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Financially independent, Under 50, Seeking Options....

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Here’s my situation:

  • Single, 36 year old American
  • Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Economics
  • Financially well off, having invented & sold some packaging technology designed to reduce fruit spoilage
  • Traveled to Thailand for 2 week vacation last spring and loved it.  Want to stay long-term.  Want to do so legally.
  • Given the “crackdown,” and being under 50, I seem to have limited options -- 1) Marriage, 2) starting a business, 3) Thai Elite Card, or 4) obtaining a work permit and Non-Immigrant B.  I am not interested in an ED visa…too many issues.
  • Marriage may happen at some point.  I have some reservations about Thailand’s stability regarding the Elite Card or a business.  Therefore, the Non-Immigrant B/work permit seems the most feasible option. A couple of questions in that regard:
  1. Teaching English seems to be the direction most people take.  I have a bachelor’s degree and can easily attend a TEFL course.  This would appear to make me qualified, correct?
  2. If I were to take this route, can one expect to find jobs (preferably part time) that legitimately furnish/facilitate the Non-Immigrant B and work permit both initially and for regular, problem free renewals?

There seems to be a lot of horror stories of “employed” people whose employers never are willing to complete the required legalities.  I can understand Thailand’s desire to reform immigration, but there appear to be some obstacles even for those trying to do the right thing.  Can the “old hands” on this forum please advise.  As an aside, I generally would prefer to NOT be in metro BKK.


Thanks in advance.

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Travelled her for two weeks and loved it.

Please tell me what you loved about the place?


Where exactly did you visit and what did you see to make you love this place?


If you are so rich and want to be here, dont worry, Thailand has just the ticket for you.

Its called an investor visa, available for a cool 10 million baht.



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So you've been in Thailand two weeks and already making a movie in your head about your future there ?



Why not.. I was 22 or so, landed in bali for 3 weeks for xmas.. First time I was ever taking care of my mum and brother after my old man left.. 


The sights sounds and smells of asia had me.. I knew I would be living here.. 6 years later I retired to Thailand. 



That's all good, the only point I was trying to make is that is stupid to commit to anything before the due time.


E.g. the OP maybe wants to work, maybe wants to marry, right now it's pointless to throw money into an expensive elite card that he may not need at all.

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Thank you to everyone who has replied thus far!  I appreciate the feedback and diversity of opinion.  Please keep the comments coming....  A couple of clarifications:

  • With regard to my limited time in-country, I can understand the criticisms on that point.  I am sure there will be many disappointments once the “new-ness” of Thailand wears off.  However, in my defense, I will say that I have traveled extensively and have a fairly good idea of what I do and don’t like.  For the last 15 years, I have spent over 150 days per year working on agricultural and crop yield efforts in the Mid East, South America, Mexico, Europe, and parts of China.
  • My sale of pit fruit packaging technology has put me in a comfortable and stable financial position.  (Approximately 100,000 baht monthly, but I am far from rich.)  Most importantly, I am and will remain modest.  Still drive my trusty 1995 pickup…  I’m a pretty ordinary guy. 
  • Factual responses which leave out the “sins” of Thailand are most appreciated.  I was married for 12 years and remain good friends with the ex, but we went in different directions.  Thailand’s appeal to me is more than its nightlife.  In fact, I would prefer to live outside of Phuket or BKK.


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100k per month, sorry thought you said you were financially independant?


My best advice for you, head to Chanthaburi on the east coast.

Get yourself outside the normal farang ghetto, is one of the richest provinces in Thailand.


Like you I dont frequent the more salubrious parts of the kingdom, its Chan for you young man.

Edited by rgs2001uk
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  • My sale of pit fruit packaging technology has put me in a comfortable and stable financial position.  (Approximately 100,000 baht monthly, but I am far from rich.)  Most importantly, I am and will remain modest.  Still drive my trusty 1995 pickup…  I’m a pretty ordinary guy. 


But you do have a reasonably sized lump sum put away as well ?....  The THB 100k/m is not the lot is it ?


Circa USD 3.5k/m... is not a lot of money to bank the rest of your life on in Thailand, could suggest to you its a living, but hardly being finanically independent as you stated in your OP


OP it seems to me you have come on holiday, fallen for a Thai ladies "charms" and now you making a life changing decision, dont be so impatient to throw your lot into Thailand, the times are a changing here...

Edited by Soutpeel
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100k per month, sorry thought you said you were financially independant?
My best advice for you, head to Chanthaburi on the east coast.
Get yourself outside the normal farang ghetto, is one of the richest provinces in Thailand.
Like you I dont frequent the more salubrious parts of the kingdom, its Chan for you young man.

Don't let too many people know how great Chan is!
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With the 500k baht Elite card you are getting the 5-year visa in your passport right away. Even if the program shuts down, the risk that they will specifically revoke existing visas is negligible. A few years ago when the program was on the brink of being closed there was not a single mention of visas being revoked. 

