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Female prospective?


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Is she a member of the 3rd sex, hence why she's unwilling to let you see all her FB pics of before and after?

yeah come to think of it, she'd have to be, to be even remotely interested in nutjob like the OP,


You have only 4post on TV in one of them you managed to call a OP a nutcase in a second  a nutjob clap2.gif

 I guess your poetry matches perfectly your avatar so Welcome on Thai Visa

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Hello OP, I'm a Thai woman. Having talking to farang men myself, and dating one of them for 10 months now. But we're not living together.

I added only one of them in my FB, the one who could be ONLY FRIEND, and will be nothing more... that one will go straight to my FB.

Another two that ended up being just friends now, I don't add their FB. Because in their FB, there're many other Thai/Philippine women. So, I told them the reason that I didn't add, it's because I don't want to be one in their collection of Asian women.

For the guy I've been dating, he's too busy to have FB which is very good for me. Even if he asked me to marry, I still don't tell any one. Until the marry is real. ;-)

I have nothing to hide from them. I just prefer to keep my privacy only to friends. And yes, if things won't work, we will still talking. Just outside the FB and only in private chat.

But for your gf, there might be her own reasons she won't add you. Maybe she isn't a straight forward kind of girl like me, maybe she prefer to talk smooth with you. That's why you won't get real reasons yet.

good luck
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I get and agree with all your points.

Firstly yes hands up the title is incorrect, I'm on my phone whilst dare I say it at work. I should have rechecked the auto corrects but I was rushing. Lesson learnt, take a moment to check.

Yes I take on board and agree with most that has been said.

No she has no tattoos, nor is she a bar girl in fact she had a very good job in Thailand and well respected.

Yes I understand the overbearing dad, I truly get that but there are other men on her Facebook which are European.

Yes I've seen her Facebook briefly when she was on it. Yes she has over 600 friends and over 1000's of pictures.

Yes I've snooped a bit online and found a few pictures, I won't go into details as I'm sure I'll get a lot of piss take. But needless to say I've asked a question which would explain it but she clear said that she has never been or done that.

Up until recently I've trusted her 100% made allowances for my gut due to her culture, but recently my trust of her has started to drop.

If I confront her or ask questions it all gets blown out of control and she over explains things.

I'm trying to wall a thin line between being understanding of her cultural background and my gut feeling she's lying through her arse.
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I have always hated the idea of invading someones privacy i.e. FB, mobile phone. The only time i ever did it was with my Ex-Wife, after I felt sure there was something going on. And guess what? There was something going on.


Get real and ditch her before you get hurt mate.

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Obviously this is an issue or you wouldn't have posted. 


Tell her to delete her Facebook account, it's bothering you. 


Relationships are hard enough without the inanity of Facebook being involved...jeesh. 

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she says as I've not met them for obvious reasons.   What are the obvious reasons? Are you black and she is white. Do you only have one leg. What is obvious to you may not be obvious to a reader. Perhaps you are a policeman and her family are all criminals. 


How can other readers respond without knowing the OBVIOUS reasons ? 

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Mr. Costas have you got this bird's Facebook address?

Oh god, he's probably been milking her.



Definitely I bet she could drink her weight in Badger Milk.



There is a lot of Badger Milk produced in the "Badger State" (Wisconsin, USA).  Very rich milk. Adds a lot of weight quickly.cheesy.gif  oc 

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Where's the grammar police when you need them?

Here I am.  The title is misleading.  It should read 'Female Perspective.'

A prospective female is a Katoy before the op.



Sorry, may I see your grammar credentials? The word 'prospective,' which, for your benefit, means relating to or effective in the future, could easily apply to this situation. The OP, after all, is concerned about his future with this lady.


Is this a question of vocabulary or grammar ?  Where are the vocabulary police when you need them ?

Edited by attento
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she says as I've not met them for obvious reasons.   What are the obvious reasons? Are you black and she is white. Do you only have one leg. What is obvious to you may not be obvious to a reader. Perhaps you are a policeman and her family are all criminals. 
How can other readers respond without knowing the OBVIOUS reasons ? 

Meeting the parents means you are getting married or intend to soon.....that reason
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Obviously this is an issue or you wouldn't have posted. 
Tell her to delete her Facebook account, it's bothering you. 
Relationships are hard enough without the inanity of Facebook being involved...jeesh. 

I agree I know a few friends and a family member have broken down due to Facebook cheating.

Personally I use mine for contact with family in other parts of the country and long standing friends that have moved away.

I've got maybe a 10th of what she has in friends.

