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funny thing is when i gushed 'oh wow....how long have you lived here?' he replied 'nearly 4 years'.

well, ive been here nearly 7, so i think i know what im talking about.

besides, i'd been spending my money on beer and stuff all night, so a crappy ten baht didnt mean diddly squat to me at 2am!

Donna, I've told this story before, where I was in a pub back home in OZ with my mates for a catch-up session after returning from Thailand for a stint or work.

As the pub was packed, we ended up having to share a booth at the pub with this English girl who was banging on how she spent a year in Thailand and was one with the Thai people after a year here. She knew it all.

So I baited her along, asking stupid dumb questions about Thailand, leading up to…”so you must speak Thai quite well then” to which she replied a matter of factly, “Yes…fluently!”.

Now I am half Thai and spoke Thai at home in OZ growing up, but given that I never grew up in LOS I’d never claim that I could speak it fluently as there are always situations which I’ve never experienced before.

So I called her bluff (with my mates looking on holding back the laughter) and asked her something in Thai. She had no clue. So I repeated, louder and more slowly…to which she still had no clue. At that point it was fits and howls of laughter from me and my mates. I told this young lass that I spoke Thai, to which she didn’t believe, until I pulled out some Thai ID I had on me…

She pretty much stormed off after that.

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HI Donna

WHat happened to you is sad. I view it as an mutated version of the tourist frown. But instead of looking down at you and frowning they these mutated unhappy folk take the view point that it is their god given right to correct your behaviour as they seem to see it as unfit and that they know what is best for everyone else in Thailand assume what and why people are there with out even knowing them. You will also see these people trying to show off their Thai vocal skills and bartering knowledge for t-shirts at 50 baht at the JJ market then getting angery whan told no. :o


If I were you I would have replied that "I paid 20 baht for corn because I can afford to pay 20 baht for corn." I would have then shouted "20 baht corn for everyone" and bought everyone corn. Because I too would have been a little drunk.

Or, if I was feeling a little more vindictive I would have said in a very loud voice " What? You can't afford to pay 20 baht for a piece of corn?, you should have tried harder in school mate"

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