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With the 500k baht Elite card you are getting the 5-year visa in your passport right away. Even if the program shuts down, the risk that they will specifically revoke existing visas is negligible. A few years ago when the program was on the brink of being closed there was not a single mention of visas being revoked. 


You're right, my research tells me that none of the issued visas were revoked and were still fully valid for the full 5 years. Once you have the visa you're good for 5 years.


I believe only a couple of people had some problems when the program was shut down due to full passports and needing a new 5 year visa to be issued but that period of time didn't last too long and they will have got their new visas in the end. At that time I believe memberships were 1 Million Baht for life (quite a bargain if you think about it) but the entrance stamps were only for 90 days, some people are still on that lifetime membership but they were given the option to change over to the new membership if they wanted to. If they didn't change over to the new one they still only get the 90 day entries.


The main selling point of the relaunched TE scheme is the one year hassle free entrance stamps and extensions.

Edited by ukrules
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Don't understand the negative comments to this guy, is there some jealousy rearing its ugly head? 


Of course 100,000 baht or £2,000 a month is a decent amount to live on in Thailand as long as you aren't hammering it hard every day and having orgies.


He's done the right thing and come to a well-known discussion forum for some advice and what does he get?. I've been visiting and living in Thailand for years and the fascination for the place has never left me.


Some people have a half cup full attitude and not a boorish know-all attitude mentioned in another thread.


For what it's worth, take 6 months just travelling around to find out what area suits you best, don't fall in love too quickly, there will always be something better around the corner. Enjoy yourself!



Should be enough if it is for life and it is secure. Is any income source secure for life? Needs a fair chunk going into rainy-day savings. Worth trying the teaching to see if you like it. Look for a financially independent girl (that presses all the other buttons). Leave it another few years to have kids.


You'll be fine!

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Travelled her for two weeks and loved it.

Please tell me what you loved about the place?


Where exactly did you visit and what did you see to make you love this place?


If you are so rich and want to be here, dont worry, Thailand has just the ticket for you.

Its called an investor visa, available for a cool 10 million baht.




What have these questions got to do with what the OP is asking ?


Why would he want to have an Investor Visa for 10m when he can have an Elite card for 500,000 baht ?

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100k per month, sorry thought you said you were financially independant?


My best advice for you, head to Chanthaburi on the east coast.

Get yourself outside the normal farang ghetto, is one of the richest provinces in Thailand.


Like you I dont frequent the more salubrious parts of the kingdom, its Chan for you young man.



If people live in Thailand on 30,000 baht then how is 100,000 baht not financially independent ?


Can you us why you are totally negative in regards to what the Op wants to do ?

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the elite card would be the best option

yes its different as you would pay 500k up front to get 5 years plus 1 more year if you extend again near expiry. Compared to other options which would be paying yearly and cheaper

but right now many visas are becoming political in tbe sense of asean etc so its the choice pay the cheaper option and have to spend weekly study time etc or go for the more exoensive option which gives you all your freetime to yourself without having to study

i cant see why people would worry too much about thr elite as its been around for more than 12 years already and once that visa in your passport thats it for nearly 6 years.
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100k per month, sorry thought you said you were financially independant?


My best advice for you, head to Chanthaburi on the east coast.

Get yourself outside the normal farang ghetto, is one of the richest provinces in Thailand.


Like you I dont frequent the more salubrious parts of the kingdom, its Chan for you young man.



If people live in Thailand on 30,000 baht then how is 100,000 baht not financially independent ?


Can you us why you are totally negative in regards to what the Op wants to do ?



Er the OP asked for opinions, he got them, nothing to do with negativity at all its an opinion thats all... and people do have different opinions you know


whats the point on posting a question on TV if all he wants hear is comments from the "Glee club" he is going to get the good with the bad on TV and hopefully it gives him a broader perspective on his questions


can I ask why your being totally negative towards a poster who has offered an opinion, which is what the OP asked for


He will see how financially independent a THB 100k/m is if he shacks up with a Thai lady, gets married, Sin Sot, Houses, Cars etc

does he have medical insurance for example, if he doesnt get in an accident in Thailand end end up in ICU a 100k may not take him very far.











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Er the OP asked for opinions, he got them, nothing to do with negativity at all its an opinion thats all... and people do have different opinions you know


whats the point on posting a question on TV if all he wants hear is comments from the "Glee club" he is going to get the good with the bad on TV and hopefully it gives him a broader perspective on his questions


can I ask why your being totally negative towards a poster who has offered an opinion, which is what the OP asked for


He will see how financially independent a THB 100k/m is if he shacks up with a Thai lady, gets married, Sin Sot, Houses, Cars etc

does he have medical insurance for example, if he doesnt get in an accident in Thailand end end up in ICU a 100k may not take him very far.














The Op was posting about seeking options to staying here long term hence the reason he posted in the Thai Visa thread

Want to stay long-term.  Want to do so legally.



Was he  asking how much money do you need to live here ?


