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Buddha Isara says he was poisoned


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Dessert loving in your eyes all the way.If I listen to your lies,would you say I'm a man without conviction,I'm a man who doesn't knowhow to sale a contradiction?You come and go, you come and go.Karma, karma, karma, karma, karma, chameleon,You come and go, you come and go.Loving would be easy if your colours were like my dreams:red, gold, and green, red, gold, and green.Didn't you hear your wicked words ever'y day.And you used to be so sweet. I heard you say that my love was an addiction.When we cling, our love is strong.When you go, you're gone forever.You string along, you string along.Karma, karma, karma, karma, karma, chameleon,You come and go, you come and go.Loving would be easy if your colours were like my dreams:red, gold, and green, red, gold, and green.Ev'ry day is like survival.You're my lover, not my rival.Ev'ry day is like survival.You're my lover, not my rival.Karma, karma, karma, karma, karma, chameleon,You come and go, you come and go.Loving would be easy if your colours were like my dreams:red, gold, and green, red, gold, and green.
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Part of being a Buddhist monk is preparing oneself for death, and accepting it with neither the need for any bad thoughts, nor medical intervention.


He should do a bit of reading about that which he pretends to represent. (c.f. Bhuddadasa Bikkhu)




I read Thai Visa comments, but I rarely respond.


That said, I am an American and a follower of Buddhadesa Bikkhu (one of the founders of Thai Reformist Buddhism).  As an engineer, to me this philosophy makes a lot of sense.


Buddhadesa Bikkhu is recognized as a national treasure by Thailand and his books are published by the Thai government.


We all (including the good monk in this OP) could benefit from reading his book "Handbook for Mankind". 

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Buddha Isara may have had a classic case of "acid reflex" characterized by stomach acid splashing up into the esophagus. Some of the symptoms are a burning sensation in the throat and stomach, especially noticeable when lying down flat, ie., going to bed. Actually, Isara spending the next day on his feet collecting alms would help mitigate the burning symptoms in the throat. If Isara had gone to a physician we might have more details as to the symtoms that he was suffering and medcial history to be certain of the cause for his discomforts. Treatment of acid reflex can be as simple of taking a simple, inexpensive over-the-counter acid-countering medicine, or any number of home remedies such as a cup of baking soda in water,  a glass full of aloe vera juice, a handful of almond nuts, or a cup of chamomille tea.


What is more telling is that Isara feels that he had provoked (however rightly or wrongly) someone into attempting to harm him in response to his leadership of the anti-government protests as opposed to just suffering from an ailment. His subconscious (the ID) is obviously not settled over the justification of his acts to envision an attack against him while he puts forward a brave front to challenge his preceived attacker. Paradoxically, he says there will be no further attempt of harm against him that implies a conscious (the Ego) doubt as to the cause of his pain. I hope Isara does reflect more on this incident and be truthful to himself regardless of his public "face."

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Buddha Isara may have had a classic case of "acid reflex" characterized by stomach acid splashing up into the esophagus. Some of the symptoms are a burning sensation in the throat and stomach, especially noticeable when lying down flat, ie., going to bed. Actually, Isara spending the next day on his feet collecting alms would help mitigate the burning symptoms in the throat. If Isara had gone to a physician we might have more details as to the symtoms that he was suffering and medcial history to be certain of the cause for his discomforts. Treatment of acid reflex can be as simple of taking a simple, inexpensive over-the-counter acid-countering medicine, or any number of home remedies such as a cup of baking soda in water,  a glass full of aloe vera juice, a handful of almond nuts, or a cup of chamomille tea.


What is more telling is that Isara feels that he had provoked (however rightly or wrongly) someone into attempting to harm him in response to his leadership of the anti-government protests as opposed to just suffering from an ailment. His subconscious (the ID) is obviously not settled over the justification of his acts to envision an attack against him while he puts forward a brave front to challenge his preceived attacker. Paradoxically, he says there will be no further attempt of harm against him that implies a conscious (the Ego) doubt as to the cause of his pain. I hope Isara does reflect more on this incident and be truthful to himself regardless of his public "face."


