will burn in hell one day for this act of cowardly mass murder

Twitter account history has now been erased...They consulted with the US...IRS (Internal Revenue Service)...on how to destroy evidence of wrong doing by deleting, shredding, and destroy emails and computer discs...they (IRS) are now the world's experts on how to avoid prosecution by destroying the evidence...then playing ignorance...taking the 5th amendment...and being pompous and belligerent...their commander and chief is so proud...reflection of his failed foreign policies...

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