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I got me a little Jack russel she kills them with one bite to the head and kills them instantly. I think its instinctive. I had a rat in the house one day and started chasing it with a broom, she did the rest. since that day I havent seen or heard any rats in my yard. :o

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i have to add this:

last week, harriet, our white and brown pet rat (cost 10 NIS at the pet shop) was accidently released by a child, leaving her life partner, mabel, in the cage.... a week later harriet came back to visit, but only after she had eaten our rat poison that we put in the holes in the walls of mly office (a caravan).... its the slow nasty type but highly effective since we have giant rats that eat our baby chicks, and other small mammals and birds... its red bricks that u tie to the inside of a pipe piece, or in a box with some bait (they love peanut butter), they eat it and die unfurtunately slowly unless u see them and can dispatch them quickly.... the rats also eat electrical wiring causing my air conditioner to never work....

I am not sure if I remember that right but there was a way to block the poision.

I read it years ago, high does of a vitamin, but not sure, if it is still alive bring it to the vet...

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How to "humanely" kill rats.

1. Catch the rats in a trap that does not harm them.

2. Place the captured rats in a sack (preferably hession).

3. Start the car engine.

4. Place opening of sack tightly around exhaust pipe & wait until all movement in the sack ceases.

5. Throw dead rats in bin or, if desired, hold a funeral service for them & then cremate or bury them.

Carbon Monoxide poisoning will put the rats to sleep before actually killing them. This method will only work with petrol engines. Don't try it with a diesel engine otherwise, all you will end up with is a bunch of hot, sweaty & irritated rats. Diesel engine fumes are not very toxic compared to that of petrol engines.

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How to "humanely" kill rats.

1. Catch the rats in a trap that does not harm them.

2. Place the captured rats in a sack (preferably hession).

3. Start the car engine.

4. Place opening of sack tightly around exhaust pipe & wait until all movement in the sack ceases.

5. Throw dead rats in bin or, if desired, hold a funeral service for them & then cremate or bury them.

Carbon Monoxide poisoning will put the rats to sleep before actually killing them. This method will only work with petrol engines. Don't try it with a diesel engine otherwise, all you will end up with is a bunch of hot, sweaty & irritated rats. Diesel engine fumes are not very toxic compared to that of petrol engines.

If you used a electric car that may shock them to death

Or a hydrogen car and they would drown from the water fumes from the exhaust

Make them watch the Ellen show for 50 straight hours they will kill them selves

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Start car engine.

Drive off.

Find power steering not working.

Wrestle with steering wheel and get to mechanic's place.

Open bonnet ('hood' for our transatlantic cousins).

Find remains of humanely-killed rat where V-belt enters groove of pulley.

Go for coffee whilst mechanic does the spanner work.

Pay 100 baht.

Carry on with life.

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vitamin K is used but only for the type of poison that causes hemorroaghe...its not an antidote it just helps the blood clot but doesnt work if the animal has been poisoned for more than a day since they become enemic and vital organs stop working;

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