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US to send 50 experts to W Africa to fight Ebola


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Ebola outbreak: US experts to head to West Africa

WASHINGTON: -- The US has announced plans to send at least 50 public health experts to West Africa to help fight the worst-ever outbreak of Ebola.

A senior US health official said the outbreak was out of control but insisted it could be stopped.

Ebola has claimed 728 lives in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone this year. The current mortality rate is about 55%.

Meanwhile, an American doctor infected with the virus is improving in hospital after returning to the US from Liberia.

Dr Kent Brantly arrived at a military base in Georgia on Saturday before being driven to Emory University Hospital.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-28631777


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SO they had developed a antidote, and as usual don't want to share it.  Just send the doctors and keep it to themselves so they can make money on it after containment?  Hmmm

Ha! I was looking for an entry denouncing the Americans for again leaving their shores to interfere in another country but your entry will do. "Testing will begin in September", oops, looks like you jumped the gun on your conclusion that there was a cure and the evil Americans where holding it back to make money. Interesting that two of the health care workers coming to the U.S. For treatment were Americans aiding in the fight against Ebola. Damn those Americans!
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SO they had developed a antidote, and as usual don't want to share it.  Just send the doctors and keep it to themselves so they can make money on it after containment?  Hmmm

This post seems somewhat slanted, negative and rife with conjecture. The "as usual" comment seems meaningless since it is not supported by any data or references.

I didn't read anything that mentioned an "antidote". An antidote, to my understanding, is a medicine given or taken to counteract a poison. Perhaps "vaccine" would be a better choice in the first sentence. That being said, the change wouldn't improve the credibly of the post or poster.
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try again reading the actual article I JUST posted, refer to the bottom line.


Correction: An earlier version of this article mistakenly identified TKM-Ebola as a vaccine.

While it has been tested as an Ebola treatment, it is not a vaccine.



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you missed two important words "phase 2".  I wish some people would engage their brains before posting

Phase 2, human safety, is actually underway in a Texas lab and should be complete by January. I saw an interview with Thomas Geisbert who indicated that the TKM-Ebola agent was used on a German lab worker that sustained a needle stick. The lab worker suffered no adverse effects from vaccine and she never contracted virus. Geisbert, however, candidly stated they do not know if the vaccine worked or if the lab worker simply never contracted the virus without or without administration of the vaccine.

Human safety concerns did arise when some test subjects in test subjects in early phase 2 testing by Temerika sustained problematic immune responses at ceiling doses. Geisbert's lab is now about to undertake another phase 2 effort on several potential vaccines that should be done in January.


We're really trying to improve the vaccines, improve the treatments and really kind of support the efforts in that manner," said Geisbert of the school's Department of Microbiology and Immunology.

His efforts to create an effective vaccine are funded by a $26 million National Institutes of Health grant awarded collaboratively with Profectus BioSciences, Tekmira Pharmaceuticals Corp. and the Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

"We are the only academic university in the country right now that works with Biosafety Level 4 pathogens," Geisbert said.



Tekmira's drug has only been tested in a few dozen healthy people. The FDA stopped its study in July because of safety concerns among people taking the highest doses of the drug who experienced problematic immune responses.

. . .

Dr. Thomas Geisbert of the University of Texas Medical Branch has done animal studies on the Tekmira drug and said there are few companies willing to develop Ebola treatments. There is "little financial incentive," given the small market potential for a drug that treats a rare disease afflicting developing countries, he said.

Geisbert said the drug "works great in monkeys in the lab," but that is largely because it is given relatively early in the course of infection.

"What if you start giving it to people who are almost dead and they die, but it's not the drug's fault? Then you blame the drug."

Geisbert said given the widespread mistrust of doctors in West Africa, which has driven dozens of victims to evade treatment, such an event could jeopardize the drug's prospects.

"It's a very delicate situation," he said.

http://news.yahoo.com/u-fda-says-stands-ready-120000435.html Edited by F430murci
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Good luck and safe travels to these brave beings. And a big boo to Donald Trump.

Agree completely. Donald Trump is selfish old arse and the real heroes of the world are the ones that are willing to place themselves at risk for the greater good or to help those less fortunate. Amazing, however, how much backwards, uneducated countries and people in this world costs this world or the risk that ignorance of the few imposes on the greater. Edited by F430murci
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Good luck and safe travels to these brave beings. And a big boo to Donald Trump.

Agree completely. Donald Trump is selfish old arse and the real heroes of the world are the ones that are willing to place themselves at risk for the greater good or to help those less fortunate. Amazing, however, how much backwards, uneducated countries and people in this world costs this world or the risk that ignorance of the few imposes on the greater.




