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"you Bad Man!"


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I took a Thai girl I met in Pattaya, (she said she sold sandwichs) to Phuket, I was going to keep her a week or so but she was starting to get on my nerves so I was going to send her back. Well during this time I not only paid her airfare,hotel,food,cloths but bought her a new MP3 Player because she broke hers. She kept going on and on but when she finally relized I really was sending her back she said "I have no money" ya right, like what did you spend it on? So I say "well I guess your going back the same way" because I thought she is trying to scam me, she gets mad and says I sleep with you for 3 nights and you no give me money? And I reply, "you mean you are like those freelancers on the beach?. Then she really blows up and says "you wait here I get police". This is all taking place in the hotel room except when she gets to the police part she is already outside the door. She told me in Pattaya her dad is a retired cop. So I am thinking here I am in a foriegn country rife with corruption and she can say anything, I don't know how the police will respond. So I say ok how much you want? and she still goes to the hotel front desk at the Phuket Salathai, and I come up she says "you bad man". I have to hand it to the hotel staff they diffused the situation well. They tell me she agreeed to just accept taxi fare from Bangkok to Pattaya but of course I am paying taxi to airport and airfare. So I ride in cab to airport with her and have to listen to her nonstop mouth, but I cant understand a word cuz she is talking in Thai, except the part where she says "you bad man!" and when she wants more money. Then she demands 8000 baht so I just give it to her because I didnt want anymore trouble. I end up just paying first class to get her on the plane but I am just glad to get rid of her. I later thought "jeez if I just would have givin her some money I wouldnt have had the hassle" Or later I thought maybe I could have called the Tourist Police. Bad man? After all the things I did for her? I was talking to a Thai guy outside the airport and he said "ya thats how they think, if you don't give them money you "bad man". I just with I had never asked her to go to Phuket in the first place. Turned out I guess she was a FL after all, since I guess a regular Thai women wouldn't normally jump in the sack so fast. Live and learn.

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I took a Thai girl I met in Pattaya, (she said she sold sandwichs...................................e. Turned out I guess she was a FL after all, since I guess a regular Thai women wouldn't normally jump in the sack so fast. Live and learn.

:D What could you be possibly thinking?

There are about 60000 users here, a large majority of the regular users living, happily marroed, or at least with happy situations or experiences and memories, who put up with this sort of diatribe by many newbie, greenie people (for want of a better word, I use people). You come here and one of your first posts is something none of us really care about cos we´re tired of hearing it.

If you don´t know how to look after yerself when your are travelling, I suggest you don´t travel so far away from home next time. You obviously wouldn´t even survive a night in Amsterdam, so I suggest your local men´s working club, or something similar.

BYE! :o

ya guys think he´ll take the bait...? :D

Edited by kayo
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I read it all.. but only cos I´m on the wagon and I´m bored. Run out of books to read and don´t have a television. The sun´s shining and I live on a lake.... Could it be that there are other "outdoor thingies" I could go and do..! Well, it´s only lunch time here... plenty of time.

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Well I guess I should consider myself flamed. I picked the wrong place to vent,

it was a bit rambling.

And as far as I knew she wasn't a bar girl(I saw her jogging every morning in tracksuit), at least thats what I thought at first till the third day. And I can take care of myself just fine thanks, I live in Los Angeles so I think I can handle Amsterdam. I was in Thailand two months, guess I let my guard down.


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khunk. i was a bit harsh. But the point I made remains nonetheless. I don´t mean to disparage you from posting on here, but just, ya know. you don´t go telling a nuclear missile builder about the risks of nuclear weapons.

And bar girls aren´t rocket sciencists, whether they jog in the mornings or not.

But if you come onto tv.com wanting to share in your experiences (pleasant or otherwise) in this country, please don´t feel disparaged by my (or others) posts. In a funny sort of way, it is how a large part of the moderation issues are dealt with here. The sheep keeping their herd from the wolves and rats and fleas.

Sort of.

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I took a Thai girl I met in Pattaya, (she said she sold sandwichs...................................e. Turned out I guess she was a FL after all, since I guess a regular Thai women wouldn't normally jump in the sack so fast. Live and learn.

:D What could you be possibly thinking?

There are about 60000 users here, a large majority of the regular users living, happily marroed, or at least with happy situations or experiences and memories, who put up with this sort of diatribe by many newbie, greenie people (for want of a better word, I use people). You come here and one of your first posts is something none of us really care about cos we´re tired of hearing it.

If you don´t know how to look after yerself when your are travelling, I suggest you don´t travel so far away from home next time. You obviously wouldn´t even survive a night in Amsterdam, so I suggest your local men´s working club, or something similar.

BYE! :o

ya guys think he´ll take the bait...? :D

We have all been newbees and we have all made mistakes. I'm not into bars, but I did learn a lesson albiet the hard way. Yes I did ramble but I thought I would find friendly people(for want of a better word in your case) here. If you didnt like my post you didnt have to read it much less respond in such a negative way.

Khunk out

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We have all been newbees and we have all made mistakes. I'm not into bars, but I did learn a lesson albiet the hard way. Yes I did ramble but I thought I would find friendly people(for want of a better word in your case) here. If you didnt like my post you didnt have to read it much less respond in such a negative way.

Khunk out

I think you should read kayos post immediately above the one you just made.

totster :o

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We have all been newbees and we have all made mistakes. I'm not into bars, but I did learn a lesson albiet the hard way. Yes I did ramble but I thought I would find friendly people(for want of a better word in your case) here. If you didnt like my post you didnt have to read it much less respond in such a negative way.

