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Mavens: What Id Does Thai Need?

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Disclaimer--This is not a dumb question.  This is just an ignorant question:

A Thai friend (who is a mae chii) wants to go with me to Ranong for my next visa run to Burma in a couple of months. uhh, her passport has expired. Exactly what does she need in the way of id papers to do this? :D:o

The stamp I got this time says that it is good for two days. I too would love would love to get away from the port and wander around a bit.

Further, what is involved in a Thai getting a new passport, and how expensive is it? She seemed to think it was a really big deal and probably not worth it.

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If the passport that expired was a regular five-year passport, your friend can get it extended for another five years. I can't tell you the specifics, but it is very easy. I don't know where you are located, but I believe there is a Thai passport office located within Central Bangna.

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Dutch and pvt dick, thank you.

We are located near Surat Thani. So to Burma is just a mornings' jaunt.

She did have a five year passport... but complained of the price of a new one, and I've no idea.

Must it be a passport office, or would any local post office have the forms? or only the main one in Surat? what are they called? (my Thai is nit noy, and I boasted that I could find all this stuff out)

The last bit of confusion (hah--that's gotta be a lie) has to do with staying overnight in Burma at the Ranong border. The stamp in my passport looks like it's possible, but is that just part of the act? Can it be done?

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For staying overnight in Kawthoung (the port on the Burmese side of the border), you CAN stay there, but if you have half a day in Kawthoung you'll see everything there is to see without actually travelling further up into Tanintharyi Division to Myeik.

Your friend won't be able to travel that far up without a visa, and any trip further into Myanmar from Kawthoung needs 2-3 days minimum.

My advice is to book into the Andaman Club, take their ferry over to the island, and stay there for a night. You won't miss anything by not going to Kawthoung, and its easy for her to do the Burmese immigration with only her Thai ID if only staying at the Club.

Best of luck


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