I find it incomprehensible that so many people, particularly Americans on this site are actually trashing Donald Trump when all he is trying to do is warn about relying on the CDC to keep the American population safe when they hardly have an exemplary track record, having made gross mistakes very recently, not once but twice.


I would be far more appalled regarding people who are blasé about the risks and in fact are even cheerleading the possibility of using this opportunity to meet their own ideals



 “A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal”.
Ted Turner, in an interview with Audubon magazine

Edited by Asiantravel
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Good luck and safe travels to these brave beings. And a big boo to Donald Trump.

Agree completely. Donald Trump is selfish old arse and the real heroes of the world are the ones that are willing to place themselves at risk for the greater good or to help those less fortunate. Amazing, however, how much backwards, uneducated countries and people in this world costs this world or the risk that ignorance of the few imposes on the greater.
I find it incomprehensible that so many people, particularly Americans on this site are actually trashing Donald Trump when all he is trying to do is warn about relying on the CDC to keep the American population safe when they hardly have an exemplary track record, having made gross mistakes very recently, not once but twice.
I would be far more appalled regarding people who are blasé about the risks and in fact are even cheerleading the possibility of using this opportunity to meet their own ideals
 A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.
Ted Turner, in an interview with Audubon magazine

CDC is a very good organization, albeit human and humans make mistakes and have lapses. They will be on heightened scrutiny with their best involved dealing with these issues and things will be okay. Chilax.

RE: Dinald Trump

He is politically charged and panders to people like you to try and remain relevant on a political front and stay in the head lines. He likes the attention and some fall for it.

I just listened to Donakd being interviewed on the News. He did not bash CDC safety protocols. He slammed people for going over their to help out, getting infected and thinking they then deserve to return for health care.

The selfish part of me also says screw them, keep them all over there, build a wall around Africa and quarantine them all. That is my irrational side that operates from a place of fear. My rational side realizes that bringing these people here while undergoing experimental, stage 2, therapy is for the greater good and to try and treat people that are in harm's way.

You and Trump view people as disposable if they can potentially cause you harm. People, however, are not disposable and the aide workers devoting their lives to helping others actually deserve more respect and gratitude than you or Trump. Edited by F430murci
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Good luck and safe travels to these brave beings. And a big boo to Donald Trump.

Agree completely. Donald Trump is selfish old arse and the real heroes of the world are the ones that are willing to place themselves at risk for the greater good or to help those less fortunate. Amazing, however, how much backwards, uneducated countries and people in this world costs this world or the risk that ignorance of the few imposes on the greater.
I find it incomprehensible that so many people, particularly Americans on this site are actually trashing Donald Trump when all he is trying to do is warn about relying on the CDC to keep the American population safe when they hardly have an exemplary track record, having made gross mistakes very recently, not once but twice.
I would be far more appalled regarding people who are blasé about the risks and in fact are even cheerleading the possibility of using this opportunity to meet their own ideals
 A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.
Ted Turner, in an interview with Audubon magazine

CDC is a very good organization, albeit human and humans make mistakes and have lapses. They will be on heightened scrutiny with their best involved dealing with these issues and things will be okay. Chilax.

RE: Dinald Trump

He is politically charged and panders to people like you to try and remain relevant on a political front and stay in the head lines. He likes the attention and some fall for it.

I just listened to Donakd being interviewed on the News. He did not bash CDC safety protocols. He slammed people for going over their to help out, getting infected and thinking they then deserve to return for health care.

The selfish part of me also says screw them, keep them all over there, build a wall around Africa and quarantine them all. That is my irrational side that operates from a place of fear. My rational side realizes that bringing these people here while undergoing experimental, stage 2, therapy is for the greater good and to try and treat people that are in harm's way.

You and Trump view people as disposable if they can potentially cause you harm. People, however, are not disposable and the aide workers devoting their lives to helping others actually deserve more respect and gratitude than you or Trump.



" He did not bash CDC safety protocols."blink.png



his latest tweet

Donald J. Trump         @realDonaldTrump Follow

"@BigBoie7531: To all the liberal do gooders, this is the Plague you idiots! No cure! @ You may have confidence in the CDC, but I don't!"


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Oh, and Donald spent the majority if his ebola comments interview talking about the NY choke hold case, Al Sharpton and Al Sharpton going to his office to apologize for calling him a racist. 90% of his time on Sharpton, 10% of his time on Ebola kind of tells your his primary concerns and priorities.
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Agree completely. Donald Trump is selfish old arse and the real heroes of the world are the ones that are willing to place themselves at risk for the greater good or to help those less fortunate. Amazing, however, how much backwards, uneducated countries and people in this world costs this world or the risk that ignorance of the few imposes on the greater.