What have these questions got to do with the OP asking about options for staying here long term ?

Please tell me what you loved about the place?


Where exactly did you visit and what did you see to make you love this place?



Can't see why your defending the poster who has gone completely off topic !

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100k per month, sorry thought you said you were financially independant?


My best advice for you, head to Chanthaburi on the east coast.

Get yourself outside the normal farang ghetto, is one of the richest provinces in Thailand.


Like you I dont frequent the more salubrious parts of the kingdom, its Chan for you young man.



If people live in Thailand on 30,000 baht then how is 100,000 baht not financially independent ?


Can you us why you are totally negative in regards to what the Op wants to do ?



Two words not mentioned, inflation and exchange rates, both of which the OP has no control over.


Lets use the 100k mentioned.

A few years ago I knew guys living well on 1000 pounds per month giving a 75k baht per month life style.

Inflation and exchange rates mean the same life style will now cost 100k baht per month, or two thousand pounds per month income needed.


Can the OP take that sort of hit.

For inflation, 3 years ago I was renting a 10k per month house that now rents for 13k per month, you can do the maths.

Petrol that cost 20 pence per litre now costs 80 pence per litre.

A car that cost 9000 pounds will now cost 16,000 pounds.


Is the 100k per month index linked, if so to where?

What sort of income will the OP be getting in say 5 or 10 years time, using the examples above, will it still provide the same lifestyle he can buy today?


I dont know of any expats that moved here to live on 30k per month.

I would be interested to know what sort of lifestyle that would provide a 36 year old guy.

Will he be able to afford a mortgage and put money into a retirement plan or private pension fund?

I am far from negative, more a realist, some need to take off the saffron tinted glasses and experience the cost of living in Bkk for example.


Wait until the op experiences the delights of the bureaucracy involved in something as simple as opening a bank account.

Need work permit sir.

Must buy this insurance product sir.

Let the Op try and obtain financing to purchase a car.

Suppose the OP wants to buy a condo,try the bank for financing.


The OP is still in holiday mode, nothing wrong with that, Thailand has seduced many and will continue to do so.

The OP should be aware of the realities of living here full time and long term.


I wish him well.

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Er the OP asked for opinions, he got them, nothing to do with negativity at all its an opinion thats all... and people do have different opinions you know


whats the point on posting a question on TV if all he wants hear is comments from the "Glee club" he is going to get the good with the bad on TV and hopefully it gives him a broader perspective on his questions


can I ask why your being totally negative towards a poster who has offered an opinion, which is what the OP asked for


He will see how financially independent a THB 100k/m is if he shacks up with a Thai lady, gets married, Sin Sot, Houses, Cars etc

does he have medical insurance for example, if he doesnt get in an accident in Thailand end end up in ICU a 100k may not take him very far.














The Op was posting about seeking options to staying here long term hence the reason he posted in the Thai Visa thread

Want to stay long-term.  Want to do so legally.



Was he  asking how much money do you need to live here ?


What have these questions got to do with the OP asking about options for staying here long term ?

Please tell me what you loved about the place?


Where exactly did you visit and what did you see to make you love this place?



Can't see why your defending the poster who has gone completely off topic !



The questions were asked for the following reason, where did he visit and what did he love about where he visited.


Does he love the sea, try Rayong.

Does he love the mountains, try Loei or Petchabun.


Thats the reason those question were asked, to maybe point the OP to areas that he has never heard of much less visited, but will provide what he seeks.

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For someone who is truly financially independent, the Elite Easy Access card for 500.000k seems like a no brainer. Even during the time when they stopped issuing the Elite cards, there hasn't been a single report about anybody having theirs cancelled or having their visa revoked. Further to this, there was recently a news article about the Elite cards talking about the new company, new investments, etc so it really appears they're serious about it.


And in the absolute worst case scenario, you'd loose your 500.000k (minus however many years you've already had your visa when that happens), would that be such a huge disaster? Pack up your things and move on....


I really can't understand why someone who doesn't need the money would want to become a "teacher" in Thailand. Most teachers make shitty money, suffer daily abuse by senior staff and school management and have to sweat it out in front of a class room several hours a day. Surely that's not how you'd like to spend your time here unless you absolutely need to?


With the current situation, go with the Elite card... like I said, no brainer!


To answer your questions:


1. Yes, that makes you "qualified"

2. Part time? Small chance.... Full time teaching jobs are the norm, and wether or not you'll end up with a work permit, I'd say it can go either way. If you have your eyes on a school, best to have a chat with some of foreign teachers to check wether or not they have been supplied with a work permit.

Suffer daily abuse from senior staff and school management. I was an English teacher without a degree although I have a TEFL cert. Where did you hear that nonsense about abuse? I taught in both Prathom and Mattayom schools, and the School Directors, Heads of English Depts, were all great to me and never gave me any interference, and that goes for senior staff also.

If you are reliable, never late, and be helpful with everyone, and a good attitude, and can do your job. I am sure you won't have any problems.

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