He, his supporters and his temple have been attacked repeatedly by gunfire and grenades, but you bring a pseudo-psychological analysis that boils down to the same BS propagated by PTP/UDD supporters regarding those attacks, that it was self inflicted.


I don't care for the monk one way or another, but the amount of vile thrown at him, based on spin, outright lies and plain ignorance is remarkable. He tortured, murdered and incited violence, all that wish harm on the man just know this, strangely, none seem to be able to substantiate that belief with actual facts.

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Buddha Isara may have had a classic case of "acid reflex" characterized by stomach acid splashing up into the esophagus. Some of the symptoms are a burning sensation in the throat and stomach, especially noticeable when lying down flat, ie., going to bed. Actually, Isara spending the next day on his feet collecting alms would help mitigate the burning symptoms in the throat. If Isara had gone to a physician we might have more details as to the symtoms that he was suffering and medcial history to be certain of the cause for his discomforts. Treatment of acid reflex can be as simple of taking a simple, inexpensive over-the-counter acid-countering medicine, or any number of home remedies such as a cup of baking soda in water,  a glass full of aloe vera juice, a handful of almond nuts, or a cup of chamomille tea.


What is more telling is that Isara feels that he had provoked (however rightly or wrongly) someone into attempting to harm him in response to his leadership of the anti-government protests as opposed to just suffering from an ailment. His subconscious (the ID) is obviously not settled over the justification of his acts to envision an attack against him while he puts forward a brave front to challenge his preceived attacker. Paradoxically, he says there will be no further attempt of harm against him that implies a conscious (the Ego) doubt as to the cause of his pain. I hope Isara does reflect more on this incident and be truthful to himself regardless of his public "face."


He, his supporters and his temple have been attacked repeatedly by gunfire and grenades, but you bring a pseudo-psychological analysis that boils down to the same BS propagated by PTP/UDD supporters regarding those attacks, that it was self inflicted.


I don't care for the monk one way or another, but the amount of vile thrown at him, based on spin, outright lies and plain ignorance is remarkable. He tortured, murdered and incited violence, all that wish harm on the man just know this, strangely, none seem to be able to substantiate that belief with actual facts.

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He tortured people, really, cite?
And who was killed at Chaenwattana? I mean, besides the anti-government protesters camped there attacked by PTP supporters?
It's so easy to hate someone when you just simply invent reasons for it, isn't it?

Buddha Issara defends guards' brutality http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/725534-buddha-issara-defends-guards-brutality

Cops Detained, Beaten By Buddha Issara's Protesters http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/703675-cops-detained-beaten-by-buddha-issaras-protesters
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A revenge by some tortured by him or families of the dead at cheangwattana rd in bkk?

I am afraid that the next time he will meet a stray bullet.

Karma is a bit.h


The question mark reveals your true colors. If you believe in karma you should watch out.

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He tortured people, really, cite?
And who was killed at Chaenwattana? I mean, besides the anti-government protesters camped there attacked by PTP supporters?
It's so easy to hate someone when you just simply invent reasons for it, isn't it?

Buddha Issara defends guards' brutality http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/725534-buddha-issara-defends-guards-brutality

Cops Detained, Beaten By Buddha Issara's Protesters http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/703675-cops-detained-beaten-by-buddha-issaras-protesters



Neither cite shows him to have tortured people nor that they murdered anyone, so I take it that you retract your false accusations?

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AleG... This "monk" is a reincarnation of Rasputin! Read the links provided...he sanctioned, ordered and ordained the kidnap and torture of many people! If you love him so much, perhaps YOU should sign up to his sect. (not going to happen is it? lol).
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AleG... This "monk" is a reincarnation of Rasputin! Read the links provided...he sanctioned, ordered and ordained the kidnap and torture of many people! If you love him so much, perhaps YOU should sign up to his sect. (not going to happen is it? lol).


None of the links say what you claim, where does it say that he ordered people to be kidnapped and tortured?


Even the ridiculously biased Khao Sod doesn't say that in those two links.


It's not a matter of me loving the man, I don't care about him, but why do YOU, and your other fellow posters viciously attacking him hate him so much? Can you articulate your hate or is it just irrational conditioning?

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