I find it incomprehensible that so many people, particularly Americans on this site are actually trashing Donald Trump when all he is trying to do is warn about relying on the CDC to keep the American population safe when they hardly have an exemplary track record, having made gross mistakes very recently, not once but twice.
I would be far more appalled regarding people who are blasé about the risks and in fact are even cheerleading the possibility of using this opportunity to meet their own ideals
 A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.
Ted Turner, in an interview with Audubon magazine
CDC is a very good organization, albeit human and humans make mistakes and have lapses. They will be on heightened scrutiny with their best involved dealing with these issues and things will be okay. Chilax.

RE: Dinald Trump

He is politically charged and panders to people like you to try and remain relevant on a political front and stay in the head lines. He likes the attention and some fall for it.

I just listened to Donakd being interviewed on the News. He did not bash CDC safety protocols. He slammed people for going over their to help out, getting infected and thinking they then deserve to return for health care.

The selfish part of me also says screw them, keep them all over there, build a wall around Africa and quarantine them all. That is my irrational side that operates from a place of fear. My rational side realizes that bringing these people here while undergoing experimental, stage 2, therapy is for the greater good and to try and treat people that are in harm's way.

You and Trump view people as disposable if they can potentially cause you harm. People, however, are not disposable and the aide workers devoting their lives to helping others actually deserve more respect and gratitude than you or Trump.
" He did not bash CDC safety protocols."blink.png
his latest tweet
Donald J. Trump         @realDonaldTrump Follow
"@BigBoie7531: To all the liberal do gooders, this is the Plague you idiots! No cure! @ You may have confidence in the CDC, but I don't!"

You either cannot read or are just obstinate due to your paranoid beliefs or, hopefully, age and cognitive decline.

I was talking about his interview. He did not bash CDC during his interview I just listened to. He spent the majority of his time talking about Al Sharpton if that us any indication of what he is truly concerned about. Edited by F430murci
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Asian Travel:

Based on what you write, you obviously have issues with the US, have fatalist, doom and gloom thought processes, and somehow get a charge out of conspiracy theories and fear. It's cool and all good man if that is how you want to live.

The reality, however, is neither you nor I have control over the world. Living in a constant state of fear, worry and displeasure solves nothing and keeps one miserable, in fear, in worry and unhappy.

You''ll be fine, you win't get Ebola or be a victim of a nuclear holocaust/WW3. If and when Ebola breaks out in US, which you have no power stop, then start worrying Until then, why not enjoy life.
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Asian Travel:

Based on what you write, you obviously have issues with the US, have fatalist, doom and gloom thought processes, and somehow get a charge out of conspiracy theories and fear. It's cool and all good man if that is how you want to live.

The reality, however, is neither you nor I have control over the world. Living in a constant state of fear, worry and displeasure solves nothing and keeps one miserable, in fear, in worry and unhappy.

You''ll be fine, you win't get Ebola or be a victim of a nuclear holocaust/WW3. If and when Ebola breaks out in US, which you have no power stop, then start worrying Until then, why not enjoy life.



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Good luck and safe travels to these brave beings. And a big boo to Donald Trump.

Agree completely. Donald Trump is selfish old arse and the real heroes of the world are the ones that are willing to place themselves at risk for the greater good or to help those less fortunate. Amazing, however, how much backwards, uneducated countries and people in this world costs this world or the risk that ignorance of the few imposes on the greater.




I find it incomprehensible that so many people, particularly Americans on this site are actually trashing Donald Trump when all he is trying to do is warn about relying on the CDC to keep the American population safe when they hardly have an exemplary track record, having made gross mistakes very recently, not once but twice.


I would be far more appalled regarding people who are blasé about the risks and in fact are even cheerleading the possibility of using this opportunity to meet their own ideals



 “A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal”.
Ted Turner, in an interview with Audubon magazine



I liken it to telling a soldier that he is not welcome back home because he is wounded. If we want these people, and more of these people, to do these things then they need to know that they are welcome home to all the best treatment available to them. If not, then nobody will fill the breach. wai.gif

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You said it well and that is exactly what CDC doctors are saying.


CDC Director Dr Tom Frieden acknowledged that the many Americans are terrified about bringing Dr Kent Brantly and hygienist Nancy Writebol back to the U.S. to continue the treatment of their incurable Ebola infections.

'But I really hope that people's fear won't outweigh their compassion. We've got a real challenge in African and what we need to focus on is stopping the outbreak there. We will be able to stop it, but its going to take supporting people,' he told CNN.

'And that means if people who are on that supporting mission get sick, we care for them.'