Khunk out

I think you should read kayos post immediately above the one you just made.

totster :D

Er, yeah....................... :o:D and all that,,,,,,,,,,,, :D


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We have all been newbees and we have all made mistakes. I'm not into bars, but I did learn a lesson albiet the hard way. Yes I did ramble but I thought I would find friendly people(for want of a better word in your case) here. If you didnt like my post you didnt have to read it much less respond in such a negative way.

Khunk out

I think you should read kayos post immediately above the one you just made.

totster :o

Ok I have removed my foot from mouth. Point taken & sorry if I was harsh as well, should have taken it with a grain of salt and less sensitivity.


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We have all been newbees and we have all made mistakes. I'm not into bars, but I did learn a lesson albiet the hard way. Yes I did ramble but I thought I would find friendly people(for want of a better word in your case) here. If you didnt like my post you didnt have to read it much less respond in such a negative way.

Khunk out

I think you should read kayos post immediately above the one you just made.

totster :D

Ok I have removed my foot from mouth. Point taken & sorry if I was harsh as well, should have taken it with a grain of salt and less sensitivity.




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I took a Thai girl I met in Pattaya, (she said she sold sandwichs) to Phuket, I was going to keep her a week or so but she was starting to get on my nerves so I was going to send her back. Well during this time I not only paid her airfare,hotel,food,cloths but bought her a new MP3 Player because she broke hers. She kept going on and on but when she finally relized I really was sending her back she said "I have no money" ya right, like what did you spend it on? So I say "well I guess your going back the same way" because I thought she is trying to scam me, she gets mad and says I sleep with you for 3 nights and you no give me money? And I reply, "you mean you are like those freelancers on the beach?. Then she really blows up and says "you wait here I get police". This is all taking place in the hotel room except when she gets to the police part she is already outside the door. She told me in Pattaya her dad is a retired cop. So I am thinking here I am in a foriegn country rife with corruption and she can say anything, I don't know how the police will respond. So I say ok how much you want? and she still goes to the hotel front desk at the Phuket Salathai, and I come up she says "you bad man". I have to hand it to the hotel staff they diffused the situation well. They tell me she agreeed to just accept taxi fare from Bangkok to Pattaya but of course I am paying taxi to airport and airfare. So I ride in cab to airport with her and have to listen to her nonstop mouth, but I cant understand a word cuz she is talking in Thai, except the part where she says "you bad man!" and when she wants more money. Then she demands 8000 baht so I just give it to her because I didnt want anymore trouble. I end up just paying first class to get her on the plane but I am just glad to get rid of her. I later thought "jeez if I just would have givin her some money I wouldnt have had the hassle" Or later I thought maybe I could have called the Tourist Police. Bad man? After all the things I did for her? I was talking to a Thai guy outside the airport and he said "ya thats how they think, if you don't give them money you "bad man". I just with I had never asked her to go to Phuket in the first place. Turned out I guess she was a FL after all, since I guess a regular Thai women wouldn't normally jump in the sack so fast. Live and learn.

Shit happens! U did handle the situation extremely well! Dont pay any attention to negative responses. I feel for u...

Edited by Mishka
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Khunk, :D First round of pints is on me if we meet (I live in Guatemala now). Well, you have a pint, I´m supposed to be on the wagon, sort of.

Ciao, Chok Dii (good luck)

Chris. :D:o

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She is one sandwich girl who knows which side of her bread is buttered.

She also knows how much dough goes into each sandwich.

She gave you more than just a sandwich, she gave you a week's worth of rolls.

Perhaps she wasn't very happy with your sandwich filling ingredients.

She made the most out of a crumby deal.

Next time choose a sushi girl. :o

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A nice back hand may of shut her up for alittle while.


nb: Disclaimer for the less English among us (ie: more sensitive)

User does not condone violence toward women in any manner, but does have a sense of humour.

She is one sandwich girl who knows which side of her bread is buttered.

She also knows how much dough goes into each sandwich.

She gave you more than just a sandwich, she gave you a week's worth of rolls.

I had a sandwich once or twice.... The only ugly girls I generally accept, are only accepted if they come in two´s :o:D

she gave you a week's worth of rolls. ..............Er....no comment... Sounds exciting, in a different context.

Edited by kayo
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A nice back hand may of shut her up for alittle while.

Donzo, your infantile posts amaze the reader. :o

I have a funny feeling thats what his missus does to shut him up... :D

totster :D

Actually she does sometime punch me in the chest, but she is so little it feels like someone is flicking me

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"you bad Man!"

U guys are actually very very lucky with thai women, could be worse! Could be russians! I have known several very mature British men who ended up lovu dovy with russian chicks who eventually, after winning their trust, played their final and very famous in Russia trick - eye drops in man's drink (to send him in neverland and to rob him)...At least, thai women are more honest!

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Part of the problem is, we hear these stories so often. The minor details differ slightly, but the meat of it is essentially the same every time.

Guy meets girl.

"His" girl is "different" (not work bar).

Guy falls for girl (takes her on holidays, buys her stuff, ect)

Guy gets heart broken after discovering she is a money-grubbing bar-girl that only sees him as a Walking ATM.

Guy joins Thai Visa and pours his heart out.

Guy gets loads of cynical replies from cruel, heartless members who think they are hearing a broken record (or a Troll trying to provoke other posters).

Guy eventually learns his story isn't unique, and that he should have kown better. Guy now knows a little more and may be a little smarter next time !

Have fun ! :o

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