I guess the first sign was oh they are all friends I know them all (yes it smelt of bullshit at the time) to oh they are friends from a game I used to play on Facebook.

I guess lying comes naturally to some people.
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Obviously this is an issue or you wouldn't have posted. 
Tell her to delete her Facebook account, it's bothering you. 
Relationships are hard enough without the inanity of Facebook being involved...jeesh. 

I agree I know a few friends and a family member have broken down due to Facebook cheating.

Personally I use mine for contact with family in other parts of the country and long standing friends that have moved away.

I've got maybe a 10th of what she has in friends.

I guess the first sign was oh they are all friends I know them all (yes it smelt of bullshit at the time) to oh they are friends from a game I used to play on Facebook.

I guess lying comes naturally to some people.
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I get and agree with all your points.

Firstly yes hands up the title is incorrect, I'm on my phone whilst dare I say it at work. I should have rechecked the auto corrects but I was rushing. Lesson learnt, take a moment to check.

Yes I take on board and agree with most that has been said.

No she has no tattoos, nor is she a bar girl in fact she had a very good job in Thailand and well respected.

Yes I understand the overbearing dad, I truly get that but there are other men on her Facebook which are European.

Yes I've seen her Facebook briefly when she was on it. Yes she has over 600 friends and over 1000's of pictures.

Yes I've snooped a bit online and found a few pictures, I won't go into details as I'm sure I'll get a lot of piss take. But needless to say I've asked a question which would explain it but she clear said that she has never been or done that.

Up until recently I've trusted her 100% made allowances for my gut due to her culture, but recently my trust of her has started to drop.

If I confront her or ask questions it all gets blown out of control and she over explains things.

I'm trying to wall a thin line between being understanding of her cultural background and my gut feeling she's lying through her arse.


go with the latter, dude. My gut feel is that she's been pulling train up and down the Old Malay Peninsula for a period of years. Lots of men of the honkish persuasion on her FB but you can't be one? Really?


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Yep seems like you're all right. When confronted well she's no longer living with me. Looks like she's got another dumb European to go to.

Lesson learnt the hard way.


Sorry Buddy but better late than never.

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I get and agree with all your points.

Firstly yes hands up the title is incorrect, I'm on my phone whilst dare I say it at work. I should have rechecked the auto corrects but I was rushing. Lesson learnt, take a moment to check.

Yes I take on board and agree with most that has been said.

No she has no tattoos, nor is she a bar girl in fact she had a very good job in Thailand and well respected.

Yes I understand the overbearing dad, I truly get that but there are other men on her Facebook which are European.

Yes I've seen her Facebook briefly when she was on it. Yes she has over 600 friends and over 1000's of pictures.

Yes I've snooped a bit online and found a few pictures, I won't go into details as I'm sure I'll get a lot of piss take. But needless to say I've asked a question which would explain it but she clear said that she has never been or done that.

Up until recently I've trusted her 100% made allowances for my gut due to her culture, but recently my trust of her has started to drop.

If I confront her or ask questions it all gets blown out of control and she over explains things.

I'm trying to wall a thin line between being understanding of her cultural background and my gut feeling she's lying through her arse.

go with the latter, dude. My gut feel is that she's been pulling train up and down the Old Malay Peninsula for a period of years. Lots of men of the honkish persuasion on her FB but you can't be one? Really?


Yep funny that, I must be a different sort of European guy!

Anyway it's done now. Thanks for the input all.
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Sorry for you mate....its not nice but believe me its better to find out now before you go further down the road...I think you knew but didn't want to believe it.

thats understandable and we all have done it...Having a Thai partner is not easy in any shape or form..good luck with your future I mean that.


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In the US after a relationship ends all your mates say there's 'plenty more fish in the ocean' ....... in Thailand you are wallowing on the deck of a Pacific trawler neck deep in prime cod.  Learn from your experience and dive back in - there are soooo many really good women out there - settle for nothing less than perfection.

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Jesus, this old thread is still running.

Only popped in to say hello to everyone.

Hi ATF, I can see you there hiding six posts above mine.


Anyway, just want to know if anybody wants to buy some Ant Cheese.


Does it have medicinal properties?

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Eeeeeeeeeeeer it might have, are you interested in buying or investing?

It's well worth investing in.

I do know that it's highly sought after, theres a guy on another thread named Neverdie asking for some.

Iv'e give him the bait and I'll reel him in shortly.

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Eeeeeeeeeeeer it might have, are you interested in buying or investing?

It's well worth investing in.

I do know that it's highly sought after, theres a guy on another thread named Neverdie asking for some.

Iv'e give him the bait and I'll reel him in shortly.


Well maybe both.

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