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2713868/Ebola-not-huge-risk-U-S-CDC-head-seeks-reassure-jittery-public-health-worker-infected-horrific-disease-set-land-American-soil-TOMORROW.html Edited by F430murci
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Good luck and safe travels to these brave beings. And a big boo to Donald Trump.

Agree completely. Donald Trump is selfish old arse and the real heroes of the world are the ones that are willing to place themselves at risk for the greater good or to help those less fortunate. Amazing, however, how much backwards, uneducated countries and people in this world costs this world or the risk that ignorance of the few imposes on the greater.




I find it incomprehensible that so many people, particularly Americans on this site are actually trashing Donald Trump when all he is trying to do is warn about relying on the CDC to keep the American population safe when they hardly have an exemplary track record, having made gross mistakes very recently, not once but twice.


I would be far more appalled regarding people who are blasé about the risks and in fact are even cheerleading the possibility of using this opportunity to meet their own ideals



 “A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal”.
Ted Turner, in an interview with Audubon magazine



I liken it to telling a soldier that he is not welcome back home because he is wounded. If we want these people, and more of these people, to do these things then they need to know that they are welcome home to all the best treatment available to them. If not, then nobody will fill the breach. wai.gif



We see eye to eye on so many other things, but on this issue, we have to agree to disagreewai.gif




Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump  ·  Aug 2

"@BerryBrite1: @realDonaldTrump They knew the risk when they went to Africa. They choose it freely."



Edited by Asiantravel
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Let's see . . .  whom shall we trust or believe when it comes to issues regarding health care, Donald Trump or respected and compassionate doctors that are actually educated on these issues and have devoted their lives to the protection and care of others.  Many don't even want Trump buying a professional team now and compare him to Donald Sterling.  http://www.sportingnews.com/nfl/story/2014-08-03/donald-trump-buffalo-bills-owner-donald-sterling-comments-net-worth




Doctor treating American Ebola patient '100 percent confident' about safety


A doctor treating the first Ebola victim in the United States said he was “thrilled” to see the patient walk into an Atlanta hospital facility, which he assured TODAY viewers on Monday is built to contain communicable diseases “far more infectious than Ebola.”


“We’re going above and beyond what’s necessary to contain this virus,” said Dr. Jay Varkey with the infectious disease unit at Emory Hospital.


Varkey is working with a team treating Kent Brantly, an American doctor who came down with Ebola while treating patients in Africa. He returned to the United States on Saturday on a specially-equipped jet and then was transported on ground in carefully-fitted ambulance. However, he surprised many when he walked into the hospital, with assistance. He wore a completely enclosed hazardous material suit.


Varkey addressed safety concerns raised by many over the CDC's decision to transport Brantly back to the United States:

  • “I’m 100 percent confident with the procedures we have in place. The key thing again about this unit is that it was designed 12 years ago to contain communicable diseases far more infectious that Ebola. SARS is actually an excellent example of a disease that’s far more infectious than Ebola."
  • Ebola, he said, is "not particularly infectious. The key issue is to make sure that meticulous procedures are in place to make sure that the virus doesn’t spread, which is why he’s here at Emory."
  • Americans need to think of "Ebola as a spectrum of diseases. There are people who recover there are people who have terrible outcomes. We’re hoping to do our best, that Dr. Brantly not only walks into the hospital, but walks out of the hospital in the condition that he should be in.”



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As soon as the World faces trouble people automatically say "What's the US doing about it?"


Be careful.  Positive comments attract the haters, like moths to a flame.



We shall fight them on the beaches!

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What ever your religious views, even if don't believe in a God which is cool by my, you have to respect and appreciate the goodness in the heart of people like Dr. Brantly that drop everything, forego large incomes and devote their time and talent to helping the needy and desperate.




 . . .  just hours before the flight to Atlanta was revealed, father-of-two Brantly gave up the single vial of an experimental treatment sent over from the U.S. in order that Writebol - a grandmother and longtime Christian missionary - could receive it instead.

. . .


'For two years we will live and work and serve among the people who, until the last 10 years of peace, had known nothing but the violence and devastation of war for the previous 20 years,' Brantly told the congregation.


'I've never been to Liberia.


'(I'm going) because God has a call on my life.'


'On difficult days, when I want to give up or when I wonder if I've made the right decision, retelling my story reminds me of how God has brought me to where I am.'


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2715028/God-call-life-U-S-doctor-infected-Ebola-explains-WHY-moved-family-Liberia-powerful-sermon-revealed-hes-improving.html#ixzz39RK5Ywzf


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Okay . . .  Sanja Gupta says Brantly initially refused serum and said give it Writebol, but he began to crash so they gave it to him and his systems, including skin rash, immediately began reversing.


I am not sure anyone in media knows exactly who got what at this point.


Interesting video though.



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